28 Apr

Construction Begins on Freedom Tower




Height (struct.) = 1,368 ft
Floors (OG)= 82
Construction end = 2011
Freedom Tower’s cornerstone was placed during a ceremonial groundbreaking on July 4, 2004.
– The 200-foot-high base will be coated in titanium and stainless panels, including the 80-foot-high lobby, to deflect potential bomb blasts.
– The 414-feet tall decorative spire will encase an antenna with a lighting system to make it into a beacon.
– There will be an outdoor observation deck at 1,362 feet above the ground, the same height as the one on the old South Tower. A parapet wall will then rise six more feet to a height of 1,368, the same heigh as the old North Tower.
– The desired schedule for construction, calls for the tower’s foundation to commence April of 2006, concrete to grade by the end of 2007, topping out in 2009 and completion in 2011.
– This building will consist of 69 office floors, and 13 non-office floors with uses ranging from mechanical to dining.
Companies involved in this building:
architect: Studio Daniel Libeskind, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (New York)
Other firms: Silverstein Properties, Inc., Tishman Construction Corporation, The Cantor Seinuk Group Inc., Schlaich Bergemann und Partner, Jaros, Baum & Bolles, Peter Walker & Partners, Studio Daniel Libeskind, Philip Habib & Associates, Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers, Ducibella Venter & Santore, Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc..

28 Apr

Al Qaeda link In Utah?


Al Qaeda link in Utah?
According to a copyrighted article in the Salt Lake Tribune, counterterrorist agents arrested five men on Wednesday. One of the men was aprehended in the Cottonwood Heights area of Salt Lake, and the other for men were arrested in California.
The men were arrested and idicted as part of an investigation into the U.S. connections of a suspected senior al-Qaida operative imprisoned in Iraq, according to the Tribune article.
For now, the federal indictments against the men – all of whom have ties to Utah and all of whom are related to accused terrorist Shawqi Omar – involve only fraud and money laundering. But FBI agents say that some of the money alleged to have been stolen in various schemes wound up in Jordan. And now they want to know whether that cash has ended up in the hands of terrorists.
According to an FBI agent working with the Terrorism Task Force in Utah, the Omar family has extensive ties in Jordan, where Shawqi Omar moved his family in 1995 and where he now stands accused of helping terrorist mastermind Abu Masab al-Zarqawi plot a chemical attack.

28 Apr

Islamazoids Whine Vintage 2006

An Assistant Professor of Arab Politics at the Centre for Contemporary Arab Studies in the Edmund A Walsh School of Foreign Service (SFS) at Georgetown University, Washington DC, Dr Shehata had given a presentation on Thursday at the inaugural symposium of SFS in Qatar.
Negative American views about Islam ‘worrying’

ATTITUDES towards Arabs, Muslims and Islam in the US are troubling and have not been improving over the last few years, Arab-American academic Dr Shehata has stated, quoting results of a number of opinion polls conducted in the US.

“A high percentage of Americans hold negative attitudes toward Islam, and many Americans believe that Islam – more than other religions – encourages violence,” he told Gulf Times.

According to the Washington Post/ABC News polls, the percentage of Americans who hold unfavourable views of Islam has risen over the last three years.
In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, 39% of those polled stated that they held unfavourable views of Islam. This figure dropped to a low of 24% by January 2002 but has been steadily increasing ever since.
In the most recent Washington Post/ABC News poll released in March 2006, 46% of Americans said they held unfavourable views of Islam.
There is less variation in the polling data regarding American opinion about Islam and violence. All of the various polling data confirm that a high percentage of Americans believe that Islam – more than other religions – encourages violence.
A USA Today/Gallup Poll conducted last summer, for example, found that 53% of respondents favoured “requiring all Arabs, including US citizens, to undergo special, more intensive security checks before boarding airplanes in the US” and 46% favoured “requiring Arabs, including US citizens, to carry a special ID.”
The coverage of the Middle East and the Muslim World in the US is dominated by the Iraq war, Osama bin Laden, Abu Musab al Zarqawi, terrorism and beheadings.

“This type of bad or negative news dominates coverage and Islam, in the process, becomes synonymous with jihad; jihad, of course, understood in a particular way: as irrational, unjustified, religiously based violence, usually against non-Muslims.”

