13 Jan

Aaron Tippin Supporting Our Troops

Country music star Aaron Tippin poses with Marines serving in the global war on terrorism. The country music singer spent his third straight Thanksgiving entertaining servicemembers serving in Iraq and Kuwait. Stars for Stripes photo

Country Musician Comes by Patriotism Naturally
Growing up as part of a military family, country music star Aaron Tippin learned a crucial lesson early in life: Freedom isn’t free.

“That might be a corny old saying, but you know what?” he asked. “It is still true. Freedom is not free.”

Tippin, who was in Washington for some publicity appearances, said his father, Willis, served in the military. The senior Tippin always was deeply patriotic, even after he left the service, his son added.

“That really bled into me,” he said. “So I have a great appreciation for my freedom and have a deep understanding that (servicemembers) are the people that are directly responsible for it.”

The musician has expressed that appreciation many times through his music. One of his first hit songs, the 1991 single “You’ve Got to Stand for Something,” earned him a spot entertaining the troops with comedian Bob Hope in the Persian Gulf region.
Since then, Tippin has entertained the troops numerous times, including the past three Thanksgiving holidays. Each visit gives him new perspective and renews his admiration for those serving the United States, he said.
What strikes him most is the progress being made and the troops’ role in that growth. One Iraqi boy in particular made it clear that U.S. troops are making a difference during Tippin’s 2007 trip.
After suffering serious facial injuries in a roadside bombing, the boy had undergone many surgeries and was still in the hospital recovering. He caught Tippin’s attention as the singer visited the hospital, which just two years before had been filled with wounded American troops.
Tippin autographed a picture for the boy while a translator explained who the singer was and what he was doing.

“He got up off his little mat and he came over to me and he took the picture,” the singer said. “He looked up at me and then looked at it again, and he walked over and gave me a great big hug and a kiss.

“That floored me,” Tippin added.

The child’s simple act was powerful enough, but it was more than just simple human emotion to Tippin.

“What I realized (through) the touch of that child (is), our troops know how to be great soldiers, great Marines, great airmen, great sailors,” he said. “They do battle the way it should be done, and that was just so inspiring.

“If that would have been our enemy (that found the boy), they’d have left that little kid to die right there in the street,” Tippin added.

The Nashville-based musician doesn’t have to be oceans from home to be “wowed” by the troops, though. He frequently plays for military audiences in the states as well.
He considers it his reward when, while meeting fans at the end of a show, a servicemember shows him a photo from an overseas performance. It never fails that the photo strikes a familiar chord.

“It’s me and them on the battlefield,” Tippin said. “That’s a cool moment because … I’ve been waiting for the chance to see them here in our country and go, ‘Thanks, Man. Glad to see you’re home. Glad to see you’re safe. Thanks so much; we appreciate what you do for us.'”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
I knew Aaron Tippin supported our troops and have posted about him before and also video’s of his music. But I never knew about his Dad being a Veteran before. I was so glad to read about that.

12 Jan

Football Weekend Schedule

LOL this video is so funny!


Here are the matchups for the weekend.

4:30 EST on FOX
Seahawks (10-6-0)
Packers (13-3-0)
8:00 EST on CBS
Jaguars (11-5-0)
Patriots (16-0-0)

Sunday 1:00 EST on CBS
Chargers (11-5-0)
Colts (13-3-0)
4:30 EST on FOX
Giants (10-6-0)
Cowboys (13-3-0)


These are the teams I think everyone is for. I will add to this as you tell me your favorite teams.
(Some names are those deployed in Iraq)
Lynn – Broncos, Bears, Browns
Tom – Cowboys, Broncos
Darth – New York Giants, Tampa Bay Bucs, (ABP – ‘anybody’ but Philly )
Mark – Patriots, Buffalo Bills, Bears
Bob – Buffalo Bills
Billy – Jets, NY Giants, Bears
Nick – Cowboys, Rams and Raiders
Karsten – Tampa Bay Bucs, NY Giants
navycopjoe – Chicago Bears
LindaSOG – Miami Dolphins
Jonathan – Raiders
Dawn – Seahawks, Bronco’s ….(husband USARMY delpoyed, Iraq)
Amber – Green Bay Packers …..(husband USMC delpoyed Iraq)
Cuchieddie – Raiders
Sierrahome – Colts
patrickdaniel – Chargers, Cowboys
Eve – Colts ….(husband USARMY deployed Iraq)
Beth – Bears , Saints
Chief – Seahwaks
Chrissie – Bears, Broncos and Cowboys
Andy ( USMC) – Colts
Mike ( USARMY) – Seattle Seahawks
Sand Man ( (USMC) – Bronco’s
Dave (USARMY) – Patriots
Tim ( USMC) – Bears
Jean ( USARMY) – Atlanta Falcons
Greg (USARMY) – Eagles
Max ( USARMY- Cowboys
Pete ( USMC) – Bronco’s
Steve – (USAF) – Bronco’s
Tony – (USARMY) – Redskins

