26 Jan

Sen. John Kerry Calls For a Filibuster of Samuel Alito’s Nomination

Kerry calling for a filibuster…….

Sen. John Kerry has decided to support a filibuster to block the nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, CNN’s Congressional Correspondent Ed Henry reported Thursday.
Kerry, in Davos, Switzerland, to attend the World Economic Forum, was marshaling support in phone calls during the day, Henry said.
He announced his decision Wednesday to a group of Democratic senators, urging they join him, Henry said. Kerry also has the support of his fellow Massachusetts senator, Democrat Edward Kennedy.
Some senior Democrats said they are worried that the move could backfire.
Republicans need 60 votes to overturn a filibuster.
Senior White House officials said the move makes the Democrats look bad, and Republicans already have enough votes to overcome any filibuster attempt.

The posters at the Democratic Underground are orgasmic…………

The Democratic Underground is threatning anyone that wants to be president in 2008 and does not have the balls to filibuster they will not support..this must be why Lurch is in a panic mode! hahaha too funny.
For those that can stand it, I couldn’t…….here is the entire BS from Kerry at HIS site…………………

Then there is this………………..
Democatic Sen. Johnson to Back Alito Jan 26 11:05 AM US/Eastern Democatic Sen. Johnson to Back Alito
Jan 26 11:05 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer
Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito picked up his second Democratic supporter on Thursday, with Tim Johnson of South Dakota announcing he will vote for the conservative judge to become the nation’s 110th justice.
Johnson joins fellow Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska as the only members of their party to announce Senate support for the conservative judge. Fifty-one Republicans are supporting Alito, guaranteeing his confirmation as the replacement for retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who throughout her years on the high court often has been a key fifth vote on contentious social issues including abortion, affirmative action and the death penalty.
Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito picked up his second Democratic supporter on Thursday, with Tim Johnson of South Dakota announcing he will vote for the conservative judge to become the nation’s 110th justice.
Johnson joins fellow Democrat Ben Nelson of Nebraska as the only members of their party to announce Senate support for the conservative judge.
Fifty-one Republicans are supporting Alito, guaranteeing his confirmation as the replacement for retiring Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who throughout her years on the high court often has been a key fifth vote on contentious social issues including abortion, affirmative action and the death penalty.


* Michelle Malkin

26 Jan

Helen Thomas Babbles On and On and On…..

President Bush today again avoided taking a question from White House doyenne Helen Thomas during his 45-minute press conference, even though he took questions from every reporter around her front-row, center seat.
“He’s a coward,” Thomas said afterward. “He’s supposed to be this macho guy. He’ll take on Osama bin Laden, but he won’t take me on.”
Thomas, who worked as the UPI White House reporter for 57 years and is now a columnist, raised her hand every time the president was concluding an answer to a reporter’s question, but he never called on her.
She had a few questions in mind, though. “I wanted to ask about Iraq: ‘You said you didn’t go in for oil or for Israel or for WMDs. So why did you go in?’ ”
She also had another question at the ready, just in case, this one about the president’s contention that a 28-year-old wiretapping law known as FISA is out of date, which prompted him to order the National Security Agency to conduct a secret electronic surveillance program that Democrats contend is illegal.
“You keep saying it’s a 1978 law, but the Constitution 200 years old. Is that out of date, too?”
Afterward, Thomas sat sullenly in her chair in the White House press work area, huddled in her leopard-print winter coat.
But as she left, she made a prediction: “He came on to my turf. I’ll bet the next press conference will be in Room 450 of the EEOB,” a theater-style room in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, where she would not be in the front row.

Wild Thing comment………
Now wait a dog gone minute here……. “He won’t take me on?” Hey Helen why would be want to. He is the President. Hellooooo Helen! Maybe he was afraid he would turn to stone if he looked directly at her.
“He came on to my turf.” Actually Helen you are on the people’s turf.

