Sen. John Kerry, whose botched joke about U.S. troops in Iraq dealt a blow to his presidential ambitions, will travel to Iraq this weekend to meet with soldiers, political leaders and military officials.
“I’ve talked to plenty of guys who’ve come back from Iraq, who are there now, who understand exactly what happened,” Kerry said of his joke in a telephone interview Tuesday with The Associated Press. “They laugh at it.”
The Iraq stop will be part of a nine-day Mideast trip that includes stops in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Israel.
A week before the midterm elections, Kerry told a group of California students that individuals who don’t study hard and do their homework would likely “get stuck in Iraq.” He said he meant to say “get us stuck in Iraq,” but the botched joke intended to criticize President Bush forced the senator to apologize and then lay low for the remaining days of the campaign.

The Massachusetts senator, who was widely criticized for the quip, said he’d be happy to apologize to any soldiers he encounters in Iraq who don’t understand what happened.
Kerry will spend the latter part of his trip with a potential presidential rival and fellow member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Christopher Dodd of Connecticut. Sen. John McCain of Arizona, considered the Republican front-runner in the 2008 race, also plans a trip to Iraq.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Another “tour of duty” for Ketchup Boy almost as long as the first one. Who, but a terrorist, would want to see this traitor??!!
He did not study hard and get good grades. Now he gets stuck in Iraq. How fitting.
Lets start a lottery on ‘How many War Medals’ will john kerry file for when he returns from Iraq!
I guess two:
1. Being forced to eat GI food.
2. Wind burn
Don’t our soldiers have enough to endure without this asshole coming there? And during the Christmas season, they should give bonus pay to whoever has to be in his detail.
“I’ve talked to plenty of guys who’ve come back from Iraq, who are there now, who understand exactly what happened,” Kerry said of his joke in a telephone interview Tuesday with The Associated Press. “They laugh at it.”
I feel bad for the troops that have to do the photo ops with him! Maybe he wants to give them advice on how to get medals with no flesh wounds? I’d love for some guy to ask him if the the three Purple Heart rule is still in effect. Then kick Kerry in the glutes! Or better yet, wouldn’t it be GREAT if our military commanders don’t make our soldiers, Marines, etc. show up to greet this creep. If they do have to I hope he is met with a HUGE sign that says…
“Welcome to Cambodia…”
And what the heck are they going to Syria etc. for???
And Dodd? augh! Dodd is a Castro and Chavez apologist…and we know that carry sent a “welcome me to the White House” letter, back in 2004, to Iran!
From our awesome troops knowing about the Cindy Sheehans, the anti-war protests with signs saying “kill your officers”, the media slandering and attacking every breath, every shot ouor troops make, every move they make. Attacks from the democrats and Murtha, Kerry, Reid, Pelosi, Kennedy and others in particular. Dear God make it stop. Haven’t the poor troops been through enough?
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