15 Oct

From Russia With Love to Iran- Is That A Missile In Their Pocket?

Russia NOT making the world a safer place from Terrorists!
Russians help Iran with missile threat to Europe
By Con Coughlin
(Filed: 16/10/2005)
Former members of the Russian military have been secretly helping Iran to acquire technology needed to produce missiles capable of striking European capitals.
The Russians are acting as go-betweens with North Korea as part of a multi-million pound deal they negotiated between Teheran and Pyongyang in 2003. It has enabled Teheran to receive regular clandestine shipments of top secret missile technology, believed to be channelled through Russia.
Western intelligence officials believe that the technology will enable Iran to complete development of a missile with a range of 2,200 miles, capable of hitting much of Europe. It is designed to carry a 1.2-ton payload, sufficient for a basic nuclear device.

The revelation raises the stakes in the confrontation between Iran’s Islamic regime and the West – led by the United States and European countries including Britain.
Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, clashed with Russian officials over Iran’s Nuclear Programmeduring a visit to Moscow yesterday, saying that Teheran must fulfil its obligations under the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty.
She was later expected to urge President Vladimir Putin to back a referral of Iran to the United Nations Security Council.
A senior American official said Iran’s programme was “sophisticated and getting larger and more accurate. They have had very much in mind the payload needed to carry a nuclear weapon.
“I think Putin knows what the Iranians are doing.”
Iran is believed to be hiding its weapons development behind its nuclear power programme, for which it receives Russian support, and has refused to suspend uranium enrichment or to allow full UN inspections.
John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, told BBC2’s Newsnight that Iran was “determined to get nuclear weapons deliverable on ballistic missiles it can then use to intimidate not only its own region but possibly to supply to terrorists”.
Iran’s longest-range missile is the Shahab 3, which, with an 800-mile range, could hit Israel. The North Korean deal will allow the Iranian missile to reach targets far into Europe – including Rome, Berlin, and much of France.
North Korea has developed a missile, the Taepo Dong 2, that could reach America’s west coast, based on the submarine-launched Soviet SSN6. Modifications allow it to be fired from a land-based transporter and this technology is being smuggled to Teheran with Russian help.
Russians have provided production facilities, diagrams and operating instruction so the missile can be built in Iran. Liquid propellant has been shipped to Iran. Russian specialists have also been sent to Iran to help development of its Shahab 5 missile project, which the Iranians hope to have operational by the end of the decade.

15 Oct

Iraqi Vote A Success -MSM & Democrats Deeply Saddened

Iraqis Vote on New Constitution Early Estimates Show Turnout Was Strong Even Among Sunnis

Iraqi troops cast their votes in the referendum on the new constitution in Abu Ghraib, Iraq
Iraqis voted Saturday to give a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a constitution that would define democracy in Iraq.
Full text of the Draft Iraqi Constitution HERENote also, that the Iraqi Transitional Government has a website, that’s where the text was posted.

Security Good as Millions of Iraqis Cast Constitution Ballots
By Petty Officer 3rd Class John R. Guardiano,USN
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, Oct. 15, 2005 – With Iraqi election officials and Iraqi security forces leading the way, millions of Iraqis streamed to the polls today to vote on their country’s constitution. Officials reported that scattered incidents of violence early on in the voting that were quickly squelched by Iraqi security forces.
Coalition forces are supporting the Iraqis with perimeter checkpoints and crowd control. Officials in Iraq said security has been tight and involves a three-stage inspection system that kicks in before voters arrive at the polling sites.
No one with bags, cell phones or packages may enter the polling areas, they said. “From my vantage point, the Iraqi security forces have a good plan to protect the Iraqi people on referendum day,” said Army Lt. Col. Steven Merkel, commander of 1st Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team. He said the officials have worked on the plan for weeks. Iraqi Police and Public Order Brigade forces began training for possible election-day crises or terrorist attacks long ago, Merkel said. Iraqi and coalition forces worked through a variety of potential scenarios, with the intent of deterring attacks and minimizing disruptions.
The election really began a few days ago, when, throughout Iraq, election officials moved polling materials from warehouses to polling centers. “This operation is 100 percent Iraqi,” said Army Sgt. 1st Class Mark Lewandowski, whose Task Force Baghdad civil affairs team helped monitor election preparations. “We don’t touch the ballots, we don’t move the ballots; and we don’t secure them. ”
Polling sites reported relatively little violence in at least the first five hours of voting. Proactive security operations by Iraqi and coalition forces apparently have helped to avert much potential terrorist activity, officials said.
For example, Iraqi Army troops discovered an arms cache and detained three suspects on Oct. 14 near Khalidiyah. Troops from the 1st Battalion, 3rd Brigade, 1st Iraqi Intervention Force were conducting a sweep when the cache was found. The Iraqi soldiers searched the area and collared three military-aged males responsible for the cache. The cache contained three mortar rounds and an assortment of C4 explosive, 7. 62 mm ammunition, a detonation cord, and blasting caps, officials said.
The suspects are being detained by authorities for further questioning. No injuries or damages were reported. Moreover, Iraqi army and police units in the Baghdad area reported at least four separate and scattered small-arms fire incidents and one rocket attack on Oct. 14. Yet, no injuries or property damage resulted from any of these attacks, officials said.

