29 Dec

“Børk! Børk! Børk!” Schools Banning Cupcakes


The Cupcake Ban

Let me get this straight. According to The Washington Post, schools are now banning cupcakes?
That’s right. What of it?
They’re just cupcakes – little individual cakes wrapped in paper and coated with icing. What the heck could be wrong with a couple of lousy cupcakes?
It has to do with the Child Nutrition and Reauthorization Act of 2004. Any school that receives funding from the federal lunch program is required to create a wellness policy.
Yes, each school must develop a program to promote good health. Though the government doesn’t direct schools on what the programs should include, typical programs are a mix of physical education, a health curriculum, and the elimination of junk food on school grounds.

Wild Thing’s comment……
When I went to school, I took my lunch. I think it was only when I got to High Scholl that there were lunches provided by the school.
The thing I find interesting about this cupcake thing is that parents were always the ones to teach certain things to their children and now it is the schools that do this. Sex education etc. and it just seems to be taking the communication and parental involvement out of the equation.

28 Dec

Baghdad Ballet, Dance From a Rope, Starring Saddam

He tried to run away and hide

But our awesome troops found him, he didn’t have a chance up against the most powerful military in the world.

Then he had his trial…..and he did his cowardly waaaa waaaa waaa, but alas for him to no avail, thank God.
The final decision was death by hanging.

“I sacrifice myself. If God wills it, He will place me among the true men and martyrs,” wrote Saddam in the letter, which his lawyer said was penned last month for release if his death sentence was upheld.

Human Rights” group says Saddam should not hang–not because they oppose the death penalty but because his trial didn’t prove he was guilty. Ramsey Clkark will cry, Jimmy Carter will be saddened, Jacques Chirac will faint, Nancy Pelosi’s 4 day coronation will turn into a death vigil, CNN will have their heads hung low and speak in wispered tones about his hanging. The ALCU here in America will somehow weasel their opinion against it, CAIR will complain we are picking on a Muslim. And then of course Uday and Qusay are keeping a nice, comfy spot warm for him in Hell. If ever a family deserved to be together, it’s this family.
* Jack of Conservative Insurgent, thank you for the animated image of Saddam on the bike.

28 Dec

John Edwards Campaign Slogan Goes Live

NEW ORLEANS — Former Democratic vice presidential nominee John Edwards jumped into the presidential race Wednesday a day earlier than he had planned, prodded by an Internet glitch to launch a candidacy focused on health care, poverty and other domestic issues.
The North Carolina Democrat’s campaign accidentally went live with his election Web site a day before an announcement Thursday that was scheduled to use Hurricane-ravaged New Orleans as a backdrop.
The slip-up gave an unintended double-meaning to his campaign slogan on the John Edwards ’08 Web site: “Tomorrow begins today.”

Late Wednesday, Edwards announced his intentions to supporters in an e-mail. “I’m running to ask millions of Americans to take responsibility and take action to change our country and ensure America’s greatness in the 21st century,” he wrote.

Earlier, Edwards visited the site of his planned announcement for a photo opportunity. He did yard work at the home of Orelia Tyler, 54, whose house was gutted by Hurricane Katrina and is close to being rebuilt.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LMAO this is going to be such fun when it comes to the Democrats that are running. Edwards has already started off with a bump in the road in his pre, not so pre announcement. hahaha
Then of course there was this…. After Edwards gave a speech denouncing Wal-Mart to an group opposed to that store, he dispatched one of his volunteer gofers to Wal-Mart to get first dibs on a Playstation 3. Wal-Mart then responded to this request by stating that Edwards would have to wait on line like everybody else. Added to this hypocrisy is that fact that Edwards, while criticising Wal-Mart for its wage levels pays his “volunteer” NOTHING. Yes, here is a multi-millionaire who is too cheap to pay folks who work for him even the bare minimum wage by taking advantage of political wannabees and making them work for the mighty Edwards for nothing.

28 Dec

Bush Signs Law to Bar Military Funeral Protests

Bush Signs Law to Bar Military Funeral ProtestsBy Nathan Burchfiel
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
December 27, 2006
(CNSNews.com) –

President Bush has signed into a law an amendment to U.S. law protecting military funerals from protests like those staged by a controversial Kansas church that characterizes soldiers’ deaths as divine punishment for homosexuality.
The new amendment prohibits protestors from demonstrating within 150 feet of a funeral and within an hour of the memorial service. It provides a year in jail and/or an undetermined fine for violators.
The rule applies to funerals at non-federal cemeteries, joining legislation passed in May 2006 that bans demonstrations at national cemeteries such as Arlington National Cemetery outside Washington, D.C.

Wild Thing’s comment……..

