13 May

Edwards ~ Uses Commencement Speech For Propaganda

Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards, center, is shown at the New England College 60th commencement exercises in Henniker, N.H., Saturday, May 12, 2007. Edwards gave the commencement address. (AP Photo/Cheryl Senter)

Edwards offers students anti-war advice
Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards appealed to college graduates Saturday to join him in demanding an end to the war in Iraq.

“Congress’ real power to end this war is to use its funding power. But while that’s Congress’ only real power, it is not the only power in America,” Edwards said in a commencement speech at New England College. “The irresistible power of America lies in your hands, in the hands of the American people.”

Also Saturday, Edwards launched a Web site — http://www.supportthetroopsendthewar.com — that outlines his plan to end the unpopular, 4-year-old war.

“Each of us has a responsibility as an American, as a duty to our troops and to each other, to do every single thing we can to support those troops and end this war,” Edwards said.

He said young people helped to bring about civil rights, end the Vietnam war and promote anti-Apartheid causes.

“Today, we are at that place again. It is time for you — all of you — to take responsibility for your country, for your government, for your community,” Edwards said. “Help our nation break its silence, speak out.”

He said anything less is a failure.

“Silence is a betrayal,” Edwards said, borrowing from the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous anti-Vietnam sermon.

John Edwards also called on his supporters to turn this year’s Memorial Day into a day of antiwar activism, saying that the best way to honor the troops is to demand an end to the Iraq war.
Edwards, his party’s vice presidential nominee in 2004, was visiting the first-in-the-nation primary state this weekend seeking support for his second run. Trailing Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama in most polls, he has been criticizing them for not doing enough to end the war.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
If you go to the website he advocates “showing your patriotism” by sending care packages and cards to the troops while undermining them politically. He then gives links to anysoldier.com and opgratitude.com, among others for folks to do so.
I’m sure these fine organizations want to have nothing to do with this. These are good people who have supported the troops from the beginning and to now have their names associated with his anti-war message.

12 May

Democrats Block Amendment For Missile Defense Budget

Republicans oppose BMD (Missile Defense) budget cuts plan (Duncan Hunter Vs. the libs)
May. 11 (UPI)
House Republicans are opposing proposed cuts in the U.S. ballistic missile defense budget. One of the most dangerous things about having the far left Democrats running congress is that they will try to gut our missile defense program which is doing brilliantly.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, has offered an amendment “stating that the sense of Congress is to develop and deploy a layered and robust missile defense capable of intercepting missiles in boost, midcourse and terminal phases of flight.”
However, committee Democrats blocked the amendment on a procedural second-degree amendment, a Republican House spokesman said in a statement.

“I’m not sure we should be slowing down the development and fielding of certain elements of our missile defense system that could prove critical to our nation’s defense — especially in light of North Korea’s test of several short-range missiles and a longer-range Taepo-Dong-2 missile and Iran’s continued development and test of short- and medium-range ballistic missiles,” said Hunter.

Rep. Terry Everett, R-Ala., the ranking Republican of the Strategic Forces Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee, said he was “concerned about the $764 million top-line reduction levied on the Missile Defense Agency, especially when progress is being seen in so many of their programs.”
Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., proposed an amendment to fully restore the $764 million to the MDA budget, but it failed by a vote of 34-24.
Franks said, “While some in Congress remain intent on cutting missile defense, our enemies also remain intent. North Korea and Iran, among others, are intent on building faster, longer, and more sophisticated ballistic missiles.”
However, the Strategic Forces Subcommittee chaired by Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., has already restored some key funding for the Airborne Laser project and for some other BMD activities.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Democrats oppose, loathe and despise anything that has to do with defense, whether it’s private gun ownership or having a strong, capable military. And then they’re shocked and outraged when their patriotism is called into question. If left up to the Democrats we would not allowed to protect ourselves.

12 May

Michael Moore Documentary “Sicko” Just More Bull

Hospital Nacional – Havana

La Pradera International Health Center – Health Center built by Castro for foreign tourists. No doubt a place like where Moore went.