Similarly, Iraqi police arrived on the scene of a terrorist attack in west Baghdad at 7:30 a. m. today after receiving reports of an improvised explosive device attack.
One Iraqi policeman was wounded in the attack. At roughly 9:15 a. m. today. , Iraqi Army Soldiers reported that a rocket was detonated near two polling sites in north-central Baghdad, but without inflicting any casualties or damage. Iraqi army soldiers and police quickly responded to these incidents in order to protect voters. Coalition forces stayed in the background and performed perimeter security operations. Coalition forces are being wary.
Task Force Baghdad Soldiers detained 11 suspected terrorists at a checkpoint in Yusufiyah early this afternoon. The suspected terrorists were found to possess three 125-millimeter projectiles inside their blue van, officials said.
Election officials said voter turnout was high throughout Iraq. “It almost seems like a holiday” here in Baghdad, said Army Capt. Norm Stevenson, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team. “There are kids playing soccer in the streets and families out and about walking around. ” In fact, due to high voter turnout, two of the polling sites in Abu Ghraib temporarily ran out of ballots. Capt. Marc E. Perlini, the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment public affairs officer, said local election official coordinated for additional ballots and voting resumed shortly.
A similar “problem” was encountered in the Ninewa Province, in northwestern Iraq, where tens of thousands of Iraqis lined up to vote. Two hours after polls opened, Independent Electoral Commission officials at one of the polling stations reported that they were running out of ballots.
Iraqi police coordinated a rush re-supply of ballots and the voting continued uninterrupted. Officials attribute the high voter turnout in Ninewa to the excellent security provided by more than 3,000 Iraqi soldiers and police. “The people of Tal Afar are very happy to have this opportunity to vote and hope that, after today’s elections, all of Iraq is unified together as one voice,” said Tal Afar Mayor Najem. “Yesterday, I said to all of the people, ‘Go to the polls and refuse terrorism,'” Najem said. “The terrorists made their voice with the car bombing; but the people of Tall Afar answered back by going to the polls. “ The people, he added, “showed that they were not afraid to stand up to the terrorists by voting. I am very proud of the people. ”
The mayor also expressed his in pride in the Iraqi Security Forces for “their professionalism and service throughout the election day. ” The Ninewa Province and cities of Tal Afar, Sinjar, Bi’aj and Rabiyah were hotbeds of terrorist activity and thus the object of recent operations by coalition forces. The province issafer, they said and that’s why the number of polling stations available for the entire province increased from 17 in January to 58 today.
Tal Afar had Iraq’s second lowest voter turnout in January – second only to Fallujah. But today, the citizens of Tal Afar came out en masse to vote, with their purple fingers raised, officials said. The purple ink stain indicates that a citizen has voted and is designed to prevent duplicative voting.

In fact, a crowd of voters in Tal Afar gathered to celebrate their day of democracy. They chanted, “Say no to terrorism!” officials said. One woman was asked whether she was afraid that terrorists might spot her ink-stained finger. “I don’t care about the terrorists; this is what I believe in!” she said.

15 Oct

Carlton Sherwood and VVLF have counter-sued John Kerry

Carlton Sherwood (a decorated USMC Sniper and the man behind “Stolen Honor: Wounds That Never Heal) AND the VVLF have counter-sued John Kerry!

I received this email and want to share it with you.

