15 Mar

9/11 Mastermind Confesses In Guantanamo

9/11 mastermind confesses in Guantanamo
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the suspected mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, confessed to that attack and a string of others during a military hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, according to a transcript released Wednesday by the military.
Mohammed claimed responsibility for planning, financing, and training others for bombings ranging from the 1993 attack at the World Trade Center to the attempt by would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid to blow up a trans-Atlantic flight with explosives hidden in his shoes.
In all, Mohammed said he was responsible for planning 29 individual attacks, including many that were never executed. The comments were included in a 26-page transcript released by the Pentagon, which also blacked out some of his remarks.
The Pentagon also released transcripts of the hearings of Abu Faraj al-Libi and Ramzi Binalshibh.
Binalshibh is suspected of helping Mohammed with the Sept. 11, 2001, attack plan and is also linked to a foiled plot to crash aircraft into London’s Heathrow Airport. Al-Libi is a Libyan who reportedly masterminded two bombings 11 days apart in Pakistan in December 2003 that targeted President Pervez Musharraf for his support of the U.S. led war on terror.
The hearings, which began last Friday, are being conducted in secret by the military as it tries to determine whether 14 alleged terrorist leaders should be declared “enemy combatants” who can be held indefinitely and prosecuted by military tribunals.
Hearings for six of the 14 have already been held. The military is not allowing reporters to attend the sessions and is limiting the information it provides about them, arguing that it wants to prevent sensitive information from being disclosed.
The 14 were moved in September from a secret CIA prison network to the prison at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, where about 385 men are being held on suspicion of links to al-Qaida or the Taliban.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This is the transcript of the questioning. It is very interesting, and a little long. It is a pdf file. In the transcription he admits to involvement in an extraordinary range of criminal terrorist activity.
The Democrats must be very upset about this, since their objective is to close down Gitmo and bring the freakazoid Muslims to the USA.

14 Mar

Gathering of Eagles

Gathering of Eagles website

Veterans Groups
101st Airborne, 327th Infantry Regiment
169th Engineering Battalion, C Co.
1st Battalion 9th Marines Network
2/502nd Strike Force Widow Makers
3rd Recon Bn/ Vietnam Harborsite
604th Transportation Co.
American Legion MANNY BACON POST 1758
Army Divers
Charlie Co, 2nd/28th INF
Charlie Co, 6th/31st, 9th Infantry
Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association
Delaware Valley Vietnam Veterans
Docs of the 3/26 Marines
Fox Co, 2nd BN, 9th Marines
Gunners Net Old Comrades Association
K Troop, 11th ACR Vietnam
Massachusetts Vets 4 Victory
Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Rally, Washington DC
Screaming Eagles 326 ~ 101st AIRBORNE
Special Forces Association, Chapter 67
Swift Boat Sailors Association
The Virtual Wall Vietnam Memorial
U.S. Veteran’s Dispatch Eagle’s Nest Message Board
United American Patriots
USAF Redhorse CES
Veterans Wives and Families
Vietnam Veteran’s 9th Infantry Division, 6-31st
Vietnam Veterans of America, Western Mass. Chapter One-Eleven
Warrior Brotherhood Veterans Motorcycle Club, Maryland Chapter
Yankee Air Pirates

Wild Thing’s comment………
200 hippies against 10 Vets protecting the memorial would be an unfair fight. In favor of the Vets!!!
It’s a sad indictment, however, that they have to rise up again to protect a precious memorial dedicated to them because there are so many idiots and traitors in this country that threaten that same memorial and said idiots ARE NOT WORTH DEFENDING! Suchh as the likes of Cindy Sheehan and her worthless cohorts, among others!! God bless our Viet Nam Veterans and God bless ’em for their support of our Iraq war veterans!

14 Mar

Chely Wright A Song About A USMC Bumper Sticker

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is awesome by Chely Wright, she tells the story of the song, how she went to Iraq, how her brother is serving in the Marine Corp. Fantastic!! Yes is it brought tears to my eyes of such pride in our trroops.

…Thank you John 5 (VN 69/70) for sending me this video.

14 Mar

Bush’s Mexican “constituency” Serves Up Riot At HIs Visit

Mexicans tell Bush “Go to hell”
The U.S. Embassy in Mexico City was the latest scene where hundreds of demonstrators gathered around on Tuesday to protest the visit of U.S. President George W. Bush, and ended up attacking the riot police with concrete blocks, metal bars and tearing down barricades.
Mexican police responded with tear gas, pepper spray, and baton charges, throwing back rocks and clubbing demonstrators down. Several protesters were arrested or injured, one with blood pouring from his head.

