13 Jan

Royal Marine Sniper Celebrates With Cigar After Killing Taliban Officer

Sniper celebrates with cigar after killing Taliban officer
A ROYAL Marine sniper from Edinburgh has described marking his first kill with a cigar after “slotting” a Taliban commander from more than 1000 metres.
Crackshot Royal Marine (45 Commando) sniper Dallas Turner, 27, was among the soldiers who described their dramatic stories in their own words.

He said: “We were down in Garmsir southern Helmand on December 21 and we were in full view of the Taliban front line.

“They were firing at us all day but we could see only their heads pop up from time to time moving about their positions.

“They were hiding in abandoned compounds in the suburbs. I fired three rounds from an Afghan National Police sangar sentry post but I didn’t hit anyone.

“The next day they the Taliban were back at the same position and one walked into view from behind a wall.

“He was just standing there. It was beautiful. He was only exposed a few seconds. I didn’t need to adjust my rifle sights as they were set right from the previous day. Just like in training, I breathed slowly, inhaled and pulled the trigger. “

“The 338 calibre bullet travels at about 800 metres a second so it would have taken just over a second to reach him. He was hit full in the upper chest. It took him a couple of seconds to drop but I knew he was slotted dead.
“If one of these big 338 rounds hits you in the chest, even from that distance, it will cause a lethal amount of damage.
“I just graduated from sniper school late last year after nine weeks’ training.
“It was my first kill. I had a cigar afterwards. I didn’t lose any sleep about it. He was a Taliban commander after all.”

The Taliban militants were killed and captured after ambushing a joint Nato and Afghan patrol in Mizan district in Zabul province on Sunday, said Younis Akhunzada, the district police chief.
Police also recovered four AK-47 assault rifles and two rocket-propelled grenade.
In a recent four day operation, codenamed Operation Clay, Royal Marine Commandos wiped out a vital Taliban training camp, killing dozens of fighters.
The force succeeded in securing a safe passage to a mountain dam – once the biggest source of electricity in the whole of Afghanistan.
In dramatic scenes caught on army cameras, the Marines engaged Afghan fighters as they waded through a river.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Thank you to all that are in this fight against the terrorists. God bless you and keep you safe.

12 Jan

Dodd Enters Presidential Race Now Kerry Not Lonely At Bottom

Democratic Sen. Dodd Enters Presidential Race
Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) plunged into the 2008 presidential race yesterday, an admitted dark-horse candidate for the Democratic nomination who nonetheless said his experience and record qualify him to lead the country at a time of terrorism abroad and economic insecurities at home.
He began his campaign in outspoken opposition to President Bush’s newly announced plan to send 21,500 additional troops to Iraq in an effort to quell the violence there. Dodd said he backs a proposal by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) that would prevent Bush from deploying any new troops until specifically authorized by Congress.
Dodd voted for the October 2002 congressional resolution authorizing the war, but he said that measure is obsolete, given how radically the U.S. mission in Iraq has changed since the invasion.

He said the new policy will not work. “We have an obligation, before the troops are sent, to vote against it,” he said in a telephone interview.

But he said he would not vote to cut off funds for the additional troops once they are deployed. “I’m not going to cut off funds to kids who are sitting in harm’s way,” he said. “That’s why this debate has to happen before they’re sent.”

Dodd, one of the Senate’s leading liberals, is a former general chairman of the Democratic National Committee and has served in Congress for more than three decades. But he begins his bid for the White House overshadowed by Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Barack Obama (D-Ill.). Both are expected to make their intentions known by the end of the month, with Obama’s decision coming as early as next week.

Dodd said he is realistic about his campaign but stressed that, given the challenges the country faces, voters will put a premium on experience and leadership in selecting.

Wild Thing’s comment……
Hahaha oh my this is too funny.
Chris Dodd announces he’s running for President…. and the nation yawns, rolls over on its right side, and goes back to sleep.
Good news for Kerry. Now Kerry has moved up to second to last place.

12 Jan

Iran Not Happy With Bush ‘s Strategy ~ DUH!

Iran Condemns Bush’s Iraq Strategy
Fars News Agency
TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini here on Thursday condemned the new strategy of the US President George W. Bush for Iraq, describing it as a further effort by the US to continue occupation of that country.
According to a statement released by the Foreign Ministry’s Information and Press Bureau, Hosseini further viewed Bush’s new decision to increase the number of the US troops in Iraq as an improper gift given to the American people at the beginning of the new Christian year.

