10 Dec

Thank You Rummy!

Rumsfeld Thanks Troops for Service, Calls for U.S. Patience
He spoke to more than 1,200 soldiers and Marines at this sprawling air base in Anbar province. Rumsfeld will leave his office Dec. 18, when Defense Secretary designee Robert Gates takes his place.
The entire speech to the troops that Rummy gave is HERE
And here are a few quotes from his speech:

“For the past six years, I have had the opportunity and, I would say the privilege, to serve with the greatest military on the face of the Earth,” Rumsfeld said. “I leave understanding that the true strength of the United States military is not in Washington, it’s not in the Pentagon, it’s not in the weapons. It’s in the hearts of the men and women who serve. It’s your patriotism, it’s your professionalism and indeed your determination.”

“I never cease to be amazed at the courage and resiliency of not only the troops, but of your families as well. You have undergone hardships and endured sacrifices, yet I always leave my meetings with the troops and your families with my feelings lifted – inspired by your hope, your determination and your unfailing good humor.”

The secretary pointed out that the highest reenlistment rates in all the services are found among those soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who are serving in combat. He said this speaks volumes about servicemembers’ character and commitment. “It tells us other things as well – that the men and women in uniform believe in what they are doing, they know it’s important, they know it’s worth the cost and in some cases the tears,” he said. “And they are convinced they can succeed and that our country can prevail. But only if we don’t lose our will.”
Rumsfeld told the servicemembers they serve a nation that is the greatest force for good the world has ever known. “America is not what’s wrong with the world,” he said. “Violent extremists – those who kill innocent men, women and children – they are what is wrong with this world.”

The secretary told the servicemembers that history will show that after America was attacked, hundreds of thousands of young men and women stepped forward to wear their nation’s uniform. “(These were) talented young people who could have done something else – something easier, something safer,” he said. “But instead they volunteered to defend our country.
“You are those men and women,” he continued. “You are the ones who took up the fight against the extremists far from home to prevent them from attacking our families, friends, neighbors and fellow citizens. For your service, your sacrifice and for the professionalism and the dedication you demonstrate every day, you have my profound admiration and my deep and everlasting respect.
“It has been the honor of my life to serve with you, and I will never forget it; I will treasure it always.”

Wild Thing’s comment……
Many soldiers and airmen at Balad said that if they have the patience and they haven’t lost faith, then the American people shouldn’t either. “This is my second year-long tour,” said a convoy commander at Anaconda Logistics Area. “Why am I more patient than someone sitting at home in ‘Fort Livingroom?’”
God Bless ’em, each and every one. I won’t lose faith or patience, and I’ll do whatever I can back here to support them and their mission.
The lack of will lies with the politicians, not with the military and not with those of us that support our military. Our military has pleaded time and time again to be left alone to do their job. And as far as Syria and Iran are concerned, the ONLY way to talk to Iran and Syria is from the business end of a big freaking gun. What the surrender monkeys are advocating show the Ben Laden types they can just wait us out and sooner or later we will fold.
The demonrats hauling Rummy before committee after committee was just too much. To see Hillary’s snarling demeanor when she addressed him……….the Dems most certainly are the enemy within and God help us and America.
Thank you Rummy, thank you for taking a stand ofr your troops all those times when being questioned by the vile media. Thank you for standing tall in not caving in to their slander and attacks on our military. You will be missed Rummy!

“I leave understanding that the true strength of the United States military is not in Washington, it’s not in the Pentagon, it’s not in the weapons. It’s in the hearts of the men and women who serve. It’s your patriotism, it’s your professionalism and indeed your determination.”…Rummy