Just chill out Helen and remember the good ole days with Clinton…………

“I did not have sex with THIS woman”…Bill Clinton

26 Jan

What A Good Nights Sleep Will Do For A Person

Susan Estrich was on Fox News again the other day and looked well rested. giggle
All was well till she spoke. Now if she could just do something about her voice. It really grates and there is nothing she can do about it I guess. Then how about becoming a Republican. haha Well that is positive thinking you see. heh heh

When I get wrinkles and this is now in print. I plan on keeping every one of them. My husband said it would be ok when it happens so why not. hahaha
I am fine with others doing stuff like getting rid of them but things like that scare me, what if the doc was having a bad day. Yikes

26 Jan

Dems Pick Villaraigosa to Rebut State of Union, in Spanish

Photo of Antonio Villaraigosa with Kerry during the last Presidential election year……………

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will give the Spanish-language response to President Bush’s State of the Union address on Tuesday, Democratic congressional leaders announced.
Villaraigosa has been seen as a rising Democratic star since his election in May as the first Hispanic in 133 years to lead Los Angeles, the country’s second-largest city. He will deliver his remarks from his Los Angeles office, said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
“Mayor Villaraigosa is working hard to increase economic opportunity and provide affordable and quality education for the people of Los Angeles,” Reid and Pelosi said in a joint statement Wednesday. “As the first Latino mayor of Los Angeles in more than a century, we are proud to have his diverse voice within the party.”
The Democrats’ English-language response is being given by newly elected Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine.
Hispanics are the nation’s largest minority group and a critical voting bloc that typically leans Democratic.
In the last presidential election, exit polls conducted for The Associated Press and television networks found Bush winning 44 percent of the Hispanic vote, up from 35 percent in 2000. Democratic Sen. John Kerry won 53 percent, down from 62 percent four years earlier for Democrat Al Gore.
Stop the presses…………Just who is Antonio Villaraigosa????

Antonio Villaraigosa (then, Tony Villar) leading a protest to include the Communist organization “Committee to Free Los Tres” on the Steering Committee of the Chicano Studies Center. UCLA campus, May 23, 1974.
While on campus, Villar joined the UCLA chapter of Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan (MEChA), and was part of its leadership by 1974. MEChA had only been founded as a regional movement in 1969, and in many ways, the UCLA chapter, and the radical Chicano student left today, is a direct product of Villar’s work then.
Villaraigosa refuses to repudiate the aims of Chicano separatists for a nation of Aztlan. Instead he hides behind the Museum of Tolerance, which is looking more and more like one of the old Communist Reeducation Camps.
Villaraigosa want illegal aliens to get taxpayer- provided college education!
Aztlan is the name Chicano activists have given California and the southwestern U.S., land taken from [sold by] Mexico after the War of 1848. Barbara Coe of CCIR said MEChA has distributed “anti-American hate literature on our campuses” and has attempted to “poison the minds of impressionable youth” with the assertion that the southwestern United States was stolen from Mexico.
Villaraigosa quotes….

” “I was chairperson of MEChA 20 some years ago,” Villaraigosa said. “I’m proud of it. ”
Villaraigosa sharply criticized unnamed Latino leaders for supporting legislation that denies driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. “They don’t belong in office, friends,” Villaraigosa said.

