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Wild Thing’s comment……
Sit back, put your feet up, dance around
if you like and enjoy the music.
* Something
and Half of Something
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and turn up the volume.
Wild Thing’s comment……
Sit back, put your feet up, dance around
if you like and enjoy the music.
* Something
and Half of Something
Amnesty accuses Hezbollah of war crimes against Israel
LONDON — Hezbollah militants broke international humanitarian law by firing thousands of rockets into Israel and killing dozens of civilians during the recent conflict, an Amnesty International report charges.
The human rights group called for a United Nations inquiry into war crimes possibly committed by both Israel and Hezbollah, but their report focused on the actions of the Lebanese militants during the 34-day conflict.
Hezbollah launched nearly 4,000 rockets into northern Israel in July and August, killing at least 39 civilians.
The firing of rockets into urban areas in northern Israel violated international laws that call for distinction between civilian and military targets, Amnesty said.
“Targeting civilians is a war crime. There’s no gray area,” said Larry Cox, Amnesty’s executive director in the United States.
Hezbollah fired inaccurate rockets packed with thousands of metal ball bearings that sprayed out to maximize harm to civilians, Amnesty said.
The report is Amnesty’s most extensive condemnation of Hezbollah since the conflict began in July, and comes after Amnesty accused Israel of violating international law with indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks on civilian targets in Lebanon. The human rights group previously called on the Lebanese militia to release two kidnapped Israeli soldiers and abstain from targeting civilians.
Violence erupted between Israel and Hezbollah after the Shiite militia kidnapped the two Israeli soldiers in a cross-border raid on July 12. Ensuing fighting left more than 1,000 people dead, mostly Lebanese civilians about a third of them children, UNICEF said.
Israel launched a large-scale military offensive with aerial bombardment and ground troops, and Hezbollah fired rockets deep into Israel.
A U.N.-brokered cease-fire in August quelled the violence and Israel and Hezbollah have mostly complied with the order, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said this week.
Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Mark Regev said he had no doubt that the Islamic militia fired rockets in a premeditated way to kill a maximum number of civilians.
“It is also important to remember that the leaders of Hezbollah have spoken on many occasions about their desire to destroy the state of Israel,” Regev said. “(Hezbollah leader Hassan) Nasrallah used the word ‘obliterate,’ and I think a call to this sort of genocide is problematic and must also be considered a fundamental breach of international norms and international law.”
Amnesty plans to publish additional reports studying whether Hezbollah contributed to civilian deaths in Lebanon by purposely hiding among civilians, said Nicole Choueiry, a spokesman for Amnesty in Britain.
Whether either group of combatants will see the inside of a courtroom remains to be seen. Israel and Lebanon reject the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, making prosecution there unlikely.
Groups seeking prosecution might take the route of preparing a dossier of evidence that could be tailored for different countries’ legal systems.
Suspected war criminals have been prosecuted under the judicial principle of “universal jurisdiction,” which says that every country has the obligation to prosecute war crimes and crimes against humanity, wherever they are committed.
Oriana Fallaci, a former Resistance fighter and war correspondent, writer, journalist, and warrior passed away. She is a Hero to those seeking the truth.
Oriana Fallaci was one of the few journalists in the world who dared to attack Islam and the fact that Europe had surrendered to terror, wrote a passage in her book Apocalypse that is appropriate for the struggle against the Arab enemy.
“Resignation leads to apathy. Apathy leads to inertia. Inertia leads to indifference. Indifference paralyzes the instinct for self-defense, that is, the instinct to fight back.”
“But we cannot escape.
We can confront the monster with honor, with courage; and by remembering the
words that Churchill said to the English when he went to war against Hitler’s Nazism. He said “We will pour out tears and blood.” Oh, yes: we too will pour out tears and blood. We are at war: do we or do we not want to get this through our heads !
And in war, you cry ! Period.”
“The Italians, in fact, could get free of Mussolini because in 1945 the Allies had conquered almost four-fifths of Italy. In other words, because the Second World War had taken place. A war without which we would have kept Mussolini (and Hitler) forever. A war during which the allies had pitilessly bombed us and we had died like mosquitoes.”
