05 Jan

Bush Nominates Zalmay Khalilzad for UN Post

Zalmay Khalilzad

Bush to Nominate Khalilzad to U.N. Post
President Bush will nominate Zalmay Khalilzad to be the new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations. Khalilzad is currently the U.S. ambassador to Iraq. The announcement may come as soon as tomorrow. Khalilzad’s departure from Baghdad will happen as soon as he is confirmed as U.N. ambassador.
Ryan Crocker, currently the U.S. ambassador to Pakistan, will be nominated to replace Khalilzad in Baghdad. Khalilzad has been U.S. ambassador to Iraq since June 2005. He is the highest ranking Muslim in the U.S. government and one of the few officials at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad fluent in Arabic.
Khalilzad played an active role trying to push the Iraqi government toward political reconciliation. Khalilzad’s efforts aliented some in the Shia-dominated Iraqi government who complained that Khalilzad was biased in favor of Iraq’s Sunnis. Khalilzad is a Sunni Muslim. Before becoming U.S. ambassador to Iraq, Khalilzad served as U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan. Prior to that, he served as a Special Presidential Envoy and Ambassador at Large for the Free Iraqis.
Khalilzad has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree from the American University of Beirut, Lebanon, and a Ph.D. from the University of Chicago.

04 Jan

Biden Brags He Has Lots of Experience for 2008 Bid

Sen. Biden touts experience in 2008 bid
NEW YORK – Democratic Sen. Joe Biden wants you to know he is running for president. Definitely. Unequivocally. Absolutely.

“I’m the only guy who will tell you honestly what I’m doing. The others won’t tell you, but I will,” Biden said, wrapping up a fundraising trip to New York before heading to New Hampshire, his ninth visit in just over a year. He’s also campaigned extensively through other early voting states, spending 17 days in Iowa, nine in South Carolina, and four in Nevada.

In a potentially crowded Democratic field dominated by New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama — neither of whom has formally entered the race — a Biden candidacy seems a bit of an anachronism.
But the 64-year-old Delaware lawmaker insists there’s never been a better time for him to run.

“Frankly, I think I’m more qualified than other candidates, and the issues facing the American public are all in my wheelbarrow,” Biden said. “I know I want to be president, I know what I believe and my message is important.”

Wild Thing’s comment
And .. what experience would that be .. something like, lying, cheating, deceiving, usurping, obstructing, and did I mention lying ..?? Biden gives me the creeps, heck most of the Democrats do.

04 Jan

Muslims Don’t Want To Share Prayer Room

I know this video has nothing to do with a prayer room for the death cult followers. But it is so funny and I thought you might get a kick out of it.

Muslims warn of ‘problems’ in shared prayer room
Muslims are demanding a private room to pray at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, saying there will be problems if they have to share an existing “quiet room” with people of other religions.

“Where you have Christians and Muslims praying at the same time, it will create a problem,” said Fuad Ali, a Somali leader who spoke at a meeting with airport officials, according to the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

The meeting was a followup to an incident Nov. 20 when ticket agents and other passengers noticed six Muslim imams who had attended a conference in the area praying loudly before their flight, and shouting “Allah, Allah” when their flight was called.
Officials said then they also asked to be scattered throughout the plane, rather than sitting together as they had been assigned. And some of the imams, although they did not need them, asked for seat-belt extenders.
Now Somalis, who make up a large community in Minnesota and are predominantly Muslim, are demanding changes at the airport, including a private place for them to use for their prayers.
The airport, meanwhile, has suggested they share the room already set aside for such purposes.
But the airport already provides the generic quiet area, and if it would set aside a special area designated for Muslims, it could have to accommodate any – and all – other faiths the same way, noted Airport Director Steve Wareham.

“Our request would be you try the quiet seating area,” Airport Director Steve Wareham said.

That is a carpeted room furnished with chairs – but without any religious symbols, airport officials said. It has been in use for a number of years, but hasn’t been obvious, so airport officials have promised to put up more signs to let people know where it is.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Yeah – problems! They can’t plot their hijackings with other people in the room. The demands made by Muslim’s typically take them well beyond acceptable accomodations. And for a reason. . .they are determined to push the envelope until they realize their full goals/agenda.
Interesting how these Muslims have been able to travel all over the world for all these years WITHOUT prayer rooms? I guess they had not decided yet to start working on their agenda to take over other countries. But it sure is happening now.