“Increasing the number of the US troops in Iraq can spark expansion of insecurities and tension in that country and will fail to help to the settlement of Iraq’s problems,”

Stressing that the immediate withdrawal of the US troops from Iraq constitutes the only way for the US to get rid of its frequent problems, the foreign ministry spokesman said:

“Deployment of Patriot Missiles in Iraq is viewed as another effort made by the United States to create a protective security umbrella for the Zionist regime of Israel through an Islamic state and it is condemned by both Iran and the Muslims worldwide.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
OH ….OK, we can’t do it now because the MSM, Rats and now Iran doesn’t agree with it.
Iran is really saying “we are very concerned about your plan to come and kick our asses all over the place and make us go away.” “That is not very nice. We only sponsor nice terrorists with great personalities and great imaginations.”

11 Jan

Ding Dong, Avon calling. BOOM!

“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long
and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.” —
Winston Churchill

From President Bush’s speech

“We are also taking other steps to bolster the security of Iraq and protect American interests in the Middle East. I recently ordered the deployment of an additional carrier strike group to the region. We will expand intelligence sharing – and deploy Patriot air defense systems to reassure our friends and allies. We will work with the governments of Turkey and Iraq to help them resolve problems along their border. And we will work with others to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons and dominating the region.”

Bush Warning and slap to Iran:

“Succeeding in Iraq also requires defending its territorial integrity – and stabilizing the region in the face of the extremist challenge. This begins with addressing Iran and Syria. These two regimes are allowing terrorists and insurgents to use their territory to move in and out of Iraq. Iran is providing material support for attacks on American troops. We will disrupt the attacks on our forces. We will interrupt the flow of support from Iran and Syria. And we will seek out and destroy the networks providing advanced weaponry and training to our enemies in Iraq.”

Turbin Durbin did his best to deflat our troops. Durbin is a pig that fell over the cliff with all the demons that entered his body.

Democrats on War and Battle


Wild Thing’s comment…….
But of course Teddy hasn’t approved of it yet. And Harry Reid always look like an undertaker? No matter what the occasion, every time I see him I think someone in his vicinity just died. Biden will be rude and arrogant.
The Democrats want Bush to fail, the troops to fail and they eat, sleep, and breath this 24/7. Their hate has taken over their common sense. Because they have the same information we do. They know that the terrorists hate us, want us all dead, beheaded. But we will hear more of their non-stop talk, and threats of non funding our military.
Just this last thing…..lift the restrictions on the troops we have in Iraq as well thank you ever so! Let the troops do their job, and not be worrying about prosecution by anyone for doing so. How ironic is it that the moonbat protestors, liberal media spin, and Dem obstruction have actually prolonged the war. Their PC obsession of this war and how it is fought has caused MORE injuries to our troops and more deaths. Those very deaths they use, yes USE as a tool to attempt to make their sick point.

10 Jan

Kennedy Fights Surge and Democrats Plan Symbolic Vote

Changed graphic from earlier graphic.

Kennedy said he will propose legislation requiring US President George W. Bush to get congressional approval before deploying any additional troops to Iraq.

Kennedy fights ‘immense new mistake’ of troop surge
WASHINGTON Sen. Edward Kennedy launched a pre-emptive strike on Tuesday against President Bush’s anticipated plans to send more troops to Iraq.
The Massachusetts Democrat introduced legislation to require congressional approval before force levels can be increased.
Kennedy, a leading opponent of the war and senior member of the Armed Services Committee, said any troop surge would be “an immense new mistake.”
“Today, I am introducing legislation to reclaim the rightful role of Congress and the people’s right to a full voice in the president’s plan to send more troops to Iraq,” Kennedy will say, according to advance excerpts of comments he is scheduled to deliver Tuesday afternoon at the National Press Club.
“My bill will say that no additional troops can be sent and no additional dollars can be spent on such an escalation unless and until Congress approves the president’s plan.”
Kennedy was among 23 senators, 22 of them Democrats, who voted against the March 2003 invasion of Iraq. Kennedy called it “the best vote I’ve cast in my 44 years in the United States Senate.”
Kennedy said in January 2005 that the United States should begin withdrawing its troops. He also has invited intense White House criticism for drawing parallels between the war in Iraq and the Vietnam War.