Michael Moore blasts President Bush over federal probe into ’Sicko’ documentary’s Cuba trip
Boston Herald
LOS ANGELES – Filmmaker Michael Moore has asked the Bush administration to call off an investigation of his trip to Cuba to get treatment for ailing Sept. 11 rescue workers for a segment in his upcoming health-care expose, “Sicko.”
Moore, who made the hit documentary “Fahrenheit 9/11″ assailing President Bush’s handling of Sept. 11, said in a letter to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson on Friday that the White House may have opened the investigation for political reasons.
I understand why the Bush administration is coming after me _ I have tried to help the very people they refuse to help, but until George W. Bush outlaws helping your fellow man, I have broken no laws and I have nothing to hide.”
The health-care industry Moore skewers in “Sicko” was a major contributor to Bush’s 2004 re-election campaign and to Republican candidates over the last four years, Moore wrote.

“I can understand why that industry’s main recipient of its contributions _ President Bush _ would want to harass, intimidate and potentially prevent this film from having its widest possible audience,” Moore wrote.

Treasury officials did not immediately respond on Friday to a request for comment on Moore’s letter to Paulson.
The department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control notified Moore in a letter dated May 2 that it was conducting a civil investigation for possible violations of the U.S. trade embargo restricting travel to Cuba.
Moore questioned the timing of the investigation, noting that “Sicko” premieres May 19 at the Cannes Film Festival and debuts in U.S. theaters June 19. The Bush administration knew of his plans to travel to Cuba since last October, said Moore, who went there in March with about 10 ailing workers involved in the rescue effort at the World Trade Center ruins.
OFAC’s letter to Moore noted that he had applied in October 2006 for permission as a full-time journalist to travel to Cuba, but that the agency had not made any determination on his request.
The agency gave Moore 20 business days to provide details on his Cuba trip and the names of those who accompanied him.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is hilarious, Moore’s film is about how health care in Cuba is better then in the USA. Sure Michael, why don’t you just go live there if you can and see how it is when you get sick or need to see a dentist.

11 May

Bombed-out Building Has New Mission ~“Hell Raiser’s Hideout”

Pvt. Richard Gray (left) of Battery A, 3rd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment, Pfc. David Flores of Company C, 5th Battalion, 20th Infantry Regiment, prepare to square off during the “Black Jack Boxing Fight Night Tournament” May 5, 2007. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Robert Yde.

Bombed-out building has new mission
By Sgt. 1st Class Kap Kim
2nd BCT, 1st Cav. Div. Public Affairs
In the movie, Field of Dreams, it was the words, “If you build it, they will come,” that motivated a farmer to build a baseball field in an Iowa corn field.
As Spc. Timothy Dunbar, of Lowell, Mass., looked out onto a bombed-out floor of the former Ba’ath Party Headquarters, just outside his bedroom window, those similar words rang through his head.
Just days before christening a boxing ring that’ll be used for the first-ever, “Black Jack Fight Night,” Dunbar and a few other soldiers put some finishing touches on a boxing ring they built for the tournament.
They dubbed the location, “Hell Raiser’s Hideout,” and during the upcoming boxing smoker, soldiers from 3rd Battalion, 82nd Field Artillery Regiment and 4th Squadron, 9th Cavalry Regiment, both units with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division, will square off in the ring.

“Several months ago, the battalion commander and I talked about hosting a boxing smoker,” said Miami native Command Sgt. Maj. Calvin Morman, 3-82nd FA’s top noncommissioned officer. “After our conversation, my response was, ‘Roger Sir, I got it.’ Because of the (operational tempo) of the battalion’s mission and the troop surge, time passed. Out of the blue, the brigade asked us to host a boxing smoker with one of our sister battalions, 4-9 Cav.”

According to Dunbar, Morman asked him to do some research on boxing ring dimensions. He went online to find out what the dimension should be and put it on paper. Later, he offered up his services in building the ring.

“Originally, it was just going to be some wood and rope,” he said. “From there, we got a great welder and started putting it together in little pieces. From that, we just kept adding and adding details … even the lights above.”

