27 Dec

“Elect me and oil prices instantly drop” ~ Hillary

Elect me and oil prices instantly drop, says Hillary Clinton in Iowa
NY Daily News
Hillary Clinton predicted Saturday that just electing her President will cut the price of oil.
When the world hears her commitment at her inauguration about ending American dependence on foreign fuel, Clinton says, oil-pumping countries will lower prices to stifle America’s incentive to develop alternative energy.

“I predict to you, the oil-producing countries will drop the price of oil,” Clinton said, speaking at the Manchester YWCA. “They will once again assume, once the cost pressure is off, Americans and our political process will recede.”

Clinton argued that former President Jimmy Carter in the late 1970s actually started moving in the right direction toward energy independence, but his successor, Ronald Reagan, “dismantled” that work.

“Because costs were low, people didn’t care, didn’t complain,” she said.

She warned that folks shouldn’t be grateful now if oil countries cut prices from near $100 a barrel to $60 or $70, and compared it to trying to boil a frog.

“You put him in hot water, it jumps right out, you put him in cold water and turn up the heat – he’s a goner,” she said. “We’ve got to figure out how were going to not be the frog in the cold water anymore.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Please, PLEASE! Someone tell me people aren’t dumb enough to believe this tripe! Yes I know, the reality is that there are people that do believe this baloney! How scary is that!
Said the Beast: “Elect me and oil prices will drop as fast as Billys pants drop when an intern enters the office.”
I am amazed at how much contempt this filth has for her/its countrymen.
Down Home accents to Black audiences, the transparant New York Yankees outrage, etc., ALL the clumsy fakery that would be ridiculed and reviled in the Press, if it were anyone else. When will it stop?
What next I wonder, will she turn water into wine or heal lepers?

27 Dec

Felons Removed From Clinton’s TN Steering Committee

Felons removed from Clinton’s TN steering committee
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has revised its list of Tennessee supporters on its statewide steering committee to remove the names of two convicted felons.
The original list of more than 100 committee members had included former state House Majority Leader Tommy Burnett and West Tennessee Democratic Party activist Gladys Crain.
Both are familiar names, with familiar rap sheets, in Tennessee political circles. Both have been politically active for decades, both before and after their convictions.
Gladys Crain, of Halls, was convicted in 1981 on federal charges connected with a scheme to rig bids on a state highway construction project.
Former state House Majority Leader Tommy Burnett, of Jamestown, was imprisoned in 1984 for failure to file an income tax return.
Burnett was re-elected from his jail cell, but was later caught up in Operation Rocky Top federal corruption probe and went back to prison for another year on federal conspiracy and illegal gambling charges.
He currently works as a state House lobbyist.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
LOL The party of Bill and Hillary Clinton IS the party of criminals and if she gets in the White House all their crimes will continue. How about removing the felon for whom they are working! Maybe they will also remove the dead people from the dumb-o-crats voters list too. Naw, that would have them being too honest and they might shrivel up and die from so much honesty.

27 Dec

Edwards Says He Sounds Like A President ~ LOL

Edwards says he sounds like a president
John Edwards tried to shore up his New Hampshire support Wednesday with promises of fighting the establishment, changing Washington — and even speaking with a Southern accent.
The former North Carolina senator, on a 300-mile, one-day campaign tour through New Hampshire, stuck to populist themes for what he hopes will be an Edwards presidency.

“You’d better choose someone as your candidate who’s ready for this battle. Nice words will not change anything,” Edwards said in this northern New England town.

He also cited his small-town, Southern roots as an asset.
“The last two Democratic presidents, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter,” he said in his Carolina twang, “both talk like me.”

While Edwards said he was talking about fighting “big business” and “corporate greed,” he’s in a tight race with rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama in Iowa — where he was heading next.

“It’s a very competitive race. From everything I see, it’s a dead heat between the three of us,” Edwards told reporters after going door-to-door looking for votes in Nashua.

“This is my last day here. We’ll go from here to Iowa very late tonight. … I, Elizabeth, my kids, my parents — everybody will be stationed in Iowa between now and Jan. 3.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
He can record his voice and listen to it all he wants. LOL not such a great idea to compare yourself to Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter…..no I don’t think so. Edwards wants to do is spend more of our money on programs that do not work.

