26 Sep

Tweedledum and Tweedledummer

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Al Gore better be careful or he is going to have more chins than a Chinese phone book. Weird how they both do this.

Billy says:

Pretty “GOREY”,….isn’t it.

Jack Hamilton says:

Being from tennessee I am really embarassed by this clown.

Jack says:

Don’t feel bad Jack H. the whole nation suffers embarrassment from that buffoon, look at him as a creature of DC, as well as those two abominations from Arkansas.

raz0r says:

Oh, those are priceless.

Wild Thing says:

Billy, hahahahaha good one!

Wild Thing says:

Jack H. no need to feel like that, I understand but really and truly it is more embarssing they are Americans then anything else.
Look at all the nut cases in politics in Calif. and some of the other States. ugh!

Wild Thing says:

razOr heh heh just having some fun with some that deserve it. giggle

Tincan Sailor says:

Ahhhh from Goldmember, Fat Bastard and Mini Me

Wild Thing says:

Haha yes Tincan Sailor
mini me for sure!!