25 Dec

Christmas Day at Theodore’s

Bless Amer
and You an
d Yours.

May this Christmas


I was over at Daisy Cutter’s blog and D.C. had posted about the songs of Christmas. I love Christmas and I wait all year long for the Christmas season to arrive. I am sure a large part of that are the happy memories I have of my childhood, the traditions we kept each year and the special times with family and friends. Funny how the presents only stand out with some of the years, but one thing that is constant in my memories, are the times shared, the songs played and sang. The scents of pine and baking and of course the lights that added to the atmosphere to all the senses.
Christmas’s of watching the grand old films, which hopefully will be around forever so future generations, can see them too. Singing Christmas carols around the piano and friends stopping by for some egg nog or hot chocolate on their way to visit their families. A glow to our home from the fireplace, and candles throughout the house. Many cherished memories and traditions to keep alive.
Thank you D.C. for knowing how special those times were and how music of Christmas as you said stands the test of time.
So here are some thing’s I would like to share with you this Christmas Day.

Watching old movies that never change

It’s a Wonderful Life (the ending of this great film)

What Christmas is all about………..Jesus Birthday.

“And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy that shall be to all the people: For, this day is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.”

Gathering around the fireplace and singing Christmas carols.
Nat King Cole – Christmas Song

Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra – White Christmas

Adeste Fideles–Andrea Bocelli

Andrea Bocelli & Celine Dion – The Prayer

Lord, We thank You for those who are serving in our armed forces. Each day they are making brave sacrifices so that our country can remain strong and free. Keep them safe under the shelter of Your wings. And Lord, for their families back home——whose loving support enables our armed forces, to do all that they are called on to do——we ask that You comfort them and give them Your peace…the peace that passes all understanding.
I thank you too for my wonderful friends I have made through the years. They will live in my heart forever. Amen……Chrissie

Thank you to each one of you that come to this blog, thank you for your kindness, your input and friendship. Thank you for being a part of my life.

24 Dec

Merry Christmas To Everyone

This post will stay at the top till Christmas

Please check below for newest post that is current.

Thank you, Wild Thing

Theodore’s World blog would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas.
Here are a couple of Christmas songs I am playing for each of you.

Click on the Holly to hear White Christmas



Click on the Holly to hear the Christmas Song

For those that could not be at the Bob Hope Christmas Show and served during the Vietnam War. A present for you from that time. This is for our troops today and all Veterans that have served our country.

Please CLICK the picture below to hear the song for you.

Click on the Holly to hear Silent Night
Wild Thing’s comment…………..

Christmas is a hard time to be away from home. Whether it’s on a ship at sea, an airbase in Saudi, a foxhole in Kuwait. A soldier’s memory is of home, a room glowing from the fireplace and candles aroma filling the air. The scent from the kitchen, warm from the oven and food in preparation making ones tummy even hungrier. But the memories are also of lost buddies that will never go home again and never see another Christmas. A loss that can never be explained unless you have been there and your life and his depend on each other. The wonderful songs of Christmas exchanged for the sounds of mortar rounds exploding in front and behind their positions. IED’s becoming as important to look for and be aware of as MRE’s are to survival.
The sacrifices the soldier makes not just weekly but every day so that we back home can be safe and secure. To stop radical dictators from meeting our shores, or terrorists feeling they can take us out in one of their deadly so called martyrdoms. The soldier, air men, sailor and all who serve knowing that they are making a difference in the world but still at this time of year the strong pull ….stronger then ever to be in the arms of a loved one, laughing with friends and family is almost too intense.
This time of year is the hardest of all and for the loved ones at home as well. Those that wish—- oh they wish so much to just touch the one they love. To hold each other close through the night and know when morning comes all will be well. Their hearts are filled with loneliness but also a hope that comes from deep within and sent with continued prayer that this will be the last Christmas away from each other. And next year, oh yes next year they will spend Christmas together.
As we celebrate Christmas and are so thankful for so many things. As we think of how our lives have been and think of how this coming year we will be better at this or that. Let us never forget those that make it possible for us to have a Christmas, to live in a free land and feel safe when we sleep at night. Let us never forget those that will never have another Christmas, those that gave their all.
Say a prayer for our Troops and thank them every chance you get. If you meet a Veteran walk right up to that person and thank them. Thank them with all your heart because they are all the reason we live in the greatest country in the world. Those in the Military serving now and our Veterans from every branch are the REAL reason we are free.
I sincerely wish the yuletide spirit of Christmas of love to abide in your heart, hearth and home throughout this festive season and throughout the year.

