30 Oct

Poll Shows Muslims Support Democrats

Article here
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released a poll of 1,000 registered Muslim voters in the United States it said showed the community has changed a great deal since 2000. In 2000, Muslims voted for George W. Bush, but they switched to support the Democrats in 2004 to protest the anti-Muslim policies by the Bush administration.

“Bush keeps saying Islam is a ‘religion of peace,’” said Iham Aklohd, a poll respondent from Washington, DC. “We are warriors for Allah. We are not ‘turn-the-other-cheek’ pansies. He has defamed us. Now the Republicans must pay.”

Aklohd emphasized that it was not only Bush’s words of disrespect that has Muslims riled.

“Bush is interfering with our religious outreach efforts,” Aklohd said. “His spies listen-in on our phone conversations. His troops kill our Muslim brothers.”

Many poll respondents expressed confidence that Democrats would be more respectful of the ways of Islam. “We don’t hear Democrats insisting Islam is a religion of peace,” said Mohamed Nifhim, a poll respondent from Michigan. “They aren’t demanding we yield to decadent western values.”

“Unbelievers are enemies of God,” said Ibak Mohron, a Saudi here on a student visa. “There must be no interference with our struggle against them.” Mohron said he will be voting for Democrats in November because “they accept our right to live by our own values. They will disband the troops. They will stop the American government from fighting on the side of Satan.”

Future Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) welcomed the poll results.

“This is just one more piece of evidence showing that Americans are ready for a change from the failed policies of the Republicans,” Pelosi said.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Yep, the suicidal love affair our liberals have with these serial killers will pay off in votes. As for me the Democrats can have the votes of the Muslims, I could care less, and I certainly am not surprised.

30 Oct

American Mosques and Islamists

85% of American Mosques are Controlled by Islamic Extremists

Wild Thing’s comment……
I like Cavuto and I thought it was interesting what Peter King had to say. I wish we could get rid of the mosques, I know we can’t, but I do believe they are a being used to teach hate, and one day our country will pay a terrible price for all the PC that is allowed regarding Islam in our Nation.

30 Oct

‘ Free Saddam or else…’

29/10/2006 17:19 – (SA)
Amman – Saddam Hussein’s defence team has drafted a letter to US President George W Bush warning of dire consequences if an Iraqi court issues a verdict against the ousted Iraqi president for crimes against humanity.
In a copy of the letter received by AFP in Jordan on Sunday, lead Iraqi lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi also urged Bush to set free Saddam and put an end to the trial which he described again as illegal and a farce.

“We believe that it is necessary to stop this farcical trial and set free President Saddam Hussein, and all the prisoners, because this is the only solution for your troops and your difficult position in Iraq,” Dulaimi said.

“This is also the best way for the future of Iraq, the region and the world,” he added.

He warned that a verdict by the Iraqi High Tribunal against Saddam and seven co-defendants over the killing of 148 Shi’ite villagers in the Iraqi village of Dujail could plunge Iraq and the region into violence. The villagers were executed after a 1982 attempt to kill Saddam.

“This decision will set ablaze anew the country and plunge the entire region into the unknown…,” he said.

The Iraqi lawyer, who heads the Amman-based defence team, said the verdict due by the court was timed to coincide with US Congressional elections.

“There is an unfair decision that has already been taken by the court to eliminate President Saddam Hussein in time with the US Congressional elections, through which the US administration seeks to safeguard its position,” he said.

Dulaimi also told Bush: “You will risk your troops who have lost control over Iraq and you will place in danger your interests and the security of the region.”

Wild Thing’s comment…..
Hmmmmm, so let’s see now. Back on October 6th 2006, just a few weeks ago, we heard how loather of America Ramsey Clark said…..Saddams Death Will Unleash ‘catastrophic’ Violence. More on that at found at this post here at Theodore’s World.
And now Saddam’s lead Iraqi lawyer Khalil al-Dulaimi and his letter he drafter. My goodness, my knees are shaking from all these doom and gloom threats, the sky will surely fall if Saddam is punished for his crimes apparently.
He sounds just like that Muslim doctor I used to work with. He also sounds a lot like the Democrats, ” we never should have gone into Iraq”, ” we should have left Saddam in power”, and on and on.
What a bunch of bunk! OH how I wish these lawyers had a website, one that I could post at and tell them just what I think about them and their Saddam.