10 Dec

Woman Spits in Soldier’s Face

Syracuse radio station WFBL reports that Lauren Maggi, 35, of Thurber Street was charged with harassment for spitting in a soldier’s face at Hancock Airport.
The incident happened over the Thanksgiving holiday. Maggi approached a soldier from the 10th Mountain Division, who apparently was not in uniform, and asked if he was a soldier. When he said yes, Maggi allegedly spit in his face.
WFBL’s news service is supplied by television station WTVH, which has nothing posted yet about the incident on its website. Syracuse.com carries this blurb:
• Woman accused of spitting on soldier A Syracuse woman was charged after a Fort Drum soldier accused her of spitting on him without provocation at Hancock Airport, Syracuse police said.
On January 18 of this year, Lauren Maggi, 34, of Thurber Street, was charged with endangering the welfare of a child.
Someone tell me again about how the Left supports the troops, but not their mission.
Update: More details
Jason Jones, 21, told police a woman he did not know walked up to him near the United Airlines ticket counter, asked him if he was a Fort Drum solider and, when he responded that he was, spat in his face.
Police searched the airport garage and located a woman fitting the description that Jones provided, who was later identified as Maggi. Police escorted her into the terminal, where Jones identified her as the woman who had spit on him. A second soldier on the scene supported Jones’ accusation, police said.
Maggi offered no explanation for her conduct, police said. She could not be reached for comment Thursday night.
And then there is also this on the woman.
Police Blotter
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Syracuse Police Endangering the welfare of a child Lauren Maggi,34, of 256 Thurber St., Syracuse, Jan. 18. Charged at 256 Thurber St., Syracuse.

Wild Thing’s comment……
This is an outrage that brave American soldiers have suffered, sacrified and died….for over 200 years…so that the sorry-assed likes of this loser could have the freedom to behave like this. I cannot comprehend, at all, people like this.
I wish with all my heart they would punish her.

10 Dec

WWE Lays ‘Smack Down’ on Grey Wolf

Soldiers with the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, pose with Current World Wrestling Entertainment Tag-Team Champion Edge, during the WWE visit to Forward Operating Base Warhorse. Other WWE stars in attendance were Randy Orton, Torrie Wilson, Carlito, Chris Masters and Jeff Hardy. (U.S. Army photo by Spc. Ryan Stroud, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs)

World Wrestling Entertainment star Torrie Wilson autographs a chair for the Soldiers of the 3rd Grey Wolf Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, during the wrestlers visit to Forward Operating Base Warhorse

While a Soldier from the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, poses with Current World Wrestling Entertainment Tag-Team Champion Randy Orton, another Soldier takes their picture. Other members of the WWE partook in a meet-and-greet, signing autographs and taking pictures, with the Grey Wolf Brigade

Torrie Wilson, a World Wrestling Entertainment star, meets with a group of Soldiers
WWE Lays ‘Smack Down’ on ‘Grey Wolf’
By Spc. Ryan Stroud, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs
Dec 9, 2006 – 4:58:19 PM
BAQUBAH, Iraq — The Soldiers of the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, were treated with a visit from some of the World Wrestling Entertainment’s biggest stars: World Tag-Team Champions Edge and Randy Orton, Carlito, Jeff Hardy, Chris Masters and Torrie Wilson, at Forward Operating Base Warhorse.
The wrestlers took time out of their schedule to spend an afternoon with the Soldiers of “Grey Wolf,” all in hopes of raising the Soldiers morale.

“We wanted to come out here to build morale,” said Jeff Hardy, a former Tag-Team Champion. “This means the world to me that we are here, I just hope it means the world to the Soldiers also.”

“WWE has come out here so we can be a part of a meet-and-greet with them,” said Spc. Steven San Agustin, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3rd BCT.

“This was a cool experience,” added the native of Dededo, Guam. “They gave out t-shirts, coins, magazines and other items for us to have as souvenirs.”

The wrestlers stood at tables as the excited Soldiers swarmed for their chance to meet their favorite star. Each wrestler signed autographs and posed with the elated Soldiers.

“The wrestlers were really humble and happy to sign things and pose for pictures with us,” said San Agustin. “It seemed they were willing to do whatever it took to make the Soldiers happy.”

“This whole experience was great,” he added. “Meeting the wrestlers gives us a good memory of being in Iraq and that’s really important.”

“It means a lot that they are here,” said Pvt. James Johnson, Company A, 215th Brigade Support Battalion, and a native of San Antonio.

“They are taking time out of their schedule just to come out here and spend some time with us,” he continued. “It really makes a difference in our morale.”

Johnson also added he appreciated the risk the wrestlers have taken to come spend time with the Soldiers.

“When they come out here, they put themselves at risk just so we can meet them and get some pictures, that’s really special,” said Johnson. “We do appreciate it. I know I will remember this for a long while.”

Hardy said the risk was well worth it just to see the excitement from the Soldiers.

“This is a great experience,” said Hardy. “It’s my first time over here and I’m getting dirty and loving every minute of this.”