Dunbar and his roommate, Pfc. Justin Netherland, of Hamburg, Miss., both have backgrounds in boxing. They used to train and fight in the “Golden Gloves” amateur level during their youth. Two other Pfcs., Timothy Iuchs, of Sedalia, Mo. and Jared Decker of Oskaloosa, Kan., never boxed in their life, but said they wanted to help out.

“We just wanted to make it as real as possible against the environment around us,” said Dunbar, who pointed at the war-damaged building that surrounds the ring. “I mean, it’s just like home, but with the feel of Baghdad all around us.”

Morman, along with others from 3-82nd, who have seen the ring transform from just raw materials said it is as close to the real thing as humanly possible. “I think it would be very similar to a real fight-night except for the location,” Morman said.

“You won’t see a fight night like ours. The location for this event is a run down foyer in the middle of the former Ba’ath party headquarters. Its rugged appearance adds something more than any fight televised. Not even ‘Rocky’ had this type of setting.”

According to Dunbar, during this project, everyone came by the “Hell Raiser’s Hideout” to lend a hand. Welders, such as Sgt. John Klempnow of Bay City, Mich., helped fabricate the corner posts. Staff Sgt. James Martin, of Bowling Green, Mich., helped by constructing the flooring.
Martin, who has helped build houses in the past, said helping build the ring was interesting because he had never done it before. Dunbar added that much of the work started in the evening when they were done with their day’s mission requirements. In all, Dunbar said the ring took more than 300 man-hours to build.

“We’d come out here and work on it four or five hours a night,” he said. “Sometimes, we’d be out here until two in the morning working on this. Every step of the way, we asked, ‘How do we make it look like a professional ring?’” Dunbar said a local painter added the writing on the ring, turnbuckles and the skirt.

The team is anticipating people’s reaction as they enter the ‘Hell Raiser’s Hideout.’ Building the ring and organizing the event has been really great for Decker.

“It’s just fun to have something to work on and pass the time,” Decker said.

Decker, who is an avid baseball fan, used to head up a homerun derby in the hideout before they built the ring there. “This is nice, but I lost my baseball field,” he said.

Although building the ring was fun, it did come with its set of challenges, Dunbar said.

“The turn posts – it didn’t help that the ground was unleveled,” he recalled. Though they had a limited budget, Dunbar said they did it at a mere fraction of what it would cost to just purchase the materials and build a ring, even without labor costs.

Through all the minor setbacks, the team built the ring and threw in a little more for the spectators and fighters because they wanted to put on a good show, said Dunbar.

“I want people to feel like this is an old Tyson/Holyfield fight when you see all the lights lit up,” Dunbar said. “I used to box. Not all the guys had the ‘big game,’ but every boxer here will feel like a celebrity. Even if you are not a fan of boxing, you’ll like this.”

For Spc. Chris Thomas, who is a Military Transition Team member from Camden, N.J., the ring is “amazing.” Thomas, who has an amateur record of 3-0, has been using the ring the last few weeks to train up for his fight.

“The canvas – this material is good, and these guys put a lot of time into it,” he said. “It’s perfect; it’s like any other ring. It’s as real as it gets.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I think this is great, I am just so proud of our guys. I would love it if some of our professional boxers would go there to visit the troops to thank them for all they do, you just know they would love that support too.

11 May

“Consequences of failure in Iraq would be disastrous” ~ Bush

I love this graphic someone made up with Kerry on the screen and our troops answer back! God bless our troops!

House Defeats Bill Calling for Quick Departure From Iraq
Fox News
and also from
The Sun
The US House of Representatives today voted to fund the Iraq war in instalments of just a few months, defying President George W. Bush’s vow to veto a Bill he branded “haphazard” and “piecemeal”.

The move, approved by 221 votes to 205, would release $US43 billion ($52bn) in emergency war funding but force Mr Bush to show progress in Iraq in July, before politicians vote on freeing up a second $US53bn chunk of funds


“This legislation ends the blank cheque for the President’s war without end,” Democratic House speaker Nancy Pelosi said moments before the vote, the latest round of a bitter and escalating constitutional feud for control of the war.

