Wishing you a very special Birthday GUY
As most of you know that are regulars here at Theodore’s World
GUYK has the blog Charming Just Charming.
He served 22 years in the USAF. Thank you GUY.
Wishing you a very special Birthday GUY
As most of you know that are regulars here at Theodore’s World
GUYK has the blog Charming Just Charming.
He served 22 years in the USAF. Thank you GUY.
PARIS: (REUTERS) France may ask the United States to allow 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui to serve his life prison sentence in a French jail, the Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.
Moussaoui, a 37-year old French citizen of Moroccan origin, was sentenced on Thursday to life in prison with no possibility of release, a day after a jury spared his life and rejected US government arguments that he should be executed.
France and the United States signed two agreements in the 1980s about the transfer of convicts. Moussaoui’s mother and his lawyer want him to be allowed to serve his sentence in France.
A possible demand for transferring Zacarias Moussaoui could be looked at within this framework,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Jean-Baptiste Mattei said at an electronic press briefing.
“But in any case, we have to wait for the American justice system to provide a definitive sentence and to define the conditions of the sentence,” he added.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Islam is a death cult, it is not a religion, it is the purest and most widespread manifestation of demonic power yet seen on this Earth.
my September 11, 2001 page ….it was a Tuesday…
France would do well to remember what its government said when we asked them to honor their extradition treaty and send murderer Ira Einhorn back to Pennsylvania. He killed his girlfriend, stuffed her in a trunk, and skipped bail once he was charged with her murder. He was tried and convicted in absentia. France declined to honor the treaty they signed and instead gave us a song and dance about the evils of the American justice system. It wasn’t until the PA legislature passed a special law granting Einhorn a new trial, and Pennsylvania DA took the death penalty off the table that France sent him back, and that was after lengthy proceedings in French courts.
Kennedy compound
Kennedy’s first statement, released by his press secretary:
“I was involved in a traffic incident last night at First and C Street SE near the US Capitol. I consumed no alcohol prior to the incident. I will fully cooperate with the Capitol Police in whatever investigation they choose to undertake.”
His car….
Like Father like son
According to the police report, Patrick Kennedy drove his green 1997 Ford Mustang convertible into a security barrier near the Capitol. The officer listed alcohol influence as a contributing factor in the crash and noted that Kennedy was “ability impaired,” with red, watery eyes, slurred speech and unsteady balance.
It was Kennedy’s second auto crash in three weeks. His car struck the rear passenger door of a car while he was making a left turn from a roadway into a pharmacy in Portsmouth, R.I., according to a police report on the April 15 accident. No injuries were reported and Kennedy was not cited.
In the Capitol Hill accident, police observed Kennedy’s car, with no headlights on, swerve into the wrong lane and strike a curb. Kennedy nearly hit a police car, the report said, and did not respond to the officer’s efforts to pull him over. He continued at a slower speed before hitting a security barrier head-on, the report said.
Kenney said he was on sleep medication, I wonder if it is something popular with the Democrats?
Hmmmmm very odd but very typical of a Kennedy….Kennedy now says he has no memory of that night, but has made a detailed statement previously.
DESHIR MARKET PATROL — U.S. soldiers assigned to Bravo Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Infantry Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, and Iraqi soldiers from the 1st Battalion, 6th Public Order Brigade, patrol a housing area in the , Iraq, April 28, 2006. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Timothy W. Story)
Thank you Troops!
Taliban Issues Warnings To Britain
by UPI Wire
May 5, 2006
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan – May 5, 2006 (UPI) — Britain, about to take command of NATO forces in southern Afghanistan, reportedly has received threats from the Taliban, which is growing active in the region.
Mohammad Hanif Sherzad, spokesman for Taliban leader Mullah Omar, told The Times of London on a satellite telephone: “Our activity will increase day by day. We now have the confidence to fight face-to-face and we have all the ammunition we need.”
The spokesman also told The Times, “We will turn Afghanistan into a river of blood for the British.”
The threat comes at a time when the Taliban reportedly has rearmed and recruited new followers to fight the 8,000-person NATO force from Britain, Canada and the Netherlands.
But Lt. Gen. David Richards, who will command the NATO forces, said he is not concerned about the threat and that his troops will “respond very robustly” if attacked.
The NATO deployment will allow the United States to reduce the number of its troops.
I did not want to respond till today since it was just too upsetting to me, I have edited out the photos he included in his email to me.
