10 Dec

In Country With Our Troops ~ Raiders of The Thundering Third

Song is “Out of My Way” by Seether.

BobF says:

That was GREAT!
It pisses me off to no end when some a-holes say were losing the war. We didn’t loose the war here or in Vietnam. The politicians and diplomats are screwing the pooch and the Armed Forces are taking the rap. Shoot, in Vietnam the bombing campaigns of Rolling Thunder and ARC Light had the North on their knees and our politicians let them up. It gets me so upset to know American Blood is being shed because of PC Bovine Scatology of politicians. This Iraq crap could have ended back in 1991 if Bush-1 hadn’t put the leash of Schwarzkopf and would have allowed him to march into Baghdad.

TomR says:

Remember that Bush 43 said he would not get into “nation building”. Well we are nation building and culture “amending” and this I don’t think we will win.
America doesn’t lose wars, we lose political and diplomatic contests.
I agree with Bob. The politicians/diplomats could not stomach the results of the “Highway of Death/Road to Hell” out of Kuwait City and ended the First Gulf War just as we were about to wipe out Saddam’s Revolutionary Guards divisions. In Vietnam we would not march north or take out Hanoi-Haiphong.
Now we have study groups to advise us how to lose this war.

Wild Thing says:

Bob your so right, we did not loose in Vietnam nor now. But the awful politicans sure spend every waking minute to try and tell the world the opposite. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Wild Thing says:

Tom…..”Now we have study groups to advise us how to lose this war.” ……. exactly, that is what they are trying to do and the media is giving them 100% backing in their horrible efforts.

Jack says:

It’s the same old cold war “Detente” bullshit being replayed by the same old gutless politicians and Communist appeasers against the same old enemies. It’s Russia and China that pull the puppet strings of the camel jockeys and keep them at our throats with arms and advisors. We pump 23% of the U.N budget into keeping these ragheads well armed and protected. The war in Iraq was declared a victory, we were supposed to train their infrastructure, their elected leaders chose not to remove al-Sadr, Bush acquiesced in favor of Malaki, the “Iranian and Syrian” exile. I can’t blame Bush either, he had lots of help from his RINO buddies in the Senate and Congress. They and the Democrats pushed for a negotiated settlement, that has been the United States downfall for 60 years. You go to war to win and vanquish your enemies, not to make friends with them. This whole thing is like a scene out of Gulliver’s Travels with American and British youth dying for a cause their leaders only halfassed support.