28 Dec

McCain Joining Kennedy on Fast Track Amnesty Bill

McCain Joins Kennedy to Push New Fast-Track Amnesty Bill
by By Jim Kouri, CPP
The latest scuttlebutt on Capitol Hill is that Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and his friend Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA) are planning to introduce a new immigration bill that is even more liberal than their past “amnesty” bill. They’re calling it a fast-track to citizenship for illegal aliens.
US Border Patrol agents haven’t been happy with Senator John McCain (R-AZ) since he voted for the first Amnesty Bill (S. 2611). And they’re not being quiet about their collective anger over the senator’s actions and remarks.
But, according to members of the agents’ union local 2544, Senator McCain has never been a friend to rank-and-file Border Patrol agents. Local 2544 represents US Border Patrol agents in Arizona, McCain’s home state.

“He routinely ignores correspondence from Border Patrol agents and often gives the impression that he is just too big and too important to deal with us,” they said


“He attempts to undermine our mission at every turn and actively supports the criminals who violate our laws. He always trys to downplay the fact that illegal aliens knowingly and willingly violate our laws, and he is a close ally on immigration matters with Senator Ted Kennedy, who we believe is the biggest disgrace of all time in the United States Senate.”

These law enforcement agents point to Senator McCain’s “imperious attitude” towards rank-and-file Border Patrol agents and his complete disdain for their mission has been evident for many years.

“We will not bother listing his website [for citizens to write to him] because it’s obvious he couldn’t care less what the average American thinks.” McCain is the frontrunner for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination and he’s been touring the country trying to convince conservatives that he’s one of them.

And these agents aren’t just singling out McCain for their ire. Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), who chairs the Judiciary Committee at least until January, is also in their sights. They point to how Senator Specter, at the last minute, put a clause in the Senate’s shameful immigration bill that forces the United States government to “consult” with Mexico prior to planning or building any fences or barriers on our border.

“Not on Mexico’s [side of the] border, but yes, on United States soil. We can’t wait to see this fencing project after the “consultations” take place. Maybe they can even appoint “Congressman” Raul Grijalva to lead the “consultations” for the United States of America.”

The agents said that this is the same Mexican government that sends millions of Mexican citizens here illegally to steal jobs and send billions of dollars back to Mexico. This is the same Mexican government whose soldiers smuggle drugs and shoot at Border Patrol agents. This is the same Mexican government that is corrupt to the core. This is the same Mexican government that uses its consular officers to sue the United States government.

“Great move Specter. Talk about the “FOX” guarding the henhouse.”

“This bill cheapens citizenship in this country (again), it throws the rule of law out the window (again), it places unconscionable burdens on DHS (verifying the identity of every illegal alien in this country within 90 days), it repeats, and at a minimum, quadruples the worst immigration mistake in the history of this country.

“it sells out our sovereignty by forcing the American government to “consult with the Mexican government” before planning or building any border fences, it encourages more widespread fraud than this country has ever seen (you’ll see what we’re talking about if this actually passes the House), and it is completely unenforceable and will overwhelm the system,” the agents said in a statement submitted to the US Senate.

“You [McCain, Kennedy, Specter, et al] have succeeded in placing the morale of frontline Border Patrol agents in the toilet just when we thought it couldn’t possibly get any worse.”

27 Dec

President Gerald Ford – Rest In Peace

President Ford relaxes with his dog Liberty while working on a Sunday afternoon in the Oval Office. February 2, 1975

Navigation Officer Gerald R. Ford takes a sextant reading aboard the USS Monterey. 1944

Gerald R. Ford, has died, his wife, Betty, said Tuesday. He was 93.

A statement from Betty Ford said: “My family joins me in sharing the difficult news that Gerald Ford, our beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, has passed away at 93 years of age.”

Ford had battled pneumonia in January 2006 and underwent two heart treatments, including an angioplasty in August at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
He was the longest living president, followed by Ronald Reagan, who also died at 93. Ford had been living at his desert home in Rancho Mirage, Calif.
President Ford was born in Omaha, Nebraska.
Gerald Ford quote:

“A government big enough to give you everything you want is also a government big enough to take from you everything you have.”

A CNN commentator says President Ford will be buried at the Ford library and museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan after funeral/memorial services in California, D.C., and lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda.


Laura and I are greatly saddened by the passing of former President Gerald R. Ford.
President Ford was a great American who gave many years of dedicated service to our country. On August 9, 1974, after a long career in the House of Representatives and service as Vice President, he assumed the Presidency in an hour of national turmoil and division. With his quiet integrity, common sense, and kind instincts, President Ford helped heal our land and restore public confidence in the Presidency.
The American people will always admire Gerald Ford’s devotion to duty, his personal character, and the honorable conduct of his administration. We mourn the loss of such a leader, and our 38th President will always have a special place in our Nation’s memory. On behalf of all Americans, Laura and I offer our deepest sympathies to Betty Ford and all of President Ford’s family. Our thoughts and prayers will be with them in the hours and days ahead.