29 Oct

You’re Invited to Check Out The Cotillion Colloquy

Being a part of The Cotillion has been very special for me. It is a great group of women bloggers. Each one bringing their own unique personality and passion to the group. We laugh, talk, cry, laugh some more and share on all sorts of topics.
I love how unique we all are, I think that is what makes it such a special group. The difference makes it exciting and we learn a lot from one another. I love them all very much.
Beth at Blue Star Chronicles has put together a post and you can see what some of us have been posting about.
Please click HERE and see what we have to say about so many things. These women are strong, caring, loving and smart. I am very honored to be a part of this fine group.
Thank you Beth for putting this together, it is awesome!! And I LOVE the graphic you have for it as well! The graphic above is made by Beth at Blue Star Chronicles for this very special post about the Cotillion.

29 Oct

Words That Carry the Weight of the Cost of Freedom

I can never forget this speech by keynote speaker Sen. Zell Miller (dem. Georgia) at the 2004 Republican National Convention. It gave me goozebumps!
With all the hate and all the attacks on our troops, I just felt a need to play this right now. We have an election coming that if we don’t win our country may very well see another destructive future like the one that Bill and Hillary gave us during their 8 yeras of treason and crimes.
Please Click HERE to hear Sen. Zell Miller’s speech once again if you like.

29 Oct

Iranian Cleric Campaigns for Democrats

US Republicans in Crisis
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)-
Tehran’s interim Friday Prayers Leader Seyed Ahmad Khatami stressed that the savage and devilish performance of the US President George W Bush has placed Republicans in a very critical condition.
Addressing a large fervent congregation of the worshippers on Tehran University Campus today, Khatami noted the upcoming US Congress elections and the decisive role that the election results will play on the next presidential elections in that country, and said:

“The savage and devilish acts and performances of Bush, as a Republican, have placed his party in a very critical condition.”

He pointed to the heavy casualties sustained by the US army in Iraq as a further factor deteriorating the Republicans’ stand on the political scene of the United States, and continued:

“To shrink the crisis, the US administration will certainly try to project its problems on others in the coming days, but they must know that allegations about the intervention of Iran and Syria in Iraq’s domestic affairs may not solve their problems.”

The cleric stressed that the only move helping the US administration to escape its present crisis is unconditional withdrawal from Iraq.
Elsewhere, he noted the United States’ conspiracy for encountering the people in such Islamic states as Lebanon, Iraq and Palestine, and added:

“They seek to confuse the world of Islam so that the main enemy, i.e. the Zionist regime, is no longer the focus of concern. And we can unfortunately observe that in some states they have gained some success in this regard as some Lebanese statesmen are apparently unaware of the depth of the US plot.”

Elaborating on what he termed to be the United States’ Hypocrisy, Khatami mentioned:

“On one hand they pretend to support the Iraqi government and on the other hand they seek to undermine the position and performance of that government. They chant many slogans about their fight against terrorism, but they, meantime, meet terrorists and order them to kill as many Iranians and Shiites as they can in Iraq.”

He also referred to the US plot in Afghanistan, and stressed that Washington is seeking to make a deal with the extremist groups in that country, warning that the US is prepared to victimize everyone in case its interests so require.
This week’s interim Friday Prayers Leader of Tehran also stated that the US Secretary of State has come to visit the region in a bid to fill all the regional states with the feeling of intimidation about Iran.
He reminded that the Islamic Republic of Iran has never aggressed against any other country in the last 27 years despite its military power, and addressing the neighboring states, said:

“You must know that Iran is like your powerful brother who will certainly help you whenever you are in crisis.”

