Top Hamas official: Kill all Americans The Jerusalem Post
Sheik Ahmad Bahr, acting Speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, declared during a Friday sermon at a Sudan mosque that America and Israel will be annihilated and called upon Allah to kill Jews and Americans “to the very Last One”. Following are excerpts from the sermon that took place last month, courtesy of MEMRI.
Ahmad Bahr began: “You will be victorious” on the face of this planet. You are the masters of the world on the face of this planet. Yes, [the Koran says that] “you will be victorious,” but only “if you are believers.”
Allah willing, “you will be victorious,” while America and Israel will be annihilated. I guarantee you that the power of belief and faith is greater than the power of America and Israel. They are cowards, who are eager for life, while we are eager for death for the sake of Allah. That is why America’s nose was rubbed in the mud in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Somalia, and everywhere.”
Bahr continued and said that “America will be annihilated, while Islam will remain.”
The Muslims “will be victorious, if you are believers.” Oh Muslims, I guarantee you that the power of Allah is greater than America, by whom many are blinded today. Some people are blinded by the power of America. We say to them that with the might of Allah, with the might of His Messenger, and with the power of Allah, we are stronger than America and Israel.
The Hamas spokesperson concluded with a prayer, saying:
“Oh Allah, vanquish the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them all, down to the very last one. Oh Allah, show them a day of darkness. Oh Allah, who sent down His Book, the mover of the clouds, who defeated the enemies of the Prophet defeat the Jews and the Americans, and bring us victory over them.”
Wild Thing’s comment……… called upon Allah to kill Jews and Americans “to the very Last One”
Well,that’s just mean-spirited. Bring it on, raghead! Oh Allah, vanquish the Jews and their supporters. Oh Allah, count their numbers, and kill them all..
Umm…Allah is not listening. He is kinda busy downing a ham sammich with a glass of whiskey.
Washington Prowler
Word out of the House Democrat leadership is that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is not only having her staff make plans for a trip to Venezuela to meet there with dictator Hugo Chavez, she has also asked staff to apply for a visa to travel to Tehran.
“She is getting bad advice from people back home in San Francisco,” says a leadership aide, who is working for one Pelosi’s colleagues. “She is not getting it from members of her leadership team. That’s all anyone here is willing to say.”
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Well I guess the next thing will be she will add Cuba and North Korea to her circuit – then, she’d pretty much have met with every anti-American despot on the planet.
“If we lose freedom here [in America], there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.”
– President Ronald Reagan
October 27, 1984
Thank you to our Veterans and our troops today for the freedoms we enjoy! – Wild Thing
Honor, Courage, Commitment. USMC
Iraq War: The Soldiers
Infantry team leader, Sgt. Jesse Aguilera, Company A, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, searches a vehicle during a raid on a possible insurgent%u2019s home April 22, in Mosul, Iraq. Aguilera and the rest of Company A, control the Coalition Forces operations on the west side of the second largest city in Iraq. (U.S. Army photo by Pfc. Bradley J. Clark, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division Public Affairs)
MOSUL, Iraq — Soldiers from Company A, 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment, are on the frontlines everyday in Mosul, Iraq, and have a mixture of emotions on the varied experiences in the second largest city in the country.
“We are the first ones out after something happens,” said Riverside, Calif., native, Pfc. Bryan Quintana, infantryman, 1st Platoon. “We cover the whole west side of town.”
The company has a wide variety of missions they perform. From escort missions to acting as a quick-reaction force, the Soldiers are always ready to perform.
“Our whole company gets ready to roll whenever something happens outside the wire,” said Glendale, Ariz., native, Sgt. Jesse Aguilera, team leader, 1st Platoon. “We do everything from securing and searching targets to delivering camera equipment to local media outlets.”
Despite the challenges and risks, Company A gets reminded why they are here every day and say they still feel safe out there because of the assets available to them.
“The thing that makes me feel safe is when I hear the air support over head,” said Aguilera. “I know when we get pinned down, I can look up and hear those rockets and know the insurgents are going to pay for their damages.”
Despite the recent news of the unit extensions, the Company A Soldiers maintained focused and positive as they continue their mission.
“We expected it to happen,” said Columbus, Ohio, native, Pfc. William Stockton, infantryman. “Instead of looking at the negative, you have to look at the positive — it gives us more time to prepare the Iraqis and allows us to be more effective.”