The current attitude of militant Hispanics toward the United States, the English language, European-Americans, and seizing control of the U.S. Southwest — or Aztlan — was revealed at a strategy session held in January 1995 at the University of California at Riverside under the title “Latino Leadership Summit Response to Prop 187.”
Antonio Villaraigosa was also a speaker at that meeting. Among the many declarations uttered at the meeting which Villaraigosa did not repudiate were “English should be a foreign language”; “We are hostages in our own land, prisoners of war”; “We live under occupying alien force.”; “We live in the annexed territories of Aztlan”; and “We’re in a state of war … a vicious threat to our existence.”
Although Villaraigosa was and is a public official, he did not condemn the repeated calls for the establishment of an independent country of Aztlan or the references to this country as “AmeriKKKa” and the “United Snakes of America.” In fact, Villaraigosa praised one of the participants, Jose Angel Gutierrez, Director of Mexican-American Studies Center at the University of Texas at Arlington, who has professed since 1970 that “Our devil has pale skin and blue eyes,” and who once said at a MAYA (Mexican American Youth Organization, the forerunner to MEChA) meeting, “To the gringos in the audience, I have one final message to convey, ‘Up yours, baby. You’ve had it, from now on.’ ”
Two of Antonio Villaraigosa’s close friends are California State Senator, Richard Alarcon and his sister, Evelina Alarcon. Evelina Alarcon is Vice Chair of CPUSA (Communist Party U.S.A.) and is chair of the Southern California District of the Communist Party USA and is the Secretary of its National Mexican American Equality Commission. She also writes editorials for the communist “People’s Weekly World.”
Wild Thing’s comment………
Will someone also deliver a speech in Polish? There’s a large voting block of poles in the US too. What about Italian? Or how about German, French, or Russian? Maybe he can even deliver it in Chinese and Japanese? I hear there are many immigrants in the US who came from those countries too. Oh yea I forgot, all these immigrants were decent enough to bother to learn the language. Like my parents did from Switzerland. hmmmmm Do you think our Forefathers are tired of turning over in their graves because of all the things the Democratic party does and says just about every day of the week?
I think everyone should take pride in their heritage and where and how their families came to this awesome country. They should pass down to their children the pride they had in coming here and the hope of a better future. And tell their children why this is the greatest Nation on earth and why we live in the land of the free. Teach them to respect our Military and the price they paid so we can live with the freedoms and security we have. To thank Veterans and why it is important never to forget what our Veterans have done for us and the world.
But to single out and encourage and pit one group against another. To demand and force on others a constant reminder of differences instead of oneness in ones land and country is not good. This kind of thing goes way beyond social get togethers of a Cinco de Mayo or Octoberfest, or when Italians, Greeks, Irish etc. celebrate.

“There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism…. A
hyphenated American is not an American at all… Americanism is a
matter of the spirit, and of the soul…The one absolutely certain way
of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its
continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a
tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of
German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English-Americans,
French-Americans…each preserving its separate nationality…. The
men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated
Americans…. There is no such thing as a hyphenated American who is a
good American.”
Theodore Roosevelt

25 Jan

The United Nations Film “Broken Promises”

We all know how vile the U.N. is and as for me I believe it is one of our enemies. I just found out about it today and am glad that at least this film was made , it is a start to bringing to the world how awful the U.N. is. When Arafat died, Flags were flown at half mast at the United Nations, as the world body paid tribute to late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat ( TERRORIST) by granting him the same honours as a head of state!!! UN Secretary General “Kofi Annan said of Arafats death that he was “deeply moved”. sheesh!!
Broken Promises…..the film
Executive Producers: David Bossie and Ron Silver
Written and Directed by Kevin Knoblock
Narrated by Ron Silver ( actor and he also voted for Bush, you may have seen him on Fox News a lot)

You can go HERE and then click on the trailer to see some of it.