FINAL scores for Saturday’s games:
Seahawks 20
Packers 42
Jaguars 20
Patriots 31

FINAL scores for Sunday’s games:
Chargers 28
Colts 24
Giants 21
Cowboys 17

GREAT games today the last one with the Giants and Cowboy’s almost went the other way, it was a great game to watch right up to the last 9 seconds.

Congratulations to all whose team(s) won.

12 Jan

Rush: Huck “Absurd,” Thompson “Stellar”

Rush: Huck “Absurd,” Thompson “Stellar”

Rush begins by calling Huck’s assertion that the Reagan coalition is dead and Republicans don’t care about little people “absurd,” then plays clips of Thompson’s debate performance. Rush called Fred Thompson’s performance “stellar.”

Here’s some of the transcript:
THOMPSON: Governor Huckabee’s campaign manager said it accurately in terms of what they believe. They believe that it is over. This is a battle for the heart and soul of the Republican Party and its future. On the one hand, you have a Reagan revolution; you have the Reagan coalition of limited government, and strong national security. On the other hand, you have the direction that Governor Huckabee would take us in. He would be a Christian leader, but he would also bring about liberal economic policies, liberal foreign policies.
RUSH: And, you know, now, this was unique. This has not happened to date in Republican debates with a Republican calling another Republican a liberal. And this is why Fred was considered to be on fire. He continued.
THOMPSON: He believes we have an arrogant foreign policy in the tradition of blame-America first. He believes that Guantanamo should be closed down and those enemy combatants brought here to the United States to find their way into the court system eventually. He believes in taxpayer funded programs for illegals, as he did in Arkansas. He has the endorsement of the National Education Association, and the NEA said it was because of his opposition to vouchers. He said he would sign a bill that banned smoking nationwide. So much for federalism, so much for state’s rights, so much for individual rights. That’s not the model of the Reagan coalition. That’s the model of the Democratic Party.
RUSH: Where has this been? Everybody is asking, “Where has this been,” besides on this program? Where has this been in the context of the Republican debates? When I got home from dinner last night and started checking e-mail both from friends and just others, it was just shy of orgasmic — there was so much excitement and happiness, and people were also frustrated, where’s this been? Fred’s finally come alive. This is an annunciation of the conservative agenda that has not been present in their debates before, and everybody has known, a lot of people have known it’s there. It just hasn’t surfaced. So now, because of Fred’s stellar performance last night — I should say Senator Thompson’s stellar performance, guess what’s happening? It’s predictable. The Drive-Bys, media commentators, the pundits who ought to be so ashamed of blowing New Hampshire as badly as they did, they shouldn’t be able to show their face, they suffer no embarrassment whatsoever, they are saying it’s too little, too late. We had two states. We had the Hawkeye Cauci; we’ve had New Hampshire. We had two states. It’s too late? Fred doesn’t have a chance? Just wait ’til we get to these states where there are full-fledged conservative Republicans, not like New Hampshire, where McCain won the election with Democrats and independents. Mitt Romney got a majority of the Republican vote in New Hampshire. But the Republicans, in a Republican primary, were outnumbered by Democrats and independents.

Wild Thing’s comment……..
We have no doubt now who Rush wants to win. I understand why he won’t endorse anyone. I was listening to Sean today and he appears to be waking up also. I hate to use an old cliche but the perfect storm is forming. History is happening and we are a part of something great.
The smallness of the times begs for greatness. The founders understood this. We are fortunate to follow their stride!