Mr Bush had earlier fought back hard against Democrats, amid signs of softening Republican support for his strategy to surge nearly 30,000 more troops into violence-torn Iraq.

“I’ll veto the Bill if it is this haphazard, piecemeal funding, and I made that clear,” Mr Bush said after meeting officials at the Defence Department.

President Bush pulled no punches Thursday in warning congressional Democrats that failure to give U.S. troops in Iraq the resources they need to battle a rising Al Qaeda threat will lead to disaster.

“We should be able to agree that the consequences of failure in Iraq would be disastrous for our country,” Bush said at the Pentagon after meeting with Defense Secretary Robert Gates and other military officials. “We should be able to agree that we have a responsibility to provide our men and women on the front lines the resources and flexibility they need to do the job we asked them to do.”

Bush renewed his threat to veto the House war spending bill.

“I’ll veto the bill if it’s this haphazard piece-meal funding,” Bush said after the White House acknowledged Republican concerns that the war could damage the party’s political future.
“My message to the members of Congress is: Whatever your beliefs may be, let’s make sure our troops get funded. And let’s make sure politicians don’t tell our commanders how to conduct operations, don’t hamstring our people in the field,” Bush said.

The House bill faces Republican opposition and lacks support in the Senate.
But Democrats continued to move on the legislation after vowing to challenge Bush on the war and to stay on message and not give the president a blank check to fund military operations.

“It is striking to me … that people are shocked that the president is hearing candid advice from people who have concerns,” Snow said Thursday during a briefing with reporters.

“And I’m telling you that where the rubber meets the road, right now here in Washington, Republicans are united, Democrats are divided. Period.” Snow said. “If you want disunity, there’s far more disunity on the Democratic side.”

The discussion, described by the 11 participating lawmakers as blunt, preceded the president’s threat Wednesday to veto the House bill now under consideration.
Gates sent Congress a letter Thursday urging lawmakers to pass an emergency supplemental bill immediately.

“The lack of timely supplemental funds has limited the department’s ability to properly contract for the reconstitution of equipment for both active and reserve forces,” Gates wrote in the letter.

Gates wrote that the proposal to fund operations only through July “would cause significant disruption to the effective and efficient operation of the Department of Defense and the health and welfare of the U.S. military.”

Wild Thing’s comment…….
This just keeps going doesn’t it. The Dems use our troops like a poker chip. They say they support the troops ( they do NOT) and that they are only against “Bush’s” war. If they supported the troops they would fund what the troops need. And IF they loved America they would not be calling it “Bush’s War”.
They say they will fund the troops for 60 days. LOL well isn’t that special. Let’s see, how many bullets can they use per day knowing they will only have enough funding for 60 days.
Just a few old quotes from the phonies in leadership. They probably wish we did not remember:

“Without question, we need to disarm Saddam
Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading
an oppressive regime … He presents a particularly
grievous threat because he is so consistently prone
to miscalculation … And now he is miscalculating
America’s response to his continued deceit and his
consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction…
So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass
destruction is real.”
– Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 ( pansy of flip flop)

“There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam
Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear
weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within
the next five years … We also should remember we
have always underestimated the progress Saddam has
made in development of weapons of mass destruction.”
– Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002

“Iraq’s search for weapons of mass destruction
has proven impossible to deter and we should assume
that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power.”
– Al Gore, Sept. 23, 2002

“We have known for many years that Saddam
Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass
– Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

“The last UN weapons inspectors left Iraq in
October of 1998. We are confident that Saddam
Hussein retains some stockpiles of chemical and
biological weapons, and that he has since embarked
on a crash course to build up his chemical and
biological warfare capabilities. Intelligence
reports indicate that he is seeking nuclear
– Sen. Robert Byrd (D, WV), Oct. 3, 2002

“He has systematically violated, over the
course of the past 11 years, every significant UN
resolution that has demanded that he disarm and
destroy his chemical and biological weapons, and any
nuclear capacity. This he has refused to do.”
– Rep. Henry Waxman (D, CA), Oct. 10, 2002

