06 Dec

Christmastime Back Home

In “Christmastime, Back Home – A Soldier’s Prayer,” Sgt. Daniel M. Clark “portrays” a U.S. Soldier in Iraq singing about the blessings of Christmastime, back in the states. Sgt. Clark is a former U.S. Marine, and 20-year-veteran of the Massachusetts State Police. The video was filmed at Otis Air National Guard Base, Cape Cod, MA and at locations throughout New England at Christmastime.
I am so sorry to all you Veterans and troops serving today that frequent my blog. I have been requested to remove the video, even though it was at YOUTube as available to anyone that wanted to post it and share it with others.
Apparently this person that owns the video is not sincere in their desire to support the troops. How sad is that.

Here is the email I received.
Name: Maureen
Email Address: macondon@erols.com
Please remove the “Christmastime Back Home” video from this site. You do not have my permission to post it.
I am the owner of the copyright.
Maureen Condon

And this email as well

I do support the troops, but I think our going into Iraq was a big mistake. We should have focused on finding Osama.
What specifically caused me to ask that you remove the video was the comment on your site that Clinton was Communist. That is simply not correct.
I’m a liberal Democrat and very patriotic American. I respect your views. I hope you’ll respect mine.
I know you’ll appreciate where I’m coming from if you listen to another one of my songs, called “We Are Americans”

05 Dec

Agenda for 2008 Democratic National Convention

7:00 P.M. Opening flag burning.
7:15 P.M. Pledge of allegiance to U.N.
7:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
7:30 – 8:00 P.M. Nonreligious prayer and worship. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton.
8:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:05 P.M. Ceremonial tree hugging.
8:15- 8:30 P.M. Gay Wedding–Barney Frank presiding.
8:30 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
8:35 P.M. Free Saddam Rally. Cindy Sheehan– Susan Sarandon.
9:00 P.M. Keynote speech. The proper etiquette for surrender–French President Jacques Chirac
9:15 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast.
9:20 P.M. Collection to benefit Osama Bin Laden kidney transplant fund
9:30 P.M. Unveiling of plan to free freedom fighters from Guantanamo Bay–Sean Penn
9:40 P.M. Why I Hate the Military, A short talk by William Jefferson Clinton
9:45 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
9:50 P.M. Dan Rather presented Truth in Broadcasting Award, presented by Michael Moore, future Supreme Court nominee
9:55 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
10:00 P.M. How George Bush and Donald Rumsfeld brought down the World Trade Center Towers– Howard Dean
10:30 P.M. Nomination of Hillary Rodham Clinton by Mahmud Ahnadinejad
11:00 P.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
11:05 P.M. Al Gore reinvents Internet
11:15 P.M. Our Troops are War Criminals– John Kerry
11:30 P.M. Coronation Of Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton
12:00 A.M. Ted Kennedy proposes a toast
12:05 A.M. Bill asks Ted to drive Hillary home

05 Dec

Some Iranian Visa Holders Sent Home

Some Iranian Visa Holders Sent Home
The Orange County Register
Some Iranian citizens traveling to Santa Clara this weekend for a reunion of graduates and professors from a Tehran university have been stopped at U.S. airports and told the visas they were carrying had been revoked.
The State Department on Thursday refused to say why some Iranians coming to the conference with visas approved by U.S. consulates abroad are being denied entry, detained overnight and then sent back to Iran. Event organizers said they know of 20 who have so far been turned away. More than 100 additional Iranian nationals are due at the weekend event.
“We knew that it was going to be difficult to get U.S. visas for the Iranians,” said Fredun Hojabri of San Diego, founder of the Sharif University of Technology Association, a worldwide group of former students and professors associated with the 40-year-old school. But Hojabri said over the course of four months he had helped about 150 prospective participants at this weekend’s combination reunion and conference work through the process to get visas.
Among those whose visas were revoked was Ali Edrissi, a doctoral student at Sharif University. Bahman Pouranpir, Edrissi’s uncle and an industrial engineer from Irvine, waited for about six hours at Los Angeles International Airport on Tuesday for Edrissi and his bride, Sara Nadimi.