Wild Thing

24 Dec

U.S. Airstrike Kills Top Taliban Leader ~ Hell Has New Dinner Guest for Holiday’s

This undated photo, which has been handed out by the U.S military shows Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani. A top Taliban military commander described as a close associate of Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar was killed in an airstrike this week close to the border with Pakistan, the U.S. military said Saturday Dec. 23, 2006. A purported Taliban spokesman denied the claim. U.S. military spokesman Col. Tom Collins said that officials waited four days to announce the news in part so that they could be sure it was Osmani who died in the strike. (AP Photo/DOD)

KABUL, Afghanistan – A top Taliban military commander described as a close associate of Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar was killed in an airstrike this week close to the border with Pakistan, the U.S. military said Saturday.
Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani was killed Tuesday by a U.S. airstrike while traveling by vehicle in a deserted area in the southern province of Helmand, the U.S. military said.
Osmani was the Taliban’s chief military commander in southern Afghanistan and played a “central role in facilitating terrorist operations” including roadside bombs, suicide attacks and kidnappings, the U.S. said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
And I guess the Democrats are depressed now, Murtha crying as he clings to Harry Reid and Pelosi asking why…. why all the killing. Can’t we all just get along.
the Mullah : Do you hear what I hear?
unidentified associate : Sleigh Bells?
the Mullah : No INCOMINGGGgggggg

24 Dec
24 Dec

Iran Says Nope to Sanctions

Iran Vows to Defy U.N. Nuclear Sanctions
The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Saturday to impose sanctions on Iran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment, increasing international pressure on the government to prove that it is not trying to make nuclear weapons. Iran immediately rejected the resolution.
The result of two months of tough negotiation, the resolution orders all countries to stop supplying Iran with materials and technology that could contribute to its nuclear and missile programs. It also freezes Iranian assets of 10 key companies and 12 individuals related to those programs.
If Iran refuses to comply, the council warned it would adopt further nonmilitary sanctions, but the resolution emphasized the importance of diplomacy in seeking guarantees “that Iran’s nuclear program is exclusively for peaceful purposes.”
The Iranian government immediately rejected the resolution, vowing in a statement from Tehran to continue enriching uranium, a technology that can be used to produce nuclear fuel for civilian purposes or for a nuclear bomb. The government said it “has not delegated its destiny to the invalid decisions of the U.N. Security Council.”
The United States said it hopes the resolution will clear the way for tougher measures by individual countries, particularly Russia.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
What? Another country defying UN sanctions…..I am shocked I tell you.

24 Dec

Christmas MEME

Beth of MVRWC left a comment in my Merry Christmas post and being the generous person she is in not wanting to have all the fun at Christmas she has tagged me. It is my first time to be tagged so me being me I will give it the ole college try as they say whoever they are.
These are the sort of kind of rules from what I can tell: Hahaha

The player (that would be me) must list 3 things that I would love to get for Christmas. Then I must list 3 things that I definitely do not want to get for Christmas. Then I tag 5 friends and list their names. The one I tag needs to write on their blogs about their Christmas wishes then tag 5 more people. They must also clarify all the rules. When you tag someone you need to leave a comment that says “you’ve been Christmas tagged!” in their comments and tell them to read your blog. Here it goes………

What I would love to get for Christmas:

This is hard for me because as Nick will tell you I just don’t ask for things. I rather let him get me want he thinks of for whatever occasion it is, Christmas, anniversary, birthday etc.
1. For our Veterans and those serving today to get better benefits and promises actually kept to them. And bring home our POW’s and MIA’s for Gods sake! And our troops to be safe and nothing bad to happen to them, ever!
2. A new gun. I have been a sharpshooter (marksman) for many years and would love to own a Sniper rifle. Nick said since I do so well with the guns I have now it might not be a ‘have to have’ but a want to have one. He is right of course, it is just one of those things like a wish thing. If I did it would only be after I got a lot of input on what the best one would be to purchase.
3. A bracelet to put my charms on that I have been collecting in my travels throughout the years. I just keep getting charms and then never go out and get a bracelet to put them on. Stupid I know but there are so many other things to do with finances that are more important then jewelry. Like right now I am saving up to have three of our rooms flooring re-done. hahaha There is always something isn’t there.
What I do NOT want for Christmas:

1. World Peace! What the heck is that anyway???!!
2. Anymore PC, I am sick of it.
3. Traitors of America to keep getting away with what they do and say.
And here are the 5 people I am tagging and I hope they will still speak to me after I do this. haha
OK so here they are, Yankeemom , Darleen at Darleen’s Place, Not Exacxtly Rocket Science, Agent Bedhead, Still Stacy.