The Soldiers from Company A, 2-7 Cav., have a great pride in the job they are doing here and in their division heritage.
“We are out here every day doing our jobs,” said Stockton. “We’re not losing; we’re living the legend.”
An 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron aircrew works with Army personnel in Afghanistan to rig a C-17 for an airdrop mission in February. The squadron has seen an increase in airdop missions during its rotation. U.S. Air Force photo/Senior Airman Erik Hofmeyer.
Bringing the bombs, beans and bullets to the warfighter” is how Capt. Aaron Oelrich described the mission of the 816th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron while on his way to fly an airlift mission into Iraq.
And “bring it” they do, to the tune of about one million pounds of cargo daily.
The 816th EAS, a 379th Air Expeditionary Wing tenant unit, is approaching the end of its four-month rotation after directly supporting and sustaining ground combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan since Dec. 31. The C-17s provide theater logistical options for CENTCOM leadership through the airlifting and airdropping of personnel and supplies, and the expedited evacuation of wounded servicemembers.
As of April 24, squadron aircrews have flown 3,578 sorties equating to 6,167 flying hours, 120.8 million pounds of cargo and 111,549 passengers in and out of the area of responsibility. Also, the squadron has seen an increase in combat airdrop and dirt landing strip missions.
“All we need is 3,500 feet of runway, only 90-feet wide, which isn’t much more than a C-130,” said Lt. Col. William Anderson, 816th EAS commander. “We can get into some austere locations.”
The squadron regularly travels into 13 locations in Iraq and several others for specific missions. The same goes for Afghanistan, where the squadron goes into eight locations, plus several other semi-prepared runway locations.
Also, forces on the ground don’t need to go outside of secured drop zones to gather equipment, thereby reducing their exposure to enemy fire.
Memorial Placed For Student Who Blew Self Up NORMAN, Okla. — The University of Oklahoma has put up a memorial to a student who died when a homemade bomb exploded near the OU football stadium.
A stone with the name of Joel Hinrichs III was placed outside the OU student union by the student affairs division. Hinrichs died Oct. 1, 2005, when the bomb he built detonated as he sat on a campus bench near Memorial Stadium while a football game was under way. University officials ruled the death an accidental suicide.
Hinrichs’ father — Joel Hinrichs Jr. — said the university offered to have the stone placed.
Families normally pay about $150 for the memorials, and Hinrichs said he’s offered to pay, but OU hasn’t sent him a bill.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
Apparently, the University of Oklahoma is putting up a memorial to a fool who blew himself up when a homemade bomb he assembled went off while he held it as he attended a football game in the University stadium. Fortunately, he only killed himself and not anyone around him.
To this kid we should be saying good riddance and he should be quickly forgotten. But here is the U of O mourning this idiot’s death as if he were some kind of hero. In fact, the only good thing he did was kill himself before he planted the bomb closer to other football fans in the stadium in which he died. But, that was a mere accident, NOT a planned, heroic deed.
There should be no memorial for this wannabe murderer, terrorist.
Yet here we have the U of O doing so anyway. Where are the morals of the administration of the U of O to create this memorial? Would the U of O support a memorial to Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh? Why not? After all, they succeeded quite handily in their last efforts. And imagine the message the U of O is sending to people with this ignorant memorializing of this failed killer. Worse yet. Where is the protest by Oklahomans for this idiotic act by the U of O?
This whole story is just a shameful series of circumstances and the University of Oklahoma should be ashamed of itself.
Police worry about Kansas City ‘catering’ to Islamic rituals
The Kansas City International Airport has added several foot-washing basins in restrooms to accommodate a growing number of Muslim taxicab drivers who requested the facilities to prepare for daily Islamic prayer.
The move concerns airport police who worry about Middle Eastern men loitering inside the building. After 9/11, the airport beefed up its police force to help prevent terrorist attacks.
“Why are we constructing places of worship for them inside our airports?” said an airport official who requested anonymity. “Why are we catering to their rituals? We don’t do it for any other religion.”
Other major airports also are dealing with increased demands from Muslim cabdrivers.
For instance, cabbies at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport recently caused a stir when they refused to carry passengers possessing alcoholic beverages or accompanied by seeing-eye dogs. Alcohol is forbidden in Islam, and dogs are considered unclean.