John O’Neill
Houston, Texas
October 4, 2005
Dear Friend,
Last year, when my fellow Swift Boat veterans and I spoke out about John Kerry, you rallied to our side. We will never forget your faith in our cause and your belief in our honesty. It made all the difference. Together we made history.
Like most of you, I believed our mission was over. We could all move on with our lives, return to our families and homes secure in the knowledge we had done the right thing for America, and for our children’s future.
Regrettably, that has not been the case for a distinguished group of Vietnam combat veterans who stood shoulder-to-shoulder with us during last year’s campaign. Their situation has become so critical that I felt compelled to break our long silence to inform you of this urgent matter.
The Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation, an organization founded by some of the same POWs and their wives who joined with us to form Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth, has become the target of vicious legal assaults – multiple lawsuits designed to silence the voices of the POWs.
The VVLF is being sued to punish the organization for the content of the POW documentary Stolen Honor, which contrasts their own accounts of their service in Vietnam and suffering in North Vietnamese prison camps with the claims of the antiwar movement.
They desperately need our help and I am asking, once more, for your support. I urge you to give what you can to assist these truly noble men and women.
It is no accident that this campaign to coerce and silence some of America’s most heroic figures from the Vietnam War has intensified just as the shrill voices of the extreme Left’s anti-military, blame-America-first propagandists are once again on the rise. Even Jane Fonda has resurfaced.
You might ask why the VVLF has been targeted in this legal assault – why attack men who endured years of unspeakable torture and suffering in defense of America? The answer lies in the question. These are among the most credible, living eyewitnesses to the trail of deceit and betrayal. All are highly decorated and each bears the scars and permanent physical disabilities of his long years in captivity. One is the recipient of our nation’s highest award for valor, the Medal of Honor. They paid for the right to voice their opinions with years of indescribable pain, hardship and torment. Their individual histories of perseverance under the direst of circumstances, and their fidelity to the principles of honor instilled in each American serving in uniform belie the despicable slanders laid at the feet of our military.
The POWs’ very existence and their willingness to go public threaten the foundation of the Left’s propaganda, a lifetime of lies that accuse the U.S. military of being no better than the “armies of Genghis Khan.” It remains the Left’s most potent weapon as they continue to undermine the efforts of our Armed Forces and provide aid and comfort to America’s enemies.
The war for America’s conscience and soul rages on in the media, on the streets and quietly behind courtroom doors. In the vanguard of that battle, as they were some 40 years ago, are the POWs; some of America’s greatest heroes; men and their wives, fathers and mothers, many of them grandparents, who have already paid a heavy price for their loyalty and devotion to America and, sadly, find they must do so again today.
They deserve our respect, admiration and gratitude, but most of all our support, even as they try to protect and preserve the honor and reputations of an entire generation of American troops vilified by the extreme Left.
Won’t you stand up once more to defend our troops and veterans? Please give what you can to help the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation continue the still-unfinished task of setting the record straight about the Vietnam War and Vietnam vets.
This is every bit as important as our effort last year. If you’d like to stay informed about the VVLF’s ongoing work, please sign up for updates here.
Thank you again and God bless you and America.
John O’Neill

Now here are some updates about it:
Update: POWs and Carlton Sherwood File Suit Against John Kerry and Anthony Podesta for Defamation, Conspiracy
Carlton Sherwood, Red, White and Blue Productions, Inc. and Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation v. John F. Kerry and Anthony T. Podesta
On October 3, 2005, Carlton Sherwood, Red, White and Blue, and the VVLF filed suit in Federal court against Sen. John Kerry and Anthony Podesta for events relating to the suppression of the documentary film Stolen Honor.
Legal Documents:
10/03/2005: Defamation, Defamation/Business Disparagement, Intentional and/or Negligent Interference with Prospective and Existing Contractual Relations, and Civil Conspiracy Complaint, filed in Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania[PDF: 818K]
Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation
Former Vietnam POWs Sue John Kerry

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 5 /PRNewswire/ — Sen. John Kerry and a top DNC campaign official have been sued for conspiracy and defamation in Federal District Court in Philadelphia by the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation (VVLF), which is led by a group of former Vietnam combat veterans, including several POWs, and the wife of a POW. The legal action comes just weeks after the group of highly decorated veterans, which includes a Medal of Honor recipient, was itself sued twice by Kerry campaign supporters who were once his fellow antiwar activists.
All the lawsuits stem from last year’s Presidential elections and Stolen Honor, a documentary released last September that examined the impact of Kerry’s 1971 anti-war activities on hundreds of American POWs still being held in the notorious Hanoi Hilton prison camp.
The Kerry campaign mounted a major effort to prevent Stolen Honor from being aired last October after the Sinclair Broadcasting Company announced plans to show the film on its 62 stations nationally. Sinclair was sued, boycotted and harshly condemned by Kerry campaign officials who publicly threatened to have the TV cable company’s FCC license revoked if Kerry was elected. That was followed by protests from 18 U.S. Democrat Senators who called for FCC and FEC investigations of Sinclair. Amid the furor, the documentary’s producer, Carlton Sherwood, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and thrice wounded Vietnam veteran, was sued for libel by a Kerry advisor and member of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, an organization Kerry represented as national spokesman in the 1970’s. That case is scheduled for a jury trial next year in Philadelphia’s Court of Common Pleas.
Sinclair eventually withdrew its planned broadcast of the film and, under pressure from Kerry campaign supporters, theater showings were canceled.
The federal lawsuit, filed this week by Sherwood and the POWs, charge Kerry and DNC campaign coordinator Anthony Podesta of conspiring to discredit the documentary and defaming the film’s producer for the purpose of preventing Stolen Honor from being broadcast or seen in theaters.
Stolen Honor focused on Kerry’s 1971 testimony before the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee when he accused U.S. combat troops of committing atrocities and war crimes on a “day to day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command.” The film examined, through interviews with 17 POWs and three POWs wives, the consequences of those allegations on some 350 American POWs still held in North Vietnamese Communist prison camps.
Some of the POWs interviewed for the documentary charged Kerry with “treason” and “perjury,” while others said his 1971 Senate testimony placed their lives in jeopardy, protracted the Vietnam War and extended their confinement for years. All the POWs accused Kerry and his followers of fabricating “war crimes” and providing aid and comfort to the enemy in time of war.
In recent weeks, the libel suit against Sherwood has been extended to name the VVLF and Newsmax as defendants. Another Kerry supporter and VVAW member has sued documentary producer Sherwood a second time for libel, also naming the VVLF and the Internet news company Newsmax as defendants.
Those libel suits were filed by Kenneth Campbell and Jon Bjornson, both long-time antiwar activists and members of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), who allege that Sherwood, the VVLF and Newsmax defamed them in the documentary when it questioned the credibility of those, including Sen. Kerry, who claimed to have participated in, or, been witnesses to “war crimes” they allege were committed routinely throughout the Vietnam War. Although neither man is identified in Stolen Honor, both claim they appear in 35 year-old pictures and film clips used in the film and allege their reputations were harmed as a result. Campbell was a volunteer and an advisor to the Kerry campaign last year. Bjornson also supported Kerry.
Documentation for these suits is available at VVLF.org.
All the POWs and the wife of a POW who hold leadership positions in the VVLF also appeared in Stolen Honor. The VVLF’s chairman is Col. Bud Day, a POW Medal of Honor recipient and the Air Force’s most highly decorated veteran.
“It’s time the American people learned the truth about Vietnam and Vietnam veterans,” Col. Day said, “not just the sorry portrait they’ve seen in the movies or read about from politically motivated propagandists. We served with honor.”
The Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation (VVLF.org) is a 501(c)(3) public service corporation whose mission is to educate and inform the public about the Vietnam War, its events, its history, and the courageous men and women who sacrificed to serve their country in Vietnam.
SOURCE Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation
Web Site: http://www.VVLF.org