A powerful documentary, newly released to DVD, illustrates the U.N.’s disturbing record of failure, nearly from the moment of its founding.
Broken Promises: The United Nations at 60 was produced by the Citizens United Foundation and actor Ron Silver, who also narrates it.
While the film doesn’t reveal any fresh U.N. scandals, it succeeds brilliantly in assembling the world body’s catalogue of ineptitude and corruption into a single, easy-to-understand narrative.
Like any good documentary, the film’s foundation is an extraordinary group of interviews with experts, scholars and notable figures. Through these interviews, the filmmakers successfully tell the story of U.N. failure from the world body’s founding through its most recent tragedies and scandals.
But the film’s most powerful moments are interviews with two victims of U.N. failure. The first is Eugenie Mukeshimana, a survivor of the Rwanda genocide. She recounts how she and her husband hid in separate houses as rampaging Hutus, bent on genocide, went from house to house, hacking her friends and neighbors to death with machetes. She describes surviving the initial onslaught even as the U.N. decided to pull 90 percent of its peacekeeping force out of the country. And she reveals that even as the U.N. sat by and did nothing, pro-Hutu radio stations were sponsoring the killings, featuring the most prolific murders on the air and urging Hutus to “stamp out the cockroaches.” She laments her husband’s murder and explains her fortunate escape.
Supplementing Eugenie’s tale are interviews with General Romeo Dallaire, the Canadian commander of the U.N. force in Rwanda, and Ken Cain, who was then working as a civilian staff member with the U.N.’s Rwanda mission. General Dallaire recounts his request for permission to engage his forces in order to stop the slaughter and the U.N.’s subsequent rejection of his request, explaining the need to maintain the appearance of the world body’s impartiality. The General describes how, after being forced to sit by and witness the slaughter, he took to leaving his base, alone and unescorted for hours on end, hoping to be killed.
The second interview with a U.N. victim is with Hasan Nuhanovic, a survivor of the effort by Serbs to exterminate Bosnian Muslims.
Hasan describes how, after fleeing the Serbs over the countryside, he and his family came to the U.N.-designated safe haven in the village of Srebrenica. There, Hasan found a battalion of Dutch troops operating as U.N. peacekeepers. After a short time, Hasan found himself working for the Dutch as a translator. For weeks, the Dutch troops and Bosnian locals knew that the Serbs would come. But the U.N. commanders promised that air support from NATO planes and the troops on the ground would protect the Bosnians.
When the Serbs did come, the air support did not. U.N. peacekeepers simply handed the Bosnians over to their executioners. Indeed, U.N. troops even forced Hasan’s family to leave the protection of their base and walk into the arms of the Serbs while Hasan stayed behind. As the Serbs rounded up the Bosnians throughout the safe-haven, Hasan describes how the U.N. troops sat in their barracks, drinking beer and listening to music. Years later, Hasan still has not discovered where the Serbs buried his family.
Others interviewed for the film include Natan Sharansky, former dissident in the Soviet Union and Israeli cabinet minister; Former U.S. Senator George Mitchell; Cuban-born U.S. Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen; Former Israeli Ambassador to the United National Dore Gold; and many others.
The film successfully weaves these tales of horror together with stories of U.N. corruption and scandal as well as a thoughtful discussion of the structural problems that are the recipe for the world body’s on-going failure to achieve its core mission: protecting peace and security. As such, it’s a must-see for anyone with an interest in the United Nations and the threat it poses to freedom in the 21st Century.

25 Jan

Help Be A Part of Letting Jack Idema Finish What He Started

Last week, I talked about the way in which the September 2004 trial which landed U.S. Special Forces soldier Jack Idema and his men in prison was actually conducted by the very terrorists he’d spent three years hunting down.
But there’s another side to the story of how Jack, Brent and Ed wound up in the infamous Pulacharke prison, and this involves elements within FBI and U.S. State Department, both of which have done everything within their power to hinder Jack Idema’s efforts to gain his freedom.
Idema’s problems, as those following this story know, appear to stem from his arrest of a senior Afghan judge, Sidiq, in July 2004. At this point in time, Jack was working with the Northern Alliance, operating a safe house where terror suspects could be held for interrogation prior to transfer to U.S. authorities. (There were fifty such safe houses in operation in Afghanistan, and their existence was not a secret from either the U.S. or Afghan authorities.) Although Idema knew the arrest of Sidiq might raise some eyebrows, he had good reason for believing the judge was a high-value suspect — At the time of the arrest, Sidiq was found to be in possession of the following items:
* Photographs of Sidiq with Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
* Bomb plans
* Explosive detonators
* al-Qaida and Hezb-i-Islami documents and recruiting cards
* A letter from Taliban leader Mullah Omar
Unfortunately for Idema, the arrest of Judge Sidiq seems to have prompted the Afghan interim government to move against Jack and his men. Sidiq was, after all, an important man, and his detention perhaps alarmed not only those ‘ex’-Taliban who were now working with the interim government, but also those sections of the FBI and State Department who still cling to myths like ‘containment’ and ‘realpolitik’.
Idema, it should go without saying, is very much the sort of man who believes that terrorists cannot be appeased or given settlements — They must, he says, be captured or killed. This difference of opinion came to a head in the following way:

Instead of a “friendly meeting” the men were arrested at Kabul NDS Headquarters and turned over to former Taliban officials at NDS. When first “arrested,” the men were placed in the NDS’ underground torture chamber where Jack and Zorro were subjected to beatings until they were unconscious. Jack sustained a broken sternum, torn rotator cuffs, both eyes had detached retinas, etc. Major Ezmerai was electrocuted for days, and the screams could be heard throughout NDS. Syhail and Sherzai were beaten, threatened, and Sherzai finally drugged when he refused to sign a statement against Jack. Bennett was interrogated relentlessly, and threatened with death repeatedly shown a knife and told his ears and nose would be cut off. (To date Bennett has lost 8 teeth because of those beatings.) The torture was with the full knowledge and sanction of the FBI who were directing it, using the Afghans as proxies. FBI agents were at some points laughing about it in the hallway.

