02 Nov

His Name Is Jack and He Is A Hero!

He is the soldier, who more than a decade ago first warned the Pentagon about the Russian Mafia selling suitcase nuclear bombs to terrorist supporting nations. Suitcase nuke proliferation is reportedly much worse since Idema first told the Pentagon what he learned from the Lithuanian KGB about the illicit traffic. That story by the way, won major awards when reported by CBS “60 Minutes”, though CBS chose not to credit their major source – Jonathan K. Idema.
He is Former Green Beret Sgt. Jonathan Keith Idema, who was known only as “Jack” in Afghanistan. For more details of his extensive background go here.
To Idema, the allied strategy of ‘hunkering down’ guaranteed defeat against the cunning and nimble Taliban and Al Qaeda. “That’s why Alexander lost, that’s why the British lost…and we’re going to lose too,” Idema said at the time. “You can’t beat these guys with (conventional forces) and armored tanks. We can only beat them by CIA and Special Forces riding around on…camels and horses, wearing their clothes, eating their…food and hunting (them).”
That, Idema said, was precisely what he and Task Force Saber 7 did.
Please go to Cao’s Blog to get a very complete and detailed history of what has been happening to Jack Idema. Of how he and his men were put in prison. You will learn how Jack and his men Task Force Saber 7 were declared innocent of all charges , YEP that was March of 2005 . THIS YEAR and they are still in prison! Read why, it is an amazing and almost hard to believe story except that it is all true! It is NOT a movie that is done in 2 or 3 hours. It is real, it is terrifying and it has to do with men that lived in danger to fight terrorism so that it would not come on our shores again here in the United States of America.
Wild Thing comment……..
Our enemy and the enemy that Israel has had for over 50 years are one and the same. They follow the Quran, worship death including their own and send their own children off to be suicide bombers. They are all are ALL members of the Muslim Brotherhood !

“Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.” Motto of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Never forget the things said and why it was so important to have men like Jack and Task Force Saber 7 out there for us, for America.

“Carrying out terrorism…is one of the tenets of our religion and Shari’ah…This war is fundamentally religious…Under no circumstances should we forget this enmity between us and the infidels. For the enmity is based on creed.” – Osama Bin Laden

“We do not differentiate between those dressed in military uniforms and civilians; they are all targets in this fatwah.” – Osama Bin Laden

Osama Bin Laden’s lieutenant Ayman al-Zawahri has said….””What you have seen, O Americans, in New York and Washington and the losses you are having in Afghanistan and Iraq, in spite of all the media blackout, are only the losses of the initial clashes. If you continue the same policy of aggression against Muslims, God willing, you will see the horror that will make you forget what you had seen in Vietnam.”

I read everything I could find to teach myself about Islam, sought out articles and books on how terrorists work and their cells, so many things. That is why I am so shocked when I hear someone, anyone, a civilian, a Politician, anyone in our Government say that Islam is a Religion of Peace and Love. For anyone to use those words referring to Islam is not only lying to the world, but they are also lying to themselves. By saying such things they shred my confidence in them as to their mental state and intelligence. If it is meant to kiss up to the Nation of Islam, to the Muslims living here in America, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan etc. it does not work. It does not change followers of Islam’s hate toward infidels and it most certainly angers the hell out of me I can tell you.
Now look every man in my family has served this country. They represent every branch and a few of them were in situations my family could not know where they were, what they were doing, and what mission they were on. You have seen movies of Military operations that no one is supposed to know about and then what happens….the governmdent says I never knew you. It is a deal made in hell for our service men. But they do it and they damn well do it well! Jack took the risks, he and his fellow men. Risks of great danger and he is innocent of charges made against him. Even the court said so, so I want the back slapping politicians, and our Governemnt to stop the BS about this and take care of business not leaving anyone behind, not turning their backs on those fighting terrorism.
To men like Jack and our Military Duty , Honor, Country DO mean something and we need to show them that we know what it means too. How often have any of us said, I know I thknk it every day……My Freedom came at the highest cost of all and I can never repay it . But we can at least try and that means writing letters, making phone calls and doing what we can to get the truth out about men like Jack Idema and Task Force Saber 7…….because they are Heroes! I have met thousands of men and women in the Military over the years and one thing that stands out is that the Oath they took did not stop when they got out of the service. For them it continues even today. So our support should continue as well……never ending, never wavering.