“I don’t expect this to happen,” Edrissi added. “If the visa was given then they shouldn’t take it back.”

Most of the Iranians who wanted to come here were given visas while some were denied, Hojabri said. But beginning early this week, he began to get messages from participants that they, and in some cases their families, were being sent back to Iran.
An unknown number were stopped at LAX. Hojabri said he also believes some were blocked from entering in Chicago and Toronto.

“We’re not political,” said Hojabri, who has lived in the United States since 1981 and is a former UC San Diego professor. “We are an association mostly to help each other scientifically and professionally.”

Iran is one of five countries listed as states that sponsor terrorism and as such, visa applications from there are scrutinized more closely than from other countries. The U.S. does not have an embassy or consulate there, which is why the Iranians seeking to come here had to get their visas from Dubai and other consulates.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I could care less if they like it or not. Hey Muzziebrain, we are at war with Islam………hello!!

04 Dec

Bush Accepts Bolton’s U.N. Resignation

WASHINGTON – Unable to win Senate confirmation, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his temporary appointment expires within weeks, the White House said Monday.
Bolton’s nomination has languished in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a year, blocked by Democrats and several Republicans. Sen. Lincoln Chafee (news, bio, voting record), a moderate Republican who lost in the midterm elections Nov. 7 that swept Democrats to power in both houses of Congress, was adamantly opposed to Bolton.
Critics have questioned Bolton’s brusque style and whether he could be an effective public servant who could help bring reform to the U.N.
President Bush, in a statement, said he was :

“deeply disappointed that a handful of United States senators prevented Ambassador Bolton from receiving the up or down vote he deserved in the Senate. They chose to obstruct his confirmation, even though he enjoys majority support in the Senate, and even though their tactics will disrupt our diplomatic work at a sensitive and important time,” Bush said. “This stubborn obstructionism ill serves our country, and discourages men and women of talent from serving their nation.”

Sen.John Kerry, D-Mass, said Bolton’s departure could be a turning point for the administration.

“With the Middle East on the verge of chaos and the nuclear threats from Iran and North Korea increasing, we need a United Nations ambassador who has the full support of Congress and can help rally the international community to tackle the serious threats we face,” Kerry said. He said it was an opportunity for Bush to nominate an ambassador “who enjoys the support necessary to unite our country and the world and who can put results ahead of ideology.”

Bush gave Bolton the job temporarily in August 2005, while Congress was in recess. Under that process, the appointment expires when Congress formally adjourns, no later than early January.
The White House resubmitted Bolton’s nomination last month. But with Democrats capturing control of the next Congress, his chances of winning confirmation appeared slight. The incoming chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Democratic Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, said he saw “no point in considering Mr. Bolton’s nomination again.”
While Bush could not give Bolton another recess appointment, the White House was believed to be exploring other ways of keeping him in the job, perhaps by giving him a title other than ambassador. But Bolton informed the White House he intended to leave when his current appointment expires, White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino said.
Bush planned to meet with Bolton and his wife later Monday in the Oval Office.
Bush said he accepted Bolton’s decision with deep regret.

“He served his country with extraordinary dedication and skill, assembling coalitions that addressed some of the most consequential issues facing the international community,” the president said. “During his tenure, he articulately advocated the positions and values of the United States and advanced the expansion of democracy and liberty.

“Ambassador Bolton led the successful negotiations that resulted in unanimous Security Council resolutions regarding North Korea’s military and nuclear activities. He built consensus among our allies on the need for Iran to suspend the enrichment and reprocessing of uranium,” Bush added. “His efforts to promote the cause of peace in Darfur resulted in a peacekeeping commitment by the United Nations. He made the case for United Nations reform because he cares about the institution, and wants it to become more credible and effective.”

Bolton, who pushed strongly for U.N. reform, has had strained relations with many in the U.N. Secretariat, led by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, and has repeatedly called for all top U.N. officials to leave when Annan steps down as U.N. chief on Dec. 31 and is replaced by Ban Ki-moon.

