Principal rejects anti-war assignment (Teachers wanted 3rd graders to write anti-war letters)
Madison students’ planned letters set off dispute
Posted: Nov. 22, 2005
The principal at a Madison elementary school where teachers assigned third-graders to write a dozen letters urging an end to the war in Iraq sent a letter of apology to parents and ordered teachers to rescind the assignment Tuesday.
A letter sent home Friday with third-graders at Frank Allis Elementary School explaining the assignment to parents said students would be assigned 12 letters to write to third-graders at other Wisconsin and out-of-state schools, federal lawmakers, the media and President Bush.
If the war hadn’t ended by the 12th day of letter writing, students would have had to start the process all over again. The letter gave parents an opt-out option and said the assignment was intended to teach civic responsibility, composition and handwriting skills.
The assignment irked U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-Wis.), who sent a letter to the school’s principal.
“It’s a profound misjudgment to use third-grade students as political pawns regardless of the issue,” said Green.
“If I received letters from third-grade students saying, ‘Dear Congressman Green, please vote for the war,’ I would be equally as disturbed.”
School Principal Chris Hodge said the third-grade teachers came to her with the proposal last week. She believed it violated district policy but wanted to check with administration officials first.
Hodge said the teachers misinterpreted her comments and sent a letter about the campaign to parents anyway. She immediately canceled the project after finding out.
The campaign violated two district policies: one that bans teachers from promoting their personal political beliefs to students; and another that requires teachers to address opposing views when presenting controversial topics, said district spokesman Joe Quick.
“It was a mistake on the teachers’ part,” Quick said. “They were very enthusiastic about what they were trying to do and didn’t realize it violated School Board policy.”
Most of the calls made to the district about the assignment were from media outlets, not angry parents, Quick said.
Wild Thing comment…….
Besides making me furious I don’t know which I am angrier at, the terrorists hugging teachers or the piece of crap parents that did not get angry about this. How about if parents start suing teachers who use classrooms as political platforms…….well somethng…..something has to be done. I mean several times now we have read where children at schools are excused from class as long as they participate in a protest aganist the war and our troops. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
What a bunch of Freakin’ pinko-commies there are teaching the children, the next generation of what…..OH Look Mom and Dad I got an A+ in how to carry a sign properly in a protest against our Military.
A Hump Day link to:
* Cao’s Blog * BIG DOG * Don Surber
Rendered Innocent – But Not Free

Jack Idema and his men have suffered immeasurably at the hands of the United States government over in Afghanistan for fighting the enemy. For some strange reason, American policy has now changed and left many of our operators out in the cold.
We are no longer going after our enemies to kill them; we have now instituted a policy of appeasement.
In the lurch are Jack Idema, Brent Bennett and Ed Caraballo, a blameless journalist who was only documenting what Jack was doing.
These men were charged in July with running a “torture chamber” when all they were doing was questioning men who were plotting to kill Qanooni, Fahim, and many other men who are, in fact real and true anti-Taliban, anti-terrorist American allies. The Karzai government has taken a position of appeasing the Taliban, allowing them to run in the elections, and releasing them from jails.
In the meantime, Idema and his men were charged with nonexistent crimes and put before a Taliban-lead kangaroo court and convicted, sentenced to 10 years, Caraballo to 8. Immediately after they were taken into custody, they were tortured at Saderat, the extreme interrogation compound with FBI agents laughing about it in the hallway.
Shortly after their [Jack and his team’s] arrest, they were subjected to varying degrees of torture and interrogation, apparently determined by rank. Jack Idema was repeatedly beaten by, and in the presence of- Amrullah at NDS Headquarters, as was Lieutenant Rasuli. A palace official was personally aware of and authorizing, at a minimum, Idema’s initial torture at NDS Headquarters by Amrullah, with FBI agents in close proximity and directing the interrogation.
During the following days and nights Idema was tortured with boiling water, starvation, threats of death, and assault with various implements (such as wire cables and rubber whips), resulting in broken ribs, a separated sternum, torn rotator cuffs, hemorrhaged eyes, multiple concussions, lacerations, contusions, and bruises. Although the U.S. Embassy later had medical reports indicating the extent of the torture, Sandra Ingram, Assistant U.S. Consul DOS Kabul, ordered the reports rewritten to tone down the extent of the injuries.
John Tiffany and Jack Idema immediately appealed the ‘guilty verdict’; and 5 Afghan appeals court judges rendered them INNOCENT in late March, early April of 2005.