The demonstrators burned U.S. flags and waved banners with slogans against the U.S. president such as, “Bush you are not welcome in Mexico. Go to Hell.”

The vast majority of Mexicans oppose the war in Iraq and many also blame Bush for tough anti-immigration policies.

“We are in disagreement with the war policy,” of Bush, said craftswoman Guadalupe Fernandez, 64, who was marching but not involved in the violence.

A group of about 30 masked protesters clad in black led the attack on the thick lines of riot police defending the U.S. Embassy.
When police fired tear gas and charged, the protesters scattered in all directions.
Lorenzo Fernandez, the commanding officer at the scene, said the police were only defending themselves.

“These are people who don’t know how to demonstrate pacifically,” Fernandez said.

In Merida, a southeastern city where Bush is meeting with Mexican President Felipe Calderon, about 100 protesters marched to his hotel for the second night in a row carrying Mexican flags and calling the U.S. president a “murderer.”
Bush was having dinner with Calderon away from his hotel.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
“Bush you are not welcome in Mexico. Go to Hell.”
To which he should have replied, “What are you talking about? I’m already here.”
“and many also blame Bush for tough anti-immigration policies”
Our response should be….illegal mexicans, go to hell, your not welcome in America!!!!
These are the people that want us to open our borders and let them come take whatever they want. Great way to act towards a host. I wish them ill, but keep it there.

13 Mar

Girlie Man John Edwards Afraid of Fox News

…..Thank you Billy for the VIDEO, and for your blog, Billy O’Blog.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Edwards would make the ‘boy’ in North Hollywood proud. heh heh What kind of a wuss ( wanna be president) runs from Fox News? If Edwards runs from Fox News, he sure as all #$%^ would run from islamofascism!

13 Mar

A Visit To FOB Kalsu

The Things That Get You
FOB Kalsu
There are plenty of nasty ways to meet with death or injury in Iraq. Examples of some of the cleverest devices targeting American troops are mounted on large sheets of plywood outside a dining hall at FOB Kalsu, about 25 miles south of Baghdad. It’s a sobering display of the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the enemy: antipersonnel mines hidden in household items, pressure-sensitive explosives fashioned from slats of wood and wire, garage door openers that trigger artillery shells to rip open tanks.
The letters IED, for improvised explosive device, have become forever associated with the war in Iraq. These weapons are the greatest day-to-day threat to U.S. forces.
The display at FOB Kalsu, intended to help troops recognize common IEDs, is a poignant reminder of the dangers that soldiers routinely face in or out of their vehicles. The variety known as explosively formed penetrators- which American officials assert are coming from Iran—are particularly dangerous because of their ability to penetrate even armored vehicles. An EFP consists of a short tube that acts as a barrel for a machine-milled concave copper plate. When the explosive charge detonates, the force of the explosion creates a hot copper projectile that shoots from the barrel at hypervelocity and through nearly anything in its path.
It’s hard to fully appreciate the force of this small weapon, even seeing how it can punch a hole through a vehicle’s armor. One EFP attack on an American light armored vehicle a few weeks ago sent a copper slug a distance of more than 70 yards, through a concrete wall, then through the rear of a car, tearing through the trunk and the front and back seats, and finally settling in the engine block. In this case, the slug missed its intended target, and no one was injured.
Increasingly sophisticated EFP attacks involve four or more such explosives timed to explode simultaneously or in sequence against a single target. “They are getting clever about aiming EFPs at the engine and troop compartments,” says an American commander who witnessed an EFP attack.
But the EFPs against patrols and convoys are only the latest weapons of choice for targeting U.S. troops. Insurgents still use traditional military weapons like mortars as well. Either hand-held or mounted on the back of a pickup truck, mortars can fire an explosive shell a distance of a mile or so, delivering a powerful, if often inaccurate, punch.
Incidentally, the camp itself was named for the only recently active professional football player killed in the Vietnam War. First Lieutenant James Robert Kalsu, a Buffalo Bills defensivewas a lineman from the University of Oklahoma who was voted the Buffalo Bills team rookie of the year in 1968, his first and only season with the team. He was killed two years later in the A Shau Valley in Vietnam during a mortar attack in Vietnam on 21 July 1970.