He also warned Iran’s neighboring states that the US is just seeking to loot their wealth and oil.
In another part, of his second sermon, Khatami pointed to Iran’s nuclear issue and reminded that Tehran is not seeking anything beyond its rights, and further dismissed the UN Security Council resolutions on Iran, saying that the freedom-seeking nations of the world will not at all heed such resolutions.
He also reminded that the western countries have stopped negotiations and referred Iran’s case to the UNSC while both Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani and EU Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana have described their four rounds of talks as constructive.
“Western countries should know that Iran favors negotiations,” the cleric pointed out, adding that imposition of sanctions on Iran has never yielded any benefits for the western states in the last 27 years.
He advised the West to give up their present approach and policy of threat, warning that they will have to sustain more losses than Iran in case they embark on imposing sanctions on Tehran.

Wild Thing’s comment……
OH really, hard to tell if this is a Democrat speaking or this Iranian cleric! Not much difference, maybe Harry Reid wrote his script for him. Or Michael Moore, gosh there are so many we could pick from that are Democrats that easily could have been this cleric’s writter. hahaha
Go ahead Seyed Ahmad Khatami and sound off all you want, we are used to this kind of bull. But we must let you know we have heard a lot better and some with much more passion in their delivery. You might want to throw in a little of the Howard Dean tactics of yelling and a few praise Allah’s to top it off. And oh yes, don’t forget using the word fight, fight, fight, that is a favorite of the Dems. They always add in how they will fight for us. hahaha

28 Oct

The Father-son Bond of Dick and Rick Hoyt

Wild Thing’s comment……….
I have always loved the stories of the human spirit. There is truly nothing that can beat it. I guess that is one of the reasons I am such a huge supporter of our military too. The human spirit that rises in a soul to want to serve our country. That voice inside a person that says, make a difference in this world as much as you can no matter how big or small, but make a difference. Give back to a country that you love, carry on the fight for our freedom that others before have fought for and paid the highest price to make it possible.
This story is another story of the human spirit. The love of a Father for his son. The bond a Father has with his son and what they do together as a team.
I had not heard of this family till one of my friends in the Cotillion, Romeocat, shared a video of them. My heart was touched so much, tears streaming down my face and my heart bursting with such pride in how love carries any of us to the greatest lengths we never dreamed we could do.

Here is just a small part of the story from HERE

Dick and Rick Hoyt are a father-and-son team from Massachusetts who together compete just about continuously in marathon races. And if they’re not in a marathon they are in a triathlon — that daunting, almost superhuman, combination of 26.2 miles of running, 112 miles of bicycling, and 2.4 miles of swimming. Together they have climbed mountains, and once trekked 3,735 miles across America.
At Rick’s birth in 1962 the umbilical cord coiled around his neck and cut off oxygen to his brain. Dick and his wife, Judy, were told that there would be no hope for their child’s development.
“It’s been a story of exclusion ever since he was born,” Dick told me. “When he was eight months old the doctors told us we should just put him away — he’d be a vegetable all his life, that sort of thing. Well those doctors are not alive any more, but I would like them to be able to see Rick now.”
When the computer was originally brought home, Rick surprised his family with his first “spoken” words. They had expected perhaps “Hi, Mom” or “Hi, Dad.” But on the screen Rick wrote “Go Bruins.” The Boston Bruins were in the Stanley Cup finals that season, and his family realized he had been following the hockey games along with everyone else. “So we learned then that Rick loved sports,” said Dick.

Here is their story

Thank you……
* Romeocat……Cat House Chat

28 Oct

Yo Wolf Blitzer ~ Lynn Cheney Sure Did A Great Slapdown!

Lynn Cheney in CNN sitdown, slapdown: Do you want Amercia to win??????

