
29 Sep

Murder by Democrats not the butler

Democrats character assassination is a routine matter with them. Because Democrats cannot win on their own character and stand on

29 Sep

Victory for the WTC Memorial

At Blackfive I just read that the group trying to turn the WTC Memorial into a Hate America Memorial has

28 Sep

U.S.Marine says he is glad we are not Clinton

Over at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, an email is posted from MGySgt Kuzniak, a Marine serving in Iraq. “I

28 Sep

Stuck on Stupid

Gosh I love great graphics, awesome stickers and people that appreciate a one of kind statement or quote. One of

27 Sep

Aide to Al-Qaeda’s Zarqawi Killed in Iraq

Number Two Al Qaeda terrorist is taken down by a bullet. Yahoo! News Man said to be Zarqawi’s No. 2

26 Sep

They live under rocks !

This last weekend, on Saturday, there was an anti-war rally. Of course they can’t even stick to one topic. It

25 Sep

What Happened To Honor !! ?? !!

Sounding off here, so get your cigs, light up, pour a cold one… I just don’t get it! How does

24 Sep

They Cover Our Six

The enemy within (all the liberals,the anti-war twits… they are much fewer in numbers then we that love our Military,

24 Sep

We are at War!

It is TIME TO SHOW OUR TRUE PATRIOTISM! I am sick and tired of those gutless, pansy-*ssed liberals who refuse

23 Sep

Is Islam at War with Us?

The Muslims have a saying: “First destroy the Saturday People (Jews)… then the Sunday People (Christians).” Islam is hard at