03 Jan

But Saddam Has Left The Building But Saddam Ghost “Hanging” Around LOL

People seeing Saddam’s ghost in Baghdad public areas
India Daily
In a most bizarre stories ever heard, some people in Baghdad are claiming that they are seeing Saddam’s ghost in Baghdad public areas.
Sources say, this may be a plot by the Baathists to keep Saddam ‘alive’ among the Sunni communities. Some claim he is seen in restaurants, markets and so on. It is possible many Saddam look-alikes are now more prominent and people are mistaking these look-alikes as possible Saddam. It is also possible that Saddam was such a threat that people just cannot believe he is dead and not coming back.
None of these possible ghost sightings are confirmed by any reliable sources or Iraqi authorities.
Saddam Hussein was buried before dawn on Sunday in his native village of Awja, near Tikrit in northern Iraq, the head of his tribe and a family source said. Ali al-Nida, head of the Albu Nasir tribe, told Reuters the burial in a family plot took place in the early morning, less than 24 hours after the former president was hanged for crimes against humanity. He gave no further details.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
LMAO too funny. He was so nasty that the Devil kicked him out!?! My apolpgies to Casper the Friendly Ghost for my use of his body for Saddam.. hahahahahaha

03 Jan

Hamas Whine They Are Misunderstood ~ Dems Feel Their Pain

Hamas complains of ‘poor spokespeople’
According to group’s website, ‘PA continues to employ poor spokespersons, we need to tell world Israel is a murderer’
Yaakov Lappin Published: 01.02.07, 18:08
The Palestinian Authority is failing to get its message through to the world because of “poorly qualified or unqualified spokespersons with inadequate political and linguistic abilities,” the Hamas English language website claimed in editorial Tuesday.

The editorial said Palestinians “need professional spokespersons with excellent knowledge of the world and mastery of foreign languages, especially English, to tell the world in straightforward manner that Israel is a murderer, liar and land thief and that the problem lies squarely in the Zionist theft of our land and savagery of our people .”

“There can be no peace or stability between Islam and the West, let alone between Israel and the Muslim world, as long as the Israeli occupation persists and the Palestinian people are denied their rights, including the right to have a viable and sovereign state with East Jerusalem as its capital as well the repatriation of Palestinian refugees to their original hometowns and villages in what is now Israel.”

The editorial complained bitterly against a recent soccer game between a joint Israeli-Palestinian team and the Spanish national squad.

“This… American administration, which believes that the invasion, occupation and destruction of Iraq, was inspired by God, will not award or reward Abbas for being moderate (in the American lexicon ‘moderate’ means coming to terms with the Israeli occupation and giving up Jerusalem as well as the right of return and much of the West Bank).”

Wild Thing’s comment….
Hamas your message is well known even above the sound of the many loud exposions from your suicide-bomber children and IED blasts in every Muslim country!! Well there’s always Baghdad Bob, or on a more Carter.

03 Jan

Operation Beastmaster

Dec 29, 2006
BY Staff Sgt. Kason Fark, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regimen
BAGHDAD – Staring down at an empty lot, Spc. Craig McBaine wondered how such a tranquil neighborhood could be the scene of so much carnage.
Nicknamed “IED Alley East,” this 700-meter stretch of barren earth has been the scene of many attacks against coalition and Iraqi security forces.
On this day, the patch of land, bordered on three sides by once-beautiful three-story houses, is occupied by up-armored Humvees, Bradley Fighting Vehicles and Abrams Battle Tanks, all in support of Operation Beastmaster.
During Beastmaster, troops from the 4th Battalion, 1st Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division cleared three large neighborhoods in the western Baghdad suburb of Ghazaliya. The sight of much sectarian violence, Ghazaliya is the battle ground for Sunni insurgents trying to push back the overwhelming Shia population in the northern and eastern areas of Baghdad.

“Alternate Supply Route Sword,” the U.S. military’s name for the largest road running through southern Ghazaliya, is also the in-road from Fallujah to Baghdad proper.

Having just arrived weeks ago, Soldiers of Company D, 2nd Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment, attached to 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division, have set upon the goal of taking over the security of Ghazaliya from the Soldiers of 1st Battalion, 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division.

“It’s been pretty crazy already,” McBaine said. The Florida native’s patrol would later be hit multiple times by small arms fire, a rocket-propelled grenade and a roadside bomb.

Based out of Fort Bliss, Texas, 2-12 Cavalry is part of the 1st Cavalry Division’s newest brigade – the 4th “Long Knife” Brigade Combat Team. While the unit may be new to El Paso, Texas, it is no stranger to combat.
2-12 Cavalry was de-activated shortly after its return from Operation Iraqi Freedom II in March 2005. The unit has also earned streamers in other conflicts such as World War II, Vietnam, and Desert Storm. The unit was the first U.S. unit in Leyte and Japan. The unit re-activated at Fort Bliss 18 months after returning from Iraq.
Participation in operations such as Beastmaster with the Iraqi Army is the key to handing Iraq back over to its people. The Iraqi soldiers involved were being observed by coalition forces to gauge their ability to perform urban warfare tasks.
Overall, Operation Beastmaster was a huge success. In the course of three days of house to house searches, the Iraqi Army troops uncovered seven weapons caches, numerous roadside bomb-making materials and captured a high-value target.