There are approximately 250 taxicab drivers operating at KCI Airport in Missouri, one of the largest airports in the U.S., linking some 10 million passengers between mid-America and other U.S. cities. Approximately 70 percent of the drivers are of Middle Eastern heritage and practice the Islamic faith, sources say.
KCI Airport Police are responsible for the cab drivers, including the holding areas of the building. The KCI Aviation Department, which oversees the police, recently expanded the taxicab facility restroom area to include the construction of four individual foot-washing benches.
The cost of the project is not immediately known. A spokeswoman for the engineering department said she could not break out the figures.
KCI Airport Police Capt. Jim Harmon declined comment, explaining, “This is a touchy subject.”
In a cleansing ritual known as ablution, Muslims are required to wash their feet before praying to Allah five times a day. They often complain that public restroom sinks do not accommodate their needs. Floor-level basins make it easier for them to perform their foot-washing ritual.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations has pressed government agencies and businesses to install the foot basins in restrooms.
The controversial Muslim lobby group advises employers to allow Muslim workers time to perform both the washing ritual and prayer, which “is usually about 15 minutes,” according to a pamphlet CAIR publishes called, “An Employer’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices.”
The Islamic purification ritual, known in Arabic as “wudu,” involves a 10-step process, which includes:
1. Praising Allah while washing both hands up to the wrist three times, making sure that the water reaches between fingers and under rings.
2. Rinsing out the mouth thoroughly three times, using the right hand (the one not used for cleaning private parts) to bring the water to the mouth.
3. Snorting water into the nostrils from the right hand, three times, to cleanse them of demons that Muslims believe reside there, clearing the passages of any mucous using the left hand.
4. Washing off the tip of the nose with the left hand.
5. Washing the entire face three times from right ear to left ear.
6. Continuing to wash from forehead to throat.
7. Washing the right arm and then the left arm, three times, from the wrist up to the elbow, removing watches.
8. Moving wetted palms over the head from the top of the forehead to the back of the head.
9. Passing the wetted tips of the fingers into the grooves and holes of both ears, and also passing the wetted thumbs behind the ears and ear lobes.
10. Finally, washing both feet to the ankles starting with the right foot, including between the toes, then reciting: “Ash-hadu an la ilaha illal lahu wa ashhadu anna Muammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh” – meaning there is no god but Allah and he has no partners, and Muhammad is his servant and messenger.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Muslim cabbies = ready made car bombers.
And when it happens airport folks will cry “Nobody ever thought of it as a public hazard.” That we are so accomodating only predicts our peril ahead. I am just stunned that so many Americans, especially those in positions of leadership and influence, are so eager to surrender to the abject horror that is islam.
Once again, blame Bill Clinton for all this. He rewarded Somalia for Black Hawk Down by bringing 90,000 of those savages into America scot free, with most of them becoming cab driving jihadists. Tell your friends this next time they say “I wish Clinton were still President”.
“The White Feather has been a symbol for cowardice. I suggest that white feathers be sent to the leaders of the Senate and House for the cowardly vote that abandons our soldiers around the world.
I was in Vietnam the day that the 101st took “Hamburger Hill” — the headline in the Stars and Stripes was Teddy Kennedy’s statement to the effect that it was all such a waste. I am sure it raised the spirits of the folks on top of the hill — I know it gave my morale a boost. Surely these leaders of our country will head out on a USO tour to encourage the troops further.
As far as I am concerned this is a Congress of Quislings.”
Wild Thing’s comment……
On April 9th, I posted about the film The Four Feathers, about cowardice. It is an excellent movie one that I wish everyone could see, not only a classic but one that will stay with a person always.
I think this is a marvelous idea to send a white feather in the mail to Reid, Pelosi, Murtha, Hagel, etc.
There is a store called Michaels ( a craft store) that would have white feathers probably or also a person can order them here, either individually or in bulk.
…..Thank you Mark for the information about the post at Michelle’s blog.
