13 Mar
Jenn says:

I miss him sooooooooooo much. What a man.

TomR says:

This is one of bush’s several major failings. He cannot communicate with the American people. Bush has yet to label our enemy. It is islam.
I have no doubt that if Reagan was leading us right now we would have a clear objective and understand how we were going to obtain that objective.

BobF says:

If I remember Ronald Reagan for one thing, it’s that he brought PRIDE back into the Armed Forces of the United States. After the Liberals successfully blamed Vietnam on the military, Watergate, Jimmy Carter, and the botched fiasco at Desert One, their wasn’t much pride in wearing the Uniform. Ronald Reagan honored the military and by doing so, he brought pride back into the Armed Forces. He made us proud of who we were, what we did, and what we stood for. We need another Ronald Reagan because we don’t get one, the Democrats are going to do to the military what they did back in the 70’s.

Jack says:

But GWB says there are only a few radicals that are giving the Moooslimes a bad rap, and that we need to understand that all of them aren’t against us. Just like the Democrats have defined George Bush as the enemy George Bush needs to define Islam as the enemy of not just the United States but the entire world, an ideology far worse than Communism.
Just remember this, the day Ronald Reagan took office was the day Iran released the hostages. They knew Reagan didn’t talk from both sides of his mouth like his predecessor Carter and some of our current line up do, and that after 444 days the hostages were coming home or Iran was going to disappear.

Wild Thing says:

Jenn, I miss him too. Reagan was the best President we had in my lifetime.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I agree, what a difference to speak with strength and purpose.

Wild Thing says:

Bob your right he sure did. There was such pride in those that got to salute him when they had the chance too, I could see it in their eyes.

Wild Thing says:

Jack wow thank you so much for the links and the comment too. Yes your so right about the hostages too.