“Can anybody guess how many cemeteries of Allied soldiers there are in Italy? More than sixty. And the largest, the most crowded, are the American ones. At Nettuno, 10,950 graves. At Falciani, near Florence, 5,811. Each time I pass in front of it and see that lake of crosses, I shiver with grief and gratitude.”
You will be missed Oriana more then words can say.God gave us an angel warrior and we are grateful.
The Vice President of CAIR, Eric Meek, who told students, “If Jesus were here, he’d be a Muslim” at the University of North Texas. It was the Saudi-Wahhabi front group known as the Muslim Student Association that held an event.
In the spirit of promoting understanding across religious denomination lines, the Muslim Student Association hosted a lecture clarifying some of its religious beliefs.
“Christ in Islam,” held at 4 p. m. Wednesday in Wooten Hall, aimed to show NT students that contrary to popular opinion, Muslim beliefs could align to Christian ones, event organizers said.
Eric Meek, NT alumnus and vice president of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, was invited to speak to students on Islamic beliefs, especially those relating to Jesus Christ. “I think education will help everyone,” Meek said.
Meek, a self-proclaimed Muslim for the past 16 years, said his interest in Islam began when he was studying to become a Baptist preacher. He said he began wondering if Muslims were “confused Christians” or whether Christians were the ones who were confused. Meek said he was unsure of how to confirm his beliefs. “I started from the prospective that I wanted to study the Bible to convince people that it’s true,” he said.
As he started studying the history of the text, he said he began doubting the truth of the Bible. Meek said he compared the two religions and decided on Islam. “It’s more compelling, more attractive to me,” he said.
He now works as the president of the Islamic Association in Lewisville and said he enjoys speaking on the topic of religion. “Islam is totally more convincing,” he said.
Muslims affirm that all people are born Muslim, and they can either choose to embrace the teachings of their creator, Allah, or convert to a different religion, Meek said.
“If Jesus were here, he’d be a Muslim, and he’d say what I’m saying,” he said.
Wild Thing’s comments…….
OK listen up you Muslims that read this blog everyday. Your Allah was nothing but a moon god. Got that? !
And your Mohammad = terrorist, rapist, pervert, pedophile etc.
From what Meeks said, it sure shows how desperte Muslims are to try and enlist people in their cult.
This is so funny!
Robert De Niro playing Craig Fenson, a Homeland Security spokeman on Saturday Night Live.
On the lookout for suspected gas terrorist Hous Bin Pharteen.
Click HERE for Robert DeNiro VIDEO
This photo was taken by a soldier in Afghanistan of a helo rescue mission. The pilot is a PA Guard guy who flies EMS choppers in civilian life.
Can you imagine just how many people in this world could set the ass end of a chopper down on the roof top of a shack on a steep mountain cliff and hold it there while soldiers load wounded men in the rear??? Our Troops ROCK!
It gives me the chills, I love it! God Bless our military!!!!!
National POW/MIA Recognition Day, 2006
A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America
As a Nation, we look to our service men and women as examples of courage and sacrifice. When our country and the world have needed brave Americans to advance the cause of freedom, our men and women in uniform have proudly stepped forward and selflessly endured hardships to defend liberty. We are grateful to all who have served, and on National POW/MIA Recognition Day, we give special honor to the extraordinary patriots who have been prisoners of war and to those who are still missing in action. We take inspiration from their valor and loyalty and will not rest until we have accounted for them all.
On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, the National League of Families POW/MIA flag is flown over the White House, the Capitol, the Departments of State, Defense, and Veterans Affairs, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Korean War Veterans Memorial, World War II Memorial, U.S. military installations, national cemeteries, and other locations across our country. The POW/MIA flag is a symbol of our Nation’s resolve never to forget the service and great sacrifice of the heroes who have carried out liberty’s urgent and noble mission, even at the cost of their own freedom. On this day, we express our deep appreciation to each of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines and our enduring commitment to achieve the fullest possible accounting for all of our men and women in uniform who have been prisoners of war or are missing in action.
NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws of the United States do hereby proclaim Friday, September 15, 2006, as National POW/MIA Recognition Day. I call upon the people of the United States to join me in paying solemn tribute to all former American prisoners of war and those missing in action who valiantly served our great country. I call upon Federal, State, and local government officials and private organizations to observe this day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this fourteenth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand six, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-first.
Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Peter Pace, U. S. Marine Corps, will host the Pentagon ceremony for National POW/MIA Recognition Day at the Mall Entrance Parade Field on Friday, Sept. 15, 2006, at 11 a.m. EDT. Congressman Rob Simmons, Chairman of the Homeland Security Intelligence, Information Sharing, and Terrorism Risk Assessment subcommittee, will be the guest speaker
Louis T. Dechert,
National President, KWVA/US
Wild Thing’s comment……
According to a July 13, 2005 DPMO report, the total number of remains that had not been accounted for totaled 8,114. Still a long way to go. Meanwhile, the families wait!
You are invited to visit my POW MIA page at my website. You can also click on each of the names on that page to read about them. Turn up the volume if you lilke as well.
Swift Boat Leader Responds to Kerry
Human Events
John Kerry recently volunteered that he was prepared to “kick [the Swift Boat Veterans’] ass from one end of America to the other” and that he would “demolish” us. He ought to take a Christmas cruise to Cambodia to calm down. Maybe he could take a side trip to tour “Genghis Khan” ruins.
It is a little difficult to imagine Kerry (“I voted for it before I voted against it”) kicking the most decorated living serviceman, Bud Day, a Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, or our salty commander, Adm. Roy Hoffman, anywhere. Perhaps Kerry had in mind using a “Rice Fanny Grenade” as he did by mistake on himself shortly before leaving Vietnam. If so, based on the record, he is in far more danger than anyone else.
Kerry and his friends certainly seem to show much greater anger and hatred toward us than toward the murderous al Qaeda terrorists. This is actually a positive thing. Based on his record of switching to adopt the North Vietnamese position in 1971 and (after voting to send our kids to Iraq) proposing to cut and run in Iraq, it is likely that Kerry will be endorsing our positions by 2008 and (in his words) “Swift Boating” himself. If not, it is OK. After living for 34 years with his claim that our comrades, living and dead, were like the army of Genghis Khan, we will always remember and be grateful for the support of the American people in 2004. Nothing he will ever say can demolish that or will speak nearly so loudly.
Mr. O’Neill is a Houston attorney who clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist during the Supreme Court’s October 1974 term. He authored the New York Times No. 1 bestseller, “Unfit for Command” in 2004.
Wild Thing’s comment……
John O’Neill has my undying admiration. Words cannot express the gratitude that should be given to the Swiftees.
Senators Defy Bush On Terror Measure
Washington Post
A Senate committee rebuffed the personal entreaties of President Bush yesterday, rejecting his proposed strategies for interrogating and trying enemy combatants and approving alternative legislation that he has strenuously opposed.
The bipartisan vote sets up a legislative showdown on an issue that GOP strategists had hoped would unite their party and serve as a cudgel against Democrats in the Nov. 7 elections. Instead, Bush and congressional Republican leaders are at loggerheads with a dissident group led by Sen. John McCain (R), who says the president’s approach would jeopardize the safety of U.S. troops and intelligence operatives.
Despite heavy lobbying by Bush, who visited the Capitol yesterday, and Vice President Cheney, who was there Tuesday, McCain and his allies held fast. Even former secretary of state Colin L. Powell weighed in on McCain’s side.
Moments after the Armed Services Committee voted 15 to 9 to endorse McCain’s alternative bill, the Arizona senator lashed out at CIA Director Michael V. Hayden, who had also lobbied lawmakers personally.
McCain told reporters that Hayden wants Congress to give the CIA a virtually free hand to treat detainees as it wishes so that he and his agents will be immunized against accusations of unlawful conduct. “He’s trying to protect his reputation at the risk of America’s reputation,” McCain said. The senator noted that other nations would be more likely to abuse U.S. captives if Americans appeared to sanction such conduct.
Complete article HERE
Wild Thing’s comment……
My blood is boiling about this! God help any RHINO or Dem. that comes within 500 feet of me right now. LOCK and LOAD!