27 Dec

Don’t Screw With The USA and That Includes You Dems!

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I love this song by Twisted Sisters. I was looking at some other video’s using this song and they were great, then I saw this one also listed and loved it!!
To Murtha, Reid, Pelosi, Ron Paul, and anyone else that does not get it, turn up the volume and eat sand! Our troops ROCK and they are doing an awesome job. You think you can stand there and say we should not fight back, we should let the enemy keep attacking us and then expect us to just have a sit down with them and do lunch? OMG you are totally insane and that is just for starters.
You want Kumbaya and my answer to you is MORE FIREPOWER. So just get out of the way because we have the most powerful military in the whole world and they DO have an answer to people like you. Listen to the words to the song and get a clue!

26 Dec

Kohler Co.Helps Save Lives In Iraq

In Iraq, this vehicle was struck by a roadside bomb. The Buffalo Cyclone debris blower, mounted on the front, took the brunt of the blast.

A Cyclone blows a wide swath of air at 180 mph to expose roadside explosives. It’s been used for two years in Iraq.

Engines fit devices that disperse bomb-hiding debris
Modified debris sweepers with Kohler engines are helping save the lives of U.S. troops in Iraq.
The machines, mounted at the front of military trucks and mine sweepers, blow away roadside debris to expose bombs planted by insurgents. Often they trigger the bombs and take the brunt of the explosion.

“But I would love to see plenty of engines taking the hits rather than soldiers getting killed,” said Rich Koehl, director of marketing and quality at Kohler Co.’s engine division.

Insurgent attacks on vehicles have accounted for more than half of U.S. combat fatalities in Iraq, according to the military.
As the improvised explosive devices have become more deadly, the Army and Marines have stepped up efforts to get safer vehicles.
They’re also using products such as Cyclone debris blowers made by Buffalo Turbine Co., of Springville, N.Y., with Wisconsin-made Kohler engines.
The Cyclone blows a broad, 180-mph jet of air to expose roadside explosives. The military has more than 100 of the machines in use in Iraq, with more on the way, said Paul Syracuse, general manager at Buffalo Turbine.
In the civilian world, the giant blowers are used to clean debris from streets, golf courses and race tracks. They’ve also been used at the last eight Super Bowls and in city parks.

“They’re a rock-solid leaf blower,” said Tom Tiernan, a Kohler distributor in Pennsylvania.

In Iraq, the blowers have been modified with armor plating and diesel engines. Mounted on the front of a vehicle, usually about 10 feet from the operator’s cab, they blow away garbage and other debris used to hide roadside bombs.
Dozens of bombs found
The bombs are triggered a variety of ways, including electric eyes, infrared sensors and ordinary springs.

“Garbage is the main hiding place,” Syracuse said. “The blowers either trigger the bombs or expose them.”

No soldiers have been killed while using the debris blowers, according to Buffalo Turbine. In about two years of use, the machines have exposed or detonated dozens of roadside bombs.
The idea came from former U.S. troops working for an equipment contractor. Now, the machines are an important part of military convoys in Iraq.

“They cruise alongside the road, sometimes leading a convoy,” Syracuse said.

The U.S. military uses thousands of Kohler portable generators in Iraq in addition to the engines used on debris blowers.

“I would call it the NASA effect. If the military finds a use for one of our civilian products, we will help them develop a special application for it,” Koehl said.