Vietnam Vets/Former POWs Respond to Slurs From Sen. Kerry’s Staff
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 6 /PRNewswire/ — The following is being issued by the Vietnam Veterans Legacy Foundation:
“I am irritated to be called a liar by the spokesman for someone who spent less time in Vietnam than I spent being tortured. I would like to know what was false when I said that I was interrogated in 1971, told about the ‘Winter Soldier Hearings,’ told that someone had recruited my mother to be associated with these people, and told that John Kerry organized it. Was Boris (my interrogator) lying about Winter Soldier? Did these hearings not take place? Was John Kerry not involved? And while the Kerry people are tossing around frivolous lawsuits claiming defamation, isn’t it defamatory to say that someone is lying if you can’t prove it?”
— The Hon. James Warner, VVLF Board member and former US Marine Corps Captain held captive in Vietnam for over 5 years
“Who is this pipsqueak press boy Wade to question the honor, statements or credibility of veterans who took real fire and POWs who took real torture? How dare he! How dare Kerry allow his taxpayer-funded office to malign decorated veterans and call them liars. Of course, this is nothing new for Kerry — his public life stems from vilifying vets.”
— Mary Jane McManus, VVLF Board member and wife of former POW Lt. Col Kevin McManus
“John Kerry, through his spokesman, David Wade, has brazenly labeled a group of POWs who dared to speak out with the truth about his testimony to the US Senate and his crusade to brand American combatants as war criminals. I read the statement that referred to us as ‘serial liars’ and claimed that the truth doesn’t matter to us. On the contrary, this is all about the truth, and it seems the only chance we have of letting the American people know the truth about the Vietnam War and the honorable men who fought it is in a Federal court of law.
— Col. Ken Cordier, USAF (ret), VVLF Board member and POW for over 6 years
HERE is the Washington Post story and quote from Kerry staffer David Wade
And HERE you can access a copy of the suit filed by Mr. Sherwood and the VVLF

Vietnam Vets Versus Kerry
by Michael P. Tremoglie
07 October 2005
This may be the first time in American history that a presidential candidate was sued for actions taken by him and his campaign during an election. It may also be the first time that an antiwar activist was sued, if only tangentially, for allegations made about American military personnel.
Democrats did indeed respond vehemently to Stolen Honor. Sinclair, according to a contemporaneous Newsweek report, canceled their broadcast after being intimidated by Democrats. For example, a Democrat New York State Comptroller sent a letter to Sinclair criticizing the broadcast. The Comptroller was the sole trustee for the NY State Common Retirement Fund, which owned 250,000 shares of Sinclair stock..
The Baederwood Theater received phone calls threatening boycotts if it showed the movie. Ominous phone calls were responsible for a suburban Philadelphia conference center canceling another presentation scheduled after Baederwood.
Although the Kerry campaign denied any involvement with these efforts, an October 15, 2004 email from Podesta to Kerry activists called Carlton Sherwood a, “disgraced former journalist, right-wing propagandist and apologist for cult-leader Sun Myung Moon.” Podesta urged Kerry workers to “…. take action …against this garbage…. let the theater know that, as a member of the community, you object to …this film …they should not allow Stolen Honor to be shown on their screen.”
If this lawsuit accomplishes nothing else, it will be that the heroes of Vietnam are finally condemning the lies told about them during the war. If nothing else results from this, it will be that those who served their country meritoriously, despite great controversy, despite the adversity, those who truly deserve to be called the Greatest Generation, are once again serving their country by telling the truth about Vietnam.
A former police officer, Michael Tremoglie’s work has appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, Human Events, FrontPage Magazine, and the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

More on Kerry and Fonda at one of my web site pages called….
Extreme Prejudice The Red Zone

14 Oct

Our Troops Rock! They Are The Best!

