MILFORD, N.H. — A teddy bear has been implicated in 2,500 deaths. Of trout, that is. State officials say a teddy bear dropped into a pool at a Fish and Game Department hatchery earlier this month clogged a drain. The clog blocked the flow of oxygen to the pool and suffocated the fish.
Hatcheries supervisor Robert Fawcett said the bear – who was dressed in yellow raincoat and hat – is believed to be the first stuffed bear to cause fatalities at the facility.
“We’ve had pipes get clogged, but it’s usually with more naturally occurring things like a frog or even a dead muskrat,” he said. “This one turned out to be a teddy bear and we don’t know how it got there.”
The deaths prompted Fawcett to release a written warning:
“RELEASE OF ANY TEDDY BEARS into the fish hatchery water IS NOT PERMITTED.”
He said it’s not known who dropped the bear, but urged anyone whose bear ends up in a hatchery pool to find a worker to remove it. “They might save your teddy bear, and keep it from becoming a killer,” he said.
“It’s kind of a cute little teddy bear and people wouldn’t think that a cute little teddy bear would be able to kill fish.”
Wild Thing’s comment per Fletcher bear ……
Where is the sympathy for the teddy bear, he died in this horrible accident. Where is the ACLU fighting for the rights of teddy bears around the world and the prejudice that will come forth against them from this incident?
And why isn’t the person that dropped and mistreated the implicated teddy bear given a talking to and taught like our troops had to go through…”training in battlefield ethics and values.” Where is the outrage!
Thank you Linda for the email on this.
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