11 May

Schumer: Break up Homeland Security Department

Schumer: Break up Homeland Security Department
Senator Charles Schumer says the federal government should scuttle its Department of Homeland Security.
The New York Democrat is particularly incensed by the agency’s plan to require passports to drive across the Canadian border. He says he’s trying to convince his fellow Democrats in the Senate to dissolve the Homeland Security department into smaller agencies.
But Schumer says he’s not sure if there are enough votes to dismantle the agency formed in response to the September Eleventh terrorist attacks.
Speaking to a group of New York business leaders in Washington, the senator called the department a conglomerate that’s too large and incompetent.
While Schumer has been one of the agency’s most outspoken critics, he also says Congress should be saddled with part of the blame. He says creating the Department of Homeland Security was “one of the worst things” Congress did.

Wild Thing’s comment………
Dissolving it again into separate agencies will only throw up the walls which have barely came down at all again.
That is exactly what they want (the dems, MoveOn, Libs, Soros and company)

10 May

RI Students Must Watch ‘Inconvenient Truth’ to Graduate

RI Students Must Watch ‘Inconvenient Truth’ to Graduate
(CNSNews.com)…for complete article
To receive a degree from Roger Williams University in Rhode Island, students are being forced to watch “An Inconvenient Truth,” the documentary on global warming produced by former Vice President Al Gore.
The science class requirement has prompted one conservative student to declare that “we should stop calling these schools ‘bastions of knowledge’ since they’re really bastions of leftist thought.”
The controversy at Roger Williams University (RWU) in Bristol, R.I., began the week before Earth Day, when the professors teaching the laboratory portion of “Core 101: Science, Technology and Society” required their students to watch Gore’s Oscar-winning film in class.
The course is one of 12 that students at the university must take in order to graduate.
However, Dana Peloso, an RWU junior and president of the school’s chapter of the College Republicans, sent a letter questioning the course requirement to Jeffrey Hughes, assistant dean of marine and natural sciences.

In his email response, Hughes stated that “I only recently saw ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ and have to think that it’s an ideal subject for a Core lab,” because “the point of Core is to inform students of scientific principles and help them make decisions on issues with a scientific basis in their everyday lives.”

As educators, we’re charged to encourage your intellectual growth,” Hughes added. “That can (actually, will) be uncomfortable at times, and we’re also here to help you deal with that discomfort. It’s truly what makes being a human such a joy, privilege and challenge.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
What has this world come to? Just when you thought it could NOT get any MORE ridiculous, well, lookeee here! How many credits does one get these days for watching fiction?

“As educators, we’re charged to encourage your intellectual growth,” Hughes added. “That can (actually, will) be uncomfortable at times, and we’re also here to help you deal with that discomfort. It’s truly what makes being a human such a joy, privilege and challenge.”

Typical leftist college professer ‘know it all’ attitude. We’re the enlightened, and though it is a burden sometimes, we’ll lead you to full knowledge, as we define it, whether you agree or not.

10 May

Murtha: Move trials out of Guantanamo

Murtha: Move trials out of Guantanamo
Pennsylvania’s Rep. John Murtha yesterday said he would start pushing the Bush administration to move military trials for high-level terrorism suspects from the controversial detention facility at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba to the U.S. mainland.
Such a step, he argued, would help improve the nation’s image abroad after years of negative publicity surrounding the prison camp, which first opened in January 2002 and now holds about 380 detainees.

“We don’t want anybody released who is a threat,” Mr. Murtha, D-Johnstown, said after a hearing of the House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee. “But, on the other hand, we have to get them a fair trial.”

Afghans, Saudis, and Yemenis make up the top three nationalities among detainees.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
Terrorist trials coming to a courtroom near you.
What gets me is Murtha’s concern that these people get a “fair trial”. He is more worried about the terrorists then he is that crime pays.
I will never ever forget nor forgive Murtha for things he has said……here is a quote by Murtha………

“Well, I say that the fight against Americans began with Abu Ghraib. It began with the invasion of Iraq. That’s when terrorism started.” (Murtha, Nov. 17, 2005, News Hour with Jim Lehrer)

09 May

Have the Democrats protested the arrests yet?