Democrats Plan Symbolic Votes Against Bush’s Iraq Troop Plan

Democratic leaders said Tuesday that they intended to hold symbolic votes in the House and Senate on President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Baghdad, forcing Republicans to take a stand on the proposal and seeking to isolate the president politically over his handling of the war.
Senate Democrats decided to schedule a vote on the resolution after a closed-door meeting on a day when Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts introduced legislation to require Mr. Bush to gain Congressional approval before sending more troops to Iraq. The Senate vote is expected as early as next week, after an initial round of committee hearings on the plan Mr. Bush will lay out for the nation Wednesday night
The office of Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House, followed with an announcement that the House would also take up a resolution in opposition to a troop increase.

Wild Thing’s comment…..
I watched Kennedy’s speech. It was a barf-o-matic. Instead of waiting till after Bush speaks tonight. NO, that would be too much to ask from these people. Instead they are determined once again to demoralize the troops!
Kennedy’s most erroneous assumption is that only a political solution can be effective and not a military one.
Sure, it is preferable to use diplomacy and tact IF, and only if, it can actually succeed. In Iraq, it will not, against the terrorists it will not, not in any country.
The Shiites hate the Sunni and the Baathists, both from years of Saddam’s tortures and from a religious feud. The Sunni hate the Shiites because they consider them practically infidels from the true Muslim faith, and because they want to resume absolute power over Iraq. The Kurds’ fondest wish is for both the Muslim clans to cease to exist, along with much of Turkey. All of them, ALL OF THEM, want us not to meddle in their affairs and the Sunni and Shia want us dead, praise Allah. All of them have been desensitized to horrible violence and are eager to wreak destruction on one another. It is the substance of a sick adult comic book, yet it is real.
So Teddy, just how do you propose to come to a political solution in Iraq? Should we invite Ahmanutjob and Syria and the other Prophet players in for tea? Should we promise them endless entitlements and handouts if they will just stop killing each other? Should we put the UN in charge of the Political Police and trust that they all lived happily ever after?
No Ted, you fat manslaughtering schmuck. Politics are for rich Massachusetts gentry, not for tribal feuds. Saddam had the “political solution” all figured out. No, we either need to kick ass and take names or cut and run with disastrous consequences. We know what you would do. Now step out of the way and let Uncle Sam show these murderous delinquents what Authority looks like. They wish for death. We have that available.
Let’s do it. Then we can leave like men, not like vanquished infidels. BUT let’s do it right! STOP HINDERING OUR TROOPS! Stop making them serve with their hands tired behind their backs! Stop allowing the Media, the politicians to run this war. It is NOT their job, it is our awesome military’s job and they ROCK at doing what they do best.
If we send more troops then do it with the purpose of turning this around and giving them the key to the city so to speak of Military power and strength and NO more PC allowed!
Tell the Kennedy’s of this world to STFU, stand aside your opinion drowned! And start taking names of the traitors in our country and lock them up to start with in their punishment. Close the borders and take this war on Islam seriously because I can bet the farm that the terrorists sure as hell do.

10 Jan

In Country With Out Troops ~ God Bless You & Keep You Safe

2-8 Cav Troops Uncover Cache, Detain Seven
By 1st BCT, 1st Cav. Div. Public Affairs
CAMP TAJI, Iraq – Multi-National Division – Baghdad Soldiers uncovered a cache of weapons and detained seven suspects near here Jan. 8.
Soldiers from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division found the weapons during a cordon and search operation at a site known for insurgent activity.
Weapons found at the site included three AK-47 assault rifles, a sniper rifle, an Russian-made machine gun and a buried 55-gallon drum containing a rocket-propelled grenade launcher, four RPG rounds and three RPG accelerators.
The seven suspects were detained for further questioning.

BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed three and wounded one terrorist as they transported and attempted to emplace improvised explosive devices in the vicinity of Ramadi Sunday.
The individuals have been linked to a weapons cache Coalition forces located and destroyed numerous warheads, rockets, missiles and missile launchers in the area just south of Lake Thar Thar previously the same day.
The terrorists were killed by a Coalition air strike about six miles northeast of Ramadi before they could complete their activity.
The weapons cache was located less than 15 miles from the site where the terrorists were digging a hole to place an IED

Former Bosnian joins Army, supports adopted home
AD DAWR, Iraq – Americans join the military for many different reasons, but for one man it became a chance to show his loyalty to his new home. After Sept. 11, Spc. Mladen Sudarevic, now from Aurora, Colo., stepped forward with mixed emotions of loyalty, honor and outrage as he enlisted to the 324th Psychological Tactical Company, U.S. Army Reserves.