12 Jan

Daily KOS Pathetic Excuse For Human Beings

Let’s have some fun in Michigan
Daily KOS

“Next Tuesday, January 15th, Michigan will hold its primary. Michigan Democrats should vote for Mitt Romney, because if Mitt wins, Democrats win. How so?
For Michigan Democrats, the Democratic primary is meaningless since the DNC stripped the state of all its delegates (at least temporarily) for violating party rules. Hillary Clinton is alone on the ballot.
But on the GOP side, this primary will be fiercely contested. John McCain is currently enjoying the afterglow of media love since his New Hamsphire victory, while Iowa winner Mike Huckabee is poised to do well in South Carolina.
Meanwhile, poor Mitt Romney, who’s suffered back-to-back losses in the last week, desperately needs to win Michigan in order to keep his campaign afloat. Bottom line, if Romney loses Michigan, he’s out. If he wins, he stays in.
And we want Romney in, because the more Republican candidates we have fighting it out, trashing each other with negative ads and spending tons of money, the better it is for us. We want Mitt to stay in the race, and to do that, we need him to win in Michigan.”

And more………

“Now here’s the thing — without a real Democratic contest on the ballot, and a lack of party registration in Michigan, this is an open primary. Anyone can pick up a Republican ballot. So Michigan Democrats and independents who want to see the Republican battle royale continue should just take a few minutes on Tuesday, January 15th to cast a ballot for Mitt Romney in the Republican primary.
If you know someone in Michigan, send them the email I’ve included below the fold. If you don’t know someone in Michigan, send the email to your liberal friends and see if THEY have friends in Michigan.”

“If we can help push Mitt over the line, not only do we help keep their field fragmented, but we also pollute Romney’s victory. How “legitimate” will the Mittster’s victory look if liberals provide the margin of victory? Think of the hilarity that will ensue. We’ll simply be adding fuel to their civil war, never a bad thing from our vantage point.”
“So why are we doing this? Because we can. Because it’ll be fun. And because we’ve suffered Republican meddling, stealing, and disenfranchisement in our elections for far too long.
So get the word out and get out the vote!.”


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Until today I have never been to KOS. Heard of it sure, and I have seen the twit, Markos Moulitsas Zúniga, on political talk shows on TV and I am not impressed. His brain is configured in the mold of a liberal/socialist and those kind of people imo are a waste of good air.
He obviously does not love America, which from hearing him yak on talk shows proves it, and now this just confirms it to the entire world.
What an ass he is, an anti-American POS.

11 Jan

Bush: Israel must cease ‘occupation’ of Arab land

Bush: Israel must cease ‘occupation’ of Arab land
Associated Press
President Bush, summing up meetings with both sides in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, said today that a peace accord will require “painful political concessions” by each. Resolving the status of Jerusalem will be hard, he said, and he called for the end of the “occupation” of Arab land by the Israeli military.

“Now is the time to make difficult choices,” Bush said after a first-ever visit to the Palestinian territories, which followed separate meetings with Israeli leaders in Jerusalem the day before.

Bush is in the Mideast for eight days, trying to bolster his goal of achieving a long-elusive peace agreement by the end of his presidency in a year. Speaking at his hotel in Jerusalem, he said again that he thinks that is possible.

“I am committed to doing all I can to achieve it,” Bush said. Within minutes, Bush’s national security adviser Stephen Hadley said the president would return to the Middle East “at least once and maybe more” over the next year. He wouldn’t elaborate on possible destinations, but another White House official said Bush is likely to attend Israel’s 60th anniversary celebrations in May.

Bush gave his most detailed summation yet of what a final peace should include, including U.S. expectations for the resolution of some of the hardest issues in the violent conflict, one of the world’s longest-running and most intractable. He used tough language intended to put both sides on notice that he sees no reason they cannot get down to serious business, “starting right now.”
In his set of U.S. bottom lines were security for Israel, a “contiguous” state for the Palestinians and the expectation that final borders will be negotiated to accommodate territorial changes since Israel’s formation. He also suggested international compensation for Palestinians and their descendants who claim a right to return to land they held before Israel’s formation.
He made a point of using a loaded term — occupation — to describe Israeli control over land that would eventually form the bulk of an independent Palestinian state. That he did so in Jerusalem underscored that he is trying not to seem partial to Israel.

On borders, Bush said any peace agreement “will require mutually agreed adjustments” to the lines drawn for Israel in the late 1940s. He was referring primarily to Israeli neighborhoods on disputed lands that Israel would keep when an independent Palestinian state is formed.

