13 Mar

Girlie Man John Edwards Afraid of Fox News

…..Thank you Billy for the VIDEO, and for your blog, Billy O’Blog.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Edwards would make the ‘boy’ in North Hollywood proud. heh heh What kind of a wuss ( wanna be president) runs from Fox News? If Edwards runs from Fox News, he sure as all #$%^ would run from islamofascism!

TomR says:

This video is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time. Thanks Billy.
John Edwards, like Gore and Kerry, will kill his cadidacy with his own silliness. Chasing the Presidency is not as easy as chasing ambulances.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, this is sooooo good.

“Chasing the Presidency is not as easy as chasing ambulances.”
Thanks!!!It should be on the front page of a newspaper. heh heh

BobF says:

This one’s even better. Same video but with GW Bush and done to the theme of Rawhide.

Billy says:

You’re welcome WT and TomR. Can’t you just smell the Aqua Net in this Room???!!!! I’m still looking for the Cheney version using a buffing wheel.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, hahahaha thank you so much.

Wild Thing says:

Billy, giggle…oh wow that would be great. heh heh

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Is that the John Edwards that lives in a SIX MILLION DOLLAR North Carolina mansion Panda Bear Chrissie? He represents the poor? The same Kerry-Edwards 2004 team that couldn’t carry North Carolina, and only a total of 19 blue states of socialism? My nickname for Edwards is OPEE from Andy Griffith’s Mayberry! So Opee Edwards doesn’t like the FOX NEWS CHANNEL and their #1 prime time audience? And Edwards is a trial lawyer? Sounds like he’s hand picking his JURY again!