12 Mar

Gene Simmons and Tommy Thayer at Camp Pendleton

Gene Simmons and Tommy Thayer at Camp Pendleton
Gene Simmons website

GENE SIMMONS FAMILY JEWELS tv crew filmed us at Camp Pendleton over a few days. Sophie and I first visited there and went through (one day’s worth) of Basic Training.
Sophie, as the Marines like to say got and “Git Some”….ask a Marine what it means.
Then, Tommy Thayer and Darren Leader and Fran on fabulous bass got up and performed for a combine Military Force of Navy, Army, Air Force and Marines….
It was a very emotional experience and would make anyone proud of the men and women who risk their lives — without asking for anything…without getting fame or recognition…without much pay (a few hundred dollars)…all they want to know is that they are risking their lives and ‘IT MATTERS”…. IT DOES.
Here we are with America’s Pride and Joy. One of them (and he asked NOT to be singled out) is a PURPLE HEART Award recipient. He survived. Most Purple Heart Awards are sent to families. I’m sure you understand the implication.
Be Proud. Be Aware. You are protected by the World’s Finest Fighting Force. And, they are protecting the Greatest Country In The World.
In this day and age, people find it hard to admit. It’s not politically correct. Other countries don’t want to hear this kind of sentiment. Tough.
Learn how to spell it, Baby. It’s spelled A-M-E-R-I-C-A!!!!!

Wild Thing’s comment……
Just wanted to share this with you.

Lynn says:

Yeah, baby!
So glad to see things like this!
These kids work hard every day–24-7
and they deserve to be treated with
extreme high regard.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

raz0r says:

Loved it. I feel blessed to have so many vets in my life. I’m honored at the privilege to know them. They do amazing things and think it’s no big deal. They rawk!