CHENEY: You made a point last night of a man who had a bookstore in London where radical islamists gathered. Who was in Afghanistan when the Taliban were there. Who went to Pakistan. You know, I think that you might be a little careful before you declare this as a person with clean hands.
WOLF: You are receiving to the CNN “Broken Government” special. This is the one John King reported on last night.
CHENEY: Right there, Wolf. ‘Broken Government.’ What kind of stance is that? Here we are. We are a country where we have been mightily challenged over the past six years. We’ve been through 9/11, we’ve been through Katrina. The president and the vice president inherited a recession. We are in a country where the economy is healthy. That’s not broken. This government has acted very well. We have tax cuts responsible for the healthy economy. We are a country that was attacked five years ago. We haven’t been attacked since. What this government has done is effective. That’s not broken government. So, you know, I shouldn’t let media bias surprise me, but I worked at CNN once. I watched a program last night.
WOLF: You worked on CROSSFIRE.
CHENEY: …And i was troubled.
WOLF: All right. Well that was probably the purpose, to get people to think. To get people to discuss these issues. Because —
CHENEY: Well, all right. Wolf, I’m here to talk about my book. But if you want to talk about distortion —
WOLF: We’ll talk about your book.
CHENEY: Right, but what is CNN doing? Running terrorist tape of terrorists shooting Americans. I mean, I thought [Rep.] Duncan Hunter asked you a very good question, and you didn’t answer it. Do you want us to win?
WOLF: The answer of course is we want the United States to win. We are Americans. There’s no doubt about that.
CHENEY: Then why are you running terrorist propaganda?
WOLF: Well all do respect, this is not terrorist propaganda.
CHENEY: Oh, wolf.
WOLF: This is reporting the news. Which is what we do, we are not partisan.
CHENEY: Where did you get the film?
WOLF: We got the film, look, this is an issue that has been widely discussed. This is an issue we reported on extensively. We make no apologies for showing that. That was a very carefully-considered decision why we did that. And I think, I think —
CHENEY: Well I think it’s shocking.
WOLF: If you are a serious journalist, you want to report the news. Sometimes the news is good, sometimes the news isn’t so good.
CHENEY: But wolf, there’s a difference between news and terrorist propaganda.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
God bless Lynn Cheney! I am so proud of her, so very proud!!!
I hope we see more and more of this. CNN needs to be brought down to their knees ( at least that) if not worse! Blitzer is a worthless POS.
Wolf Blitzer is not a journalist. Like most other on-screen personalities at CNN he is a copy reader–an actor with enough literacy to read news copy written by wire services or rewritten by CNN writers from newspaper copy. “Broadcast journalism” is, with few exceptions, an oxymoron. His partisan, political hit piece on the Bush administration just prior to an election demonstrates how corrupt he is. Blitzer has the ethics of a crab louse.

