25 Dec

Compliments Of The USAF Tanker Crews

And a close up of Santa’s sleigh shows he supports the troops.

BobF says:

In the Tanker World we had an acronym: NKAWTG
Nobody Kicks Ass Without Tanker Gas
Before any troop is deployed, their’s a tanker prepositioned to complete the “air bridge”. Tankers enable the fighters to get to the target, linger over the target, and make it back home.

Jack says:

It’s been quoted that an army travels on it’s stomach, but we know it takes much more. Thank you to all the unsung heroes that haul the beans and bullets and to those brave few who risk it all in the air. It is you, not that politician that makes this the greatest nation in the world.
Merry Christmas Ladies and Gentlemen.

TomR says:

As an Army guy, I thank the Air Force for all the types of various support we received from them. Whether it was logistics, transport, close air support or just the goodies we stole from the well funded Air Force, all was appreciated. Except for the times, on nice clear days when the Air Force managed to miss mile wide drop zones from 1250 feet and drop us paratroops right over the only tree line in sight. Durn Zoomies!!

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

Our C-5 Galaxy loved those double AR sorties to the Gulf! $emper Per Diem and Merry Christmas!!

Wild Thing says:

Bob, that is cool,I like that. Thank you!!

Wild Thing says:

Jack it sure is, and not the politicianss. Thank you Jack.

Wild Thing says:

Tom…..”or just the goodies we stole from the well funded Air Force”…..hahaahahaha
Nick tells stories about being on the ship and how the Marines on board vs. the Navy always had something going on between the two branches. What you said reminded me of that.

Wild Thing says:

Darth,Merry Christmas.