03 May

Unfreaking Believable!!! ~ Moussaoui Gets LIFE! WTF!


As Moussaoui was led away after the verdict, he shouted: “America, you lost!”…..Mr. Moussaoui testified that he was proud to belong to Al Qaeda and took delight in the 9/11 attacks.
Wild Thing’s comment……….
If this jury can’t give him the death penalty, we’ve really lost something in this country. He was truly tried by a jury of his peers. The touchy feely asses COULDN’T bring themselves to fry the bastard! The terrorists now know that if they are captured they will not face the death penalty and they can now continue to infiltrate our prisons to gain access to folks that may be with them in their anti american cause.
Islamists will take this as a sign of weakness. The jury has endorsed Islamic terror against the United States. America has passed its greatness and lost its resolve. They had no problem convicting McVeigh, an American Citizen, to death. Rightfully so, OKC was a heinous crime. We needed to send a strong message to the terrorists that if you attack Americans that you will be KILLED.
And we’ll have to make sure he has the Quran and that it is treated with respect. I can hear Amnesty International bleating this case for years. Moussaoui can continue to recruit and train others in prison and continue his verbal assaults against the United States.
Kudo’s to Fox News for being the only channel to at least split screen the cowardly verdict with actual images of 911.
To those who want him kept alive, remember that Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind behind the 1993 WTC bombing is jailed in this country and preaches jihad from a jail cell and is in contact with terrorists around the world. He’s a MUSLIM and as such will probably be greeted as a hero, what with the large muslim populations in prisons these days.
What the hell is wrong with those people? What could that jury have been thinking? They need to be forced to watch Flight 93 continuously for the rest of their lives, mixed in with footage of people leaping to their deaths from the Twin Towers.
Unbelievable. Just freakin’ unbelievable!!!! Because he had a bad childhood???? God help us!!!!!


The sentence was handed down by U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema at the end of a two-month trial in which the jury rejected the government’s case to have Moussaoui executed.

“God save Osama bin Laden — you will never get him,” Moussaoui declared moments after walking into the courtroom flashing a victory sign.

“You have branded me as a terrorist or a criminal or whatever,” he said. “Look at yourselves. I fight for my belief.” He spoke for less than five minutes; the judge told him he could not use his sentencing to make a political speech

Moussaoui, who spent much of his two-month trial cursing America, blessing al-Qaida and mocking the suffering of 9/11 victims, offered one more taunt after the jury reached its verdict Wednesday saying, “America, you lost. … I won,” and clapping his hands as he was escorted from the courtroom.
God curse America. God bless and save Osama bin Laden — you will never get him,” he told a packed federal courtroom that included family members of people killed in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

“You think you rule the world — you are wrong. I will prove it,” he said of the U.S. “You don’t want to hear it. We will come back again … You will feel it.”

U.S. District Court Judge Leonie Brinkema responded, “You will die with a whimper,” never allowed to speak publicly again.
She then followed the decision of the jury and ordered the al Qaeda terrorist to spend the rest of his natural life in prison.
Moussaoui had smiled as he walked into court, flashing a victory sign and waving sarcastically at the judge. His final tirade followed sharp remarks from several 9/11 family members.
Once in prison, Moussaoui will be in lockdown for 23 hours of every day, with one hour of recreation daily. He’ll also spend that one hour alone.
CNN senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said Moussaoui most likely will be locked up inside the federal Supermax prison facility in Florence, Colorado, which is sometimes known as the “Alcatraz in the Rockies.”
9-11 Victims family expresses views:

Patricia Reilly, who lost her sister Lorraine Lee in the New York attacks, was deflated. “I guess in this country you can kill 3,000 people and not pay with your life,” she said. “I feel very much let down by this country.”