They are still being held at the behest of the American government because apparently now the Northern Alliance is “unrecognized” and considered part of the “resistance”. We have flipped sides in the middle of a conflict with SF operators and military personnel still on the ground.
We must demand from our government officials that these men be released. They have committed no crime.
We should also be questioning a dangerous policy of turning our backs on our allies.
They should be released from custody, they’ve been declared innocent by the Afghans, and have been recognized by the Afghans as having POW status.
We should be wondering why a Geneva Convention hearing with regard to their POW status which has been denied by the American government.
There should be a congressional hearing as to what has happened with regard to these men, and the people involved should be held responsible.
Write your representatives.
Write your representatives, your congressmen, the President, Condoleeza Rice, Director Mueller (FBI) and Ambassador Neumann (the new Ambassador to Afghanistan since this spring).
Contact information:
for Condoleeza Rice
Main address:
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street NW
Washington, DC 20520
Main Switchboard:
1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay Service)
Send a message from their website to Condoleeza Rice, and be civil.
Send a message to the US Embassy in Kabul. The new Ambassador to Afghanistan is Ronald E. Neumann.
American Citizen Services
U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan
Phone: (+93-20) 230-0436
Mobile: (93) 070-20-1908
Ambassador Khalizad is now Ambassador to Iraq. Judging from his questionable track record in Afghanistan, I don’t have a very high opinion of his work in Iraq, and now I have all kinds of questions as to what exactly we are accomplishing there, and under whose guiding influences.
Send a message to Director Mueller, the head of the FBI.
FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Call (202) 324-3000 or write to the following address:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Also, we should inquire and write about Caraballo’s status to the Society of Professional Journalists and why they haven’t lifted a finger in Caraballo’s case:
Maria Trombly
Chair, SPJ’s International Journalism Committee
Work : (212) 931-0152, (413) 323-0842
We should make it clear that we know what has gone on here and that it’s an outrage and all men from TF Sabre/7 should be released, exonerated, their names cleared. And we should be also pushing for a Congressional investigation as to who was involved, the how and the why. Nobody fighting in Afghanistan or Iraq should EVER have to worry about being hung out to dry like this by a government that is employing stalinist tactics and turning its back on all the freedoms and rights that have been provided and guaranteed us by our founding documents and the blood of our forefathers, many of whom are laying at Arlington cemetary–as well as old standards which all men in uniform think they have as safeguards such as the Geneva Conventions. Are we to apply the Geneva Conventions to terrorists to whom these safeguards don’t apply and ignore them for our men in uniform for whom they were written???
If so, we’re setting ourselves up for FAILURE in this TERROR WAR.
This is the “Free Jack” campaign.
To join the campaign, email Cao from Cao’s blog and tell her you want to join the Free Jack Idema blogburst. You will be added to the blogroll and she’ll send you the html code to put up for that week in case you’re pressed for time and can’t put something together…or you can write your own.
We will be blogging on this every Wednesday until he and his team are released, and when they are, we’ll be blogging about a congressional hearing.
Cao will maintain an email list, and will email you the post of the week along with a picture (if there is one for that week) to host at your blog.
Join the fight. No American should ever have to worry about ending up in this predicament ever again. But first, we must make sure they get home safely and in one piece.
These are the blogs so far who are participating:
“The SuperPatriots and Jack images on this site are used with written copyright permission and any use by any third party is subject to legal action by SuperPatriots.US”.
Wild Thing’s comment……………
For more than 27 years Jack Idema has defended his country in Latin America, South America, Eastern Europe, Africa, the Mid-East, South East Asia, Central America, and finally, South West Asia. For more than a quarter of a century Jack has worked in counter-terrorists projects and activities which may never be known or written about but which have kept America and its allies free from oppressors and terrorists.
In Country – God Bless Our Troops
CW3 Christopher Palumbo. Chief Palumbo is an Army Aviator flying UH60 Blackhawk helicopters in Afghanistan
“History does not long entrust
the care of freedom to the
weak or the timid.”
– General Dwight D. Eisenhower

Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Christopher Palumbo, 3rd Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, is awarded the Silver Star by CJTF-76 commanding general Army Maj. Gen. Jason Kamiya.
Staff Sgt. Ken Denny
An Army aviator was awarded the Silver Star for gallantry in a ceremony Oct. 1 in Bagram, Afghanistan
Army Chief Warrant Officer Three Christopher Palumbo from A Co., 3rd Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment, was awarded the medal for his actions April 11. Palumbo was the pilot in command of “Skillful 31,” the call sign for a UH-60L Blackhawk helicopter conducting aviation operations in Southeast Afghanistan that came under fire while supporting Special Operations Soldiers.
“I was going to do whatever it took to ensure those Special Forces soldiers were protected and spared from any further injuries,” Palumbo said. While inserting a quick reaction force and extracting two wounded Soldiers, Palumbo and his crew were credited with killing more than six enemy and were constantly under fire from small arms and rocket-propelled grenades.
“None of the crew aboard Skillful 31 had any reservations,” Palumbo said. “Over 50 bullet holes, shot-up engine, shot-up cabin and cockpit, one crew chief wounded, four blades tore up…we were lucky.” Luck may have had something to do with it but Palumbo said, “I think while the fight played out instinct took over and training just kicked in.”
Palumbo worried for the safety of his crew but said that none of his crew had any reservations about the importance of the mission or more importantly the troops on the ground.
“I think this incident just reinforced the bond that aviators have with their infantry brethren and reminds us that the war in Afghanistan is not over,” said Palumbo. “There are many soldiers all over this country taking the fight to the enemy and persevering.” The news of the award shocked Palumbo.
“I never realized the magnitude of the actions we took that day,” he said.
(Editor’s note: Army Staff Sgt. Ken Denny serves with the
117th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment.)
Hey! CNN You Can’t Handle The Truth!
CNN Smears X Across VP Cheney During Live Speech

At 11:04:45 AM ET Monday CNN was airing Vice President Dick Cheney’s speech live from the American Enterprise Institute in Washington — when a large black ‘X’ repeatedly flashed over the Vice President’s face!
The ‘X’ over Cheney’s face appeared each time less than a second, creating an odd subliminal effect. While one ‘X’ flashed over Cheney’s face CNN ran a headline at the bottom of its screen: “CHENEY: I DO NOT BELIEVE IT IS WRONG TO CRITICIZE.”
One top White House source expressed concern about what was aired over CNN.
“Is someone in Atlanta trying to tell us something?”
A CNN spokesman did not return repeated calls late Monday night.
Over at The Political Teen he has the video of this.
Also linked with :
* Michelle Malkin * Blogs For Bush * WIZBANG
Wild Thing’s comment….
Well the old communist news network is hard at work. It gets more blantant all the time. I have decided to rename the Democratic party. Since they favor the Terrorists, give aid to the terrorists ( Code Pink and their check to the insurgents), carry posters that say ” We will support the troops when they shoot their officers, and stand outside Walter Reid Hospital ranting and holding up vile signs and the list is a mile long what they have done……………From now on I will call them TerrorCrats!
Contact info for CNN:
One CNN Center, Box 105366, Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-827-1500, Fax: 404-827-1784
CNN Washington Bureau: 820 First St. N.E., Washington, DC 20002
Phone: 202-898-7900, Fax: 202-515-2266
UPDATE:The comment by a man named John above as you can see suggested to look at the update on Michelle Milkens blog. Apparently it was allegedly ony a glitch that occured. So I will go with that.
The comment made to my post has an email that states TV director here is the link to Michelle with an kind of sort of explanation……………………Michelle’s update
As I just stated I will go with the allegedly it was a glitch. What will confirm this more with me if it is happens sometime with a TerrorCrat instead of a Republican and a Vice President at that.
Wild Thing’s note to CNN………….. how about referring to our President as President and NO longer MR. Bush. Afterall this is the most powerful country in the entire world and one should show respesct for the office even if you hate President Bush. That would help toward convincing me it was in truth a glitch. Over and out- Wild Thing
Wanted DEAD NOT Alive-Fingers Crossed This News Is For Real

