24 Oct

Newt On When Do We Draw The Line

Newt Gingrich discusses the war on terror at the National Press Club

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I had never seen this video before, it is good. America is sleepwalking towards a tomorrow of catastrophic consequences. None are so blind as those who will not see. Unfortunately folks, a majority of Americans do not see, and our political leadership encourages that blindness.
“I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” Thomas Jefferson.

John says:

This was truly inspiring Wild Thing!!! Thank you for sharing this. I also listened to several of the other clips that were attached. Newt is dead on in several of his comments and the American people had better start extracting their heads from that location where the sun doesn’t shine!!! I too am seriously concerned and worried for the future of my children, grandchildren and equally important…This Country!!!! It is way past time that We return to a Country “Of the People, By the People, and For the People”

TomR says:

I don’t care for Newt, but his words ring too true. His reality is a bright light in a world of denial, political correctness and make believe. Newt Gingrich and John Bolton need prominent positions in government, but no one in power wants to hear them. Just like the career politicians did not want to hear Ronald Reagan.
I am sending this clip to all my friends.
None of the front runners in the ’08 Presidential race seem willing to even touch on this subject of the intent and purpose of our enemy. Hell, no one even identifies our enemy, islam. America is in for a very bumpy ride.

BobF says:

Excellent video and speech. He’s right on the money.

Jack says:

The shocking truth WT. Thank you for posting this.

Newt On When Do We Draw The Line

Wild Thing says:

John, yes that is the thing, the America now is getting even worse in these things and it will not even be our America at all for the future generations.

Wild Thing says:

Tom I feel the same way. Sometimes the messanger is not a favorite of mine but the message is right on target.

Wild Thing says:

Bob, I think so too, thanks for watching it.

Wild Thing says:

Jack thank you so much for watching it.