02 Jan

Pelosi and Hillary Two of a Kind

A tale of 2 women
Pittsburgh Tribune Review…for complete article
By the close of business on Election Day 2006, the country decided it was ready for a female speaker of the House. Recent polls have shown a whopping 92 percent of Americans are ready to vote for a qualified female candidate for president.
But is the country ready for a female House speaker and a female president at the same time?
On Jan. 4, Capitol Hill, for all intents and purposes, becomes Nancy Pelosi’s. Starting this week, she will be the face of the Democratic Party.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Willl they get along, who the heck cares. haha I can’t stand either one of them. And they both are my enemy and America’s enemy. What I can imagine is that they will not be warm and friendly to each other. I don’t think either one of them has a fan club on the Hill, only the idiots on the left that voted for them. YUK!
I love our country and I am proud to be an American. It breaks my heart to see it attacked, not only by the terrorists but also by the left. People like Pelosi and Hillary and the others from the left that have an agenda to bring us down to being weak, socialist etc. and will cater to our enemy in so many ways is very concerning to me.
I will never give up, and never stop fighting back in my own way.
Pelosi and Hillary are both like a rattlesanke staring at a rabbit. Like the single-minded attention of a rattlesanke on its prey, Hillary’s only goal is getting elected to office as the first woman President and implementing her leftist agenda.
They will both will lie, twist, contort, change position, promise, weedle and cojole to achieve their objectives

02 Jan

CNN Identifies Osama bin Laden as “Obama”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!! This stuff cannot be made up! This is great, someone in the editing room at CNN is in deep doo-doo. Their non-stop Obamamania bit them on the ass.
And this one is a video showing Ted Kennedy from awhile back trying to say Obama er ah Osama Obama hahaha

02 Jan

Saddam’s Daughter Raghad gives Her Rah-gards To Protests

Raghad Saddam Hussein stopped in at the demonstration staged by the Professional Associations — a body that groups unions for doctors, engineers and lawyers — in its office parking lot in west Amman.

“God bless you, and I thank you for honoring Saddam, the martyr,” two witnesses recalled Raghad Saddam Hussein as telling the protesters, who included a junior Cabinet minister, on her arrival. She left a minute later.

Raghad, who supervised her father’s legal team, has lived in Jordan since shortly after Saddam’s overthrow in April 2003. The Jordanian authorities have told her not to get involved in political activities.

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour reacts to news of Saddam’s death

Wild Thing’s comment……
Martyr Shmartyr! I can’t help it…..Raghad/Raghead is nothing more then a female Saddam. It was 10 years ago that daddy killed her husband and her sister’s husband within 72 hours of guaranteeing their safety in returning to Iraq.
Both husbands were also cousins of Saddam and had fled into exile in Jordan. They hung around Jordan for 6 months, increasingly depressed because no one in the Western or arabic world trusted them. Finally they took Saddam’s word that all was forgiven and they could return to Baghdad. Unbelieveably to all observers, they were dumb enough to go back home, and by most accounts it was Uday that was handed the plum assignment of killing them.
Raghad is still roaming free even though she is wanted for funneling money to terrorists. She’s under the protection of the Jordanian government.

01 Jan

Heather Martin Sings A Song For Her Brother Serving In Iraq

Heather Martin is 6 years old and sings a song that her mother wrote for her brother Shaun who is serving in Iraq. The song is written from Heather’s point of view.
This little girl is absolutely adorable and you can tell she is singing it straight from her heart. God bless little Heather, her family and a special prayer for her brother Shaun and keep him safe.

You were almost sixteen when I came into the world.
Mom and Dad had you first then 3 more boys I’m the baby girl.
I sure have a lot to look up to in you, you’re really smart and funny with a big heart too.
After one year of college you knew what you had to do.
It’s just like you wanting to help with the war.
So you joined the army when I was only 4.
This time of year we talk of big plans but you’re over seas in some distant land.
You can’t be here for Christmas, I don’t understand.
When are you coming home, Shaun?
When are you coming home?!
We lit up the house like we always do but it doesn’t seem bright ’cause we can’t have you.
In my prayers I ask God to keep you safe.
And I’m trying to be really brave.
Tell me that the fighting’s through.
Come home!
I really miss you.
It’s hard to enjoy the holidays without you.
But we’re so proud of you and all the red white and blue.
Remember that Jesus is your best friend,
And someday our families will be together again.
Wow! You know we’ll have a great big party then.
I want to show you how tall I’ve grown and introduce you to my new friends at school.
Maybe we could go and get some ice cream together but I really don’t care what we do.

This is a news story about Heather with photos of her brother as well.

* Billy O’Blog Thank you so much Billy for sending this to me. It is so touching, and so very special.