“I hope the Soldiers get an excitement out of this,” he continued. “I hope we brought them some joy. This trip was well worth it.”

“But most importantly,” said Hardy, “we want them to know we are just like them and appreciate what they do over here. We’re all apart of the same team and we love what they do for us and our country.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Things like this are so wonderful, I know our troops love to have people come to see them and entertain them. I wish more people would do this. And the ones that do go to thank our troops in person I can promise them they will have the best memories of all for the rest of their lives.
Thank you to all our troops and to their loved ones.

09 Dec

Muslim Convert Planned To Blow Up Ill. Mall

Shown in a courtroom artist’s drawing is a man identified by authorities as Derrick Shareef, left, 22, of Rockford, Ill., as he appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge Maria Valdez Friday, Dec. 8, 2006, in Chicago. Authorities said Shareef, described as a converted Muslim, was charged Friday in a plot to set off hand grenades in garbage cans at a shopping mall the Friday before Christmas. (AP Photo/Andy Austin) Email Photo Print Photo

CHICAGO – A Muslim convert who talked about his desire to wage jihad against civilians was charged Friday in a plot to set off hand grenades at a shopping mall at the height of the Christmas rush, authorities said.
Investigators said Derrick Shareef, 22, an American citizen from Rockford, was acting alone and never actually obtained any grenades. He was arrested Wednesday when he met with an undercover agent in a parking lot to trade a set of stereo speakers for four hand grenades and a gun, authorities said.
“He fixed on a day of December 22nd on Friday … because it was the Friday before Christmas and thought that would be the highest concentration of shoppers that he could kill and injure,” said Robert Grant, the agent in charge of the Chicago FBI office.
Authorities said Shareef had been under investigation since September, when he told an acquaintance that “he wanted to commit acts of violent jihad against targets in the United States as well as commit other crimes.”
The acquaintance immediately informed the FBI, officials said.
Federal officials said Shareef planned to set off four hand grenades in garbage cans at the CherryVale shopping mall in Rockford, about 90 miles northwest of Chicago.
Other potential targets that Shareef allegedly discussed included government facilities such as courthouses and city hall, authorities said.

An affidavit quoted him as saying: “I just want to smoke a judge.”

Shareef was born in the United States and converted to Islam, officials said. They believe he might have learned about jihad through videos and Web sites.
“While these are very serious charges, at no time was the public in any imminent peril,” U.S. Attorney Patrick J. Fitzgerald said in a statement.
A spiritual leader of Rockford-area Muslims commended authorities for intercepting the alleged plot and reiterated “the Muslim community’s condemnation of terrorism in the name of Islam,” said Shpendim Nadzaku, imam of the Muslim Association of Greater Rockford.
Asked if he had ever met Shareef, Nadzaku said: “No one in the community has any clue as to who this person is he’s completely anonymous.”
The door of a Genoa town home that is the last known address for Shareef went unanswered Friday although a female inside was seen turning off a light as a reporter stood outside.
Shareef appeared briefly before a judge Friday and was ordered held without bond. He was charged with one count of attempting to damage or destroy a building by fire or explosion and one count of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction.
Defense attorney Michael B. Mann declined to comment on the charges.
Shareef and his acquaintance cased the mall on Nov. 30, discussing the layout and spots where they might set off several grenades simultaneously to create more pandemonium, according to an FBI affidavit.
A spokeswoman for the mall said officials were cooperating with the investigation but referred all other questions to the U.S. attorney’s office.
Mall customers expressed a mixture of anger and indifference Friday evening.
“I don’t think anything is going to stop people from coming to this mall now. It’s Christmas,” said 27-year-old shopper Jaclyn Gonzalez of Rockford. “You’re not going to keep from doing what you have to do just because someone is making ignorant comments.”
Quotes by Shareef from a video he made in case he died in the attack:

“I am from America, and this tape is to let you guys know, who disbelieve in Allah, to let the enemies of Islam know, and to let the Muslims alike know that the time for jihad is now…be strong, oh Mujahideen…May Allah protect me on this mission we conduct…so do not cry, do not mourn for me.”