Wild Thing…………………
I never reply to jerks like you. I won’t be answering you back in an email I will however answer you right here in front of God and everyone.
First of all these photos you sent are because of war, because of a cult called Islam that teaches to destroy everyone that is NOT a Muslim. You and your people follow moon god you call Allah. Your Muhammad was a thief, liar, assassin, mass murderer, terrorist, warmonger, and an unrestrained sexual pervert engaged in pedophilia, incest, and rape.
Check this out and learn well what your cult is about. Read the verses that the entire world can read. Read further down the page at the LIST OF ATTACKS on Americans (civilians and military) ALL done by followers of Islam.
I don’t know if you are speaking of the war in Iraq or our soldiers in Afghanistan. So how to answer you would determine that. Let’s say you mean the war in Iraq. The war on terror as it has been labeled.
Take a look at this website, it is an Iraqi website.
Look at the dead bodies, the mass graves, and the people crying out for help.
This was under Saddam, and could you think that maybe just maybe the people you see crying out for help are some of the very same ones that held up their purple fingers for the world to see?
If you meant Afghanistan then you are worse off then I thought. America is fighting back from an attack on our soil. So dream on if you think I will be against that in anyway. I am FOR going after those that want to kill us, going after them anytime, anyplace and taking them out anyway we can.
I hate that any of our troops get hurt, get killed and I have cried about this more then I can count. My tears are with pride too and a heart that is so grateful every second of every day for what my security, my freedom has cost.
You however, Mestro can burn in hell for all I care.
And here is Mestro’s email to me:
his email address:
From: The Mestro
To: wildbronco@comcast.net
Sent: Sunday, April 30, 2006 6:29 AM
Subject: Bush lie on you Americans , Ameicans will be defeated See that Pics
That the result of Terroiest in Army uniform see that Pics and don’t cry now theres more and more
1-10 photos of our injured troops edited out by WT
thats enough ??? theres more
11 & 12 edited out by WT
haha lough on him
13 – 17 edited out by WT
“pieces of metal will not be instead of my arm Danzel”
thats enough for now as I have to go to my work I will kill two soldiers and back again ok
This undated image from video, released by the The U.S. military command Thursday, May 4, 2006, purportedly shows Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi . The full video was discovered during one of several raids against al-Qaida in Iraq safe houses in the Baghdad area starting with an operation last month near Youssifiyah, (AP Photo/Defense Department)
Coalition Shows Zarqawi Outtakes During Press Event
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service
BAGHDAD, May 4, 2006 – Coalition officials here today showed the “outtakes” of terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi’s latest anti-coalition screed, and it became quickly apparent why they ended on the cutting-room floor, so to speak.
In one, Zarqawi — the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq — has trouble trying to operate an automatic weapon. An associate has to show him how to do it. Later in the same shot, an associate takes the weapon from Zarqawi by the barrel and burns his hand. In another, the feared terrorist is shown in a black uniform and bright blue “tenny pumps.”
Coalition troops found the tape during a raid on a hideout for foreign fighters. “He is far from being a capable military leader,” coalition spokesman Army Maj. Gen. Rick Lynch said during a news conference today.
Zarqawi has the most to lose as Iraq forms its national unity government, the general said. Al Qaeda leaders understand that democracy in Iraq means failure for the extremist organization.
Zarqawi’s al Qaeda mission is to destabilize any government in Iraq, to drive the coalition from the country, and to impose an extremist government and expand it across the region.
Lynch said the coalition has made good progress against foiling suicide bombings, the most deadly attacks in Iraq. “The suicide attacks are where the innocent men, women and children of Iraq are being killed or severely wounded,” the general said.
About 90 percent of those launching suicide attacks are foreigners recruited and outfitted by Zarqawi. “We have planned and launched operations over the past couple of weeks to deny him that capability,” Lynch said.
Over the past year, the coalition has cut the number of suicide attacks Zarqawi can launch. First, operations in the Euphrates River Valley disrupted the flow of foreign extremists from Syria, and now intelligence has allowed coalition forces to kill or capture a significant number of foreign fighters.
A year ago, Lynch said, there were on average 75 suicide attacks per month. Today there are less than 25 per month.
Lynch said coalition officials have targeted suicide bombers. “Since April 8, coalition forces have killed 31 foreign fighters,” he said. “These are people that Zarqawi brought into Iraq to be suicide bombers who were killed before they could launch their attacks.”