Complete article HERE
Wild Thing’s comment……
“46% of Americans said they had an unfavorable view of islam”
They must have polled a lot of the left ( Democrats/liberals) I think the number would be a heck of a lot higher.
“A high percentage of Americans hold negative attitudes toward Islam, and many Americans believe that Islam – more than other religions – encourages violence,” he told Gulf Times.”
Lip service by the Islam organizations belie the actions of Islam. Iran is a good example of Islam’s hatred for everything and anybody not Muslim.
Muslims do things like riot over cartoons that have been out for 4 or 5 months before they riot, causing deaths. Maybe it is because over 90 percent of terrorists in the world are muslims and, just maybe, because muslims drove airplanes into the world trade center and the pentagon and caused another plane to crash killing all on board on 9/11. Most of the terror and atrocities are committed by muslims, not arabs per se, but definately muslims

27 Apr

Congresswoman’s Son Sentenced For Slashing GOP Tires

Congresswoman’s son sentenced for slashing GOP tires

MILWAUKEE, WI (AP) — A congresswoman’s son and three Democratic campaign workers were sentenced Wednesday to four to six months in jail for slashing tires outside a Bush-Cheney campaign office on Election Day 2004.
The men pleaded no contest in January to misdemeanor property damage. A fifth worker was found not guilty.
“This case had to be a public example of what can happen when you interfere with voters’ rights,” said Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Michael Brennan, who rejected prosecutors’ recommendation of probation for the four men.
The state Republican Party had rented more than 100 vehicles to give rides to voters and poll monitors on November 2, 2004. The cars were parked outside a GOP campaign office when the tires were punctured. The vandalism left the drivers scrambling for new vehicles.
Among those sentenced Wednesday were Sowande A. Omokunde, the son of Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wisconsin, and Michael Pratt, the son of former acting Milwaukee Mayor Marvin Pratt.
“I love my son very much. I’m very proud of him,” Moore said. “He’s accepted responsibility.”
Omokunde was sentenced to four months in jail; Pratt and Lewis Caldwell of Milwaukee were sentenced to six months; and Lavelle Mohammad of Milwaukee was sentenced to five months. All were granted work-release privileges.
Brennan also ordered them to pay a $1,000 fine each, in addition to the $5,317 in total restitution ordered earlier.
The four could have faced up to nine months in jail term and fines of $10,000.
Wisconsin’s 10 electoral votes in the 2004 election ended up going to Democrat John Kerry.

Wild Thing’s comment……
The ‘Rats are beyond disgusting – ALL of them.
Should not the congresswoman say how disappointed she is in her son for taking part in such an act of thuggery? I’m sure most tires are registered to vote Democrat, and their turnout on election is nearly 110%.
“nine months in jail term”…….wow pigs really do fly.
Hmmmmm Tires have party affiliation:
GOP tires are B.F. Goodrich, Goodyear & Uniroyal.
Dem tires are Bridgestone / Firestone
Pinko-Commie tires are Dunlop
One World Globalist tires are Michelin & Yokahama
Greens don’t use tires

27 Apr

When Are The Lefties and Democrats Going to Put A Stop To This!



Two ROTC buildings vandalized
Vandals spray slogans and spread paint on N.C. State and UNC-CH structures

Vandals staged attacks early Wednesday on the buildings used by the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps at N.C. State University and UNC-Chapel Hill, echoing similar assaults on three Triangle recruiting stations last month.
As before, vandals sprayed anti-war slogans and profanity, splashed red paint and claimed responsibility with a mass e-mail message to area media outlets.
Lt. Col. Carol Ann Redfield of the Army ROTC program at N.C. State was caught off guard. “This is the first time I know of that anything like this has happened here,” she said. “I certainly appreciate that people have different opinions, and they should be able to express them, but I have a problem when they damage property.”
The e-mail, from someone calling himself “celest ialbeing” said, “Stop these recruitment centers that target poor people and people of color to fight to maintain the power structure that (literally and figuratively) imprisons us daily.”
The vandals sprayed slogans at the base of an entrance to Reynolds Coliseum, which holds the Department of Military Science, and tossed paint onto an ROTC sign above the entrance.
Investigators had good leads, said Sgt. Jon Barnwell of the N.C. State Police Department.
At UNC-Chapel Hill, campus police spokesman Randy Young said investigators were aware of the e-mail and the link with the attack at N.C. State. “We’re certainly looking into that,” he said. Investigators think the UNC Naval Armory was attacked between 4 and 5:30 a.m.
A student who signs up for ROTC mixes military training with regular classes and can get help with college costs in return for serving as an officer after graduation.
It is not clear whether the attacks were related to incidents in March at recruiting offices in Durham and Raleigh, but the subject line on the e-mail message Wednesday was “more red paint and anti-war.”
The attacks Wednesday were coordinated, but that doesn’t mean they were well-planned.
At UNC, the vandals used spray paint for slogans but chose a 5-gallon bucket of water-soluble red paint to splash the landing, columns and steps. A cleanup crew blasted it off with a pressure washer.
“Thank goodness they used water-based paint,” said Angelo Baldwin, a crew member. The slogans — including “we won’t fight your wars!” — also were removed quickly, but the doors must be repainted.
At N.C. State, the slogan “Army ROTC trains murderers resist acts of war” was sprayed in a place all but invisible to passers-by. The vandals’ arsenal also included another puzzling choice: Christmas tree ornaments, which were apparently tossed at the ROTC sign.