After the arrest of Idema and his team, the FBI assisted ‘former’ Taliban guards in torturing American citizens and the Northern Alliance soldiers who fought with us to liberate Afghanistan.
Then there’s the U.S. State Department, who have acted in a similarly illegal fashion throughout Idema’s imprisonment:

Sandra Ingram, Acting US Consul, not only refused to acknowledge Idema’s assertion [of his POW status], she refused to pass his request on to the appropriate authorities, and refused to provide him with a copy of the Geneva Conventions as required by law. Idema also asserted their POW status and right to protection to NDS, the FBI, and various Karzai officials.

Why? There are two reasons:
~ As stated above, there are those in the State Department, the FBI and the Karzai government who believe that the best way to deal with the Taliban is to incorporate them into the democratic process. To a very limited degree, this makes sense, though only if the Islamofascists are serious about renouncing violence. Judging by the bomb plans and detonators he was carrying at the time of his arrest, Sidiq clearly didn’t get the memo on that one.
~ There was Abu Ghraib. During the latter half of 2004, the people involved in Idema’s arrest feared the U.S. would take a propaganda hit by refusing to pursue any allegations of torture by its forces, however baseless those allegations turned out to be. By allowing the Taliban to stage a show-trail and imprison Idema, it seems likely that people such as Consul Sandra Ingram felt they could earn Muslim goodwill and remove an obstacle to the political games they were playing with the Karzai government and its ‘ex’-Taliban members at a single stroke.
It should go without saying that this is a shameful way for a Green Beret to be treated. After all, while the FBI and State Department in Afghanistan were playing politics, deciding on which Islamofascists it would be useful in the short term to ally themselves with, Jack was on a very different kind of mission. In his own words:

“You can’t fight terrorists with law enforcement and prosecution………You can’t do it, they are animals– they are not human, just ask the families that lost their loved ones on 9/11. When the terrorists capture us they cut off our heads on television. When we capture them they complain that we don’t let them p*ss for twelve hours. Well, sorry about that motherf*cker, you were about to drive explosive rigged gas tankers into Bagram and kill 500 American soldiers in a ball of flames. You should be glad I didn’t defenestrate you. I believe that real Americans want real counter-terrorist operations, not bullsh*t press junkets and canned PR stories from PAOs that shot a gun once in their life on the basic training qualification range. I didn’t start this f*cking war, not the one with bin laden, nor the one with the press, they started it, but I will finish it, or die in the process.”

Anyone reading this with their own blog can sign up for the weekly Free Jack Idema Blogburst by emailing Cao or Rottweiler Puppy for details. If you want to know more about the story, Cao’s Blog has a large section devoted to Jack Idema.
Finally, PLEASE NOTE: The SuperPatriots and Jack images on this site are used with WRITTEN COPYRIGHT PERMISSION and any use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US
Just a few of the many blogs that are involved:
* Cao’s Blog
* Big Dog’s Weblog
* Irate Nate
* Theodore’s World
* Rottweiler Puppy

25 Jan

George Galloway To Uday Hussein ” With You Till The End”

George with Saddam Hussein’s son, Uday

From Sky News

Video footage has emerged showing George Galloway shaking hands with Saddam Hussein’s son Uday – a rapist, torturer and convicted murderer.
The video, obtained by The Sun, shows the Respect MP having a 20-minute meeting with Saddam’s eldest son in an Iraqi palace in 1999.
In the video, Mr Galloway is seen to greet Uday, shaking his hand twice and calling him “Excellency”.
He jokes about losing weight, going bald and failing to give up smoking cigars.
Mr Galloway also orders watching journalists not to publish parts of their conversation.
Finally, according to the paper, he taunts the United States and vows to stick with Uday “until the end”.
The video was shot for an Iraqi TV station and was smuggled out of Iraq before the regime fell.
Uday beat and stabbed to death his father’s personal valet and food taster, Kemal Hana Gegeo, and was briefly imprisoned by Saddam.
He also raped numerous women, and his victims are believed to have included a visiting Russian ballerina.
And as head of the Iraqi Olympic Committee, he oversaw the imprisonment and torture of Iraqi athletes who were deemed not to have performed to expectations.
Uday was shot dead by US soldiers in 2003. He was 39.