Earlier in the day, Bush had said Palestinians deserve better than a “Swiss cheese” state fitted around Israeli land and security bulwarks.

“The point of departure for permanent status negotiations to realize this vision seems clear,” he said. “There should be an end to the occupation that began in 1967. The agreement must establish a Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people just as Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people.”
White House spokesman Gordon Johndroe said Bush was referring to the West Bank when he spoke of occupation.
Bush offered no specifics to resolve the fate of disputed Jerusalem, but urged both sides to work toward a solution in what he said could be the most difficult issue to settle in a long list of them.

“I know Jerusalem is a tough issue,” Bush said. “Both sides have deeply felt political and religious concerns.”

“It is vital that each side understands that satisfying the other’s fundamental objectives is key to a successful agreement,” the president said. “Security for Israel and viability for the Palestinian state are in the mutual interests of both parties.”

Hadley said that Bush wasn’t announcing new U.S. policy with any of his statements, but was trying to reiterate the American position all in one place. “The important thing … is what he’s beginning to hear from the Palestinian and the Israeli side,” he said.

Bush spent most of his day in the Palestinian West Bank, seeking to counter Palestinians’ skepticism about his commitment to Mideast peace.
He undercut that message somewhat by saying it may not be possible to resolve this year the current, violent split in Palestinian leadership — vital to a deal establishing an independent state. The militant group Hamas took over the Gaza Strip in June, meaning the Palestinian people — and the land that could eventually form an independent Palestine — are split between governance by Hamas there and by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah-led government in the West Bank. The president is not stopping in Gaza.
Bush had harsh criticism for Hamas, which does not recognize Israel’s right to exist. Hamas, he said, was elected to help improve the lot of Palestinians, but “has delivered nothing but misery.”

“The question is whether or not hard issues can be resolved and the vision emerges, so that the choice is clear amongst the Palestinians,” Bush said at Abbas’ side at his government’s headquarters in Ramallah. “The choice being, ‘Do you want this state? Or do you want the status quo? Do you want a future based upon a democratic state? Or do you want the same old stuff?”‘

“We want a state, of course,” Abbas said in English.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called Bush’s comments a “declaration of war.”

“Bush’s visit and remarks today have indicated that his visit came to support the occupation and has brought nothing to the Palestinian people but evil,” the Hamas spokesman said.

Bush’s West Bank visit has generated little excitement among Palestinians, who doubt his promises to try to move along Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. Bush has kept Mideast peace at arm’s length until now, and the U.S. is perceived in the Palestinian areas in any case as a staunch ally of Israel, at the expense of the Palestinians.
Abbas, however, said Bush’s visit “gives our people great hope.”
The Palestinian leader called on Israel to fulfill its commitments under a 2003 U.S.-backed Mideast peace plan. The plan, known as the roadmap, calls on Israel to halt settlement activity in the West Bank, while requiring the Palestinians to dismantle militant groups. Neither side has fully carried out its obligations.
Bush has named Lt. Gen. William Fraser III, assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, to monitor steps that both sides are making on the peace process, a U.S. official told The Associated Press. That, too, met with approval by Palestinian officials. “It’s one of the positive signs of the visit,” said Mohammed Mustafa, economic adviser to Abbas.
With his presidency over a year from now, Bush said he knows “I’ve got 12 months.”

And from CNN that also has the write up about this, as a backup of this story.
Bush calls for ‘painful’ Mideast concessions
CNN ….for complete article
JERUSALEM (CNN) — President Bush called on Israeli and Palestinian leaders Thursday to make “painful” concessions to reach a peace agreement, including dismantling “terrorist infrastructure” and ending Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

“There should be an end to the occupation that began in 1967,” Bush told reporters in Jerusalem. “The agreement must establish a Palestine as a homeland for the Palestinian people, just as Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people.”

Bush also called on Palestinians to confront terrorists and dismantle “terrorist infrastructure.” “Security is fundamental,” Bush said. “No agreement and no Palestinian state will be born of terror.” Bush also appealed for “Arab countries to reach out to Israel.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
This is one of those things where a person keeps blinking because they can’t believe what they are reading. Bush is doing the devils work and with a broad smile on his face.

“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” (Genesis 12:2-3)

And the Lord said to Jacob…
“Unto thy offspring will I give this land.”