Al-Zarqawi May Be Among Dead in Iraq Fight
BAGHDAD, Iraq – U.S. forces sealed off a house in the northern city of Mosul where eight suspected al-Qaida members died in a gunfight — some by their own hand to avoid capture. A U.S. official said Sunday that efforts were under way to determine if terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was among the dead. …
In Washington, a U.S. official said the identities of the terror suspects killed was unknown. Asked if they could include al-Zarqawi, the official replied: “There are efforts under way to determine if he was killed.” ……
American soldiers maintained control of the site, imposing extraordinary security measures, a day after a fierce gunbattle that broke out when Iraqi police and U.S. soldiers surrounded a house after reports that al-Qaida in Iraq members were inside.
Three insurgents detonated explosives and killed themselves to avoid capture, Iraqi officials said. Eleven Americans were wounded, the U.S. military said.
Wild Thing comment…….
Well if he isn’t dead I hope he will be soon. No taking him prisoner just K-Pow and dead!
Thank you Linda for makng this animated doll for me.
Al Qaeda in Iraq – HUH? in Iraq???
Al Qaeda in Iraq threatens residents of an Iraqi town who would testify against Saddam in the trial.
Now wait a minute we were al told over and over again by the liberals that there was ( a-hem) no connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda???!!!
The lefties would not lie to us now would they? OH yessss and on a regular basis too.
Read the story here at Iraq The Model

Linked to:
* California Conservative* Cao’s Blog* MVRWC* Point Five * Samantha Burns* Something….And Half of Something * The Conservative Cat* The Political Teen * WIZBANG
Treason Is When You Want The Other Side To Win
“Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged.”
President Abraham Lincoln
We are the land of the free because and only because we are the land of the brave. I promise you we are not the land of the free because of war protestors, because of politicians that USE their political status to sell America down the drain or want to FEDX us right into the hands of the terrorists. Hey Liberals! Get your head on straight or get out of my way and our Military’s way.
The USA has freed more human beings in 230 years than the rest of the world combined. America has a provable history of freeing oppressed people all over the world in fighting evil dictators. There is a bond between the radical Islam and the American left that not only sickens me, but also angers me!
Do you remember this quote????
Osama bin Laden on one of his fatwas on al-Jazeera TV. On
February 14, 2003 — about six weeks before troops from the
United States and Britain entered Iraq, bin Laden said:
“The interests of Muslims and the interests of the socialists coincide in the war against the crusaders.”
Osama was talking about the millions of leftists that poured into the streets of Europe’s capitals and also into the streets of Washington and San Francisco and New York, Miami and all across the globe. Their goal was to prevent the United States and Britain from toppling Saddam Hussein. They chanted “no blood for oil” , they called the United States “the world’s greatest terrorist state”, they called the American government an “Axis of Evil“,and they compared the American president to Adolph Hitler. They are socialists and many in our government are members of Democratic Socialists of America aka Congressional Progressive Caucus.They are names like Rep Cynthia A. McKinney, Rep Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi , John Conyers, Henry Waxman, Charles Rangel and the list goes on and on.
Party leadership and candidates are socialists in any reasonable senses of the word, but they know that you can’t (yet) win national elections in the USA under that label….. so instead they resort to constant subterfuge and deception. More than 4 dozen members of Congress are self-identified in the current “Progressive Caucus” and at times the list tops 100. And they are of course all Democrats.
When the leftist protesters in America failed to save Saddam Hussein, they marched their activist troops into the Democratic presidential primary campaigns to support the candidacies of anti-war Democrats. In particular, they supported Howard Dean, who condemned America’s war in Iraq and hinted that, if elected, he would make peace at the earliest possible opportunity and withdraw American forces.
I am furious that treason is not taken seriously these days, Republicans have been extraordinarily polite in confronting their accusers over grave matters of war and peace.
If you are 19 and in Afghanistan, Iraq…. you name it, and being fired on by terrorists, and the leaders in the Democratic Party say you shouldn’t be there at all, it does more than confuse you. It demoralizes you. It saps your will to fight. It gets you killed. The reckless nature of the Democratic attacks on this war are getting Americans killed.
Treason is really not that difficult to define. Treason is when your country is at war and you want the other side to win!!!
The war we are in now the enemy walks among us and can kill thousands of civilians at a stroke. The left’s criticism of the war has been made on grounds that the war has nothing to do with American security. Their accusations are made to undermine that security. When leftist critics launch an all-out attack on the Commander-in-Chief by calling him a liar and the war a “fraud.” as they have been doing to nauseum. It isquite another thing to make these unfounded charges when our troops are still in Iraq and still in harms way, and Saddam’s allies like the French are drumming up world opinion against us. And it is quite another thing, in these circumstances, to say that the President lied to the American people and sent our troops to die under false pretenses.
I declare these names we have heard from Kennedy, Reid, Pelosi, Howard Dean, John Kerry, Jimmy Carter and others are traitors to America and have most definitely committed TREASON and are the enemy within!
The war in Iraq was not about weapons of mass destruction it was about Saddam Hussein’s ten-year defiance of international law, his manifest determination to break the UN’s arms control arrangements and to acquire weapons of mass destruction. Heck, all the time that the freakazoid Blinx so called inspections gave Saddam to get rid of WMD, to move them our of the country is also a possibility.
There was no rush to war, but rather a deliberate march to war authorized by both political parties and a unanimous vote of the Security Council (which France and Russia and China had no intention of honoring). It was not unilateral, and it was not about a “non-existent imminent threat.”
In his State of the Union in January 2003, right before the fighting began, the President said in so many words that we were not going to wait until Saddam Hussein became an imminent threat. We were not going to wait until Saddam already had the weapons in place and the plan to attack us was afoot. We were not going to wait until he struck us first.
The President said this clearly and in so many words…
We will not wait for those events to take place. Saddam will comply with the UN ultimatum. He will disarm and prove that he has disarmed, or we will disarm him. The Bush Doctrine rests on this reality. In a world in which terrorists have the means to kill 3,000 Americans in one attack, we can’t wait around for the enemy to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that he meant us harm.
The mantra of the left is the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Out of simple consideration of self-defense, we must adopt the view that the friend of my enemy is my enemy.
Never forget what our enemy is capable of doing! That means the terrorists as well as the left, the liberals, the socialists of America, the enemy within.
And NEVER forget why we are free and who we are indebted to for our freedom…Our Veterans, Our Military!
This is my favorite quote in all the world!
“Freedom! No Word Was Ever Spoken
That Held Out Greater Hope,
Demanded Greater Sacrifice,
Needed More To Be Nurtured,
Blessed More The Giver,
Cursed More Its Destroyer,
Or Came Closer To Being
God”s Will On Earth.
And I Think Thats Worth Fighting For.”
– General Omar Bradley