“I joined the U.S. Army Reserves so I could give a little back to the country that gave so much to me,” Sudarevic said. “I felt compelled to defend my adopted country after the 9/11 attack.”

Sudarevic endured the civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and moved to the United States when he was 17. After the attacks, he felt like his country was under siege once again.

“I wasn’t old enough to serve in the military in Bosnia during their civil war,” Sudarevic said. “I am old enough now, and I feel American these days.”

“I think all Iraqis will look back on this experience and understand it was for the betterment of their country,” Sudarevic said. “They will eventually understand, although painful, it was a better part of their history.”

Sudarevic thinks the military is a great experience. He feels that he is serving his new country to the best of his ability.

“I was lucky that the United States let me come in as a refugee of the war,” Sudarevic said. “I came to Colorado and the people were great. I had awesome sponsors that helped me transition into society.”

Sudarevic came over with his mother, his only living relative and very few possessions.

“We lost everything in the war,” he said. “I didn’t speak English very well but I was able to bring over a translation dictionary. I tried to learn ten new words everyday.”

As Sudarevic was learning English, he was working hard to become independent of the assistance the system was giving him.

“I heard that you could go from one business to another turning in applications so I did this — by the third day I had a job at a popular fast food restaurant,” he said. I worked there for a year, long enough to learn English and to take another step up the ladder, he said.

His personal records were also lost so he had to test out of high school. Soon after, he received a scholarship to Colorado Mountain College and received an associate’s degree in Liberal Arts. Now, when Sudarevic isn’t working with the Army Reserves, he’s making a six- figure-income working in the computer fraud and security industry.
Even though his friends were able to get assistance in different countries, he does not feel they have had the same opportunities he’s been given in the U.S.

“I didn’t need any hand outs,” said Sudarevic. “I just needed an opportunity to help myself, and that’s what the United States gave me. I did it with my own hard work.”

“I believe the United States is the land of opportunities,” said Sudarevic. “Those who are willing to take advantage of them have a good chance at succeeding in life.”

10 Jan

Mad TV Cat Stevens New Music Album

Mad TV Cat Stevens new music album after his converson to Islam. Now under his new name Yusuf Islam.

Thank you Billy ( Billy O’Blog) for sending me this video.

09 Jan

We Be Kickin’ Islamic Butt In Somalia ~ America Does NOT Forget

The AC-130U is armed with a 25mm Gatling-gun (capable of firing 1800 rounds per minute), a single-barrel, rapid-fire 40mm Bofors cannon, and a 105mm Howitzer. The AC-130U replaced the two 20mm cannon used on the AC-130H with one trainable 25mm cannon while retaining the other weapons. The AC-130U employs the latest technologies and can attack two targets simultaneously.

U.S. Gunship fires on al-Qaeda Leader and Operative in Somalia
An AC-130 fires on wanted al-Qaeda leader and a ringeader of the 1998 U.S. Embasy bombings in Kenya & Tanzania
The United States forces of Combine Joint Task Force Horn of Africa based out of Djibouti have actively weighed in on the fighting in Somalia. CBS News reports an AC-130 gunship has struck at al-Qaeda’s command cell in Somalia.
The gunship flew from its base in Dijibouti down to the southern tip of Somalia, Martin reports, where the al Qaeda operatives had fled after being chased out of the capital of Mogadishu by Ethiopian troops backed by the United States.
The AC-130 gunship is capable of firing thousands of rounds per second…
The targets were described as “the senior al Qaeda leader in East Africa and an al Qaeda operative wanted for his involvement in the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa.” Abu Taha al-Sudani (or Tariq Abdullah) is al-Qaeda’s leader in East Africa, and Fazul Abdullah Mohammed and Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan are the two wanted operatives in the embassy bombings.
Rest of story HERE

Wild Thing’s comment……
How’d you like to see that coming at you in the dark of night where these scum hide? They deserve it and more, these vile beings from hell that dragged the bodies of our soldiers through their streets. It was the Clinton administration that refused to allow either armor or an AC130 strike as our Rangers were being butchered.
It’s good to know they’re being used, and dead Al Queda are always a good thing. We lost a lot of good men that day. And it was one of the things that convinced Bin Laden that he could strike the US with no repercussios.
Unleash the military! Let them do what they do better than anyone in the world!! Most excellent! BRAVO!