From various links at Fox News………..
A group of men had brought him a video showing them firing assault weapons and chanting, “God is Great!” in Arabic. They wanted him to transfer the footage onto a DVD.
So he said something, calling the Mount Laurel Police Department, who in turn contacted the FBI.
And thus began the downfall of one of the most thoroughly infiltrated and documented group of terrorism suspects in recent history.
FBI agent J.P. Weis saluted the unidentified Mount Laurel store clerk as the “unsung hero” of the case.

“That’s why we’re here today — because of the courage and heroism of that individual,” the FBI agent said.

The suspects’ images and words were captured on more than 50 audio and video recordings. Their comings and goings were recorded by law enforcement agents who monitored the alleged plot for 16 months, hoping more terror ties would become apparent.
The defendants, all men in their 20s, include a pizza deliveryman suspected of using his job to scout out Fort Dix. Their goal was “to kill as many American soldiers as possible” in attacks with mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and guns, prosecutors said.

“Today we dodged a bullet. In fact, when you look at the type of weapons that this group was trying to purchase, we may have dodged a lot of bullets,” Weis said. “We had a group that was forming a platoon to take on an army. They identified their target, they did their reconnaissance. They had maps. And they were in the process of buying weapons. Luckily, we were able to stop that.”

And this……………………….

Six people were arrested on Monday in connection with an alleged plot to murder soldiers at Fort Dix, the U.S. attorney’s office said.
Michael Drewniak, a spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in New Jersey, said the men are from the former Yugoslavia and were planning to “kill as many soldiers as possible.” Five of them lived in Cherry Hill, he said.
Drewniak said the six were scheduled to appear in federal court in Camden later Tuesday to face charges of conspiracy to kill U.S. servicemen.
The six men — five of whom lived in Cherry Hill, a Philadelphia suburb about 20 miles from Fort Dix — were arrested Monday night while trying to buy AK-47 assault weapons, M-16s and other weapons from an FBI informant, authorities said.
The undercover investigation followed the men, three of whom are brothers, from New Jersey to the Poconos, where they allegedly practiced firing automatic weapons, media sources said.
Officials raided the homes of the men, described as Islamic radicals, and said there is video showing some of the alleged planning.
A law enforcement official, speaking on condition of anonymity because documents in the case remain sealed, said the men were arrested as part of a joint federal and local investigation.
The officials said the attack was stopped in the planning stages.

In addition to plotting the attack on Fort Dix, the defendants spoke of attacking a Navy installation in Philadelphia during the annual Army-Navy football game and conducted surveillance at other military installations in the region, prosecutors said.

One defendant, Eljvir Duka, was recorded as saying: “In the end, when it comes to defending your religion, when someone … attacks your religion, your way of life, then you go jihad.”

“It doesn’t matter to me whether I get locked up, arrested or get taken away,” another defendant, Serdar Tatar, was alleged to have said. “Or I die, it doesn’t matter. I’m doing it in the name of Allah.”

Look at this………..
from The Ledger
Some of the would-be attackers have been living illegally in the United States, while others are legal immigrants, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Four are ethnic Albanians, one was born in Turkey, and a sixth was born in Jordan.
Officials identified the men as Dritan Duka, 28, Eljvir Duka, 23, Shain Duka, 26, Serdar Tatar, 23, Mohamad Shnewer, 22, and Agron Abdullahu, 24.
The six had been under FBI surveillance for 15 months and prepared for their alleged plot by shooting paintball guns and real weapons in Gouldsboro, Pa., 30 miles southeast of Scranton, officials said. One had experience as a sniper in Kosovo, Christie said.

“These folks knew how to use these weapons,” he said.

The men also allegedly watched jihadist videos in which Osama bin Laden urged them toward martyrdom.
While under federal surveillance, the men also watched a video in which a U.S. Marine lost his arm in an explosion.
“The room burst out into laughter,” Christie said. “These are the type of people we were dealing with.”

The men had scouted out Fort Monmouth, Dover Air Force Base, Lakehurst Naval Air Station and the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard before settling on Fort Dix, a base that is used to mobilize troops to Iraq, according to the complaint.

