Bless America,
and You and Yours.
May this Christmas

I was over at Daisy Cutter’s blog and D.C. had posted about the songs of Christmas. I love Christmas and I wait all year long for the Christmas season to arrive. I am sure a large part of that are the happy memories I have of my childhood, the traditions we kept each year and the special times with family and friends. Funny how the presents only stand out with some of the years, but one thing that is constant in my memories, are the times shared, the songs played and sang. The scents of pine and baking and of course the lights that added to the atmosphere to all the senses.
Christmas’s of watching the grand old films, which hopefully will be around forever so future generations, can see them too. Singing Christmas carols around the piano and friends stopping by for some egg nog or hot chocolate on their way to visit their families. A glow to our home from the fireplace, and candles throughout the house. Many cherished memories and traditions to keep alive.
Thank you D.C. for knowing how special those times were and how music of Christmas as you said stands the test of time.
So here are some thing’s I would like to share with you this Christmas Day.
Watching old movies that never change
It’s a Wonderful Life (the ending of this great film)
What Christmas is all about………..Jesus Birthday.
“And the angel said to them: Fear not; for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy that shall be to all the people: For, this day is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David. And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.”
Gathering around the fireplace and singing Christmas carols.
Nat King Cole – Christmas Song
Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra – White Christmas
Adeste Fideles–Andrea Bocelli
Andrea Bocelli & Celine Dion – The Prayer
Lord, We thank You for those who are serving in our armed forces. Each day they are making brave sacrifices so that our country can remain strong and free. Keep them safe under the shelter of Your wings. And Lord, for their families back home——whose loving support enables our armed forces, to do all that they are called on to do——we ask that You comfort them and give them Your peace…the peace that passes all understanding.
I thank you too for my wonderful friends I have made through the years. They will live in my heart forever. Amen……Chrissie
Thank you to each one of you that come to this blog, thank you for your kindness, your input and friendship. Thank you for being a part of my life.
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