31 Oct

Bush Hits a Grand Slam

Our President has chosen Federal Judge Samuel Alito as his next Supreme Court nominee. Alito is often called “Scalito” because of his judicial similarity to Justice Scalia. I am proud of President Bush, he has indeed gotten the message and will no longer alow the minority Democrats to dictate who his nominees will be.
Now let the fight begin and I am ready for it. I am sick up to ^ with the Dems behaving like they are the Majority and treating us like we are renting the country from them. I am thrilled with this choice!
Harry Reid is crying this Halloween night he won’t get any candy either! Here is what he had to say……

“I am disappointed in this choice for several reasons. First, unlike previous nominations, this one was not the product of consultation with Senate Democrats. Last Friday, Senator Leahy and I wrote to President Bush urging him to work with us to find a consensus nominee. The President has rejected that approach.”

Kennedy has not chimmed in yet but he may have to eat his words ……heh heh……….

SEN. TED KENNEDY (D-MA): “You Have Obviously Had A Very Distinguished Record, And I Certainly Commend You For Long Service In The Public Interest. I Think It Is A Very Commendable Career And I Am Sure You Will Have A Successful One As A Judge.” (Sen. Ted Kennedy, Committee On The Judiciary, U.S. Senate, Hearing, 4/5/90)

Howard Dean is well, I have not seen what he said yet. I will post it later when I see it.

Let’s look back in time to what some of the DemoRats have said about Alito:
SEN. FRANK LAUTENBERG (D-NJ): “I Believe Mr. Alito Has The Experience And The Skills To Be The Kind Of Judge The Public Deserves – One Who Is Impartial, Thoughtful, And Fair. I Urge The Senate To Confirm His Nomination.” (Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Congressional Record, 4/27/90, p. S5281)
FORMER SEN. BILL BRADLEY (D-NJ): “[T]he Confirmation Of Sam Alito As U.S. Attorney For New Jersey Is Testimony To The Commitment He Has Shown And The Success Of His Efforts As A Law Enforcement Official. I Am Confident That He Will Continue To Do All He Can To Uphold The Laws Of This Nation With The Kind Of Determination And Vigor That Has Been His Trademark In The Past.” (Sen. Bill Bradley, Congressional Record, 12/8/87, p. S17427)


Judge Alito’s first confirmation – in April of 1990. He was confirmed by unanimous consent – reported favorably from the Democrat-controlled Judiciary Committee by none other than Joe Biden.
Nineteen currently serving Senate Democrats were part of that unanimous consent.
Christopher Dodd
Joseph Lieberman
Joseph Biden
Daniel Inouye
Tom Harkin
Paul Sarbanes
Barbara Mikulski
Edward Kennedy
John Kerry
Carl Levin
Max Baucus
Harry Reid
Frank Lautenberg
Jeff Bingaman
Kent Conrad
Patrick Leahy
Robert Byrd
Jay Rockefeller
Herbert Kohl
Check out other webblogs that are posting about this too. Beth at My Vast Right Wing Conspiracy even has fireworks. Tah dah!
STOP The ACLU, and Don Surber, a very nice photo of Samuel Alito’s family over at Wizbang’s
Banner from Blogs for Bush

30 Oct

Happy Halloween -Hope You Get Lots of Candy

I wish you all a wonderful Halloween, lots of treats and light on the tricks.



This is a Video of Happy Halloween Osama


Beth er ah Bloodthirsty evil terror of hostility (naw she is really nice) has a What is your Monster Name.
What is your Monster Name

Your Monster Profile

Cruel Destroyer

You Feast On: Pickles

You Lurk Around In: Wal-mart

You Especially Like to Torment: British People

Linda at Something….and Half of Something has a cool blue hew to Mr. Pumpkin. Very sexy but then my favorite color is blue. Haha
It is always nice to see a healthy appreciation of the arts, heh heh, I mean the art of celebrating Halloween. Now this costume is a winner! See it over at Sondra’s Knowledge if Power
Look where Homer finds himself over at Stark Truth.I love it!
And of course a wonderful Patriotic Pumpkin Chrys has at Pettifog
Cathy at Sunday Morning Coffee has a wonderful scary story to share The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe .Poe is so perfect for Halloween.

30 Oct

By All Means… Let’s Help Them Get To Paradise

What is next Disneyland for Terrorists? Good grief now we hear that the so called “martyrs”, you know the death seekers and destroyers aka suicide bombers might be called “Paradise Operations”.
How about a response to the lefties that used this last week for their acts of the most vile, sick, unbeliveable, disgusting behavior to our troops, their families and loved ones. The lefties want us to pull out of Iraq, they want us to fail, they pray that we fail. But they can put their opinion where the sun does not shine. And go back to living under a rock some place….bye wouldn’t want to be ya!
Instead let’s see what the Media does not want us to know. What they just can’t stand to share and they know about it but to them it would show how great our Military is and how awesome are troops are in all they have accompolished!
This is why are troops are there and should stay there until the job is complete. Click Here to see Video

And this is what our troops have to say to the lefties, the anti-Americans!