28 Oct

You know you have been in Iraq to long when……

Subject: You Know You have been in Iraq to long when……..
from some of the troops in country
When mortars land near your compound and you roll over in bed and think “still way off, I got another 5 minutes”
When you start humming with the Arabic song playing on the radio on the shuttle bus
You walk an extra 6 blocks to eat at the KBR dining facility to have the exact same food they are serving in your dining facility because you think it tastes better
You actually volunteer for convoy security duty because you still haven’t seen the country yet
You start picturing your wife in traditional Arab dress
The contractors have more fire power than the military combat units. (This is true)
You take the time to add your lines to this list
You’ve spent $200 dollars at Haji mart on dvds buying Basic Instinct, 9 and ½ weeks, and Body of Evidence just for the sex scenes
You drink the water from the tap because you want to drop 20 pounds in two weeks
Driving around in SUVs with weapons pointed out the windows and forcing cars off the road seems very normal
to you
You can put your body armor and helmet on in the dark in under 5 seconds
When the organization you work for has changed its name more than 3 times
When you can actually talk to people in the United States on a cell phone, yet you can’t get people on their cell phone a block away
When you actually spend more time writing e-mail about the dog in the compound versus how to conduct the
fight in Najaf
Your idea of a fun Thursday night is to go to the Palace pool to watch the State Department folks get drunk, naked and try to pick each other up
When you actually get excited to get a package that contains 3 pair of socks, 12 bars of soap and a Victoria Secret
When you start to enjoy the rocking of the trailer every time the MEDEVAC choppers fly over
You memorized every episode from the 4th Season of Sex in the City
You enjoy the audience commentary while watching a movie bought at Haji mart
You see celebratory fire going over the compound at night and think, “wow the colors are so pretty” and want to fire back
Your thinking of buying real estate in the green zone
You wake up and think Baghdad, I am still in friggin Baghdad
You make the new guy show you his count down timer just to make you feel better about your time you have left in country
You’re in the Army and you start saying Ooorah
You’re in the Marines and you start saying Hooah
You’re in the Navy and you realize you are in the middle of the desert, the exact opposite of being in
the middle of the ocean, where one might normally find the Navy.
You’re in the Air Force, and you’re on the plane home because an Air Force tour is too short to have been a long Iraq tour. Ignore this list, zoomie, you won’t get it.
You only notice the stench of Haji funk when its not there
You plan on removing all trees and grass in your yard when you get home so it will look more natural
You forget there are other colors than brown that can be found in places other than power point slides
The temp drops down to 102 degrees and you shiver while reaching for your Gortex jacket
You have noticed a change of season, from long, hot and dry to short, cold and wet.
When you go on R&R, you duct tape your child to the roof of your car, hand him a pellet rifle, and
assign him a sector of fire for the ride to “The Olive Garden.”
When you can comfortably shave and brush your teeth using bottled water, but don’t mind showering in the “non-potable” local water.
While on R&R, you look out the window and find Nature, which leads you to wonder who stole your sandbags.
When some of the contractors wear their DCUs more properly than some of your soldiers.
When 12 hours is a short work day
you go Battle Captains!
When, During the BUA, “DIV asked MNSTC-I for the FRAGO that MNC-I was supposed to publish, but couldn’t because MNF-I hadn’t weighed in, since they were too inundated with MOD and MOI war-gaming the JCCs
within the ISF to square us away!” is a valid comment and generates no
When you start using words like G’day mate, Cheers, and Bloody hell as part of your normal vocabulary
When you have your opinions printed in the STARS and STRIPES more than 3 times
When the palace catches fire and instead of helping to put it out you grab a bag of marshmallows and start roasting
When you step into any office and there are 6 colonels, 12 lieutenant colonels, 15 majors, and 8 captains supervising the work of 1 sergeant
When you end every phone conversation with “Out”
When you’re ordered to get an air mission together on short notice because it’s a “Hot priority” only to have the Major call back once he is in the air to ask “Does anyone know where I am going?”
When the weapon buyback program has become so successful that you have issued the same AK-47 to the
Iraqi army 3 times
When you can actually tell the difference between the sound of an exploding car and an exploding
When on R & R you tell your wife that your weapon status is Red and your looking for the clearing barrel
When on R&R you go to Church and wonder why no one is wearing body armor or carrying an automatic weapon to the service
You see an indirect fire attack take out a generator and get angry at the enemy for not hitting the
one that powers your computer
You see an indirect fire attack take out an air conditioner and your vigor to fight is renewed
You yell at the FNG for shouting incoming when the rounds don’t impact close enough to hit your tent with dirt
You know that you need to run inside immediately after any win of an Iraqi sports team to keep from being hit by celebratory fire
You decide for that for shits and grins – lets take a run around Lost Lake at Camp Victory to see if we can get shot at by the sniper
You never worry about oversleeping because if the morning call to prayers doesn’t wake you, the daily 0430 mortar attack will (most mornings)
The highlight of your shopping experience at the PX is to see that they got in a new shipment of Schick Tracer razor blades
When you send out your laundry and your whites become grayer, your blacks become grayer and your
DCU’s become grayer – makes it easier to sort loads…
You get offended by people wearing clean, pressed DCU’s
You decide that it is a better course of action to pull your blankets over your head than put on your body armor during a mortar attack – the woobee will save you and at least you are comfortable
You make a contest out of seeing who can wear their uniform for more days before becoming entirely
disgusted with themselves
You wonder if the fish served at dinner really was carp caught out of the Tigris or Camp Victory’s lake
A rocket or a mortar really isn’t a big deal until the crater it leaves is big enough to trip over in the dark on the way to the latrine
You go to a social gathering and intermittent gun fire or explosions don’t even cause a pause in the