It is not known how many jurors wanted Moussaoui sentenced to life and how many wanted a death sentence. Under federal law, a defendant automatically receives life in prison when a jury is split. The 42-page verdict form gives no indication on how, or if, the jury split.
Nine jurors found that Moussaoui suffered a difficult childhood in a dysfunctional family where he spent many of his early years in and out of orphanages.
To some blogs posting about this too…….
* Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
* Hot Air
* Vince Aut Morire
* My Pet Jawa

03 May

Moussaoui Gets Life in Prison

A federal jury decided Wednesday al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui deserves life in prison for his role in the deadliest terrorist attack in U.S. history, on Sept. 11, 2001.
On the seventh day of deliberation, the jury of nine men and three women informed Judge Leonie Brinkema that it had reached a decision. The verdict was announced at 4:30 p.m. EDT.
Moussaoui, a 37-year-old Frenchman of Moroccan descent, is the only person charged in this country in connection with the suicide jetliner hijackings that killed nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field.
The verdict came after four years of legal maneuvering and a six-week trial that put jurors on an emotional roller coaster.
The panel of northern Virginia residents was shown gruesome never- before-released images of the carnage that day, heard the first public playing of the cockpit recorder from United Flight 93 whose passengers tried to retake the jet over Pennsylvania, and watched and listened as dozens of victims and relatives described the horrors and losses they had endured.
The nine men and three women deliberated about 40 hours. They had found Moussaoui eligible for execution after more than 16 hours of deliberations in late March and early April.
Although he was in jail on immigration violations on Sept. 11, the jury ruled that lies he told federal agents the month before the attacks kept the government from identifying and stopping some of the hijackers.

03 May

Bolton Kicks Ass

Please click HERE to see the Video.


US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton testified before the House subcommittee on international relations today and got in a little argument with Rep. Dennis Kucinich. Rep. Kucinich asked John Bolton about Sy Hersh’s “New Yorker” article on Iran, to which Bolton said he didn’t see it because he doesn’t have time to read “fiction”:

KUCINICH: Have you ever heard of that report?
BOLTON: I’d never heard of the report, I never read the article, nor do I intend to.
KUCINICH: Do you have any interest as to whether or not—as the U.S. Ambassador, you don’t have any interest as to whether or not U.S. Marines are actually operating in Iran right now?
BOLTON: I said I had not heard of the report and I didn’t intend to read the article in “The New Yorker.”
KUCINICH: If I gave you this article right now, walked it over, would you look at it?
BOLTON: I don’t think so, honestly, Congressman, because I don’t have time to read much fiction.
KUCINICH: We know that U.S. Troops are in Iran. How does this affect U.N. Negotiations?
BOLTON: Congressman, you know more than I do, that’s all I can say.

Wild Thing’s comment……
If Kucinich knows that U.S. Marines are in Iran and this is secret and he’s revealing it… then he’s a traitor.

03 May

The War Tapes

Straight from the front lines in Iraq, The War Tapes is dedicated to the men of Charlie Company, 3/172nd Mountain Infantry, AND to the troops who have served, or are serving, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.



Director Deborah Scranton has ramped the idea of citizen journalism up a few notches with her film, The War Tapes. Rather than embed with a unit, Deborah went outside the box and came up with the idea of supplying soldiers with video cameras, a revolutionary concept.
Soldiers from a New Hampshire National Guard Unit agreed to work with Deborah. During their deployment to Iraq, they captured the war in all its glory, and all its horror. What you see is what you get and one can hardly refute raw footage from the front lines, something which lends great legitimacy to this film.
The War Tapes is a film about war, soldiers and the women they left behind when they deployed to Fallujah — once the armpit of hell — in 2004. The viewer follows three soldiers from their departure for Iraq to their return home, and beyond.
This is NOT a political film. The main characters in this film; Sgt. Steve Pink, Specialist Mike Moriarty and Sgt. Zack Bazzi do not shy away from their political views. But for the most part, to its credit, the film leaves the political world far behind.
The War Tapes takes us to the front lines. It’s a film everyone should see, especially military members and their families.
Funnier, spicier, and more gut wrenching than any news report, this is Operation Iraqi Freedom as filmed by Sergeant Steve Pink, Sergeant Zack Bazzi and Specialist Mike Moriarty. Steve is a wisecracking carpenter who aspires to be a writer. Zack is a Lebanese-American university student who loves to travel and is fluent in Arabic. Mike is a father who seeks honor and redemption. Each leaves a woman behind – a girlfriend, a mother and a wife.
These soldiers are hysterically funny, articulate, intelligent, compassionate and loyal to their mission and their brothers-in-arms. Some may not agree with our premise for being in Iraq, but that doesn’t stop them from doing their jobs with great integrity and courage.
This is not Hollywood’s version of war – this IS war. Raw, unedited, painful and truthful. Through their candid footage, these men open their hearts and take us on an unforgettable journey, capturing camaraderie and humor along with the brutal and terrifying experiences they face.
These soldiers got the story that 2,700 embedded reporters never could.
Click HERE to see Video clips