The Palestinians want to wipe Israel, the Jews, totally off the face of the earth, and God’s not going to let that happen,. His word declares that.
If we choose a path that helps undermine Israel’s national security, we’re going to be working to do something that’s opposed to the will of God.

11 Jan

Fred Body Slams Huckster! Bada BOOM bada bing!

Fred on Huckabee and the Reagan Coalition

Fred Thompson quote:

“This is a battle over the heart and soul of the Republican party, and its future. One one hand, you have the Reagan Revolution and Coalition of limited government and strong national security. On the other hand, you have the direction that Governor Huckabee would take us in. He would be a Christian leader, but would also bring about liberal economic policies; liberal foreign policies. He believes we have an arrogant foreign policing, in the tradition of “blame America first”. He believes Guantanamo should be closed down, and those enemy combatants brought here to the United States, to find their way into the court system, eventually. He believes in tax-payer funded programs for illegals, as he did in Arkansas. He has the endorsement of the National Education Association, and the NEA said it was because of his opposition to vouchers. He said he would sign a bill to ban smoking nationwide. So much for Federalism. So much for states rights. That’s not a model of the Reagan Coalition. That’s a model of the democratic party.”


Other notes on the debate:
Asked about the United States response in a confrontation with Iranian speedboats, Fred Thompson said:

Fred on immigration and border security


Wild Thing’s comment……..
Holy Gorgonzola! That’s gonna leave a big, fat huckleberry mark. hahaha I love it!
God bless you Fred Thompson!
Fred Thompson owned the debate last night. He owned it. He dominated.
And Brit Hume won. He beat down Ron Paul beater than anyone else.
McCain, “Yes I do believe in Climate Change!” (note the new formulation “climate change” rather than “global warming”.
Ron Paul in a complete idiot and Mike Huckabee is his slightly smarter cousin!
If Fred makes it all the way, and please pray he does. I love thinking how he would slam dunk the opposing party candidate. OOHRAH!
This is from Jim Geraghty, NRO “The Campaign Spot”:

“Winner: Thompson.
This performance was so commanding, I wanted his last answer to echo back to the lights in the back of the auditorium, blow out all the lamps and spotlights, for the theme to “the Natural” to play, and for him to trot around the stage in slow motion while sparks showered down in the background.”


11 Jan

Rush Tells Evangelicals Look To Thompson For A REAL Conservative

Rush says Evangelicals should look at Fred Thompson if they’re looking for a real conservative
Video ONE


Video TWO

11 Jan

Palestinian Terrorist Group Uses Children On The Front Lines

Palestinian terrorist group uses children on the front lines

Wild Thing’s comment……..
The enemy comes in all sizes, shapes, sexes and ages. Some brain washed, all are dedicated, and all mean death to Jews and Christians. All of us on here know about Islam, we do not hide our heads in the sand, or pretend these subhumans can be dealt with using meetings and Pelosi diplomacy. Their cult teaches them it is ok to lie so any agreements made such as what Bush and Condi are attempting to do is useless.
We saw what happened with Gaza, Gush Katif , when the terrorists cheered how they had won and then proceeded to destroy the farms and beauty the Jews had worked so hard to create.
It has been said, “As Israel goes so goes the world”.
This is my page at my website on Israel.

10 Jan

‘Palestinian right of return’ Must Be Discussed ~Bush

Thank you Dry Bones for the cartoon.