The holy man also discussed shaving his body hair, a common practice for mujehedin entering upon jihad warfare. Then they enter Paradise in a state of purity.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Well it’s Christmas time and to have peace on earth to this Muslim is to bomb and cause destruction. So much for spreading the religion of peace throughout the world. He wanted to “smoke a judge”? sheesh! I am curious why he singled out wanting to smoke a judge.

09 Dec

Annan Urges Inclusion Of Iran In Talks

U.N. (AP) Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Friday that Iran has a vested interest in a peaceful Iraq and should be part of discussions to resolve the conflict there.
Speaking to Human Rights Watch, Annan said all of Iraq’s neighbors, but especially Iran, have a role to play and praised Iran’s past cooperation in discussions on Afghanistan.

“If one were able to work with them in Afghanistan, why don’t we try in Iraq, where they even have perhaps bigger influence?” the U.N. chief asked, noting Iran fulfilled all the promises it made during the Afghan discussions.

Annan said that although relations between Iran and the U.S. were chilly during the discussions on Afghanistan, the two “found a way of talking to each other, of going into a corner.”

President Bush has resisted suggestions that his administration enter into dialogue with Iran about Iraq. The bipartisan Iraq Study Group proposed a regional conference, including Iran and Syria, in its report issued this week.
Top Shiite and Kurdish leaders oppose such a conference. But Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said this week that he would send envoys to discuss such a gathering and might agree to one if it were held in Iraq.
The Bush administration has repeatedly refused to speak directly with Iran unless it suspends uranium enrichment, which the U.S. believes is aimed at making nuclear weapons. Iran maintains its nuclear program is peaceful.
The U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Zalmay Khalilzad, was authorized earlier this year to talk to the Iranians but only about Iraq. Iran refused.
Many, including former President Bill Clinton, have said that Iran, because of its Shiite majority and its interest in stemming the flow of Iraqi refugees across its border, can play a vital role.

“Whatever they say, whatever they do, a peaceful Iraq on their border is in (Iran’s) best interest,” Annan said.

There have been suggestions that Annan might serve as a broker for such a conference after his term as secretary-general ends Dec. 31. When a reporter brought it up on Friday, the U.N. chief said, to laughter from the audience, “I have plans.”
On other topics, Annan said the U.N. had often failed to protect human rights, citing in particular its inability to deal with violence in Darfur.
In a clear reference to that conflict, Annan stressed that “respect for national sovereignty can no longer be used as an excuse for inaction in the face of genocide” and other atrocities. The secretary-general said he feared the pledge to “never again” remain silent about genocide was “ringing hollow.”
The Security Council has insisted that U.N. peacekeepers sent to Darfur must have the consent of Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Kofi is a cancer on the face of the earth. Kofi your check from Iran will be in the mail. And who the heck wants Bill Clinton having a say in any of this.

09 Dec

The Pelosi-Conyers Team:Helping Terrorists and Illegal Aliens

The Pelosi-Conyers Team:Helping Terrorists and Illegal Aliens
It didn’t take long before the new Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and the new chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Rep. John Conyers started making noises on how they can further undermine efforts to protect Americans from terrorist attacks.
Speaker-elect Pelosi (D-CA) is co-sponsoring the “End Racial Profiling Act”, according to syndicated columnist Sher Zieve. The proposed bill is said to have been prompted by the recent removal of six Muslim imams, who are reported to have acted in a decidedly provocative manner, from a US Airways’ flight. The problem with using this act to curb so-called profiling is that the persons who demanded the removal of the suspcious Muslims do not work for the US government.
Pelosi and Conyers are calling for the end of all racial profiling, additional severe limits placed on the Patriot Act and the implementation of broad-based US citizenship for illegal aliens.
Pelosi said:

“Since September 11th, many Muslim Americans have been subjected to searches at airports and other locations based upon their religion and national origin, without any credible information linking individuals to criminal conduct. Racial and religious profiling is fundamentally un-American and we must make it illegal.”