“For all the free people that still protest.
You’re welcome.
We protect you and you are protected by the best.
Your voice is strong and loud,
but who will fight for you? No one standing in your crowd.
We are your fathers, brothers, and sons,
wearing the boots and carrying guns.
We are the ones that leave all we own,
to make sure your future is carved in stone.
We are the ones who fight and die,
We might not be able to save the world,
Well, at least we try.
We walked the paths to where we are at
and we want no choice other than that.
So when you rally your group to complain,
take a look in the back of your brain.
In order for that flag you love to fly
wars must be fought and young men must die.
We came here to fight for the ones we hold dear.
If that’s not respected, we would rather stay here.
So please stop yelling, put down your signs,
and pray for those behind enemy lines.
And then when the conflict is over and all is well,
be thankful that we chose to go through hell.”
Corporal Joshua Miles
and all the boys from
3rd Battalion 2nd Marines, Kuwait

29 Oct

Theodore’s World A Little of This and a Little of That

Here at Theodore’s World aka PC Free Zone Gazette. There are sometimes things that a photo speaks for itself, or there may be something that is not important enough to do an entire post about. Like spending more then a few words on the likes of breeder Sheehan and her vileness.
And then of course I love posting photos of our awesome troops.( big smile of pride on my face) I am so very proud of them.


Iraqi and Afghanistan Navy

Breeder (no Mother as far as I am concerned)Cindy Sheehan
The face of the Democratic anti-war movement. She was the face of the Democratic base. At the National Press Club. She spoke to a nearly empty room. There were only a couple of foreign journalists there. Zilch attendance. Nobody cared that Cindy Sheehan was speaking. ha ha ho ho heh heh……Your 15 minutes of fame are up Cindy!

They hate America and Israel
They want us dead, but not right now they are busy praying……
A few years ago I got this from my friend Linda at Something….And Half of Something and I saved it. heh heh

Our Troops are the best!

Something special for Looters

I’ve joined The Weekend Trackback Party at Stop the ACLU and Beth’s Weekend Link Whorage Open Trackback Post Covered Fest Carnival Dish Also at the Mudville Gazette where he reminds us it is Lady Liberty’s Birthday! Tah dah! I am so glad we have Lady Liberty. Also at Wizbang’s Carnival of the Trackbacks XXXV This is my very first time to be a part of a Trackback Party so I am very excited about this.

28 Oct

“A World Without Zionism”…. I think NOT!

Addressing a meeting titled, “A World Without Zionism”, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad provided with a look into his demented mind, the way Hitler did in Mein Kampf.

He declared “The world arrogant powers founded the Zionist regime at the heart of the Muslim world as a base for their own expansionist intentions.”

He added that a world with out the United States and Israel is a possibility.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stood by his call for Israel to be ‘wiped off the map’, as thousands of Iranians marched through Tehran on Friday chanting ‘death to Israel’ and ‘death to America’. My words are the exact words of the Iranian people,” said the hardline President.

An Iranian protester shouts slogans against the U.S. and Israel during a Jerusalem Day demonstration outside Tehran university, before Friday prayers, in Tehran October 28, 2005. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stood by his call for Israel to be ‘wiped off the map’, as thousands of Iranians marched through Tehran on Friday chanting ‘death to Israel’ and ‘death to America’. REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi
Iran ‘lets al-Qaeda roam free’
From correspondents in Berlin
October 27, 2005
IRAN is permitting around 25 high-ranking al-Qaeda members to roam free in the country’s capital, including three sons of Osama bin Laden, a German monthly magazine reports.
Citing information from unnamed Western intelligence sources, the magazine Cicero said in a preview of an article appearing in its November edition that the individuals in question are from Egypt, Uzbekistan, Saudi Arabia and Europe. They are living in houses belonging to Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, the report said.
“This is not incarceration or house arrest,” a Western intelligence agent was quoted as saying. “They can move around as they please.”
The three sons of Osama bin Laden in Iran are Saeed, Mohammad and Othman, Cicero reported. Another person enjoying the support of the Revolutionary Guards is al-Qaeda spokesman Abu Ghaib, the report said.
Iran first said late last year that it had arrested and would try a number of foreigners suspected of having links to al-Qaeda, a loose network of military groups that Washington blames for the attacks of September 11, 2001 and bomb attacks in Spain, Indonesia, Egypt and elsewhere.
The report in Cicero also accused the Revolutionary Guards’ secret service of offering logistical support and military training to senior al-Qaeda leaders.
Iran has repeatedly denied any link to or support of al-Qaeda.
Britain and the United States suspect Iran of supporting insurgents in Iraq, a charge Tehran has vehemently denied.