Wild Thing comments…….
Today driving home from work the car in front of me had three stickers on it.
1. a sticker with a photo of Bush saying ( clueless/ war criminal)
2. Would someone please give Bush a blow job so we can impeach him
3. I am a Democrat and a Christian
My reply is this
1. Bush is not clueles nor a war criminal
2. Clinton is and was a criminal and Monicagate was only one thing that disgraced the Oval Office that the Clinton’s did.
3. A Democrat that is aiding the enemy and I would not recommend putting one foot on our property if you value your life.
Regarding the vandalism that Democrats/Lefties love to do at the ROTC, and other military places, because of their loathing of the military, KISS MY ASS!

* Michelle Malkin

27 Apr

Iran Buys Surface-to-Surface Missiles ~ Hello Europe

Iran buys surface-to-surface missiles capable of hitting Europe

Israel Defense Forces Intelligence Branch, Major General Amos Yadlin
Iran has purchased surface-to-surface missiles from North Korea with a range of 2,500 kilometers, the head of the Israel Defense Forces Intelligence Branch, Major General Amos Yadlin, said Wednesday.
While Iran already possessed missiles capable of reaching Israel, the new weapons pose a threat for countries in Europe and parts of the Middle East that have now come into Iranian range.
Some of the missiles have already arrived in Iran, Yadlin said in a lecture in memory of Israel’s sixth president Haim Herzog, who was also head of the IDF Intelligence Branch. The missiles are known in the West as BM-25s, operate on liquid fuel and are single-stage. The BM-25 was originally manufactured in the Soviet Union, where the first generation, adapted for use by Soviet submarines and able to carry a nuclear warhead, was known as the SSN6. After the Russians retired the missiles from service, they sold them to the North Koreans, who developed them to carry a heavier payload.
With this purchase the Iranians have leap-frogged over their Shihab-4 missile with its range of 2,000 kilometers.
Iran worked for years on the development of the Shihab-3, which has a range of 1,300 kilometers, and conducted numerous tests. They also developed a cone with improved ability to enter the atmosphere, which meant it was more accurate.
The fact that the Shihab-3, when fired from certain areas of Iran, could hit Israel, spurred Israel on in its development of the Arrow missile, which can intercept the Shihab-3.
The Iranians are known to be at the early stages of developing two more long-range missiles. However American intelligence sources say Iran is at an advanced stage of developing a missile that can carry a nuclear warhead.
The United States has informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the details of the Iranian missile program.
North Korea has longer range missiles that have been tested a number of times outside its borders. In one case a missile flew over Japanese airspace during a test.
Wild Thing’s comment……
I say start dropping Bibles and Christian tracts on Iran 24 hours a day and broadcast “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” on every commercial radio frequency used within Iran.
I can imagine the reaction of those diaperheaded mullahs.

27 Apr

Iran Threatens To Strike At U.S. Targets If Attacked

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei speaks to workers in Tehran April 26, 2006. REUTERS/IRNA
TEHRAN (Reuters) – Iran vowed on Wednesday to strike at U.S. interests worldwide if it is attacked by the United States, which is keeping military options open in case diplomacy fails to curb Tehran’s nuclear program.
Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei made the threat two days before the U.N. nuclear watchdog reports on whether Iran is meeting Security Council demands to halt uranium enrichment.
Iran says it will not stop enrichment, which it says is purely for civilian purposes and not part of what the United States says is a clandestine effort to make atomic bombs.