‘Palestinian right of return’ must be discussed
Visiting US President George Bush called on Israel to remove “illegal outposts” in the West Bank, saying that “they simply ought to go” during an evening press conference shared by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Wednesday.
At the same time Bush called for all issues to be addressed during negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians – including the Palestinian ‘right of return.’
Regarding an Israeli-Palestinian two-state solution, the US president reiterated that although the US had a vital role in assisting in negotiations, “people must understand that America cannot dictate the terms of the [Palestinian] state.”
Bush said he believes Israeli and Palestinian leaders have willingness and desire to create a Palestinian state.
The president’s first question to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas when they meet Thursday would be, “What are you going to do about” the rockets. He said that the firing of rockets from Palestinian territory is not in Abbas’s interest.
Peace meant concessions from both sides, Bush insisted. He said that Arab states must “support the Palestinians as they make tough choices.”
Bush added that he was “very hopeful” he could achieve an agreement. He said this is a “historic moment, a historic opportunity” to make peace, and both sides have the willingness and desire to create a Palestinian state. Olmert pledged to implement all of Israel’s obligations under the “road map” plan.
The US president also affirmed western concerns that Iran is a threat to world peace, despite the release of his country’s National Intelligence Estimate report in November.
“The NIE report may have sent a signal to some that the US doesn’t think that Iran is a threat. I have said that Iran was a threat, Iran is a threat and Iran will be a threat if the international community doesn’t come together to prevent it from getting a nuclear weapon,” Bush said shortly after a meeting with Olmert.
He said that sanctions would force the Iranian people to choose whether to back a nuclear program.
Olmert, who spoke before Bush, said he was “encouraged and strengthened” by the American position on Iran. Despite the US intelligence report, Israel is convinced that Iran continues to seek nuclear weapons.
Bush’s visit was very timely and an important way to encourage the process Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice started at Annapolis, the prime minister said.
Olmert claimed that the Israelis and Palestinians were “very serious” in trying to move forward to realize the vision of a two state solution.
“The Israeli team is committed to carrying on negotiations to deal with the with core issues to bring about agreements which will have to be implemented,” he added.
Olmert thanked the US for the 30-billion-dollar aid package, saying the assistance was “remarkable” and “very helpful for the future of the state of Israel.”
Olmert also related to Wednesday’s Kassam attacks on the western Negev.
“Israel will not tolerate vicious attacks on innocent civilians living in our cities…we won’t hesitate to take all the necessary measure to stop it,” he said.
The prime minister went on to say that there would be no peace until terror is stopped, emphasizing that terror must be stopped everywhere, and that “Gaza must be part of the package.”

Wild Thing’s comment……..
Bush is doing more to guarantee the eventual destruction of Israel than Ahmenijad. This “right of return” nonsense would ensure that Israel would be flooded with hostile Muslims who could eviscerate the state from the inside. And whenever a point in dispute is raised between Israel and the Palestinians, the latter always insist upon full and complete acquiescence — something which the US forces upon Israel in the interest of the “peace process”. So we can assume that eventually Bush will force Israel to yield completely on this point. We can only hope that Olmert is not still in power to partner in this national suicide.
If the palestinians are allowed to return to Israel, Israel won’t be Israel anymore. There won’t be enough Israelis to make it Israel any longer considering the hordes of Arabs claiming to be “Palistinian.”
The Palestinians will not support any solution that does not include the entire nation of Israel ceasing to exist.



Thanks to Linda at Something…..and Half of Something.
Yes that’s right, Linda was reading my post above and we were on the phone together at the same time. She noticed that the article had been changed. Not only that, but that the comments at Jerusalem Post from the original article showed the reactions to “right of return”. Then as suddenly as the original article was re-written at JPost, it then showed the reactions to the newly written article where there was no mention of the right of return in the article.
Besides my blog, the original article was also posted at other places online. This is just very odd, weird that Jerusalem Post would do such a thing.
Please go to Linda’s post at her blog for details…….Something….and Half of Something
“The Jerusalem Post has materially altered an article on President Bush’s visit to Israel yesterday to remove a statement by President Bush that appears to be in support of the palestinian right of return”…….

10 Jan



Wild Thing’s comment……..
Fred Thompson and Duncan Hunter are the only real conservatives. Depending what happens with Hunter between now and then, I will vote for Fred Thompson. Please God bless our Nation with a conservative for President.
The Republican Party is fractured. It’s falling apart at the seams. When the party no longer respects its own vaunted principles and or no longer represents the views of the majority of its base, then it’s all over but the crying. Either the members select a conservative nominee or forget about claiming to be a conservative party supporting life and liberty. Also forget about ever winning another election.
On a lighter note:
Hillary was on a flight to Texas. There was a Cowboy sitting next to her on the flight. She told the Cowboy that the flights go faster if you strike up a conversation with the person next to you and asked if it was ok if she did with him. He said, ‘I s’pose’. She asked if it was ok to talk about Iraq. He said, ‘sure, but do you mind if I ask you a question?’. She said sure. He said, ‘OK, deer, cows, and horses eat the same thing. But deer leave pellets behind, cows leave patties behind, and horses leave muffins behind. Why is that?’ Hillary looked at him dumbfounded (you know, that normal look she has on her face) and said she did not know why that is. The Cowboy then says, ‘how are you going to tell me something about Iraq, if you don’t know $h!t?’