My prayer is that our Troops know they have our support, prayers and appreciation for all they do. They are America’s Heroes!




says…"Caution Stay 100 Meters Back
Or You Will Be Shot




Capt. Daniel Hall comforts an Iraqi boy
after a suicide car bomb attack in Tal Afar, Iraq, on Tuesday
 Photographer’s Mate 1st Class Alan D. Monyelle /
 U.S. Navy / Agence France-Presse / Getty Images

14 Oct

Colonel David Hunt Backs Up Louis Freeh’s Book

Last Sunday on “60 Minutes” Louis Freeh was interviewed. I already posted about Freeh’s book coming out on another post here on my Blog ( further down the page)
Khobar Towers, Freeh was informed the by the Saudi ambassador the only means he could get at the prisoners was to have Clinton request the Saudi crown prince to let the FBI to meet with them, but at that time, Clinton didn’t help Freeh and the FBI. So Freeh went to Clinton’s predecessor, the elder Bush for help.
The reason why Clinton stepped in was to get money for his Presidential Library.
’60 Minutes’ Mike Wallace failed to press Freeh on suspicious, weakly sourced Clinton accusations
Also, on Bill O’Reilly’s show on Fox news, I saw the interview with Lannie Davis.
Lanny Davis is one of Clinton’s attack dogs who smears anybody who gets in the way.
Davis’ attempt to cover Slick Wilie’s behind, but didn’t do a good job of it. And Davis didn’t answer O’Reilly’s questions, as well as stating Freeh is a Republican. Insinuating because of his party affiliation is the reason he went after Clinton.
O’Reilly asked Davis why didn’t Clinton fire Freeh since was not doing a good job. Davis didn’t answer the question.
Davis stated Freeh wasn’t credible. What makes Davis oh so believable?
Last but not least, If the statements in Freeh’s book are not true, why did Clinton call on Sandy Bergerto refute Freeh’s book, and why are Clinton’s cronies and the left doing overtime in spinning their webs to defend Slick Willie?
Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Robert “Buzz” Patterson authored the book “Dereliction of Duty,” a book about Clinton, why wasn’t he attacked and smeared?
Last but not least, here are some interesting quotes from Colonel David Hunt, who authored the book, “They Just Don’t Get it.”

