This is a day late in the Theodore’s World news Dept.or as it as also known as the PC Free Zone Gazette, but there was NO way in Hell I was going to post this on Veterans day and take away from our Veterans special day with a post with names in it that should be locked up and the key thrown away.

Bush’s speech, delivered against the backdrop of soldiers in uniform, immediately drew sharp criticism from Democrats.

Vice President Dick Cheney addresses an audience, Friday, Nov. 11, 2005, at Veterans Day ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va. White House
President Bush ……NOT Mr. Bush not at this Blog so bite me lefties if you just can’t say President when it comes to Bush and you always call Clinton President. Grrrrrrr
Now where was I, oh yes, President Bush gave a wonderful speech on Veteran’s Day, and of course the anti-American’s had to have something to say.
It is a long and worth every word he said, so I am going to just point out a few of the remarks and my comments in BOLD with them. Lock and load and get ready!
Get ready because this jerk Sen. Kennedy Accuses Bush of Exploiting Veterans Day…………..
By William Branigin
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, November 11, 2005; 4:05 PM
President Bush lashed out today at critics of his Iraq war policy, strongly denying any manipulation of prewar intelligence and accusing his detractors of sending “the wrong signal” to U.S. troops and America’s enemies.
In a speech marking Veterans Day at the Tobyhanna Army Depot in Pennsylvania, Bush pointed to bipartisan support for an October 2002 congressional resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq and suggested that critics now were hypocritically refusing to “stand behind” U.S. troops fighting there.
Bush’s speech, delivered against the backdrop of soldiers in uniform, immediately drew sharp criticism from Democrats.
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) accused Bush of exploiting Veterans Day in “a campaign-like attempt to rebuild his own credibility by tearing down those who seek the truth about the clear manipulation of intelligence in the run-up to the Iraq war.”
In a statement, Kennedy added, “Instead of providing open and honest answers about how we will achieve success in Iraq and allow our troops to begin to come home, the president reverted to the same manipulation of facts to justify a war we never should have fought.”
Kennedy charged that Bush’s speech “only further tarnished this White House and further damaged his presidency.”
Wild Thing………Well Kennedy, do you think just one day of the freakin year you could bug off and find some pool to drown in? President Bush makes a speech on one of the day’s a President SHOULD make a speech to our Veterans, to our Troops and to America and you have to turn it into more lies, more slant, more BS from the left.
And look who joins in with me……….heh heh sock it to em’ Scott! White House Press Secretary, Scott McClellan, responded to the fat Drunk from Massachusetts with this statement:
“It is regrettable that Senator Kennedy has chosen Veteran’s Day to continue leveling baseless and false attacks that send the wrong signal to our troops and our enemy during a time of war. It is also regrettable that Senator Kennedy has found more time to say negative things about President Bush then he ever did about Saddam Hussein. If America were to follow Senator Kennedy’s foreign policy, Saddam Hussein would not only still be in power, he would be oppressing and occupying Kuwait.”
OOHRAH! from Wild Thing
In a statement, Kerry retorted: “I wish President Bush knew better than to dishonor America’s veterans by playing the politics of fear and smear on Veterans Day. Instead of trying to salvage his slumping political fortunes, the commander in chief should honor our men and women in uniform with a clear strategy for success in Iraq.”
Kerry charged, “This administration misled a nation into war by cherry-picking intelligence and stretching the truth beyond recognition. . . . Today, they continue the same games hoping Americans forget the mess they made in Iraq that’s cost over 2,000 Americans their lives and their failure to find Osama bin Laden.”
Wild Thing………..Kiss my Ass Hanoi Kerry and the ole money bags you rode in on. You Kerry are a traitor to this country, and if I was in charge you would be punished for treason for what you did knowing there were POW’s getting your words making matters even worse for them in Nam. But you did not give a rats behind. “Mislead a Nation into war”, hey listen up Kerry, you wanted to go into Iraq too, now which flip freakin flop was that .???? Number 1,000,023,400 ????
Just a few last thoughts from Wild Thing…….left is extremely gullible. They think Nixon started the Vietnam war, and the Clinton impeachment was about sex. I don’t think their brains will ever catch up with the rest of the world. They just dust them off every now and then, and it keeps them alive.
Liberals are so stupid, they see a sign that says “Wet floor”, and they do!!!
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