29 Dec

U.S. Airport Guards Told To Be “Sensitive” To Hajj Travlers

Hajj security outside Islam holy city Mecca in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabian riot police drive on during a military parade for Hajj security outside Islamic holy city Mecca in Saudi Arabia

U.S. Airport Guards Told To Be “Sensitive” toward Muslims

The American Transportation Security Administration has instructed airport security guards to be sensitive to more than 15,000 Muslims traveling to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj Muslim holiday.
The hajj, or annual pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia, is a religious duty for Muslims. According to Saudi officials, it draws about 2.5 million pilgrims each year. Many Muslims believe that the water from a well in Mecca is divinely blessed and often return with containers of water. Travelers returning from Hajj who wish to bring back water should pack it in their checked baggage if the container is larger than three ounces, pursuant to TSA’s 3-1-1 liquids regulations.
Guards have taken a “sensitivity course” which taught them that Muslims believe Jihad, the Arabic term for a holy war, actually is an “internal struggle against sin.” The also were taught that when noting suspicious Muslim passengers, they should be “aware that they may also be praying.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Interesting the extent of security they have at the Hajj.
And so we have another example of being politically correct which is dangerous and destructive as we bow down to a religion that wants to kill us. This is an absolute, unmitigated, stupidity bordering on Homeland Security & TSA sponsored national suicide.

BobF says:

“Guards have taken a “sensitivity course” which taught them that Muslims believe Jihad, the Arabic term for a holy war, actually is an “internal struggle against sin”.
I’m sure glad the TSA cleared this up for us about Jihad. Here I thought it meant to wage war against anyone your Mullah tells you to and in doing so, you’ll obtain heaven and 70 virgins. That’s great that they’ve redefined the word and we no longer have to worry abut Jihad against America.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, hahahahaha good one!!!

BobF says:

You know Wild Thing, we’re our own worse enemy at times.

TomR says:

A bomb belt is just a cultural thing. Do not insult their culture. Now, go check out the elderly Black grandmother in the wheelchair. She may have a lethal fingernail clipper.

raz0r says:

Remember this when you go through the checkpoints. Let out a good, hearty “Aloha Snackbar”. And since the Superbowl is approaching, maybe a “I just won the Superbowl and I’m going to Hajj.”

pappy says:

Great Blog. Glad you dropped a note at nickie goombas.

Rhod says:

Pappy! I haven’t said that since 1968, after the paternity trial!

Rhod says:

Remember the Colorado case, recently, where the Saudi kept the Indonesian sex slave for five years in the cellar? The Court gave him twenty years, his wife got six months suspended sentence.
He moaned at the sentencing that we had no right to prosecute him for “traditional Muslim customs.” Rape and unlawful detention are traditional Muslim customs?
I think a British governor had the last word on this one.

Mark says:

I don’t care what anybody says the numbers don’t add up Since this thing started we have killed, what ? 10,000 Jihadi’s that is 720,000 virgins.
Where are all these virgins coming from ?
If the number were reduced because of demand, I mean thats almost a Million Virgins, would they lower the reward by a factor of 10 to say 7.2 virgins or put another way every 5 jihadi’s would get to share one (1) virgin.
Lastly what is there definition of a virgin, it used to be a ‘virgin’ was defined as, the ugliest girl in the third grade… and What happens when a Woman blows herself up, does she get 72 Eunuchs or because she is a woman just an ‘atta-boy’ award. Talk about a double standard and a glass ceiling,…
And the left says the Bible is not believable ?

Wild Thing says:

Bob, “we’re our own worse enemy at times”…..yes we are.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, oh that’s right it’s a cultural thang, that icky old bomb belt.
Your right they will bother the innocent but not the might be guilty or more then likely are guilty. sheesh

Wild Thing says:

razOr too funny. hahahaha
Oh how I wish when they leave they would leave for good and never come back.

Wild Thing says:

Hi Pappy it is so nice to see you. And thank you so much that means a lot to me.

Wild Thing says:

Mark, that was brillant! hahaha
It doesn’t make any sense. Is there such a thing as a recycled virgin? Maybe that is how it works. Not sure how that works for female suicide bomers either. hahaha

Wild Thing says:

Jack, wow, I just watched it.