Galloway and Uday on Iraqi TV

Uday, dubbed The Wolf by terrified Iraqis, is known to have killed thousands of people.
He began watching Saddam’s torturers at work at the age of four.
Depraved Uday enjoyed it so much he later had his own private torture chamber, where he toyed with screaming victims.
He was a mass rapist who set dogs on a 24-year-old woman who rejected his advances — then watched as she was ripped apart.
Footballers and athletes who failed to impress Uday faced death, torture or beatings when he ran both sports in Iraq.
Two sportsmen were thrown to their deaths from a 75ft bridge.
And a coffin-shaped “iron maiden” with spikes that impaled anyone in it was found near the Iraqi soccer HQ by allied troops.
Galloway met Uday in 1999 at the end of a two-month journey on a double decker bus through a number of Arab nations.
The tour was to highlight his Mariam Appeal, a cause to raise cash for a sick Iraqi girl.
A US senate report claims the charity received £300,000 in oil money from Saddam — which Galloway denies.
The meeting was shot for an Iraqi TV station run by Uday and was smuggled out of the country after the regime fell.
Galloway, his greying hair coiffed and wearing a dark suit, and tie, is shown being led into a room with his now-estranged Palestinian wife Dr Amineh Abu-Zayyad and business partner Fawas Zureikat.
The trio are warmly welcomed by Uday, who wears a badly fitting, shiny powder blue double- breasted jacket and dark trousers.
Galloway, showing he has met Uday at least once before, reaches out to shake his hand, saying: “Your Excellency, very, very nice to see you again.”
Uday replies in English: “Nice to see you.” Galloway goes on: “It’s almost one year since we met. How are you?” Uday replies: “You seem in very good health.”
Galloway says: “I lost weight, I’m very happy about that.”
Uday replies in Arabic through a bespectacled, gap-toothed translator: “Yes, I see you’ve lost some weight, so I think it’s better.”
Galloway, as if to an old friend, laughs: “It’s good, but unfortunately I’m losing my hair also.”
Uday chuckles: “Yes, I’ve noticed, especially on the left side. But I’m one step ahead of you, I’ve quit cigars, you are still smoking.”
In the stomach-churning manner familiar to Big Brother viewers, Galloway flatteringly replies: “People of good taste either used to to be, or still are, smokers of Havanas.”
Uday responds to the ego massage, saying: “That’s why we have opened this subject so we can call you to quit smoking.” Whenever Uday speaks, Galloway looks at him attentively and hangs on his every word.
And the politician, who campaigned against the war to overthrow Saddam tells Uday: “I’d like you to know that we are with you ‘til the end.”
Describing his recent tour, Galloway mentions several Arab countries. But when he starts speaking about Libya he turns and says: Please don’t publish this . . . if there are journalists . . . ”
The tape then cuts out. When it resumes, Galloway is talking about Egypt.
He boasts: “If we had stayed in Egypt one more week there might have been a revolution. There were tens of thousands of people in the street around the bus. And our bus was parked at night just next to the American Embassy.”
Galloway explains that the bus had “No Embargo On Iraq” emblazoned across it.
He goes on: “They had to look at our bus every day. It was making a few people nervous.”

25 Jan

“I will not cry in public, I will not cry in public, I will not….

Reuters Photo of Senator Harry Reid after Alito Vote
Tue Jan 24, 3:44 PM ET
Democratic Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid (D-NV) pauses while talking about the results of the vote in the Senate Judiciary Committee of the nomination of Samuel Alito for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court while on Capitol Hill in Washington January 24, 2006. The committee voted in favor of Alito and will now send his nomination to the floor of the U.S. Senate for a full vote. REUTERS/Larry Downing

Wild Thing’s comment………
Dems are full of sour grapes as they are having a fit over Alito. They are experts at turning fine wine into vinegar.
Aww heck…they would botch vinegar too.