However, she didn’t appear to care that millions of American travelers are routinely being inconvenienced by long lines, intrusive questioning and subjection to searches. In the world of Pelosi, in order prevent terrorists from commandeering a plane, airport security should allow Muslims to board unencumbered while grannies from Wisconsin are strip-searched and manhandled.
The other co-sponsor of the bill is Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), who is also reportedly preparing documents that would to lead to Articles of Impeachment against President Bush He is an interesting man.
Conyers’ congressional office manages an Arabic version of his official website. Reportedly he does the bidding of these inner-city constituents and the militant Islamist activists who feed off them.
They want to squash the Patriot Act and put a leash on the FBI agents, including stopping them from profiling Muslim suspects in terror investigations. They also want to end the use of undisclosed evidence against suspected Arab terrorists in deportation proceedings even if they are in the country illegally. And the 77-year-old Conyers has vowed to deliver those changes for them.
June 13, during the Muslim American Society fundraising dinner for Islamic Relief, a charity with links to the Muslim Brotherhood, Conyers and his wife were the guests of honor.
They watched and clapped as the Sanabel Al-Quds “dancing” troop from Milwaukee—featuring boys as young as seven—sang in Arabic of martyrdom and jihad for Allah and Palestine. They didn’t need to understand Arabic, as the young boys used a rifle to simulate killing and pistol-whipping, simulated throat-slittings and beheadings, and dishonored the American flag.
Another contributor to the Pelosi-Conyers Fifth Column is the mainstream news media who constantly told Americans prior to the November 7 elections that people such as Pelosi, Conyers and others are really moderating their positions. They are moderates compared to Mao Zedong.
The rest of the article is HERE

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I believe one of the Islamists’ true goal is to disarm us from within. The Democrats have put their party before being an American. They are truly the traitors and enemy within.

08 Dec

Jeane Kirkpatrick Dies

WASHINGTON — Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, an unabashed apostle of Reagan era conservatism and the first woman U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, has died.
The death of the 80-year-old Kirkpatrick, who began her public life as a Hubert Humphrey Democrat, was announced Friday at the senior staff meeting of the U.S. mission to the United Nations.
Spokesman Richard Grenell said that Ambassador John Bolton asked for a moment of silence. An announcement of her death also was posted on the Web site of the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative-oriented think tank here where she was a senior fellow.
Kirkpatrick’s assistant, Andrea Harrington, said that she died in her sleep at home in Bethesda, Md. late Thursday. The cause of death was not immediately known.

Kirkpatrick’s health had been in decline recently, Harrington said, adding that she was “basically confined to her house,” going to work about once a week “and then less and less.”

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said that Kirkpatrick, who had a reputation as a blunt and acerbic advocate:

“stood up for the interests of America while at the U.N., lent a powerful moral voice to the Reagan foreign policy and has been a source of wise counsel to our nation since leaving the government two decades ago. She will be greatly missed.”

Karlyn H. Bowman, a colleague of Kirkpatrick’s at AEI, called her:

“always insightful. Always interesting. Very thoughtful about modern American politics and foreign policy. A wonderful colleague.”

Jeane Kirkpatrick’s greatest speech at the GOP Convention in 1984. Sad to say it is as relevant today as it was twenty-two years ago.

This is the first Republican Convention I have ever attended. I am grateful that you should invite me, a lifelong Democrat. On the other hand, I realize that you are inviting many lifelong Democrats to join this common cause …
When the San Francisco Democrats treat foreign affairs as an afterthought, as they did, they behaved less like a dove or a hawk than like an ostrich – convinced it would shut out the world by hiding its head in the sand.
Today, foreign policy is central to the security, to the freedom, to the prosperity, even to the survival of the United States. And our strength, for which we make many sacrifices, is essential to the independence and freedom of our allies and our friends …
The United States cannot remain an open, democratic society if we are left alone — a garrison state in a hostile world. We need independent nations with whom to trade, to consult and cooperate. We need friends and allies with whom to share the pleasures and the protection of our civilization.
We cannot, therefore, be indifferent to the subversion of others’ independence or to the development of new weapons by our adversaries or of new vulnerabilities by our friends.
The last Democratic administration did not seem to notice much, or care much or do much about these matters …
Jimmy Carter looked for an explanation for all these problems and thought he found it in the American people. But the people knew better. It wasn’t malaise we suffered from; it was Jimmy Carter — and Walter Mondale. And so, in 1980, the American people elected a very different president. The election of Ronald Reagan marked an end to the dismal period of retreat and decline ….
The Reagan administration has helped to sustain democracy and encourage its development elsewhere. And at each step of the way, the same people who were responsible for America’s decline have insisted that the president’s policies would fail.
They said we could never deploy missiles to protect Europe’s cities. But today Europe’s cities enjoy that protection.
They said it would never be possible to hold an election in El Salvador because the people were too frightened and the country too disorganized …
They said that saving Grenada from terror and totalitarianism was the wrong thing to do – they didn’t blame Cuba or the communists for threatening American students and murdering Grenadians – they blamed the United States instead.
But then, somehow, they always blame America first.
When our Marines, sent to Lebanon on a multinational peacekeeping mission with the consent of the United States Congress, were murdered in their sleep, the “blame America first crowd” didn’t blame the terrorists who murdered the Marines, they blamed the United States.
But then, they always blame America first.
When the Soviet Union walked out of arms control negotiations, and refused even to discuss the issues, the San Francisco Democrats didn’t blame Soviet intransigence. They blamed the United States.
But then, they always blame America first.
When Marxist dictators shoot their way to power in Central America, the San Francisco Democrats don’t blame the guerrillas and their Soviet allies, they blame United States policies of 100 years ago.
But then, they always blame America first.
The American people know better.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
We’ve lost another grown-up. Godspeed, Ambassador Kirkpatrick..