Normally, it can take years for the military to develop and acquire field equipment.
But in 2002, the Army launched an effort to speed things up through a program aimed at identifying unmet needs of combat soldiers and satisfying those needs in 90 to 180 days.
The Army now buys small quantities of equipment and tests it in the field.
Other gadgets
One of the success stories was a remote-controlled robot that looks something like a radio-controlled toy car and is used for detecting roadside bombs. It has a video camera mounted on a retractable arm and headlights to see in the dark.
Another was the use of laser pointers like those used in classrooms as a nonlethal way of dissuading drivers from ignoring security checkpoints in Iraq.
In the past, the bright lights shone at drivers did little to stop erratic behavior. But the green laser pointers, about 50 times brighter than pointers used in classrooms, have proven to be startling and nearly blinding to drivers coming straight at them.
Unlike red laser pointers, the green ones can be seen in midair in the dark. And the unusual color makes them more noticeable.
Initially, at least, aggressive driving was reduced 60% to 80% when the laser pointers were used at checkpoints, according to the Army.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is so neat, I love to see a business advertising that they provide equipment used in Iraq. Like the ads long ago my Dad had in a book of saved things from WW11. Things like:
* from “Dodge PowerWagons in Burma”
* “On the Battle lines or the Transposrt lines – GMCs are out in front”
* “Pontiac Reports to the Nation on Arms Productivity”
And so on – back then businesess were proud to get a piece of both the ‘action’ and the contracts.
For more ads there is also a link to some here.
From the CBI website
This ad is not related to CBI but interestingly illustrates what could be called “Censored Advertising.”
It looks like Pontiac submitted the copy for the ad to a military censor who crossed-out any information that might be of help to the enemy. They then prepared the ad with the censored information blacked-out.
The result is doubly patriotic advertising: Pontiac is building arms for the war effort and also will not jeopardize that effort by bragging about it in magazines.
In case the reader did not get the message, it was spelled out for them near the bottom of the ad:
“Seeking to cooperate fully in the war effort, Pontiac has voluntarily censored this advertisement.”
Compare that to todays media who, it seems, cannot wait to leak the latest SECRET and risk the lives of our troops. Back then, the USofA was at War. Today, the Marines are at War, the US is at the Mall. Or as the left keeps saying it is Bush’s war. GRRRRRRRRRRRR

26 Dec

The Liberal Christmas Carol

Since liberals detest Christmas, Hillary, Al, DiFi, and the rest of the left-wing gang have come up with a Grinchy (and off-key) carol to celebrate the secular season. Based on the book “Help! Mom! The 9th Circuit Nabbed the Nativity” by Katharine DeBrecht.

….Thank you Mark for sendnig this to me. This is good! The left needs to have how they are in their face as much as possible and this is good for that.

26 Dec

‘Twas the week before Caucus

‘Twas the week before Caucus
from The Federalists

‘Twas the week before Caucus, and all through the state,
Not a creature was stirring, the blizzard won’t wait.
But conservatives were troubled by scary dreams,
That some of the players weren’t who they seemed.
The candidate’s finish seemed to be set,
But the events of ’03 some seemed to forget.
With Kerry in the polls at just four percent,
But out of Iowa with a victory he went.
“Fred’s not got a chance,” the pundits did chatter,
“If you think that he does, you’re mad as a hatter.”
These are the “experts” who got it all wrong,
When four years ago they sang their proud song.
They were so sure it would be Howard Dean,
Who’d take Iowa by storm,’cause he led by thirteen.
But Iowa voters made ’em eat their words,
When poor Mr. Dean finished no better than third.
This time it’s the Huckster who’s up in the lead,
And would have you think that it’s all a done deed.
But each time that the governor opens his mouth,
He says things that make his voters go south.
Mitt Romney is struck with a similar affliction,
He’s told tall tales that have proved to be fiction.
Poor Rudy has fallen almost out of sight,
For his political postions are not on the right.
On LA Times! On Politico’s Roger Simon!
On with the hit pieces! On with the lyin’!
It’ll do you no good! It won’t stop big Fred!
His ’94 victory turned their faces all red!
With many undecided and even more who might switch,
Predicting Iowa is really a b*tch.
Fred Thompson knows as he heads down the stretch,
There’s plenty of votes that he can still fetch.
So he’s off on a bus tour of the good Haweye State,
After winning hands down the most recent debate.
Mitt got Tancredo, but Fred got Tanc’s top guy,
Who was immediately campaigning for Fred on the fly.
And I heard Fred exclaim, as he stumped with Steve King,
“This thing ain’t over ’til the fat lady sings.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I thought this was clever in how it is written.

25 Dec

Compliments Of The USAF Tanker Crews

And a close up of Santa’s sleigh shows he supports the troops.

24 Dec

“Silent Night” for Our Troops and Veterans

Martha Raye……..sings “SILENT NIGHT”

This is an outtake from the 1944 20th Century Fox movie “FOUR JILLS IN A JEEP,” adapted from Carole Landis’ book about the real-life journey by Landis, Raye, Mitzi Mayfair and Kay Francis to entertain U.S. troops overseas in WWII.
Martha Raye also went to entertain the troops during the Vietnam War.