24 Jan

Enemy Within Admires Enemy Without!

US anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan hails Venezuela’s Chavez

Yahoo News

CARACAS (AFP) – Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan, mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq, joined more than 10,000 anti-globalization activists in Caracas, where she hailed Venezuela’s leftist President Hugo Chavez. “I admire him for his resolve against my government and its meddling,” said Sheehan, who gained notoriety when she camped outside US President George W. Bush’s ranch last year to protest the Iraq war. She said she hoped to meet Chavez later in the week.

Wild Thing comment………
Screw YOU Cindy Sheehan!!!!!

24 Jan

Want To Know How Many Lives Destroyed by Roe vs. Wade?

Today is the 33rd anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision.

The Consequences of Roe v. Wade
Total Abortions since 1973

Now take a look at what President Reagan said about abortion……………

“Our nation-wide policy of abortion on demand through all nine months of pregnancy was neither voted for by our people, nor enacted by our legislators–not a single state had such unrestricted abortion before the Supreme Court decreed it to be national policy in 1973. [It was] an act of raw judicial power”…
“Make no mistake, abortion-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution. Nowhere do the plain words of the Constitution even hint at a “right” so sweeping as to permit abortion up to the time the child is ready to be born.”
“We cannot diminish the value of one category of human life–the unborn–without diminishing the value of all human life.”
“Abraham Lincoln recognized that we could not survive as a free land when some men could decide that others were not fit to be free and should therefore be slaves. Likewise, we cannot survive as a free nation when some men decide that others are not fit to live and should be abandoned to abortion or infanticide. My Administration is dedicated to the preservation of America as a free land, and there is no cause more important for preserving that freedom than affirming the transcendent right to life of all human beings, the right without which no other rights have any meaning.”
– President Ronald Reagan : “Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation”, 1983

Wild Thing’s comment………
Years ago I when I was getting my nails done the woman doing my nails told me how she had just had an abortion. This woman had an adorable 9 year year old son. I had been going to her for 4 years. I asked her why did she get an abortion????
She was single and got pregnant from a man she had a few dates with. She informed me it was no big deal that this was her 11th abortion!!!!
I sat there in silence, shocked. Then I asked her why didn’t she use some form of birth control since there were so many out there. Get this………… She responded that it was easier to take her chances and then IF she got pregnant she could just have an abortioin.
When she finished doing my nails, she was going to give me my next appointment. I told her no thanks I was not going to fund her abortions and that I would be going elsewhere.
I am adopted, I was 3 weeks old and I will be forever grateful to my biological mom for doing what she did. She was young, just out of highschool but she wanted me to live and have a chance in life. No I have never contacted her and do not wish to, not because of disrespect but because of it. She went on with her life and I had my own with awesome parents that adopted me. I was given her photo and was told her story of what happened. It is a love story that ended abruptly when the man two years older then she was killed serving our country in the Military.
Even if I was not adopted I would be against abortion. IT IS WRONG!
It’s stripping away the child’s natural right to live. Next time you look at a little child think about if that child was aborted. It wouldn’t have even had the chance to live and have a life… can someone make that decision for the unborn child?
I believe that once the child is conceived it starts growing and is developing every second into the person that it will be for the rest of its life. It really is a living person. I don’t know how anyone can say it isn’t when you look at it. At 2 weeks, it starts to grow brain cells. And at 8 weeks, it is entirely formed with hands, arms, legs, feet, all of it. If that’s not a person, then I don’t know what is, why not just say it’s okay to kill a child that’s 8 or 9 years old if you decide you can’t afford him, or don’t want to deal with him. That is how awful abortion is.
History is full of examples of unwanted children who were conceived and became historical figures and legends of human history.You don’t know if you’ve aborted the next Michelangelo, Monet, Vermeer, Bach, Beethoven, Galileo, Newton or Einstein. And heck just wonderful human beings that want a chance at life.

* BIG DOG’s Weblog