Trailer for movie. I Am an American Soldier premieres at NYC Tribeca Film Festival on April 26th more info on the website: This raw, uncompromising investigation into the war in Iraq follows an elite unit of the 101st Airborne Division through fourteen months at home and at war. It shows the full cycle of a combat tour and documents the profound changes that take place in the lives of the soldiers. Before they leave Fort Campbell, hundreds of men shout “Hoo-ah” in response to their brigade commander’s dramatic war speech in which he instructs them to “look like a killer” at all times in Iraq. The film begins by demonstrating the lethal force of America’s best-trained and most aggressive soldiers. After tearful farewells with their loved ones, they leave for Iraq determined to carry out America’s mission in the war and succeed on the battlefields of Baghdad, Samarra and other places. But that is not how the rest of the story unfolds.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is a trailer, as far as the complete movie it is not out yet so I cannot say it is done in an honest way or that it might have a slant to it against our military. I wish I knew more about it then just the trailor and write up at the site.
Image is to thank Duncan Hunter’s son in the Marines in Iraq
Obstructionist Democrats Human Events
by Rep. Duncan Hunter
Posted: 04/24/2007
While they wrangle over the terms of their surrender legislation, the Democrat leadership has sent the worst of messages to the world. Speaker Pelosi struck the first wedge into what should be a united American foreign policy on Iraq by introducing a defense bill, which would effectively move the position of Commander in Chief to the U.S. Congress. Along with timetables for withdrawal from Iraq, the Pelosi bill, on page 72, mandates a 15 day waiting period before an American unit can be moved into the Iraq war theater. This incredibly obstructive provision would have profound negative effects on our forces’ abilities to fight. For example, should US hostages be taken and a Delta Force team moved from outside the theater to attempt a rescue, Pelosi’s provision would require a fifteen-day waiting period and a report to Congress before the rescue could be attempted. Should a Zarqawi level target be located and U.S. fighter aircraft be deployed from outside Iraq, the same fifteen days would elapse before a strike could be executed. The very nature of the “notice and wait” requirement illustrates how unfamiliar Democrats are with the war against terrorists. This is a new era involving rapid movement of specialized personnel and equipment across theater boundaries. “Notice and wait for two weeks” reflects an ultimate misunderstanding of U.S. military operations.
Democrats, in defending the Pelosi requirement, state that their concern is readiness of our military forces and that the President’s certification of ”full mission capability” and Congress’ fifteen day review of said certification is simply assertion of normal congressional oversight responsibilities. This position should be rejected for several reasons. First, such micro management can never work in a congress, which takes weeks to tee up a hearing. Second, readiness levels are a complicated thing, often unreflective of real military capability. For example, if an infantry company does not have its flu shots, it will be rated as “unready.” In the world of speaker Pelosi, this may justify non-deployment, but to a soldier engaged in combat and awaiting reinforcements, the message that the speaker is worried that the re-enforcements will catch the flu and will have to “stay home from school” until they get their shots is hardly inspiring. All this reflects the wisdom of the Constitution’s reserving Commander in Chief responsibilities for the single leader elected by the entire nation. Even the Washington Post noted the obvious intrusion of the Pelosi bill on the President’s powers.
Senate leader Reid quickly followed Speaker Pelosi with his own mis-guided “missile,” in announcing that the U.S. had “lost” the war in Iraq. Just as Speaker Pelosi had surprised the Israelis by becoming their ambassador to Syria without portfolio, Senator Reid’s comments must have been a surprise to some. Consider, for example what effect they might have on an Al-Qaeda leader in Anbar Province. As he sits in his safe house outside Fallujah, the bad news has been coming in. His assassinations of Sunni Tribal leaders have turned the region against him. Sunnis are joining the Iraqi Army in Anbar Province in unprecedented numbers. The Sunni led national police force is working with the Shiite led Army and the U.S. Marine Corps to push back against Al-Qaeda. The terrorist leader is interrupted from his “bad news” briefings by ecstatic aides. “Senator Reid has surrendered,” they shriek. “He says the U.S. has lost the war.” The Al-Qaeda leader asks the aides if they are joking, and, assured they are not, turns to the task of redoubling his efforts. This statement can only have the effect of encouraging the enemy in Iraq.
Beyond its damaging effect, Senator Reid’s statement also reflects total misunderstanding of the situation in Iraq. Occupations of foreign nations have always been difficult. They wear on two parties: the occupier and the occupied. The bunch of books that have been written on the U.S. operation in Iraq, all critical, have one thing in common: a long laundry lists of U.S. “mistakes”
Is the implication that a “smooth road” to occupation existed? In reality, such a smooth road is never attainable given circumstances like Iraq. For those who recommended that Saddam Hussein’s army be kept intact a brief chuckle should be reserved. This army contained 11,000 (yes, eleven thousand) Sunni generals. An Army thus comprised and charged with stabilizing and defending a predominately Shiite nation would only have created a mess. For those who recommended that the U.S. force be vastly increased early in the occupation, two points come to mind. First, where were you when Commander in Chief Bill Clinton reduced his Army to ten divisions (from fourteen divisions in 1992)? Second, how does an increased American force mesh with a goal of liberal senators to “put an Iraqi face” on the security apparatus?