09 Jan

Al Sharpton Considers Running For President

Sharpton considers running for president
NEW YORK – Civil rights activist Al Sharpton said Monday he is seriously considering a run for president.

“I don’t hear any reason not to,” Sharpton, 52, said in an interview during an urban affairs conference sponsored by another civil rights leader, the Rev.Jesse Jackson

“If we’re talking about the urban agenda, can you tell me anybody else in the field who’s representing that right now?” Sharpton asked. “We clearly have a reason to run, and whether we do it or not we’ll see over the next couple of months.”

“Right now we’re hearing a lot of media razzle dazzle,” Sharpton said. “I’m not hearing a lot of meat, or a lot of content. I think when the meat hits the fire, we’ll find out if it’s just fat or if there’s some real meat there.”

Sharpton said the candidate who impressed him most so far was former North Carolina Sen.John Edwards, who has made poverty the central issue of his campaign.

Wild Thing’s comment……
LMAO oh my gawd, well thank you Al, we needed some comic relief.
Sharpton said. “I’m not hearing a lot of meat, or a lot of content. I think when the meat hits the fire, we’ll find out if it’s just fat or if there’s some real meat there.”
Good Lord! Is he campaigning for President or doing a fast-food ad? Where’s the beef?

09 Jan

Guard the Borders Blogburst ~ An Exclusive!

Mexican Gunmen Involved in Arizona Border Incident Actually Uniformed Mexican Force

This weeks post isi brought to you
By Heidi at Euphoric Reality
The excursion into U.S. territory last week by “Mexican gunmen” was not a chance confrontation between the Arizona National Guard and untrained illegal immigrants, but a deliberate “perimeter probe” by an infantry-trained, uniformed Mexican force, officials say.
Euphoric Reality has learned in exclusive interviews with high-ranking sources within both the Arizona National Guard and the U.S. Border Patrol that the incident the mainstream media calls a “standoff” was in reality a military-style operation, carried out by a unit of Mexican troops dressed in military uniforms, flak jackets, and armed with AK-47s in an apparent operation to probe the border defenses and test the limits of the National Guard troops. Using easily recognizable infantry movement tactics (such as arm and hand signals and flanking maneuvers), the Mexican unit deliberately moved in a military formation across the border from Mexico, where they were picked up by National Guard surveillance.
As the hostile force moved north over the next three hours, deeper into Arizona, National Guardsmen wearing night vision goggles were able to ascertain that the approaching gunmen were indeed uniformed (including PAGST helmets) and heavily armed. When the Mexican unit came within approximately 100 yards of the EIT site, the Guardsmen repositioned themselves in order to maintain surveillance and tactical advantage. They observed the Mexican unit sweep through the EIT site, and then rapidly withdrew back into Mexico. No shots were fired by either the Mexican gunmen or the Guardsmen. Border Patrol was on the scene within minutes of the Mexican unit’s withdrawal.
The Guardsmen, through an Arizona Border Patrol official, confirmed that the incident appeared to be an intelligence-gathering exercise designed to ascertain what the National Guard’s response would be to certain tactics. It is not an isolated incident, and many such probes have been reported by the Guardsmen assigned to the area. Though no shots were fired during this particular incident, shots have been fired near and in the vicinity of the soldiers at the EIT site in other situations, though not at the soldiers themselves. It is not clear from the uniforms if the Mexican soldiers were official Mexican federales or mercenaries hired by the drug cartels.
Since then, follow-on news reports have included statements from the Border Patrol that no shots were fired. This was confirmed today by Major Paul Aguirre, a Public Affairs Officer (PAO) for the Arizona National Guard. Rumors have circulated that the Guardsmen were not armed, and thus unable to defend themselves – and that is not the case. Both Major Aguirre and Rob Daniels, a Public Information Officer (PIO) for the Arizona Border Patrol, state that all Guardsmen assigned to EITs are armed, specifically with M16s and sometimes a sidearm. As well, there have been some contradictory news reports that stated the gunmen came “within yards” of the Guardsmen, while other reports state that the gunmen were approximately 100 yards away. Mr. Daniels clarified that the gunmen came as close as 100 yards to the Guardsmen. He also stated that the Guardsmen did not “retreat” but tactically repositioned themselves to maintain surveillance of the group of armed men while simultaneously radioing for Border Patrol agents. He asserted that the Guardsmen had followed their protocols perfectly, and that their services were invaluable to the Border Patrol agents.
Continue reading Guard the Borders Blogurst