Saturday October 21, 2006
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CNN aired a terrorist sniper killing a US soldier. They blacked out the screen when the bullet hit, but that did not stop the sound or description that they went on to share.
According to CNN, “The graphic video of 10 sniper attacks was obtained by CNN — through intermediaries –from the Islamic Army of Iraq, one of the most active insurgent organizations in Iraq.”

Video on CNN shows snipers’ chilling work in Iraq
(CNN) — Chilling scenes from a videotape made by insurgents show the work of snipers in Iraq, targeting and killing American troops, taking them down with a single bullet from a high-powered rifle.
The graphic video of 10 sniper attacks was obtained by CNN — through intermediaries — from the Islamic Army of Iraq, one of the most active insurgent organizations in Iraq.
In one scene, U.S. soldiers mingle among Iraqi civilians on a city street as a U.S. Humvee with a gunner in its turret stands guard nearby.
From a distance, possibly hundreds of yards away, a sniper watches for his opportunity to strike as a fellow insurgent operates a camera to capture the video for propaganda purposes.
In the video, street sounds mix with male Arabic voices as the sniper and his spotter talk off-camera.
“People are around them,” warns the spotter, who seems to be operating the video camera. “Want me to find another place?”
“No, no,” comes the reply, “give me a moment.”
And then, the crack of gunfire is heard and the soldier in the turret slumps forward.
“Allahu Akbar (God is Great)!” is the exclamation as the sniper’s vehicle starts and they slip away.
The deadly tactic is one the U.S. military also uses to take out insurgents.
Retired Gunnery Sgt. Jack Coughlin was one of the top U.S. Marine Corps snipers in Iraq and has written a book about his experiences — “Shooter: The Autobiography of the Top-Ranked Marine Sniper.”
“I have over 60 kills,” he told CNN’s Gary Tuchman. “We seek out the enemy and eliminate them with precision fire.”
Tuchman used Coughlin’s critical eye to analyze the Islamic Army of Iraq video.
Coughlin said the time lapse between the sound of the shot and the man getting hit indicates the gunfire is coming from about 300 to 500 yards away and probably from a higher angle.
But Couglin said he’s sure this team of at least three people has been trained well because they’re so calm.
“They have their stuff wired,” he said. “They know what they’re doing.” (Watch the ex-Marine describe snipers’ deadly work — 2:46)
The 20-year Marine veteran said the kind of body armor worn by troops in combat can be effective against a sniper’s bullet, and he added that there are other ways to defend against the horrifying attacks.
“The worst enemy of a sniper is another sniper,” Coughlin said. “Our snipers are hunting these guys — I guarantee you this is happening as we speak.”
Coughlin added that, in many cases, the best defense is a good offense.
Lawmaker Outraged by Sniper Footage on CNN
SAN DIEGO — CNN has become “the publicist for an enemy propaganda film” by broadcasting a video showing an insurgent sniper in Iraq apparently killing an American soldier, the chairman of the House Armed Services Committee said here Friday.
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon) called for the Pentagon to oust any CNN reporter embedded with U.S. troops in Iraq.
“I think Americans like to think we’re all in this together,” Hunter said. “The average American Marine or soldier has concluded after seeing that film that CNN is not on their side.”
Another UPDATE:
Armed Services Committee Chairman Calls For Removal of CNN’s Embedded Reporters
CNN recently aired videos supplied by terrorists inside Iraq showing snipers attacking American soldiers. As a result of this outrageous behavior, Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-California), chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, has asked for all of CNN’s reporters currently embedded with U.S. military units be removed.
The chairman of the House Armed Services Committee asked the Pentagon on Friday to remove CNN reporters embedded with U.S. combat troops, saying the network’s broadcast of a video showing insurgent snipers targeting U.S. soldiers was tantamount to airing an enemy propaganda film.
The tape, which came to the network through contact with an insurgent leader, was aired Wednesday night on “Anderson Cooper 360” and repeated Thursday.
The article continued:
In a letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., wrote: “CNN has now served as the publicist for an enemy propaganda film featuring the killing of an American soldier.”
The letter was also signed by San Diego-area Republican congressmen Darrell Issa and Brian Bilbray.
“This is nothing short of a terrorist snuff film,” Bilbray said at a press conference held in San Diego.
CNN officials defended their decision to air the footage. ( GRRRRRRRRRRRRR)
“Our responsibility is to report the news,” said Laurie Goldberg, a CNN spokeswoman. “As an organization we stand by our decision and respect the rights of others to disagree with it.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Oust them is the least they should do, charge them with aiding and abetting the enemy with use of known propaganda, they have always been the terrorist sympathizer. In WW2 if if there had been a cable news services like CNN we might all be speaking German today.
Democrat mind set…….Americans too sensitive to see videos of 911 but not to see Muslims pigs shoots soldiers. These cowards were afraid to show the Danish cartoons, even though it was the biggest story in that news cycle. Even though the story was HUGE!
The terrorists went and created that video for the whole purpose of propagandizing their viewpoint. So what do the total dopes at CNN do, they BROADCAST it! One of CNN’s analysts called the sniper attacks the most effective thing they have seen. “The deadly tactic is one the U.S. military also uses to take out insurgents”, according to CNN. They seem be telling them how good they are at using our strategies to kill our men.
I haven’t been this angry in a very long time. An American soldier died for these bastards’ “news value.” What “value” is that, precisely? What does CNN “value” that can excuse this utter moral degeneracy? Is it the sort of moral equivalency that sees no difference between the son of a bitch driving a car bomb into a crowd and the Marine who dies to try to stop him? Is it “all the same thing” when looked at from the lofty heights of an editorial desk in Atlanta? What sort of a sordid, miserable excuse for a human being could manage to justify this outrageous glorification of murder and have the spit-shined brass balls to try to pass it off as “news value”?
This is from one of the soldiers that is in country right now regarding the CNN embedded reporters…….
“I hated those weasly little bastards. They were a huge hindrence on patrol. One more unarmed idiot to have to look out for. They would do incredibly stupid stuff to get footage in a firefight. I finally told my guys not to provide covering fire for then any more. Just let the f***er get his ass shot. One of them had an AK round go clean through his camera. He could not stop shaking for about an hour. Inside, we were lauging our asses off at him.”
Update: October 24, 2006

Some of our awesome snipers in country in today’s war with Islam.
Faces blurred out for their protection.
Legendary snipers became the role models.
Snipers such as Gunnery Sgt. Carlos Hathcock,
a Marine sniper in Vietnam with 98 confirmed kills,
Sgt. 1st Class. Randy Shugart and
Master Sgt. Gary Gordon,
two Delta Force snipers, who died in Somalia in 1993
trying to rescue a downed crew of a MH-60 Black Hawk
during the battle of Mogadishu.

As you know I am a big supporter of our military and when I started this blog one of the links I wanted to make sure I had in my sidebar was a place online called It has been there since this blog began on September 21, 2005.
I am so pleased to see others supporting the efforts of the especially now after what CNN has done in their aiding the enemy with their showing of the video snuff film sent to them by the enemy. They just had to show it and not once but over and over again. We all wrote letters to CNN, phoned CNN (404-827-2600) and showed our disgust for what they have done and the stand they have taken to side with the enemy.
Here are some places at their site:
Items needed
Letters and photos from our snipers
Two years ago I ordered this dog tag from I keep it on my key chain. I loved it so much I ordered more to give as gifts to the troops in their care packages. I have ordered other things and donated, this is just one of the items they have.

Those also suggesting to check out

* Blackfive
* Michelle Malkin
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