The rest of this post is Open Trackbacks so, it you have an interesting post up this weekend, have at it folks.
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Linked at:
*Basil’s Blog * BIG DOG’s Blog *Cao’s Blog *Jo’s Cafe, *Don Surber* MacStanbury * Nickie Goomba * Stuck on Stupid * TMH’s Bacon Bits* STOP the ACLU * Wizbang Blog
A few of those that have our Six Thank you!!!! And what awesome writing you both do.
One Marine’s View by Capt.B and he has an awesome write up about what happened last night with the vote.
MajorK, you will also love MajorK’s writings about last night.
Happy Birthday to My Blog Mom

Happy Birthday Linda, my Blog Mom and best friend. And a gazillion more birthdays…….gazillions that is more then anything! The world is a better place because you are in it. I am blessed to know you and call you my friend.
Wild Thing and Angry Old Salt
Linking to Something…..and Half of Something to say Happy Birthday.
News Involving the SuperPatriots- Jack Idema

Mark your calenders, put a string on your finger or something…………….this is a good chance to hear Jack with his own words speak about how it is going. Thank you very much, over and out…….Wild Thing
Thank you Cao’s Blog
Also tons of information here at SuperPatriots.US it is their index
Also some information at my PC Free Zone Gazette page at my own website.
God Be With Our Troops and America- It Is A Showdown
I just got home from work and went to Drudge to see what was new.
Right off the bat I got hit in the face hard with this………….
GOP to Dems: Pull Troops Now? Okay, then let’s vote…
Troop resolution Tonight; hitting the House floor between 5:45 and 7:45…
Ultimate showdown…
What is happening to America where did it go? The Democrats want to throw in the towell, they hate America, our Military and are pure evil!
I am shaking and can hardly type, this is a bold move by the Republicans, very smart but dangerous too. Like put up or shut up kind of thing. I am praying with each letter I type that we will not pull out, and that this will end the left’s socialists take over of our country.
If they vote to pull out I am so afraid what will happen to our troops. The insurgents will be even worse then they are now while I troops are still there. All hell is going to break loose!
Please pray everyone!!!
This is being live-blogged by Euphoric Reality
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