This is totally MADDNESS!! If someone finds the America I know and love please let me know!! Do RHINO’s multiply faster then true Conservatives? Do MRI’s need to be done on every politician to see if they have a freakin brain????
Are people from the Democrat (socialist, communist, cowards, kiss ass to terrorists) party registering as Republican’s……….then running for office as fakes as a plan to destroy America????
And check this out too at Hot Air
US Outraged As Pakistan Frees Taliban Fighters
Pakistan’s credibility as a leading ally in the war on terrorism was called into question last night when it emerged that President Pervez Musharraf’s government had authorised the release from jail of thousands of Taliban fighters caught fighting coalition forces in Afghanistan.
Five years after American-led coalition forces overthrew the Taliban during Operation Enduring Freedom, United States officials have been horrified to discover that thousands of foreign fighters detained by Pakistan after fleeing the battleground in Afghanistan have been quietly released and allowed to return to their home countries.
Pakistani lawyers acting for the militants claim they have freed 2,500 foreigners who were originally held on suspicion of having links to al-Qa’eda or the Taliban over the past four years.
The mass release of the prisoners has provoked a stern rebuke to the Musharraf regime from the American government. “We have repeatedly warned Pakistan over arresting and then releasing suspects,” said a US diplomat in Islamabad. “We are monitoring their response with great concern.”
The Daily Telegraph tracked down and interviewed several former fighters who were part of a batch of eight foreign prisoners released last month. Burhan Ahmad, a 32-year-old Bangladeshi who has an American degree in engineering, admitted helping the Taliban against US-led forces in Afghanistan five years ago.
He was arrested by Pakistani security agents as he passed back over the frontier in 2003. Last month he was released from jail, where he spent three years without facing trial.
Like thousands of other Taliban and al-Qa’eda suspects who have been rounded up in Pakistan, Ahmad is now being fed and sheltered by an Islamic welfare group as he waits while a travel agency that specialises in repatriating jihadis prepares his identity papers and air ticket.
He was handed over to the al-Khidmat Foundation, a welfare organisation run by the hard-line Islamist party Jamaat-i-Islami, by a local court in Peshawar.
“I was arrested on the very same day that I arrived in Pakistan as I crossed from Khost to South Waziristan,” said Ahmad who then spent 28 months in the custody of one of Pakistan’s intelligence agencies before being transferred to a jail where he was imprisoned for three months. “The situation has become too difficult in Afghanistan and so I wanted to go home. I felt I had played my part.”
In the hands of al-Khidmat Ahmad was more concerned with worldly goods than attaining a martyr’s end in jihad. He produced a list of his personal items that he wanted back from the security agency: socks, a laptop, a thermal vest and some money.
His lawyer, Fida Gul, said:
“He is no problem. He will go to Bangladesh. He is not a criminal and he has been cleared by the security forces. His arrest was illegal.”
One of those who spoke to this newspaper was a young Tajik who entered Pakistan last year to study, he claimed, at a madrassa in Peshawar. He was shot in the side by Pakistani police as he tried to escape when the madrassa was raided.
A third former prisoner, a 37-year-old Algerian, had come to fight the Russian-backed government in Afghanistan in the early 1990s. He married a Pakistani woman and claimed to have settled down and worked in the honey business when he was arrested last year.
“I am going home to Algeria as I want to take advantage of an amnesty offered by the government,” he said. “I know I will be arrested on arrival and interrogated as this happened to several of my Algerian brothers. But then I will be released as I have done nothing wrong.”
On the question of whether released militants would return to jihad, Hazrat Aman, a field officer of the al-Khidmat Foundation, said: “If they react like that it is a natural phenomenon. Some of these people spent two to three years in jail. Some of them will live peacefully and others will join jihad again.”
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Between this and our Senate fools, I hope our troops just forget about taking any prisoners and……well you know. Kill the bad guys right off the bat instead.
” His lawyer, Fida Gul, said: “He is no problem. He will go to Bangladesh. He is not a criminal and he has been cleared by the security forces. His arrest was illegal.”
The only thing worse than a criminal defense lawyer is an Islamic criminal defense lawyer.
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