08 Dec

New York Post Speaks Out With Their Frontpage

New York Post
WASHINGTON – The Iraq Study Group report delivered to President Bush yesterday contains 79 separate recommendations – but not one that explains how American forces can defeat the terrorist insurgents, only ways to bring the troops home.
Declaring the situation “grave and deteriorating,” the high-powered commission proposed the United States talk directly to terror abettors Iran and Syria to get their cooperation, and commit to removing U.S. combat troops in early 2008.
Reaction to the much-anticipated report was swift:
* President Bush called it a “tough” assessment of U.S. involvement in Iraq and said he would treat all of its recommendations seriously, but he didn’t publicly embrace any of the proposals.
* White House spokesman Tony Snow later rejected the call for America to have open dialogue with enemy Iran, saying that could happen only after the Islamic state halted uranium enrichment.
* Democrats in Congress heartily embraced the study, saying it offered Bush some good ideas, and put the burden on him to accept some of them.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Thank you Rhod for sending me this Frontpage graphic. It is sooooooo perfect!

08 Dec

Baker Reacts To ‘surrender monkey’ Press ~ LOL

State James Baker (L) and former Rep. Lee Hamilton (D-IN)

Baker reacts to ‘surrender monkey’ press
Washington Times
Between prime-time Senate hearings and crowded press conferences today, elder statesman and former Secretary of State James A. Baker III was shown today’s New York Post, which on the cover portrays him as a “surrender monkey.”
Beneath that wartime headline are two shaggy crouched monkeys with the faces of Mr. Baker and former Rep. Lee Hamilton.

“Lovely,” he said as he took the paper in his hands and reviewed it closely. “If we’re getting attacked by this rag, you know we’re doing something right,” he said.

On the widescreen television nearby, President Bush was holding a press conference with British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Mr. Bush was saying how he would tell Syria to stop destabilizing things in Iraq.
Mr. Baker — widely beloved for his skills at diplomacy — offered no reaction to Mr. Bush’s strategy. He simply picked up the New York Post, opened past the cover bearing his visage, and began reading the five pages of coverage.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LMAO he doesn’t like it. Make my day.
Here is a quote by Lyn Nofziger

“Baker’s a guy who’s arrogant, who thought he knew better than the president,” Mr. Nofziger says of Mr. Baker. “I don’t think he’s an honorable man. And you can quote me.”

The Baker-Saudi Arabia Connection:
* In the past few years, Baker Botts–which employs about 700 lawyers, has had annual revenues of about $365 million and operates offices in Austin, Baku, Dallas, London, Moscow, New York, Riyadh and Washington, DC.
* In 2005, the firm expanded its presence in the region by opening an office in Dubai to complement the existing office in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
* When two of the most powerful members of the House of Saud–the Saudi defense minister, Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, and his brother, Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz Al- Saud, the governor of Riyadh–needed lawyers to defend them against a lawsuit brought against them and other Saudis by survivors of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Sultan and Salman hired Baker Botts.
* The Baker Botts legal team has openly acknowledged in their brief that Prince Sultan bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud has for the past 16 years approved regular payments of about $266,000 a year to the International Islamic Relief Organization—a large Saudi charity whose U.S. offices were last year raided by federal agents.
Sources: BakerBotts.com, Newsweek