01 Jan

Heather Martin Sings A Song For Her Brother Serving In Iraq

Heather Martin is 6 years old and sings a song that her mother wrote for her brother Shaun who is serving in Iraq. The song is written from Heather’s point of view.
This little girl is absolutely adorable and you can tell she is singing it straight from her heart. God bless little Heather, her family and a special prayer for her brother Shaun and keep him safe.

You were almost sixteen when I came into the world.
Mom and Dad had you first then 3 more boys I’m the baby girl.
I sure have a lot to look up to in you, you’re really smart and funny with a big heart too.
After one year of college you knew what you had to do.
It’s just like you wanting to help with the war.
So you joined the army when I was only 4.
This time of year we talk of big plans but you’re over seas in some distant land.
You can’t be here for Christmas, I don’t understand.
When are you coming home, Shaun?
When are you coming home?!
We lit up the house like we always do but it doesn’t seem bright ’cause we can’t have you.
In my prayers I ask God to keep you safe.
And I’m trying to be really brave.
Tell me that the fighting’s through.
Come home!
I really miss you.
It’s hard to enjoy the holidays without you.
But we’re so proud of you and all the red white and blue.
Remember that Jesus is your best friend,
And someday our families will be together again.
Wow! You know we’ll have a great big party then.
I want to show you how tall I’ve grown and introduce you to my new friends at school.
Maybe we could go and get some ice cream together but I really don’t care what we do.

This is a news story about Heather with photos of her brother as well.

* Billy O’Blog Thank you so much Billy for sending this to me. It is so touching, and so very special.

31 Dec

Theodore’s World Wishes All Of You A Happy New Year!


A huge
thank you and a Happy New Year to our Military

I want to say a special Happy New Year to my Blog Mom……. LindaSOG


And also a very special thank you 
to each one of you that are a big part of this blog, 
with your comments and input. 

I love you all so muchYY

31 Dec

Congressmen want Kerry’s Decision Will He or Won’t He Run

Congressmen want Kerry’s 2008 decision soon
Southcoast Today
WASHINGTON — Sen. Edward Kennedy isn’t the only Massachusetts Democrat pressing Sen. John Kerry for a decision soon on whether he will seek the presidency again.
Two leading members of the state’s congressional delegation said they’re also anxious for Kerry to make up his mind, so they can support someone else if he decides not to run.

“My only advice to him right now is hurry up,” said Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass., who will be a prominent player in the new Congress as the second-ranking Democrat on the powerful House Rules Committee. “Give us some direction so we can figure out what we need to do. If he’s not going to do it, then we can start dealing with some of these other candidates.”

McGovern noted how the Democratic field has grown in recent weeks.
Rep. Michael Capuano, D-Mass., who is leading the day-to-day transition effort for incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, said Kerry needs to clarify his plans soon.

“I want to hear it from him, whatever it is,” said Capuano, who hopes to meet with Kerry next week. “I want him to look me in the eye … I’m tired of listening to rumors, if you want the truth … I just think if he wants to run, he’s gotta do it reasonably soon.”

“Senator Kerry has said he’ll make his decision about a presidential campaign shortly after the new year after consulting with Sen. Kennedy and the congressional delegation,” Kerry spokesman David Wade said in an e-mailed statement. “We’re well over a year away before the first ballots are cast in the 2008 nominating process, but Sen. Kerry has no intention of waiting too long on his decision.”

Delegation members are eager for Kerry’s decision so they can line up behind someone else if he declines to run, McGovern said. Some have already been asked to back potential Kerry rivals.

“All of us are waiting to find out what our friend is going to decide,” McGovern said. “If he’s not going to be involved, we want to be able to get our oar in the water (with other candidates) … In presidential politics, people take sides early. People want permission to leave and go support someone else.”

McGovern said he, too, had spoken informally with some potential candidates.

“A lot of people are really intrigued with some of the names that are coming up,” said McGovern, citing New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and Kerry’s 2004 running mate, former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards. “We have some great talent that is talking about getting into this race.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
God hlep us and God Help America IF these people Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sen. Barack Obama, Sen. John Edwards , Biden etc. become President or ANY Democrat. They do NOT respect our military, they do NOT want to keep the citizens of this country safe. And that is just for starters on only a few of the things. They are the enemy within.
We have enough trouble getting our leaders now to realize open borders are dangerous to say the least. Can you imagine what it would be like if we had a Democrat in the White House again. OMG!

31 Dec

How Republican Are You?

You Are 92% Republican

You are a card carrying Republican, and a pretty far right one at that!
There’s no chance anyone would ever mistake you for a Democrat.
31 Dec

SPC J.R. Salzman, 1/34 BCT We Thank you!

SPC J.R. Salzman, 1/34 BCT has been injured by an IED in Iraq. His right arm has been amputated below the elbow, his left arm and hand are injured. He is at Walter Reed now. Soldiers’ Angels are working on getting him a Project Valour-IT laptop and a visit soon.
SPC J.R. Salzman, also posted at LGF with the name “Logboy”. He also writes at Lumberjack in a Desert. Please stop by Lumberjack in a Desert and leave a comment for him. He is giving updates when he can with his wife’s help. She has been helping him with the typing of his posts.

Thank you J.R. and my prayers are with you and your recovery. I am forever grateful for all you have done and for your service to our country.