* The War Tapes
* Andi’s World
God bless our troops and keep them all safe……Wild Thing

03 May

Howard Dean: The Gift Who Keeps On Giving


Howard Dean: Karl Rove Guiltier than Osama Bin Laden

Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean is telling reporters that there’s no doubt top White House aide Karl Rove is guilty in the Valerie Plame Leakgate case.
Three years ago, however, Dean urged caution when it came to assessing the guilt of Osama bin Laden, whose role in the Sept. 11 attacks, he said, should not be prejudged.
“There’s no question that Rove was the one that leaked the information about the CIA agent’s name,” Dean told MSNBC’s Nora O’Donnell on Friday.
But when it came to the Al Qaida terror chief, Dean insisted that bin Laden was innocent until proven guilty.
“I still have this old-fashioned notion that even with people like Osama, who is very likely to be found guilty, we should do our best not to, in positions of executive power, not to prejudge jury trials,” he told the Concord Monitor in Dec. 2003.
The guiltier-than-bin Laden Rove, said Dean, is “a big liability for the administration,” since he “continually reminds the American people that the president wasn’t truthful about firing leakers, in addition to not being truthful about a number of other things.”
He pledged that if Democrats win back Congress in November, they’ll launch a new round of investigations into supposed White House corruption.
“No doubt there will be investigations because there’s been so much corruption in the White House and the vice president’s office, even the Republican Senate president is under investigation for insider trading.”
Asked whether Democrats would try to impeach President Bush, Dean told O’Donnell: “It’s possible.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Howard Dean is like Catnip for conservatives. Demos are proving that they are unstable and frankly crazy. OMG LMAO Hey Howard, hate to tell you, Bin Laden admitted doing the deed.

02 May

Iran Threatens Israel If US Acts “evil”


Iranian women walk past a painting during their visit to a nuclear exhibition at Bahman Cultural complex in Tehran May 2, 2006. REUTERS/Morteza Nikoubazl
Iran threatens Israel if US acts “evil”
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran threatened on Tuesday to attack Israel in response to any “evil” act by the United States and said it had enriched uranium to a level close to the maximum compatible with civilian use in power stations.
The defiant statements were issued shortly before world powers meet in Paris to discuss the next steps after Tehran rejected a U.N. call to halt uranium enrichment.
Senior officials from the U.N. Security Council’s permanent members — Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States — plus Germany were to discuss how to curb an Iranian program that Western nations say conceals a drive for atomic warheads.
The United States and Israel have vowed to deny Iran nuclear weapons. Washington has not excluded war if diplomacy fails, while Tehran has sworn to retaliate if attacked.

“We have announced that wherever America does something evil, the first place that we target will be Israel,” ISNA quoted a senior Revolutionary Guards commander, Rear Admiral Mohammad-Ebrahim Dehqani, as saying on Tuesday.

Iran’s deputy oil minister said there was “some possibility” of a U.S. attack on his country over its nuclear program.
“I am worried. Everybody is worried,” Mohammad Hadi Nejad-Hosseinian said in New Delhi after talks on a proposed $7-billion pipeline from Iran to India via Pakistan.
Concerns that Iran’s dispute with the West could lead to disruption of its oil output pushed oil prices above $74 a barrel, close to the record of $75.35 touched last month.
The United States, Britain and France are expected to introduce a resolution to the Security Council this week that would legally oblige Iran to comply with U.N. demands. The three countries favor limited sanctions if Tehran remains defiant.
Iran said Russia and China, also veto-wielding permanent council members, would not back any punitive measures.

TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran will target Israel first if the United States does anything “evil”, a senior commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards said on Tuesday.
The United States says it wants Iran’s nuclear standoff with the West solved diplomatically but has refused to rule out military action.
“We have announced that wherever America does something evil, the first place that we target will be Israel,” Revolutionary Guards Rear Admiral Mohammad-Ebrahim Dehqani was quoted as saying by Iran’s student news agency ISNA.
The Islamic Republic has never recognized Israel and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called for the Jewish state to be “wiped off the map.”
Dehqani said naval wargames held in the Gulf last month “carried the warning to those countries that threaten Iran, including America and the Zionist regime”.
Experts said the wargames, in which Iran said it had tested new missiles and torpedoes, were a thinly veiled threat that it could disrupt vital Gulf oil shipping lanes if it was attacked.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Palestinians, take note. Your good friend Iran is threatening to firebomb you.
If they hit Israel, I guarantee that will be the last mistake they ever make. Israel will hit them with a clenched fist and they won’t be getting up from that.