“One of the suspects, Tatar, had regular access to secure areas of the facility through his job as a deliveryman for his father’s pizzeria in Cookstown, not far from the gates of McGuire Air Force Base, which adjoins Fort Dix. Tatar, the complaint said, knew Fort Dix like the palm of his hand.”

The men had videotaped their practice sessions in Pennsylvania, according to the complaint. That videotape, in which they fired assault weapons and railed against America, led to their arrests.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Thank God nothing came of their plans. I wish I could say it was surpirse when I heard this earlier today. I wish that it would be something that is not in my mind to even think about…..that we are constantly under attempted attacks in our country. There are so many that never happen, some that we find out about and others we never even learn of unless knowledge comes to those in Homeland Security etc.. But as long as Islam exists these attacks will exist and attempts will be made.
Thank you to all involved in stopping this attack and all the ones these subhuman Islamists had planned.
From their how to book of Islam:
Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels.
So wound their bodies and incapacitate them
because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”
Qur’an 8:57 “If you gain mastery over them in battle,
inflict such a defeat as would terrorize them,
so that they would learn a lesson and be warned.”

09 May

Good Grief ~ Pelosi

I LOVE this look President Bush is throwing to Pelosi! LMAO

Pelosi threat to sue Bush over Iraq bill
The Hill …..for complete article
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is threatening to take President Bush to court if he issues a signing statement as a way of sidestepping a carefully crafted compromise Iraq war spending bill.

Pelosi recently told a group of liberal bloggers, “We can take the president to court” if he issues a signing statement, according to Kid Oakland, a blogger who covered Pelosi’s remarks for the liberal website dailykos.com.

“The president has made excessive use of signing statements and Congress is considering ways to respond to this executive-branch overreaching,” a spokesman for Pelosi, Nadeam Elshami, said. “Whether through the oversight or appropriations process or by enacting new legislation, the Democratic Congress will challenge the president’s non-enforcement of the laws.”

Democrats floated other ideas during yesterday’s weekly caucus meeting. Rep. Jay Inslee (D-Wash.) suggested that the House consider a measure to rescind the 2002 authorization for the war in Iraq. Several senators and Democratic presidential candidates recently have proposed that idea.

“There was a ripple around the room” in support of the idea, said Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-Calif.).

In the 1970s, congressional Democrats tried to get the courts to force President Nixon to stop bombing in Cambodia. The courts ruled that dissident lawmakers could not sue solely to obtain outcomes they could not secure in Congress.
In order to hear an argument, a federal court would have to grant what is known as “standing,” meaning that lawmakers would have to show that Bush is willfully ignoring a bill Congress passed and that he signed into law.
The House would have to demonstrate what is called “injury in fact.” A court might accept the case if “it is clear that the legislature has exhausted its ability to do anything more,” a former general counsel to the House of Representatives, Stanley Brand, said.
Lawmakers have tried to sue presidents in the past for taking what they consider to be illegal military action, but courts have rejected such suits.

Wild Thing’s comment……
I have never in my life been to DailyKos.com or DU. No need to there is plenty of their BS online everywhere else for me to see. This Pelosi is a nut case along with the others. The one named Woosley really makes me furious that she is in any kind of leadership. She is a full fledged communist asshole.
Pelosi and company will fight this all the way to hell, caring nothing about our troops. With regard to her recent trip to Syria, she should be prosecuted under the Layton Act and the State Department should revoke her passport immediately. This loose cannon needs to be permanently de-wheeled, and tucked away in a well padded room.
Looking back and not so long ago…..from the Washington Times
“After calling herself “the most powerful woman in America,” Mrs. Pelosi flexed her right muscle like a weight lifter to much applause at an event yesterday titled a “women’s tea.” “All right, let’s hear it for the power,” she screamed.”
And get this I heard on Fox News………………..OMG!
Nancy Pelosi announcing that she is passing a bill to have the CIA work on Global Warming as a threat. Global Freakin Warming !!!!!!!
With everything we are facing, with the FBI busting Jihadis TODAY in NJ, she wants the CIA to waste time on Global Warming.