“I think Ambassador Bolton did the job he was expected to do,” Annan said Monday morning when asked about Bolton’s resignation. “He came at a time when we had lots of tough issues from reform to issues on Iran and North Korea. I think as a representative of the U.S, government, he pressed ahead with the instructions he had been given and tried to work as effectively as he could.”

As late as last month, Bush, through his top aides, said he would not relent in his defense of Bolton, despite unwavering opposition from Democrats who view Bolton as too combative for international diplomacy.
In a letter to Bush, dated last Friday, Bolton offered no reason for his decision.

“After careful consideration, I have concluded that my service in your administration should end when the current recess appoint expires,” Bolton wrote.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
I know we knew it was coming but nonetheless it is still sad and has me very angry.
That F’ing Chaffee and the Rats won this round! They were elected to do a job! Reublicans should have behaved like leaders, like the majority they are instead of behaving as visitors!!!
Bush might as well nominate Pee Wee Herman. That’s what the Lib’s want. Islamofascists are hugging themselves and squealing with delight.
Thank You for your service, Mr. Bolton. It was refreshing to have someone in that den of thieves who actually stood up proudly for America.
God bless you.I am so sorry Mr. Bolton, for non men like Chafee that exist and for the vile Rats that hate America so much.

04 Dec

Traitor Carter on C-SPAN ~ LOL

Caller from Aurora, Illnois:
Yes, Mr. Carter, thank you for making me a Republican—because of your incompetence in handling the Iranians and…your cozying up with every dictator, thug, Islamic terrorist there is. And more importantly, I find it to be vile because of [untelligible] (sounds like “your blackest heart”). Because you’re an anti-Semite. And let me explain why I think you’re a bigot and a racist and an anti-Semite…
Host interrupts: I think, caller, that the name-calling is fine—is enough. But look, these are the strong questions that are coming from people…

Wild Thing’s comment……
OK, watch Carters face. First he sits there smiling his big idiot smile, not even realizing what the caller is saying.
LMAO I love it, and then he does realize what is being said and his faces changes completely. hahahahaha

04 Dec

Will Ahmadinejad’s Term Be Cut Short?

Iran: Parliament shortens Ahmadinejad’s term
Published: 12.03.06, 20:44
The Iranian parliament voted on Sunday to unite the presidential elections with the upcoming parliamentary ones, this according to the official Iranian news agency.
The proposal, which passed with a surprising 80 percent majority, may cut the term of sitting President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad by 18 months.
The bill must still be ratified by the Iranian constitutional committee, which is headed by former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, Ahmadinejad’s arch-rival, a fact which many see as indicative that the bill will indeed be authorized.

Hashemi Rafsanjani

Rafsanjani himself is considered one of the most powerful politicians in Iran and is currently running for a position in the Assembly of Experts, an 86-strong body of ayatollahs who monitor the Iranian Supreme Leader (a position currently held by Ayatollah Ali Khamenei). The Assembly has the power to dismiss the Supreme Leader. Already existing tensions have heightened between Ahmadinejad and Rafsanjani as the latter is pitted directly against Ahmadinejad’s spiritual mentor Masbah Yazdi who is also vying for a spot on the Assembly of Experts.
One of the reasons cited in the proposal for bringing the two elections together is cutting the costs brought on by a double election. Opponents to the bill claimed that cutting the president’s term is unconstitutional and that parliament’s term should be extended to meet the original date for the presidential election.

Wild Thing’s comments……
What the heck???? Assembly of Experts hahaha
Has Stinky been a bad boy? Who knows? Maybe Howard Dean will defeat Mahmoud in a landslide 18 months from now.

03 Dec

Howard Dean: Judge Us By Our Actions

Judge Us By Our Actions

Democrats have a tough job in protecting their recent election gains because:

“now it’s what we do and not what we say,” national chairman Howard Dean told party leaders Saturday.

“It’s what happens in Congress that will determine our message more than anything I say or what they say in Congress,” Dean said.

Democrats, who will run both the House and Senate come January, have outlined an agenda that includes overhauling ethics, raising the minimum wage and making college more affordable.
Dean said Democrats must prove to people in conservative and swing districts that they can earn the voters’ trust.

