26 Dec

Traitor Carter Worst President in US History


Whoring the US Presidency for Hamas: Carter’s book
Canada Free Press
The PLO, its Saudi and other Gulf state backers have been mounting a vigorous campaign on American college campuses, in churches and even some trade unions to advocate not for a two state solution in the Middle East, but for the dismantling of the Jewish state to be replaced by “Palestine.” The aim is to falsely present Israel as an “apartheid racist state” to Americans who know no better. Recent reports that Jimmy Carter’s new book “Peace not Apartheid” has reached 4th on the national best seller’s list……..more of article HERE

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This guy is way overdue for his dirt nap. Headline says it all. Pity we don’t go after retired presidents when they commit treason. Carter is not stupid. He is dangerous, that’s a lot worse than stupid. Of course, the trailer trash Clinton followed suit.
Why is this important? Because an ex-president has a certain cachet and a microphone – deserved or not.
Jimmy Carter is the personification of David Horowitz’s point in his book “Unholy Alliance” of the confluence of agendas of Islam and the leftwing both national and international. The leftwing is opening the door to Islam’s world wide assault on our civilization.
Jimmy Carter fronts himself as a Sunday school teacher, a born-again Christian, a religious man. But no such person could possibly arrive at the conclusions he espouses.

Rhod says:

Carter’s hatred for Israel is discussed at Power Line. There are two links…one to the Weekly Standard which recently claimed that Carter and his interests are funded by Arabs, but also a link to the WSJ’s Opinion Journal.
At the WSJ, Michael Oren discusses Carter’s sinister interpretations of Christianity, and where he appears to have scriptural support for his shitty ideas. Carter’s bitter that Israel is a largely secular state, among other things.
Carter is basically a nasty little mullah, stinking up the world with his grotesque religiosity. In another age, this POS would be attaching The Boot to the feet of children to induce confessions of demon possession, or sticking hot pokers in the eyes of women with birthmarks. He’s a monster. It’s long past time for a one-way to Box City for this slimebag.

Mark says:

From Sir Walter Scott, he sums up exactly what Jimmy Carter, is a traitor.
Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
Who never to himself hath said,
This is my own, my native land!
Whose heart hath ne’er within him burn’d,
As home his footsteps he hath turn’d,
From wandering on a foreign strand!
If such there breathe, go, mark him well;
For him no Minstrel raptures swell;
High though his titles, proud his name,
Boundless his wealth as wish can claim;
Despite those titles, power, and pelf,
The wretch, concentred all in self,
Living, shall forfeit fair renown,
And, doubly dying, shall go down
To the vile dust, from whence he sprung,
Unwept, unhonor’d, and unsung.

TomR says:

I have commented on Carter too many times. He makes me sick. For brevity I will state;
Carter gave away America’s Panama Canal. It was not his to give away. Now, if only America could give Jimmy Carter away!

sierrahome says:

I have disliked this guy since I saw him back in 1975.
Does that make me a good judge of bad character or maybe a bad character that’s a good judge?
Either way Jimmuh is a complete asshat and just like TomR, I have commented on him too many times too.

Jack says:

Gerald Ford passed today when it should have been Jimmah, this evil lives on.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod, thank you so much for the information and where to find it. He truly is a monster.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, that is great it says it all, thank you for that from Sir Walter Scott.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I wish he would stay away for good. And until then I wish he would stay out of the news for one thing. augh!
It seems like since Bush became President, Carter has been more and more in the news. grrrrrr

Wild Thing says:

Sierrahome it makes you a good judge of character, of character that is evil and bad to the core.

Wild Thing says:

Jack I agree, it should have been Carter.