29 Oct
Jack says:

Great Army recruiting ad, it reminded me of the saying during the 60’s.
We the unwilling, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.
The difference is these kids are willing and they do deserve our support unlike the chilling effects that happened to Lt. Pantano or the accusations of cold blooded murder against our Marines made by Komrad Big Murtha.
I see the same symptoms as during the LBJ years, we’re winning, it’s tough, fraught with some setbacks but the Democrats are frustrated that they can’t buy the peace, so let’s pick up our men and go home.
Cut and Run is what got us where we are thanks to leadership like Johnson’s and susequently the likes of Jimmah and Slick Willie who didn’t have the stomach to win.
This time the enemy is implacable and we either fight for survival or succumb to Islamo-Fascism and Dhimmitude.
The precious UN is setting on it’s hands, powerless, controlled by the very factions it was supposed to halt. Meanwhile the rest of the world looks to the United States to stop the Iranian and North Korean proliferation of Nukes, so we’ll just set back and wait until one or the other makes that first strike, then the Democrats can blame it on the Bush administration.

Wild Thing says:

Great comment Jack! Thank you sooooo much!!