Suicide bombers most often come from Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Jordan. Most come into Iraq over the Syrian border. Lynch said that once captured, suicide attackers have often given coalition officials “actionable intelligence.”
Here is the VIDEO
Baghdad Briefing
MG Rick Lynch
Studying the enemy’s capabilities, vulnerabilities and intentions. /Disrupting the flow of foreign fighters. /Iraqi Security Forces increasingly take the lead.
Iranian Army Chief of Staff Reveals in Interview Preparations for Military Confrontation With U.S.
The following are excerpts from an interview with Iranian Army Chief of Joint Staff General Abdorrahim Musavi, which aired on Iranian Channel 2.
It is followed by transcripts of two Iranian music videos about Iran’s nuclear program and uranium-enriching capabilities, which aired on the Iranian news channel.
HERE and HERE ( lots of dancing and ALLAH Akbar going on with this one)
General Abdorrahim Musavi:
“We make our submarines ourselves, and we make them in a way that will serve us in battle with the enemy… with America. In other words, these vessels are not the kind about which the other side gets information even before us. We work on equipment that is locally made, and which is compatible with our own tactics and training.”
“This includes various submarines, assault boats, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which we can use in naval battles. We manufacture missiles, torpedoes, mines, naval canons, and sonar. We also make ROVs – remotely operated vessels, which are manufactured by the navy for special purposes.”
“Knowing that our number one enemy is the criminal America, we focused on it. We identified its strengths and weaknesses, and prepared the equipment, structures, and tactics necessary to deal with it.
“We studied all the details of America’s war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our military planning teams simulated American capabilities, based on America’s activities in Iraq and in Afghanistan. In this simulation, they predicted the kind of attack the U.S. would employ, if an attack indeed takes place. On the basis of these simulations we developed scenarios, and prepared ourselves for dealing with each one.”
“This is why we do not compare ourselves to the countries in the region. We compare our force to that of America, because it is from America’s force that we want to protect ourselves. We want to put America in its place.”
“We realized that America’s military power is greatly overestimated, based on statistics and accurate figures. Our conclusion was that 70, 80 percent… 60 to 70 percent of it is psychological warfare. U.S. military power is only 20 or 30 percent of what is portrayed.”
“During the war with Iraq, we felt sorry for our enemies. General Dadras remembers this. I am an artillery officer. When we wanted to carry out effective firing, we would not even look sometimes. You saw how we treated the Iraqi POWs. We viewed them as relatives and treated them as such. But we will not treat the Americans this way.”
Iranian Video Clip Celebrates Iran’s Nuclear Project
The following are excerpts from an Iranian video clip about Iran’s nuclear project, which aired on the Iranian news channel.
Singing: “Our beloved homeland
“Proud, green, and steadfast
“From the attack of wickedness the grace of God protects you.
“A homeland of epics
“The land of love and strength
“Your glorified name brings hope and pride.“Oh homeland, your honor in the world is eternal
“Every inch of your soil is the arena of heroes
“Science and initiative are the fruit of young men’s work
“They are the greatest gift now and forever.“Nuclear energy is the symbol of our strength
“Iran, Iran, you must remain forever
“Iran, Iran, you must remain strong
“Iran, Iran, you must remain forever
“Iran, Iran, you must remain strong.”
Iranian Leaders Watch Dance Celebrating Iran’s Uranium Enrichment Capabilities
The following are excerpts from a dance celebrating Iran’s uranium enrichment capabilities, aired on the Iranian news channel.
Young men: “Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar.”
Speaker: “God is great. It has been proven that God is the great supporter of the Iranian people.”
Young Men: “Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar.”
Speaker: “Dear viewers, guests, and listeners, this is the cry of Allah Akbar by the zealous young men of the Iranian people. These young people here represent various ethnic groups of the Iranian people.”
Young men: “Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar”.
Speaker: “On the cold nights, when we were feverishly striving for the triumph of the Islamic revolution, we used to say Allah Akbar. In the days of the war of defense we shouted Allah Akbar. In all moments of collective steadfastness we shouted Allah Akbar. Now we repeat the same eternal slogan: Allah Akbar. Is this not your slogan? Don’t you say Allah Akbar?”
Young men and crowd: “Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar.”