“Elections are not mandates. Elections are power being loaned to politicians for a two-year period by the voters of this country,” Dean said. “Now it’s our job to earn it back again in ’08.”

That approach is critical if Democrats are to build on their majority in Congress and retake the White House in 2008, said Dean, adding that Democrats did will in November because they appealed to all types of voters.

“George Bush made a huge mistake by representing half of America, while treating the rest of us with contempt,” Dean said. “We need to reach out to everybody whether they agree with us or not.”

Dean said he was pleased that Democrats drew more support than in the past “faith voters.” Democrats gained among religious voters, including those considered evangelical, because they talked about their values and competed in all parts of the country, Dean said.
Later Saturday, Democratic National Committee members planned to propose an incentive system to persuade states not to move their presidential nominating contents too early in the 2008 calendar.
The idea is to discourage jamming the primary calendar after moving up Nevada and South Carolina in the first wave of contests to increase diversity in the early contests.

Wild Thing’s comment……
It’s like I once heard a baseball umpire say: “When a pitcher loses his stuff, the batters think they just became better hitters.”
Similarly, the democrats think they just became America’s Most Popular and that everyone is going to indulge their little fantasies. “Oh, wow, we can end war and make employers pay everybody more, and we’ll make everyone apologize for being successful.”

03 Dec

107th Army-Navy Football Game

A midshipman from the United States Naval Academy holds a cut-out of President Bush before the start of the 107th Army-Navy football game in Philadelphia today. (Navy beat Army 26-14)

In a funny parody of Kerry’s and Conyers’ slurs on the intelligence and education of military members, West Point cadets hold up a self-explanatory sign before the start of the game.

And then over in Iraq, they were cheering on the game as well. I thought this was an interesting photo. I love it, and can’t you just bet that Saddam never had a dream or a nightmare that he would be in jail, and we would have our awesome troops hanging out around his (Saddam’s) old haunts. heh heh

02 Dec

Muslims Seek Prayer Room At Airport

Maybe something like this and add in a disposable prayer rug dispensers on the walls.

Muslims Seek Prayer Room at Airport
Airport officials said Friday they will consider setting aside a private area for prayer and meditation at the request of imams concerned about the removal of six Muslim clerics from a US Airways flight last week.
Steve Wareham, director of Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, said other airports have “meditation rooms” used for prayers or by passengers who simply need quiet time.
A group of Somali clerics met with airport officials Friday and said they would attract less attention if they had a private area for prayer. Devout Muslims pray five times daily, facing the holy city of Mecca.
“When we pray, we don’t want a problem. We don’t want what happened last week,” said Abdulrehman Hersi, an imam at Darul-Quba mosque in Minneapolis, referring to six clerics who were barred from a US Airways flight in Minneapolis after drawing the concern of some passengers.
Airports in Nashville, Tenn.; Columbus, Ohio; and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., all advertise meditation rooms. Fort Lauderdale’s is billed as “For travelers seeking a quiet time.” All note they are nonsectarian.
The imams at the airport Friday drew a few stares as they laid down their prayer rugs and knelt on the hard rubber floor at the airport.
The clerics requested a meeting after both the US Airways incident and a recent flap over Muslim cabdrivers who didn’t want to pick up passengers carrying alcohol.

Wild Thing’s comments……….
So a publicly owned building can’t have a crèche or a Christmas tree because it might mean we are condoning a religion, but we can build the rag heads a prayer room? I don’t want my tax money spent on Muslims prayer rooms, if they don’t like it, they can go back to their big mid-eastern sand box and pound sand. The only reason these people are demanding this is their need to force themselves on us, there need to show us that they are something special. By winning these concessions, they begin to dominate our culture with their PC BS. If we continue to acquiesce to their demands, we loose and they will win.
How about serving sacramental pork rinds on the plane instead of peanuts.
Just wondering how do Muslims pray in Seattle’s revolving Space Needle? I mean one moment they are facing Mecca, the next- Tel Aviv. heh heh