More at these other Blogs:
* Flopping Aces
* Riehl World View
* Darleen’s Place
* Not Exactly Rocket Science ( CalTechGirl) She has a video of a SNL skit on Mr. Ford.
* Blue Star Chronicles

27 Dec

9/11 Hero Still Doing His Part In Iraq

Pfc. Timothy Bramhall, 5-73 Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division

Operation Iraqi Freedom
Tuesday, 26 December 2006
By Spc. Ryan Stroud
3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs
BALAD RUIZ — On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Pfc. Timothy Bramhall made his way to downtown New York City to officially end his military career.
After proudly serving in the Army Reserve, the Bronx native felt he was at a crossroads in life and needed guidance on what to do with his future. Bramhall decided it was time for him to exit the military and start anew.
Little did he know, the guidance on what to do with his life, the guidance he was searching for, was about to hit him like a ton of bricks.
Bramhall stepped off the train at Madison Square Garden station to find the world he knew, the world he grew up in, now searching for his help and his guidance.
On Sept. 11, 2001, a day that will never leave Bramhall’s heart, terrorists attacked both towers of the World Trade Center, causing them to fall and end the lives of thousands of innocent people.

“I was getting ready to get out of the Army,” said Bramhall. “On 9/11, I went downtown to be out-processed, but found myself at the World Trade Center doing search and rescue.”

“I just walked out of the Madison Square Garden Train Station, and these Secret Service agents grabbed me and asked if I would help pull security since I was in uniform,” he said. “I didn’t think, I just did what I was asked to do.”

Bramhall, fighting through the chaos from the citizens of NYC, followed his orders and made his way to the towers to help secure the area. As he was pulling security, Bramhall was asked to help with one of the biggest missions of his life – go into the towers to help people evacuate them before they fell.

“While I was pulling security, I was pulled into a mission to start clearing one of the towers,” he said. “Once again, I followed my orders.”

Though he admits he was scared of what might happen to him, Bramhall entered the second tower, completely fulfilling one of the U.S. Army’s core values: personal courage. Bramhall put the lives of the people stuck in the towers over his own. He was driven and knew he had to help.

“At first I was really scared,” Bramhall admitted. “At the time I went into the towers, people were jumping out of them. I saw one person jump and hit a fire fighter and kill him. After that, I wanted to turn and run.”

“I thought to myself, ‘I’m too young to die,’” he continued. “But then it hit me. These people are scared and what would they think if they saw a guy in uniform run from a situation like this? So I regained my composure and went right back to the mission, not really knowing what would happen next.”

Bramhall’s fear hit a new level as soon as he heard the alarm signaling the tower was about to fall.

“I was inside the building helping everyway I could when I heard the alarm signaling the Tower was falling,” he said. “All I remember after that was running out the building and down this ally. I ducked down and cradled myself to protect myself from falling debris. I felt this huge rushing wind that seemed
to pull everything by me.”

After the second tower fell, Bramhall linked up with another Soldier and two Marines and went to work searching for people in the wreckage.

“Unfortunately, we mostly were pulling out bodies, but kept up the hope that we would find survivors,” said Bramhall.

Seven days later, as Bramhall put it, a miracle happened.

“On day seven of the search and rescue, we found a handicapped person who was not in the Towers, but in a building that was near the Towers that was damaged because of the fall,” he said. “It was amazing that she was still alive.”

Bramhall and his new “brothers” helped the woman out of the wreckage and to a place where she could receive aid.

“That was a great feeling,” he said. “You lose hope after time that anyone will be alive. You want to keep hope, but it slips after seeing the wreckage. So, to find this woman on the seventh day, it was amazing. We felt so good.”

The mission was not yet over for Bramhall. He and his fellow servicemen stayed at the wreckage site until January 2002, working 12-hour clean-up shifts and sleeping in a local high school hallway.

“Times were hard out there but we kept reminding ourselves that we were in the military,” Bramhall said. “This is what we were meant to do; this is what Soldiers are meant to do – help people in need.”

After his service at the World Trade Center site was complete, Bramhall still decided to leave the military. He then went to work for the Rescue 1 Fire Station in NYC, hoping to continue to serve the people of New York. But after some time of reflection, Bramhall decided the best way he could serve the people of New York and his country was to go back into the Army.
Now a member of the 5-73 Cavalry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, Bramhall says he’s right where he needs to be – serving his country in Iraq.

“This is one of the reasons I am here in Iraq,” he said. “I’m here in support of those people in the towers who didn’t make it out of there. I’m doing this for them. I’m also doing this for another person who worked with me at the towers.”

On the one-year anniversary of the towers’ destruction, Bramhall met with those who had helped him and others clear the buildings, trying desperately to save the lives of those inside.