* Blackfive

31 Dec

Saddam’s Execution

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is the execution of Saddam has been posted at Google Video. Apparently it was shot with a cell phone.
I am sick of the idiots that have their conspiracy about 9-11. And I am glad there is video on Saddam’s execution to shut up the conspiracy people. Instead of their lies ( the conspiracy jerks) they should be thanking God for our military’s hard work and sacrifices they make every day for us and in this war against Islam.

* Vince Aut Morire

30 Dec

Muslim Man’s Remote

There must be another one available for the terrorists. You know like a button for destroy Israel, blow yourself up, whine to CAIR…..things like that.

30 Dec

The Butcher of Baghdad is DEAD!

Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging at an unspecified location in Baghdad, for crimes against humanity.
Iraqi TV said the execution took place just before 0600 local time (0300GMT).
The news was confirmed to the BBC by the Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister, Labeed Abawi.
Two co-defendants, Saddam Hussein’s half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti and former Iraqi chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar, were also executed.

Sic Semper Tyrannis!
Thank you, American military and our allies. I am especially so very proud of our troops.God bless them and keep them safe.
If Nancy Pelosi, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Harry Reid, Barack Obama, and the bulk of the Democrat party had their way, Saddam’s RAPE ROOMS and HUMAN SHREDDERS would still be operating at full speed!!

Comments on the death penalty for Saddam:
“Our respect for human rights requires us to execute him, and there will be no review or delay in carrying out the sentence.” — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
“Today marks an important milestone in the Iraqi people’s efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law.” — deputy White House press secretary Scott Stanzel, on day appeals court upheld death penalty.
“Saddam is paying the price for murdering tens of thousands of Iraqis. This is an unprecedented feeling of happiness. … Nothing matches it, no festival or marriage or birth.” — Abu Sinan, a resident of Sadr City, Baghdad’s impoverished Shiite slum.
“As long as he’s alive, there’s still some power and people still rise up. Once the execution goes through, I think it will be a relief for a lot of Iraqis.” — Sgt. Stuart Fowler, Company A, 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment.
Want to see how sick the Democrats are, of course we know this already but here is more proof for those of you lefties that lurk and sometimes post at this blog. I will only put the link because I am not going to put their crap and that is what it is, on this blog for this post.
HERE it is!

29 Dec

U.S. Airport Guards Told To Be “Sensitive” To Hajj Travlers

Hajj security outside Islam holy city Mecca in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian riot police drive on during a military parade for Hajj security outside Islamic holy city Mecca in Saudi Arabia

U.S. Airport Guards Told To Be “Sensitive” toward Muslims

The American Transportation Security Administration has instructed airport security guards to be sensitive to more than 15,000 Muslims traveling to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj Muslim holiday.
The hajj, or annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, is a religious duty for Muslims. According to Saudi officials, it draws about 2.5 million pilgrims each year. Many Muslims believe that the water from a well in Mecca is divinely blessed and often return with containers of water. Travelers returning from Hajj who wish to bring back water should pack it in their checked baggage if the container is larger than three ounces, pursuant to TSA’s 3-1-1 liquids regulations.
Guards have taken a “sensitivity course” which taught them that Muslims believe Jihad, the Arabic term for a holy war, actually is an “internal struggle against sin.” The also were taught that when noting suspicious Muslim passengers, they should be “aware that they may also be praying.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Interesting the extent of security they have at the Hajj.
And so we have another example of being politically correct which is dangerous and destructive as we bow down to a religion that wants to kill us. This is an absolute, unmitigated, stupidity bordering on Homeland Security & TSA sponsored national suicide.

29 Dec

Muslim World League Wants Lawsuits for Abuse of Islam and the Prophet

MWL Wants Lawsuits for Abuse of Islam and the Prophet
P.K. Abdul Ghafour, Arab News
JEDDAH, 28 December 2006
A two-day conference organized by the Makkah-based Muslim World League yesterday called for a consultative commission in order to take legal action against those who abuse Islam and its Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and Islamic sanctities, at local and international courts of justice, the Saudi Press Agency said.
The conference titled “In Defense of the Prophet” called upon Islamic countries and governments to stand united to defend the Islamic faith and its Prophet. It denounced the smear campaigns to tarnish the image of the Prophet and urged Muslims to make all-out efforts to project the true picture of Islam and the great divine teachings of the Prophet.
Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh, who presided over the conference, called upon Muslims to follow the Prophet’s teachings.

“Our enemies are exploiting Muslims’ weak adherence to the Prophet’s Sunnah,” said Al-Asheikh. “We should not be ashamed of implementing his Sunnah. On the other hand, all Muslims must observe his teachings in all walks of their life.”

MWL Secretary-General Abdullah Al-Turki said the attack on the Prophet was an expression of enmity toward Islam.

“The whole Muslim Ummah, including its leadership, scholars and ordinary people was outraged by such attacks and this again shows the lofty position the Prophet has in their hearts,” he said in reference to the Muslim response to cartoons depicting the Prophet.

Al-Turki called upon Western countries to protect human rights of Muslim communities and take action against those who create unnecessary fear about Islam by linking it with terrorism and violence.

“The creation of such fears will lead to violating human rights of Muslims and threats to their freedom and security,” he said. “It will also have other long-term negative impacts.”

Jamal Badawi, a Canadian-Muslim expert on Islam, spoke about the Prophet’s outstanding influence on human history.

“There is no other personality who has made such a positive impact on history,” he told the conference.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Say what?? Good grief. This is the height of double standards. So they can say and do whatever they want and we have to walk on egg shells. I think not!

A sample of what THEY say………..