Wild Thing comment….

Islam and most of the Arabs have made it clear that they want the world at any cost beginning with Israel, then America and the rest of the free world. When the Muslims live in any free world, they demand their own way of life, schools, courts, say it and then the rest of the governments bow down to their demands. The Muslims are not interested in peace, They want to convert the rest of the world to Islam period. Open your eyes wide and see what is happening around you and do not be fooled.
It is a mistake to view the antagonists in the Middle East as the Palestinians against the Israelis. The fact is that it is the Palestinians and their allies against the United States and Israel. As Abbas went off to meet President Bush, official Palestinian radio was denouncing the United States because it had placed Saddam Hussein on trial.
Our leaders, and all the American people need to equate Palestinian terrorists with bin Laden and the Taliban. If we don’t then our war on terrorism is hypocrisy and will never be successful. He cannot fight one terrorist and coddle another and expect that we will believe he is sincere. Israel’s enemies are OUR enemies here in the United States.
I have news for you, you cowardly, sniveling, moon god worshiping hostage taker and torturer. The real God is in charge. And you are not even a speed bump to Him. Enjoy Hell–you earned it.
You can also read more about this at the awesome site Jihad Watch

28 Oct

American Fighting Men and Women

Click the Photo above to hear a song
This is my answer to the Cindy Sheehans, Michael Moore’s, MoveOn.Org etc.and others here at my Traitors To America page at my web site, of this world,all the lefties that hate America, that abuse the freedoms we have by the things they say and do that go beyond the pale!

The American Fighting man

James L. Wattenbarger

I fought the British red coats; Served Washington with pride. I Marched with Grant, and yes, with Lee. I fell at Custer’s side. I made the charge up San Juan hill. I “held” at the Alamo. A threat to peace– The first world war, And I was called to go.
I shed my blood throughout War II, on sand and jungle tree; They pulled me from the flaming wrecks; They buried me at sea. At Korea’s thirty eighth parallel I soldiered amid the sham. I left my loved ones, took up arms, And died in Vietnam.
On every conceivable battlefield, Desert sand to jungle marsh, I suffer the agonies, the mortal wounds, In conditions most brutal and harsh. I’ve viewed the bombed out cities And grieved for all that’s lost; I ponder, in my saddest hour. . What could warrant such human cost?
The answer, of course, is freedom!
Freedom defines the job I do. I volunteer, I’m called, I serve, On freedom’s maintenance crew. Yes, career or citizen soldier, I serve the higher plan, Of honor, God, and country–
I’m the American fighting man!

This is my most favorite quote…..

No Word Was Ever Spoken
That Held Out Greater Hope,
Demanded Greater Sacrifice,
Needed More To Be Nurtured,
Blessed More The Giver,
Cursed More Its Destroyer,
Or Came Closer To Being God’s Will On Earth.
And I Think That’s Worth Fighting For.”
General Omar Bradley

Wild Thing’s Comment ….Regarding the terrorists:

KILL them ALL, do NOT take any as prisoners!
If I could have it my way we would NOT take ANY prisoners!
No, not one!
My vote would be to take that money we use to feed, put a roof over their sick heads,clothes on the ugly backs of the terrorists and give it to our troops and their families instead!
Let the Anti-American lefties feed them since they want to help them so much like Code Pink donating money to the insurgents.
And their celebrating the deaths of those in our Military.
The terrorists do not deserve to LIVE not even for one tiny second!
They worship death so I say let’s help them obtain what they worship so desperately!
A dead terrorist is unable to do any more damage.
And don’t give me that crap about how we would make them “martyrs”!
I would rather have them DEAD under any circumstances!
And there is NO way they would be true martyrs!

The out of control, UN-American, PRO Saddam, Pro death to Americans
and death to our troops peaceniks, ACLU and all the various groups that lie in wait to use the death of one of our own to make their sick attempt at saying see we are loosing the war we need
to leave, get out etc. when we (our fine Military) are WINNING and people are voting and improvements are being made in Iraq by our Military!
You guessed it, I dearly wish they would go away, go live in a country that is more suited to their socialist /Communist low life standards.
Teachers letting kids out of school to protest the war in Iraq.
Teachers doing this with kids to get them to protest.
Unbelievable! Little Johnny can’t read, but by golly he can be used by his socialist minded teacher to promote her agenda against America!