“The Americans should know that if they assault Iran their interests will be harmed anywhere in the world that is possible,” Khamenei was quoted as saying by state television.

“The Iranian nation will respond to any blow with double the intensity,” he said.

Washington, backed by Britain and France, has been pushing for sanctions if, as it expects, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports that Iran has flouted U.N. demands.
But Russia and China, the U.N. Security Council’s other two veto-holding permanent members, oppose any embargo.
The IAEA has said that after three years of investigation it still cannot confirm that Iran’s aims are entirely peaceful, although it has found no hard proof of a military program.
Complete article

27 Apr

200 Burka Babes Take On Fitness Gym

(Photo by David P. Gilkey/Associated Press)
Angry: Arrwa Mogalli (left) and Ammerah Saidi, both of Dearborn, stand in front of the Fitness USA gym in Lincoln Park.

About 200 Muslim women have asked the Fitness USA workout chain to honor what they say was its promise to provide separate exercise times for women and men. They say they need single-sex workout times to accommodate Islam’s standards of modesty.
Arrwa Mogalli, 28, of Dearborn, Michigan, said that she agreed to buy a $1,465 lifetime membership with the chain after being promised that its Lincoln Park facility would be open only to women on certain days.
This month, the gym in this southern Detroit suburb decided to open up a new part of the center to both sexes every day.
Mogalli is among about 200 women with Fitness USA memberships who have signed a petition asking the chain to restore single-sex exercise days for the entire gym or to put up a divider so men and women cannot see each other while exercising.
The company is reviewing the women’s concerns, said Jodi Berry, administrative director for Fitness USA. But the company said that the women’s written contracts say nothing about gender.

What the gym offers:

And this is their main site.
Wild Thing’s comment….
Sure CAIR praised the decision, they are terrorists huggers.
I guess to be literal it does say they have seperated areas. But by gosh oh golly I guess I just will never understand this get undressed in the closet mentality no matter what so called religion it is.
Why are we accomodating these idiots? Just more Moooooooslim appeasement… instead of having them assimilating to western society our country kisses their burka butts.
I belong to Gold’s gym, but aren’t there workout places around like Curves etc. that are just for women only.
Don’t the veils, towels on their heads and masks get in the way of exercising? If they don’t like the facilities why don’t they open their own bloody gym and run it any way they like?
Prices, location, management, the gym’s design, the gym’s equipment, hours, etc., etc., all may change without notice. This is how capitalism has always worked. They need to go back home where their way of doing things has perpetually kept them locked up in the 7th Century.
Give him an inch and he wants a foot.
Give him an foot and he wants a yard.
Give him a yard and he wants a pool in it.

27 Apr

Muslim Student Union in Calif. ~ Enemy Within

Women from the Muslim Student Union at University of California at Irvine protest the President and the Iraqi war at the Hyatt hotel in Irvine, Calif., where President George W. Bush spoke to Orange County business leaders on Monday, April 24, 2006. (AP Photo/Branimir Kvartuc)


2004 the Muslim Student Union (MSU) of University of California-Irvine asked graduating Muslim students to wear green sashes bearing the word “shahada,” the Arabic word for “martyrdom.” The Muslim world refers to a suicide bomber who kills innocent civilians in Israel as a “shahid.”
USC Muslim Student Union Slips Into Open Anti-Semitism
Not-so-subtle anti-Semitic jokes are a little too tame for USC’s Muslim Student Union listserv. In response to some USC Jewish groups’ Holocaust memorials. of the MSU’s listserv have posted some of the following charming contributions. This is just one of them. All misspellings and grammatical cleverness is in the originals.

holocust schmolocost…..
that whole thing drives me nuts.
there arent that many holicost surviviers.
most of those guys havent experienced anything — except possibly excess.
its a tool the zionists use… but to be honest wonder how effective it is these days

The Muslim Student Union is, of course, a university-sanctioned organization whose elected representatives represent USC Muslims to the University and to the community. How could such an environment emerge? On UC Irvine’s campus, the administration has told campus Jewish leaders that they are not to refer to themselves as Zionists because that will “undermine dialogue” with Muslims on campus.