What Hunt states in his book more or less backs up Freeh.
Quoting from the book.
Richard Clarke faults Bush for not doing anything to counter terrorism
Former White House coordinator for counter terrorism, Richard “It-Ain’t-My-Fault” Richard Clarke. He authored a book charging the Bush administration did nothing for its 232 days in office before 9/11–even though Clark himself worked on national security and terrorism issues in the Clinton White House for more than 2900 days, during which time he did next to nothing. When he testified before Congress, Clarke did the apology thing, but it came years too late. Paragraph 3, page 6 “They Just don’t Get it”
Taking credit for something they didn’t do
The Clinton Administration has pointed to two “victories” against terrorism to justify its policies: the discovery of the “Millennium Bomb” plot and the discovery of plots to blow up the Lincoln and the Holland tunnels. In the book Against all Enemies, Richard Clarke wrote that he and others coordinated a “massive”government effort to foil al Qaeda from blowing up Los Angeles International Airport on New Year’s Eve 1999, and he has reiterated these claims during any number of TV appearances. Yeah, right. What really happened is a stupid SOB named Ahmed Ressam filled his trunk with explosives in Canada and tried to drive through a customs checkpoint in Washington State. A well-trained and very competent border guard spotted the nervous, sweaty Ressam and hauled his ass over to the side to inspect him and his vehicle. She found the trunk full of nastiness. Paragraph 2, page 28 “They Just don’t Get it”
Clarke and others attempted to take credit for this find, which might have worked except that an alert press corps just asked a simple question of the brave and alert border guard: So is it true that you found this terrorist because of the massive effort on the part of the U.S. government, sending out notices, alerting you to the possibility that this deadly terrorist might cross the border?
Paragraph 3, page 28 “They Just don’t Get it”
“I don’t recall any specific threats,” answered Diana Dean. “I don’t recall anybody saying watch for terrorists.” Customs officials confirm that no alert had gone out to the field. Paragraph 4, page 28 “They Just don’t Get it”
Bottom line: we got lucky. Neither Clarke nor anyone else in D.C. had diddly to do with catching Ressam. It was blind luck–good for us, but it was blind luck just the same. Paragraph 5, page 28 “They Just don’t Get it”
Now, far as the Clinton Administration having anything to do with uncovering the plots to blow up the Lincoln and the Holland tunnels, uh, that would be a big no. The FBI and the NYPD got wind of this one through solid police work. Nice going, guys. I am very happy we caught them. But this had nothing to do with anything but great cops doing a great job. It was not the result of coordinated antiterrorists campaign. We were so desperate for a success, we could not even give credit where credit is due. Paragraph 1, page 29 “They Just don’t Get it”
You have to understand something: not only was the Clinton administration not doing anything, it was taking credit away from underpaid, overworked, competent, and brave public safety officers who could not put their hand up and say, “Bullshit.”
Paragraph 2, page 29 “They Just don’t Get it”
Failed to get bin Laden
1996 CIA tracked bin Laden to a ranch in Afghanistan. It had in its sights. The agency only needed permission from the Clinton White house to pull the trigger. So what did the passive-aggressive Clinton administration do? It would not give the order. A government official from the United Arab Emirates was present at the camp with bin Laden, so we chickened out. The reason this order the other guy was hanging with bin Laden couldn’t have been good. Did we think they were forming a church group? Did we think they were planning to turn themselves in? No? Then we should have killed them both. We could have paid retribution for any real or perceived harm done to innocents. This was a camp out in the middle of nowhere. We could have turned it into a puddle. Bin Laden would have been dead, maybe, just maybe, 9/11 wouldn’t have happened. These guys let him go. The response should have been, “Nice job guys, now you’re fired!” But it wasn’t. It wasn’t because we don’t ever fire anybody from failures tied to terrorism, not even when almost three thousand Americans are killed. Hell, under Clinton, missing bin Laden probably meant a promotion. Paragraph 2, page 30 “They Just don’t Get it”
Mogadishu Disaster and SAPs
An infamous example of an SAP that became all too public came in 1993, during the Clinton administration. We had decided to go to the “dark side of the moon,” a place called Somalia, to help country in trouble. The place was being run by warlords who were stealing, raping, and otherwise hurting the population. The most powerful warlord was a guy named Mohamed Farah Aideed. We targeted him (Oh, and by the way, for those of you keeping score, Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda murdering goons were associated with and helping these warlords, including Aideed.) Paragraph 3, page 82 “They Just don’t Get it”
Try to capture Aideed, we sent in the Joint Special Operations Command with Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta and Task Force 160—the Night Stalkers and the First Ranger Battalion. The major portion of the operation was an SAP. But when Delta Force and the Rangers went in, things went terrible wrong. Simply put, our leaders got arrogant and thought that we could do a daylight operation against guerrillas without an adequate back up plan; the Paragraph 4, page 82 “They Just don’t Get it” greatest military in the world blew it Delta Force and the Rangers got caught in a deadly gun battle with Aideed’s forces—a disaster that has been the focus of a best-selling book and a major motion picture, Black Hawk Down. These great soldiers paid the price despite heroic efforts; their bosses screwed this one up. We lost very brave men in a very public way. Paragraph 1, page 83 “They Just don’t Get it”
The political fallout from this humiliation changed the way the Clinton Administration approved SAPs for the next six years. Translation” The Clinton White House put the equivalent of permission slips in the system. Suddenly the government required an endless series of phone calls, e-mails, written orders, and other reporting procedures before any SAP (special access programs) could be approved. It was all designed to slow down—not speed up—the process. It was all designed to give the Clinton administration cover, the ability to say, “It’s not my fault.” Whatever the reasons, the result was that operations no longer had the ability or authority to do their jobs. Paragraph 2, page 83 “They Just don’t Get it”
This need to keep blame from being laid at the door of the White House infiltrated all things dealing with intelligence and the military. When I served in Bosnia in the mid-1990s as part of the NATO peacekeeping force, we were actually told that we were not allowed to go hunting war criminals. If they happened to come up to tone of our roadblocks, we could detain them, not kill them. That is, we could not kill on sight one of the men who had ordered the massacre of more than seven thousand men and boys in a town named Srebrenica. Nope, just detain them. That is much better. Oh yeah. Paragraph 3, page 83 “They Just don’t Get it”
Avoiding Direct Confrontation Attitude and Not Taking Responsibility
The Clinton administration’s “no-one-gets-hurt” mentality played a big role in getting us in the mess we’re in today, but something else has factored heavily into the problem: our national intelligence community was trying to fight terrorists in the way they had fought the Soviets during the Cold War. Paragraph 4, page 83 “They Just don’t Get it”
The runaway bureaucratic structure has not only prevented us from doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done, it has also created a lack of accountability. It is time to demand accountability of our leadership. We have watched commission after commission study what went wrong. We have officials from every walk of life saying, “It ain’t my fault,” or “It’s no one’s fault, it’s the system.” We even have former government officials stuffing secret documents down their pants! Paragraph 1, page 83 “They Just don’t Get it”
“It Ain’t My Fault”
This story is so farcical, so out there, so unbelievable that you are going to think it has to be a bedtime story. Brace yourself. Once upon a time there was former national security advisor to the president of the United States. The adviser’s name was Sandy “I-Ain’t-Going-to-No-Stinking Vietnam” Berger. The president was Bill “I-Did-Not-Have-Sex-with-That-Woman” Clinton. Mr. Berger’s job was to protect our nations’ secrets while he advised the president on the most sensitive matters in the world. During his tenure (he spent six years as either deputy national security adviser or national security adviser), he had to read our nation’s most classified papers—documents so sensitive that he wasn’t even allowed to removed them from his office. Paragraph 2, page 102 “They Just don’t Get it”
Mr. Berger even had to have special telephones that scrambled his conversations in his car, home, and office to protect America’s vital secrets. In fact, in this bedtime story it is fair to say that everything Berger did in his professional life was a secret. Now comes the really ludicrous part: Mr. Berger was caught stuffing classified documents in his pants and socks in the National Archives. Could this be true? Yup. You had to wonder, why would this very smart guy do something so stupid as to smuggle out sensitive documents he knew weren’t supposed to leave the secure room at the Archives? Maybe because the documents showed that he and his boss had done little or nothing to try to stop terrorism for eight years. Paragraph 1, page 103 “They Just don’t Get it”
But the truth is, even if Berger did try to cover up his own failures and the Clinton administration’s failures, it would have worked. The reason it would have worked is that we all know he and the Clinton administration screwed up. But they weren’t the only ones. There weren’t in office when 9/11 happened, of course. No one in Washington says it because everyone there is looking ahead to the next election, but our government screwed up. On September 11, 2001, nineteen Arab men killed more Americans than did the entire Japanese fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. That’s a big screw-up. Paragraph 2, page 103 “They Just don’t Get it”