02 May

Theodore Roosevelt On Immigration


Theodore Roosevelt’s words regarding the assimilation of immigrants into American culture.
Theodore Roosevelt’s ideas on Immigrants and being an AMERICAN in 1907.

“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or orig in. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

02 May

McCain and First Amendment Rights

McCain says he does not like corruption…..hmmmmm Hey McCain how soon you forget!



Senator John McCain (R-Az.) crossed a line in a recent response to Don Imus. Without Imus asking about it, McCain responded to a critics attack on his campaign finance reform stance, “I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I’d rather have the clean government.”
Stop the ACLU has the Video
Wild Thing’s comment……
Hmmmm, clean government ( Kennedy, Clintons, Keating Five????) only started this list for you John McCain!

* Hot Air
* Stop the ACLU

02 May

Iran Urges U.N. Action Against U.S.

Iran Urges U.N. Action Against U.S.
Iran denounced the United States on Monday for contemplating possible nuclear strikes against Iranian targets and urged the United Nations to take urgent action against what it called a dangerous violation of international law.
In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan obtained by The Associated Press, Iran’s U.N. Ambassador Javad Zarif called President Bush’s refusal to rule out a U.S. nuclear strike on Iran and a similar follow-up statement by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice “illegal and insolent threats.”
Bush was asked on April 18 whether U.S. options regarding Iran “include the possibility of a nuclear strike” if Tehran refuses to halt uranium enrichment. “All options are on the table,” the president replied, but he stressed that the United States will continue to focus on diplomacy.
Iran insists it is legally entitled under the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty to enrich uranium to provide fuel for civilian power plants but the United States suspects its real aim is to produce nuclear weapons, a view backed by Britain and France.

Zarif said the use of “false pretexts” by senior U.S. officials “to make public and illegal threats of resort to force against the Islamic Republic of Iran is continuing unabated in total contempt of international law and fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter.”

The “U.S. aggressive policy” of contemplating the possible use of nuclear weapons also violates the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and other U.S. multilateral agreements, he said.

Zarif’s letter made no mention of recent threats by Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to wipe Israel “off the map.”
Instead, the Iranian ambassador honed in on statements from U.S. officials, especially from Bush, which he said “defiantly articulate the United States policies and intentions on the resort to nuclear weapons.”
Zarif said past U.N. failures to respond “to these illegal and inexcusable threats have emboldened senior United States officials to go further and even consider the use of nuclear weapons as an `option on the table.'”

In a brief statement responding to the letter, U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said “if Iran wants to be treated differently, then Iran should stop pursuing nuclear weapons and give up terrorism.”

After lengthy negotiations, the U.N. Security Council adopted a statement a month ago demanding that Iran stop enriching uranium. A new report Friday from the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, confirmed what the world already knew: Iran has refused to stop enriching uranium.
The United States, Britain and France immediately announced plans to introduce a new Security Council resolution this week which would make Iran’s compliance with their demands mandatory. To intensify pressure, they want the resolution under Chapter 7 of the U.N. Charter which means it can be enforced through sanctions or military action.
China and Russia, the two other council members with veto power, oppose sanctions and military action and want the Iran nuclear issue resolved diplomatically, with the IAEA taking the lead, not the Security Council.
Iran’s top nuclear negotiator, Ali Larijani, reiterated Monday that Tehran was “ready for any kind of negotiation to achieve our rights” and again called for Iran’s dispute with the international community to be returned to the IAEA, rather than taken up by the Security Council.
He spoke on the eve of a meeting in Paris of political directors from the six countries that have been trying to find a diplomatic solution to the standoff – Britain, France, Germany, the United States, Russia and China.
Wild Thing’s comment……
U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said “if Iran wants to be treated differently, then Iran should stop pursuing nuclear weapons and give up terrorism.”
I love this guy Bolton! Those poor little ragheads! NOT!