“One of the guys who helped us lost his uncle, brother and father to the crash of the towers,” Bramhall said. “He wasn’t doing so well a year later. He went through some really hard times afterwards, so I’m also doing this for him, too.”

Bramhall says he proudly serves his country for all of those out there who want to lend a hand to their country, but can’t.

“I do this for those guys who want to be out here, but can’t be out here,” he said.

“This is not about revenge,” Bramhall added. “I just think about those who lost so much, and how I can help bring peace to their lives.”

Though Bramhall still has a way to go in his yearlong deployment with 5-73, he says he wouldn’t have it any other way.

“I would not change anything,” he said. “I’m glad I’m here, doing my part.”

26 Dec

Traitor Carter Worst President in US History


Whoring the US Presidency for Hamas: Carter’s book
Canada Free Press
The PLO, its Saudi and other Gulf state backers have been mounting a vigorous campaign on American college campuses, in churches and even some trade unions to advocate not for a two state solution in the Middle East, but for the dismantling of the Jewish state to be replaced by “Palestine.” The aim is to falsely present Israel as an “apartheid racist state” to Americans who know no better. Recent reports that Jimmy Carter’s new book “Peace not Apartheid” has reached 4th on the national best seller’s list……..more of article HERE

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This guy is way overdue for his dirt nap. Headline says it all. Pity we don’t go after retired presidents when they commit treason. Carter is not stupid. He is dangerous, that’s a lot worse than stupid. Of course, the trailer trash Clinton followed suit.
Why is this important? Because an ex-president has a certain cachet and a microphone – deserved or not.
Jimmy Carter is the personification of David Horowitz’s point in his book “Unholy Alliance” of the confluence of agendas of Islam and the leftwing both national and international. The leftwing is opening the door to Islam’s world wide assault on our civilization.
Jimmy Carter fronts himself as a Sunday school teacher, a born-again Christian, a religious man. But no such person could possibly arrive at the conclusions he espouses.

26 Dec

Our Troops At Gitmo Need Our Support

Guess who receives the Christmas and holiday greetings here in Guantanamo?
Human Events
Last year Guantanamo detainees received more than 14,000 cards, the vast majority from muddle-headed well-wishers and sympathizers. This year local authorities estimate the number may exceed 16,000! Some are addressed to the detainees by name or by their detainee number, available on the Pentagon website. Most are simply addressed to “Any Detainee at Guantanamo.”
Like the other 40,000 or so pieces of detainee mail that transit the post office on the base, the cards are distributed into the cells. The cards are passed out to the detainees by troopers who may themselves not have received any sort of greeting from home in a long time.
These troops have been called terrible names by Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin and by Senators Teddy Kennedy and John Kerry of Massachusetts. On the House side, Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) and Jack Murtha (D.-Pa.) act as if the troops are the problem and not the terrorists.
You can send cards, letters, or gifts if you choose to:
Any Trooper
c/o COL Wade Dennis
APO AE 09360
I know Christmas is over now, but cards, letters, care packages etc. can be sent year round.

26 Dec

Cheers of Allah Akbar in Reply To Ellison at Convention

Ellison encourages Detroit crowd to push for justice
DETROIT — Speaking in Dearborn, Mich., late Sunday night, the first Muslim elected to Congress told a cheering crowd of Muslims they should remain steadfast in their faith and push for justice.

“You can’t back down, you can’t chicken out, you can’t be afraid, you got to have faith in Allah, and you got to stand up and be a real Muslim,” Detroit native Keith Ellison said to loud applause.

“Allahu akbar” — God is great — was the reply of many in the crowd.

“Muslims, you’re up to bat right now. . .” he said. “How do you know that you were not brought right here to this place to learn how to make this world better? How do you know that Allah, sallalahu aleyhi wasallam,” (meaning peace be upon him) “did not bring you here so that you could understand how to teach people what tolerance was, what justice was? … How do you know that you’re not here to teach this country?”

The convention, which ends today, drew more than 3,000 Muslims from across the country for an event aimed at revival and reform. It featured workshops and panels on a range of topics from civil rights to politics to how to spread Islam in the United States.

We had faith in Allah,” Ellison said. “And we patiently endured this adversity. And facing adversity bravely and with patience in the faith in Allah is an Islamic value. . . . That’s what it means to be a Muslim.”

He cautioned though that there might be more anti-Muslim attacks in the future.

Wild Thing’s comment……
They want justice?! How about they start by honestly denouncing terrorism and Islamofascism first. Then they can stop funding it. Then they can stop teaching it to their kids. Then they can start assisting us in fighting it. This is so very sad. To have a group yelling “Allah Akbar” in my own country is upsetting enough. When they’re lead by a member of Congress, it makes me sick and angry.