13 Oct

Video Teleconference: Service Members Speak with President Bush

How many times have we read, seen on TV news and heard on the radio the propaganda of the left Media machine! It never ends, the slant to destroy the truth, to cover up the good things our military does, the negative side of war and never the many good things our troops are doing. Well I am sick of it and furious!
Today the Commander-in-Chief, President Bush, spoke with service members located in Tikrit.

Tikrit, Iraq, via video teleconference from the White House complex in Washington, Thursday, Oct. 13, 2005

Here is the anti-war, Military haters, leftie Media news reported….
Bush Teleconference With Soldiers Staged
Here is one of the idiots statements with his propaganda and slant of course!……
Paul Rieckhoff, director of the New York-based Operation Truth, an advocacy group for U.S. veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan, denounced the event as a “carefully scripted publicity stunt.”
And here is what really happened!

Statement from Pentagon Spokesman Lawrence Di Rita

U. S. forces are proud of their service in Iraq. The service members who spoke with the President from Tikrit today are proud of the opportunity to discuss their service with the Commander-in-Chief.
The event was technologically challenging and required organization and preparation. The soldiers were advised as to the issues they should expect to discuss, and decided among themselves who would speak to each issue as it may arise.
The service members were excited about the opportunity to speak with the President. No one intended to tell them what to think or how to express themselves; going through likely questions in advance was meant solely to help the troops feel at ease during an obviously unique experience.
All of us at the Department of Defense are proud of the chance to serve the troops who serve the country, and we appreciate any opportunity to help them tell their story. On behalf of these fine young men and women, we certainly regret any perception that they were told what to say. It is not the case.

News from U.S.Department of Defense found HERE

11 Oct

More on Piglet’s Revenge or Piglet The Great Satan to Muslims

I know I already posted about this but I saw some poems and wanted to share them with you.


OK first you need to know that I collect Teddybears. I have since I was a child, and of course Winnie Pooh and his friends are part of my collection. So when I heard that the NOT so fuzzy Muzzies (the freakin terrorist and their ilk) wanted Piglet banned and all books etc. having to do with pigs banned as well…. GRRRRRRRrrrrrr I was furious! “Charlottes Web” a great book about friendship and others…..sheesh!

Cartoon by Cox and Forkum


This is a poem by Gateway Pundit….I love it and it is good!

The Brits still
manage to muster
some political correctness
Even after
the tube blasts
from the not
so distant past.
You’ll have to go to Cox & Forkum
to get the whole scoop
but lets just say that Piglet and other toy pigs
are in very deep poop!
Oh, D-D-Dear!

