Protestors rally Monday, Oct. 22 at the Capitol against driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants. (Philip Kamrass / Times Union)
County clerk sues DMV; opposing bill passes in Senate as GOP pledges to fight Spitzer plan
Lawsuit filed as pressure increases
times union.com…for complete article
Opponents of Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s plan to allow illegal immigrants to gain driver’s licenses turned up the pressure on the first-term Democrat on Monday, with Rensselaer County’s elected clerk filing a private lawsuit, Assembly and Senate Republicans threatening taxpayer-funded litigation and several hundred citizens rallying against the governor’s “unilateral” act.
“We are going to do everything that we can to keep that from happening,” said Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno, R-Brunswick, in supporting a bill passed Monday night to derail the governor’s action.
Rensselaer County Clerk Frank Merola, a Republican, sued the state Department of Motor Vehicles in Albany County in an effort to block the governor’s policy and, as Merola told demonstrators on the Capitol steps, “to stop this nonsense.”
“The governor is not listening to the people; perhaps he may listen to the courts,” Merola said. “New York residents have stated loudly and clearly that we are not in favor of giving licenses to illegal aliens and all we get from the governor are lectures on how we are wrong, and that if we were as smart as he was, we would understand and support this policy,” Merola said.
Spitzer, who met privately with Democratic lawmakers, some of whom also dislike the directive, insists it is legal and seemed undeterred by the heavy criticism and a recent poll showing more than 70 percent of New Yorkers dislike his licensing plan. He said he governs according to principle, not polls.
“That is part of the discourse we have on tough issues and that’s wonderful, as it should be,” Spitzer said. “Some of the rhetoric that has been imposed and brought into this issue is not only overheated but … counterproductive.”
Some of Spitzer’s Democratic allies in the Senate minority and Assembly majority portrayed him as showing leadership amid fear-mongering and an undercurrent of racism.
Wild Thing’s comment……..
Assemblyman David Townsend, R-Rome, said the Spitzer initiative is part of a conspiracy to get illegal immigrants registered as voters in time to vote for Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., next year in the presidential primary and general election.
That is EXACTLY what this sham is…a huge voting bloc for Hillary.
“”A driver’s license is not a ticket to voting,” Spitzer said”
He’s lying through his teeth. A license is all you need to sign up to vote with motor voter. Spitzer is such lying, arrogant, jerk.
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