Speaker: “I’d like to invite the deputy supervisor of the Imam Reza Shrine, my honorable brother, Mr. Alavi, who proudly wears the uniform of the Imam Reza Shrine. I would like to call him to the stage. He will be presented with a container with the first nuclear product of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
“Mr. Alavi, if you please. Please honor this occasion by reciting prayers to the Prophet and his family.
“With the permission of the supervisor of the Imam Reza Shrine… Deputy Supervisor of the Imam Reza Shrine, Mr. Alavi, will now come to the stage and receive a container with UF6, produced in the nuclear facilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Oh honorable people, and all who witness this occasion, remember that we have no mystery besides Allah Akbar, and we have no secret besides the greatness of God and this conviction. Mr. Alavi, if you please. Honor this occasion by saying Allah Akbar.”
Crowd: “Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar. Allah Akbar
Wild Thing’s comment……
This is something you have got to see if you have not seen it yet. LMAO This is hilarious!!!!!!
Click HERE to see Muslim Rave Party
Website for NMAM …..HERE
Legislation in the U.S. Senate in 1999 designated May as National Military Appreciation Month. This legislation tells our service members that their country has set aside an entire month to honor, remember and appreciate them. More comprehensive legislation – House Concurrent Resolution 328 – was passed by unanimous consent of both Houses of Congress in April 2004.
Lt. Dan Band to Perform at Pentagon
Gary Sinise and his Lt. Dan Band Help Deptartment of Defense Kick Off Military Appreciation Month
Actor and director Gary Sinise and his Lt. Dan Band will perform during an afternoon concert at the Pentagon beginning at noon, Friday, May 5, helping the Departement of Defense’s “America Supports You” program kick off Military Appreciation Month.
Renowned for his role as Lt. Dan in the movie “Forrest Gump,” Sinise and the Lt. Dan Band have performed USO concerts for military men and women at American military bases across the United States and throughout Europe. Gary Sinise recently returned from a trip visiting the troops in Afghanistan.
Most Soldiers know him as “Lt. Dan.” CSI: New York actor Gary Sinise has taken that label to heart as he leads the Lt. Dan Band, a rock group he uses to support and entertain service members around the world.
When Military Appreciation Month wraps up on Memorial Day, Sinise’s band will reappear among various artists at a Memorial Day Concert on the West Lawn of the Capitol building in Washington May 28 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. EST.
Sinise has been an active supporter of the well-being of military service members and their families since the onset of Operations Enduring and Iraqi Freedom. His band has played for Soldiers in both operations for the past two years, and has also performed for service members in places like Germany, Britain and the Netherlands.
A troop morale visit he made to Iraq in late 2003 inspired Sinise to also reach out to the future citizens of Iraq. In March the following year, Sinise teamed up with best-selling author Laura Hillenbrand to co-found Operation Iraqi Children – an organization that enables Americans to help Iraqi children by supporting the Army’s overall efforts to improve the quality of life for Iraqis.
While Sinise’s efforts through the Lt. Dan Band performances have improved public awareness of the OIC program, they have also raised money for the Wounded Warrior Project. The WWP provides free services and counseling for severely wounded troops from the time they arrive at the hospital through their recovery and rehabilitation stages.
Sinise received an Oscar-nomination for his role as Lt. Dan, a disabled veteran in the Oscar-winning 1994 movie “Forrest Gump.
Other Military Appreciation Month events “America Supports You” will be highlighting are the Joint Open House at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., May 19-20; New York City Fleet Week in New York City, N.Y., May 23-29; and the Indianapolis 500 in Indianapolis, Ind., May 29.
And more days as well for National Military Appreciation Month includes Loyalty Day, May 1, VE Day, May 8, Military Spouse Day, May 12, Armed Forces Day, May 20, and Memorial Day, May 29.
Wild Thing’s comment…..
A huge thank you to all our military and to all our Veterans! Thank you with all my heart. In my family so far there have been three Marines, two AirForce, three Army and 4 Navy (my husband is one of the Navy Veterans). Plus two Aunts that were Army nurses. In my husbands family, 1 Air Force, 2 Navy, and 5 Army.
A special thank you to all of you here at Theodore’s World that have family members serving now. Please tell them thank you from all of us!!
International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) delegates speak in the boardroom at the IAEA headquarters in Vienna.
Iran has said it was digging in for a confrontation with the West over its disputed nuclear programme, vowing that neither UN Security Council resolutions nor US military action could force a climbdown.(AFP/File/Joe Klamar)
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