And this is another poem I saw at Eyes On The Ball News

Picture of pig
On tissue box
Who you going call?
An infidel
Eat pork product
Who you going call?
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
At three o’clock
Only you are pray
Who you going call?
Unveiled woman
At your workplace
Who you going call?
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
They’ll cave when it’s their turn
I ain’t ‘fraid o’ no dhimm’
Halal lal lal lal lal lal lal!
Coworker no give
Allah credit for all
Who you going call?
No bombmaking skills
Will your jihad stall
Unless you call
Be ready to believe us, oh no
All of you dimmi
Who live in sin, baby
Repent and call
Beheading make me feel good!
Who you going call?
I no hear you!
Who you going call?

11 Oct

Their Perspective


Click on the Cartoon

And this from Jihad Watch

Islam permits killing of “infidel’ civilians: Zarqawi tape

Zarqawi: Islam permits the killing of “infidel” civilians. CAIR: Islam forbids the killing of “innocent” civilians. See the difference? CAIR and other self-professed moderate Muslim organizations in the West have simply not addressed Zarqawi’s argument, or formulated any argument that will deter Muslims from committing violence in the name of their religion.
From AFP, with thanks to all who sent this in:
DUBAI – Al Qaeda frontman in Iraq Abu Musab Al Zarqawi has said Islam permits the killing of “infidel” civilians, according to an audiotape broadcast on the Internet early Saturday.
“In Islam, making the difference is not based on civilians and military, but on the basis of Muslims and infidels,” said the voice attributed to the fugitive leader who has a 25-million-dollar price on his head.
“The Muslim’s blood cannot be spilled whatever his work or place, while spilling the blood of the infidel, whatever his work or place, is authorized if he is not trustworthy,” said the tape, whose veracity could not be determined.

10 Oct

Schools May Drop Religious Holidays

Rather than add a day off around Ramadan, days off around Easter and Yom Kippur may be eliminated.
By MELANIE AVE, Times Staff Writer
Published October 7, 2005
TAMPA – There may be no day off next school year for the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Also on the chopping block are vacation days for the Christian faith’s Good Friday and the Monday after Easter.
After considering a request to recognize a Muslim school holiday, the Hillsborough County School Board next week will discuss ending student days off on all religious holidays, whether they be Christian, Jewish or Muslim.
The Entire Article Is Here

Hey Muslims!
Get this and get it good! When YOU start to be outraged at what YOUR so called religion has done to human beings in this world. When YOU apologize and leave your Islam death cult….and speak out, yell out to the world by apologizing and telling us…………………………..
Tell us you are sorry for the 1983 Bombing of Marine Barracks, Beirut…..Shiite suicide bombers exploded truck near U.S. military barracks at Beirut airport, killing 241 Marines. Minutes later a second bomb killed 58 French paratroopers in their barracks in West Beirut.
Tell us you are sorry for 9-11 when 3000 people were murdered in the name of Allah. We will never forget the sight of people jumping from two of the highest buildings in the world hoping against hope that if they moved their arms fast enough that they may fly and survive a certain death from burning.
Tell us you are sorry for blaming 9-11 on a Jewish or right wing conspiracy.
Tell us you are sorry for the murder of more than three hundred school children and adults in Russia.
Tell us you are sorry for the murder of train passengers in Spain.
Tell us you are sorry for all the victims of suicide bombings.
Tell us you are sorry for the beheadings, abductions, rapes, violent Jihad and all the atrocities committed by Muslims around the world.
Tell us you are sorry for a religious education that raised killers rather than train people to do good in the world.
Tell us you are sorry for not rising up against the dictators who have ruled the Muslim world for decades.
This actual list would be too HUGE to put it ALL here but I want an apology for every murder, every death, every bombing and then and ONLY then I might listen to you….I might give a
The Muslims with all their banning of this and that. Their whining and complaining about things that are offensive to them and the way people and governments give in to them only gives them credibility. Who the hell gives credibility to killers, murders and cults! They should fear us not the other way around.
We are at war with Islam and if the Muslim’s that say they are good Muslim’s were good people they would be so outraged at their religion of so called peace they would be incapable of continuing to stay in their cult.
Well their demands or requests about Muslims holidays back fired right in their faces. It will only stir the pot of more anger towards them.

10 Oct

Islam the Death Cult

List of Islamic Terror attacks since September 11,2001

“Islam is a revolutionary faith that comes to destroy any government made by man. Islam doesn’t look for a nation to be in better condition than another nation. Islam doesn’t care about the land or who own the land.
The goal of Islam is to rule the entire world and submit all of mankind to the faith of Islam. Any nation or power in this world that tries to get in the way of that goal, Islam will fight and destroy.”
-Mawlana Abul Ala Mawdudi, founder of Pakistan’s fundamentalist movement


There is nothing positive about the religion of Islam and it’s purpose to get a bunch of boneheads to think that if they die for this clown (Muhammad) they will get 72 Virgins.

After 9-11, the US Army Airborne fulfilled the promise of “We will bring them (the terrorist assholes) to justice or we will bring justice to them.” And if anyone knew how to make that delivery it was the US military!


You are invited to visit my Terrorist
at my web site.