23 Dec

Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats


Al Qaeda Sends a Message to Democrats
ABC News
Al Qaeda has sent a message to leaders of the Democratic party that credit for the defeat of congressional Republicans belongs to the terrorists.
In a portion of the tape from al Qaeda No. 2 man, Ayman al Zawahri, made available only today, Zawahri says he has two messages for American Democrats.

“The first is that you aren’t the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen — the Muslim Ummah’s vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq — are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost,” Zawahri said, according to a full transcript obtained by ABC News.

Zawahri calls on the Democrats to negotiate with him and Osama bin Laden, not others in the Islamic world who Zawahri says cannot help.

“And if you don’t refrain from the foolish American policy of backing Israel, occupying the lands of Islam and stealing the treasures of the Muslims, then await the same fate,” he said.

Wild Thing’s comment……….
So the Al-Qaeda leadership is publicly reaching out to their American branch. And we see once again the price of appeasement is always that the enemy is emboldened.
The Democrats will give them the Red Carpet treatment and invite them to Washington for a peace meeting..Then turn the whole country over to them without firing a shot..or in their case cutting a head off. Harry Reid to Ayman al Zawahri- “Who loves ya, baby?”
Thank you John 5 (VN69/70) for sending me the article.

23 Dec

Pelosi Isn’t Ready For Prime Time

Pelosi says no to C-SPAN request on floor proceedings
El Paso Times
Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi cited the need to preserve the ”dignity and decorum” of the House as she rejected a request Friday that C-SPAN operate its own cameras in covering the chamber.

Pelosi said in her response Friday, ”I believe the dignity and decorum of the United States House of Representatives are best preserved by maintaining the current system of televised proceedings.”

The public service network has provided gavel-to-gavel television coverage of House proceedings since 1979. But the House leader has kept control of the cameras, with coverage generally limited to tight shots of the speaker or the podium.
The situation is similar in the Senate, which C-SPAN has televised since 1986.

C-SPAN’s chairman and chief executive told Pelosi, D-Calif., that under this arrangement, cameras are prevented ”from taking individual reaction shots or from panning the chamber, leaving viewers with an incomplete picture of what’s happening in the House of Representatives.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
”I believe the dignity and decorum” …….Since when have Democrats been concerned about dignity and decorum?

23 Dec

Iran Ordered to Pay $254 Million in Khobar Towers Bombing

Iran ordered to pay $254 million in Khobar Towers bombing
WASHINGTON, Dec 22 (Reuters) – A U.S. federal judge on Friday ordered the Islamic Republic of Iran to pay $254 million to the family of 17 U.S. servicemen killed in the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers residence at a U.S. military base in Saudi Arabia.
The default judgment was entered against the Iranian government, its security ministry and the Revolutionary Guards after they failed to respond to the lawsuit, which was initiated more than four years ago.

In issuing the $254.4 million judgment in the case, U.S. District Judge Royce Lamberth concluded that “the Khobar Towers attack was carried out by people recruited by Gen. Ahmed Sharifi of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.”

The decision relied heavily on an investigation of the attack by the FBI under director Louis Freeh. The FBI probe led to the grand jury indictment of 13 members of Hezbollah in June 21, 2001.

“The totality of the evidence at trial, combined with the findings and conclusions entered by this court … firmly establishes that the Khobar Towers bombing was planned, funded and sponsored by senior leadership in the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” Lamberth wrote.

“The sheer gravity and nature of the attack demonstrate the defendants’ unlawful intent to inflict severe emotional distress upon the American servicemen as well as their close relatives,” he added.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
We will see if Iran steps up to the plate and pays this. Not holding my breath though.

22 Dec

Hillary’s Drive For 55

Hill Drive For 55
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton called for “most of the country” to return to a speed limit of 55 mph in an effort to slash fuel consumption…
“The 55-mile speed limit really does lower gas usage.
“And wherever it can be required, and the people will accept it, we ought to do it,” Clinton said at the National Press Club.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Liberals have been screaming about this ever since the 55 limit was lifted back in ’92 (or ’94 maybe? I don’t remember). hmmmmmm…….not sure, but wasn’t it during the Carter years? The 55 limit was a joke to begin with .. almost nobody ever payed attention to it, not even the cops. Will Illegal Aliens be required to obey the 55-mile per hour speed limit as well?
Every time she makes a pronouncement, it is as though we travel backwards in some sort of evil time warp.

Here is how I feel about Hillary’s idea.

I Can’t Drive 55 – Sammy Hagar