Thousands upon thousands of men and women have served my country and thousands have died to give me my freedom.Each and every one of them Americans!
And when it comes to a war called Vietnam, those who served from my land did the right thing. They fought to keep communism from spreading. Spreading one day to our very shores.
Yes it is here now and has seats in both Houses in government, and I hate that. BUT those men and women that went and fought in Vietnam did it with such honor and duty to country. I will love them with all that is in me. Just as I respect and love their patriotism the troops today, fighting terrorist in Iraq.

I want this war to be done quickly. But I also do not want it to be a war that is not finished, a war undone with lives of our men and women brought back knowing it was not run by the military but by politicians and peaceniks and polls. I don’t want the lives we have already lost at Kandahar, Kuwait, Iraq yes and other places to be on a wall and our goals in this war not accomplished.

We are at War!
I am sick and tired of those gutless, pansy-*ssed liberals who refuse to pick up a rifle and step up to the plate to defend our nation. And the men and women that choose to NOT show support for our troops!
I am sick to my gut with the media whose constant diet of military
bashing has hurt us so painfully in the past.
Our young men and women deserve something our Viet Nam veterans NEVER HAD…..and that is HOME SUPPORT!
As for me, personally, if I see just a hint of the gutless
jerks I referred to above I can ONLY see them in one light – that being an enemy of my country now.
And you can take that to the bank!
It’s TIME to show our true character as a nation.
One nation…under God…fighting for the right stuff.
And it is our military who are going to pay the bill.
And for me I Support our Troops with all my Heart and Soul!

27 Oct

Know Thy Enemy

Note that most of their service providers are American companies, despite the fact that the PIJ is a designated terrorist group.
Al Qaida makes extensive use of the internet to plan and execute operations, train and indoctrinate new generations of terrorists, and generally to overcome what limits the occupation of Afghanistan by US and Coalition forces imposes on them. The Internet is another front, another theater of operations.

“Being sneaky is hard work, and if aggressive measures cause jihadis to work harder and be more sneaky, the end result is more opportunities for them to slip up and for us to catch them when they do.”-Aaron Weisburd (Global Jihad, the Internet and Opportunities for Counter-Terror Operations)

Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Where it comes from and other information,
Registrar: Intercosmos Media Group Inc., New Orleans, LA USA
Datacenter: Savvis Communications, Town & Country, MO USA
Webhost: DiscountASP.NET, Los Angeles, CA USA
DNS Service Provider: DiscountASP.NET, Los Angeles, CA USA
Summary of Domain Whois:
(oldest known whois record)
abdullah, ramadan
hamra st

Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Where it comes from and other information
Registrar: Network Solutions, Herndon, VA USA
Datacenter: Telecommunications Company of Iran (TCI), Tehran, IR
Webhost: Telecommunications Company of Iran (TCI), Tehran, IR
DNS Service Provider: Network Solutions, Herndon, VA USA
Summary of Domain Whois:
(oldest known whois record)
(current record)
Khayat, Radwan
Faiha 70700

Palestinian Islamic Jihad
Where it comes from and other information:
Registrar: Intercosmos Media Group Inc., New Orleans, LA USA
Datacenter: ThePlanet.com, Dallas, TX USA
Webhost: M6.net hosting, Huntsville, AL USA
DNS Service Provider: M6.net hosting, Huntsville, AL USA
Summary of Domain Whois:
(current record, no changes)
jimail, smith jdomains2004@yahoo.com
Beirut, Beirut 14-5503

26 Oct

A Thank You to My Blog Mom

Hot off the Press at PC Free Zone Gazette at Theodore’s World….Yep right here at my little Blog
Something I would like to share.
My Blog began Sept.of this year.
I want to thank my Blog Mom.

This is a picture of Linda….my Blog Mom

A year ago I got up my nerve to have a web site. My Blog Mom helped me step by step how to do a web site. She is an excellent teacher. Many times she would say do you understand and I would say a yes but my voice said I think so, hmmmm not completely. haha She knew by my voice on the phone I didn’t ‘get it’ completely. Her patience was amazing and I finally did catch on and just as she said it would be second nature to me once I understood what to do. As I was doing the my web site she said to me that one day I would want to have a Blog. I said on noooo way. haha But once again she was right and a year to the day almost I said ” OK I want to have a Blog.”
I want to make this post as a tribute to her. Her name is Linda and she has the Blog ” Something…and Half of Something
Linda is one of my Heroes for many reasons. She is true to herself, she is real and her word means something. I am honored to call her my friend and we have become sort of adopted sisters over the years.
A person can count themselves rich beyond belief to know and have for a friend like Linda.

Thank you Blog Mom for being my inspiration and friend.