Wild Thing’s comment……
God keep our troops safe and may they know how much we appreciate all they do.

13 Mar

U.S. Forces Blow Up Bombs Planted In Baghdad School

U.S. forces blow up bombs planted inside a school in Baghdad
voices of Iraq
The Iraqi police said on Wednesday that U.S. forces set off explosives planted inside a primary school in eastern Baghdad after the forces had dismissed all the pupils unharmed.

“We have received reliable intelligence that militiamen planted explosives inside al-Nabaa primary school in Ur neighborhood,” the source told the independent news agency voices of Iraq (VOI).

The source added, “Pupils were dismissed unharmed while U.S. forces blew up the bombs.”There were no casualties but the school fence was damaged and some windows were broken in the operation, he added.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
The insurgents are inhuman beasts. They are driven solely by evil and are devoid of all humanity. They deserve to be hunted down and killed. Thank God someone spoke up of what was planned so our troops could protect the children.
Not that the Democrats would care since they would probably want to sit down with the insurgents over tea, and discuss what motivated them to do such a thing …….while the bombs were going off at the school in the background killing all the chilren.

13 Mar

Petraeus: Iran Training, Arming Militants

Gen. David Petraeus

Petraeus: Iran Training, Arming Militants
Las Vegas Sun
The top U.S. commander in Iraq said in an interview released Monday that it’s “indisputable” Iran is training and arming militants to fight against U.S.-led troops in Iraq.
Gen. David Petraeus also told ABC News that suicide bombers are streaming across Iraq’s border from Syria and making their way into the country’s volatile western Anbar province.
His comments follow a harsh exchange of words over the weekend between the U.S. and Iran at a conference in Baghdad on Iraq’s security. The U.S. envoy to the talks, David Satterfield, said he had evidence that Iran was arming Shiite Muslim militias in Iraq, which his Iranian counterpart, Abbas Araghchi, vehemently denied. He called such accusations a “cover” for U.S. failures in Iraq.
At the conference, both Iran and Syria pledged to support moves to stabilize Iraq, including reconciliation among Iraq’s factions. But U.S. and Iraqi leaders have questioned Iran’s commitment to backing such American-led efforts.
In the interview with ABC, Petraeus said cooperation from Iran and Syria would be key to stopping the violence in Iraq.
He said there are elements of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards elite Quds Force that are training fighters and sending them into Iraq to fight U.S.-led forces. He said Iran is also sending “rockets, mortars and other explosives and munitions” into the country.

“That’s indisputable and again it’s a very, very problematic situation four our soldiers and Iraqi soldiers,” he told ABC.

“And if it’s something that can be brought to a halt through these initiatives of the Iraqi government, we would applaud that vigorously,” he said, referring to the talks in Baghdad aimed at bringing security to the country.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Can we close the border with Iran? No trade, nothing! Then evacuate an area about 5 clicks wide along the border and declare it a free fire zone. Then slaughter anything that moves in that area???? Would that work to make our point we are fed up with this BS from Iran and heck Syria too.

12 Mar

Gene Simmons and Tommy Thayer at Camp Pendleton

Gene Simmons and Tommy Thayer at Camp Pendleton
Gene Simmons website

GENE SIMMONS FAMILY JEWELS tv crew filmed us at Camp Pendleton over a few days. Sophie and I first visited there and went through (one day’s worth) of Basic Training.
Sophie, as the Marines like to say got and “Git Some”….ask a Marine what it means.
Then, Tommy Thayer and Darren Leader and Fran on fabulous bass got up and performed for a combine Military Force of Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines….
It was a very emotional experience and would make anyone proud of the men and women who risk their lives — without asking for anything…without getting fame or recognition…without much pay (a few hundred dollars)…all they want to know is that they are risking their lives and ‘IT MATTERS”…. IT DOES.
Here we are with America’s Pride and Joy. One of them (and he asked NOT to be singled out) is a PURPLE HEART Award recipient. He survived. Most Purple Heart Awards are sent to families. I’m sure you understand the implication.
Be Proud. Be Aware. You are protected by the World’s Finest Fighting Force. And, they are protecting the Greatest Country In The World.
In this day and age, people find it hard to admit. It’s not politically correct. Other countries don’t want to hear this kind of sentiment. Tough.
Learn how to spell it, Baby. It’s spelled A-M-E-R-I-C-A!!!!!

Wild Thing’s comment……
Just wanted to share this with you.