Today we are in the second phase of the American blueprint for expanding freedom. A government, elected by its people, has been stood up. It is clumsy as most new governments are, but it is generally representative of the political will of the Iraqi people. The U.S. military is now in the process of standing up an Iraqi military capable of protecting the government. The Iraqi Army consists of 129 battalions. It is critical that the force be battle-hardened in an expeditious fashion. Military forces gain competence most rapidly through military operations. Each Iraqi battalion that has not undertaken extensive operations should be deployed for three to four months in a contentious zone of the Iraq battle space. They should be assigned a mission which will allow the command to exercise logistics and its chain of command and to demonstrate its combat effectiveness. These operations will impart to the Iraqi forces the quality most important to a successful turnover of security…military reliability. The Iraqi government and the U.S. military should ensure that trainers and support forces are available for the newly deployed battalions.
Once reliability is established in the Iraqi military, they will be capable of rotating into the battlefield throughout Iraq, displacing U.S. combat forces, which can be returned to the United States or further assigned to Central Command. U.S. success in Iraq will ultimately be measured like a cancer operation. If a dictator more lethal to U.S. interests than Saddam Hussein assumes power over the next decade, the mission will be considered a failure. If the new nation retains a modicum of freedom and a benign relationship with the U.S., the operation will amount to an unprecedented success in the most difficult region of the new era.
Wild Thing’s comment…….
I am sorry for the length of this and I seldom post an entire article but this is excellent. No missteps. No backtracking. No reversals. Great take-down of the vicious, shameless, irresponsible Defeatocrats and their MSM allies!
My respect for him increases everyday. Here are several of his Videos.
Bush to Democrats: do not ‘test my will’ on Iraq
CAMP DAVID, United States (AFP) – Despite growing criticism of US policy in Iraq, President George W. Bush warned Democrats Friday not to “test my will” after he vetoes a bill withdrawing US troops from Iraq.
Bush invited Democrats and leaders of his Republican Party to discuss a way out of their standoff soon after he strikes down the bill, approved by Congress this week, which ties 124 billion dollars in war funds to a troop withdrawal that would start on October 1.
But he pledged to strike down any subsequent attempt by the Democratic-led Congress to set a deadline for a pullout.
“If the Congress wants to test my will as to whether or not I’ll accept the timetable for withdrawal, I won’t accept one,” he told a joint news conference at his retreat in Camp David, Maryland, with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
“So if they want to try again that which I have said was unacceptable, then of course I’ll veto it,” Bush said.
“But I hope it doesn’t come to that. I believe we can work a way forward. And I think we can come to our senses and make sure that we get the money to the troops in a timely fashion,” he said.
Wild Thing’s comment………..
I will never forget the many attacks from the followers of Islam during the Clinton regime. How I felt not only afraid for our country but also the feeling of a weakness setting in to the strongest, most powerful country in the world. A President that could not even salute our service men and know how to do it properly. NO that would have taken an effort and respect on his part to honor our service men and women. In fact he loathed our military and still does.
Many of our politicians have said the war should end, bring them home, we need to have talks with the insurgents ( Reid has said this just this last week) and we need to use diplomacy with the insurgents and not kill them or fight them any longer.
WTF, what kind of brain would even have that thought come into their gray matter. Talk to the insurgents????? I mean it this just makes my head want to explode. TALK to them??
These are people that live in a backwards world, treat sheep and goats and cattle like long lost girlfriends if you get what I mean. Think having a child of their own is their donation to the next suicide bomber and think nothing of cutting the head off of anyone of us including their own family members if they get ticked off at their behavior.
Sure that will do the trick Reid and Pelosi and the rest of you lefties. Schedule a sit down with these subhumans and see how far you get. That IS of course if you can find them without them killing you first.
I am no fan of some of the things Bush has done and wants to do such as the freaking illegals. But by God he does want to let the troops do what they do best and he does respect our military unlike those traitors in our Houses on the Hill.
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