
Sea of Galilee
Falls |
Pray for the
IDF.... for strength of the soldiers
to say NO to the Disengagement!
I know they have a job to do and they have
been put in a terrible position to have to follow orders they
are totally against.

when you were a child
and the world seemed to be a safe place.
You never had a thought of anything bad
nor anyone that might not like you. There
was no hate, no anger, only thoughts of
what tomorrow might bring and what
you might play today.
Sept. 11, 2001 that was destroyed,
and done so by an evil force that was
new to our land. War was always
something in far off lands and our
soldiers would go to war far away.
They fought for our freedom and to
keep us safe at home. They fought
to keep communism from
one day ruling our nation.
things have changed……..
has experienced in a very real
way what Israel has been going through
for over 50 years. Terrorists that live by
hate, terrorize and murder at will for only
one reason. They are so filled with such
hatred that it is all consuming. Israel
experiences it daily from these vile people.

quotes from a speech
by Netanyahu April 10,2003,
the U.S. Senate

Benjamin Netanyahu
....June 2005 .....
".....retreat under fire will turn Gaza into a terror
state." |
Benjamin Netanyahu
....August 7, 2005 .....
Finance Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced
his sudden resignation from the government this
afternoon, citing the disengagement plan as
dangerous and
harmful to the State of Israel.
of article here |

shalom Yerushalayim : Pray for the peace of Jerusalem

must understand the link between
democracy and peace and between
human rights and security."
"Now, when the disengagement plan is in
the beginning of its implementation stages
and all government institutions are exclusively
focused on this process, I no longer feel that
I can faithfully serve in a government whose
central policy - indeed, sole raison d'etre -
has become one to which I am so
adamantly opposed."..............
These words are from Natan Sharansky
Sharansky, spent nine years in KGB prisons
(often in solitary confinement)
before becoming the first political prisoner
released by Mikhail Gorbachev.
Time Magazine identified Natan Sharansky
as one of the world's 100 most influential people
(ahead of Prime Minister Sharon).
Time noted the tremendous influence Sharansky's book
The Case For Democracy has had on President Bush.
Natan Sharansky, One Jerusalem's chairman, officially
informed Sharon that his opposition to the government's
disengagement plan has caused him to resign from the
government. Sharansky personifies the power of ideas
and principles. By sticking to these guns he played a
significant role in beating the Soviet Union into the ground,
he toppled the government of Ehud Barak,
and he saved Jerusalem from being divided.
over 50 years, beginning on January 1, 1952
seven armed terrorists attacked and
nineteen year-old girl in her home, in the
of Beit Yisrael, in Jerusalem,
has fought against terrorism.
terrorists of Israel, the enemy of
is also America’s enemy !
prayer is that not only
Republican party but ALL
world will realize this soon !
The Disengagement is WRONG !
Terrorists see concessions as a victory
and proof that their violence works, as the
Oslo process and the withdrawal from south
Lebanon have shown.
That’s why everyone accepts that you don’t
negotiate with terrorists. It is therefore only
logical to conclude that further concessions
will result in more terror when future demands
are not met, as the PA leadership
continues to proclaim....... Wild Thing

longtime enemy, and its enemy today,
is of the very same terror that was launched on us
on Sept.11,2001.... but, if less confounding, more
routine and more tolerated. It is the world's acceptance
of the routineization of this killing of Jews that has so
affronted Israel, its allies, and others like myself .
is time to show that Jewish blood is
NOT cheap and those who shed it will
pay a tremendous price !

defend the existence, territorial integrity
and sovereignty of the State of Israel.
To protect the inhabitants of Israel and to
combat all forms of terrorism which threaten daily life.
the Lord said to Jacob...
"Unto thy offspring will I give this land."
Palestinians want to wipe Israel, the Jews,
totally off the face of the earth, and God's not
going to let that happen,. His word declares that.
we choose a path that helps undermine
Israel's national security, we're going to be
working to do something that's opposed
to the will of God.

The Mossad
(“Institute” in Hebrew)
is the government intelligence agency
tasked with collecting information,
analyzing intelligence, and performing
special covert operations beyond Israel’s borders.
Its full name is Institute for Intelligence and Special Tasks.
The Mossad is based in Tel
Aviv and
was formed in 1951 by then
Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.

Soldier after one of the attacks in Israel
on IDF Soldier above to listen to
the song......."Midnight in the Desert "
terrorists must be stopped
and yes put to death. They hate
everyone that is not one of them.
It has nothing
to do with foreign policy,
the success of our Nation,
the fact that America is a free land.
They hate the world and us because
we are not THEM. Look how they even
treat their own, their own children,
sending them out to kill with dynamite
strapped to their young bodies.
Parents that ONLY use their children
as weapons of murder and destruction.
Parents that teach their hate to their
young so they can carry on the work
of destruction and murder.
is NOT the religion of peace!
Open your eyes and know please
that all the conflicts on this earth
involve Muslims fighting Muslims
or non-Muslims.
honestly do not think these people
doing this have the ability to love
anything or anyone except their own
goals of utter chaos, destruction and
murder. They are dangerous beyond
belief, they have no heart, no soul
and no conscience.
President Bush has said,
they are the evil ones.
pray for those fighting for the rest of us
to be safe and live in freedom. Pray for their
safety and thank them for their courage and
being so very brave. They are doing it because
they are all heroes!
And please, never ever take your freedom for
granted, not even one day.
Freedom has come at a high price
and it continues to even now.
think it all started that morning on Sept.11,2001 ?
think not, sorry, but the reality is
these terrorists have been hard at
work in their attacks to the
United States before.
of the ANTI-SEMITIC REMARKS from 2001 till now:
French Ambassador in London condemns Israel as "a small shitty
Defence Minister Mustafa Talas made such remarks as:
'I want to stand in one place and kill the Jew standing before me.
If every Arab kills a Jew, there won't be any Jews left at all.
We will fight like the Hizballah fights against them in South Lebanon.
From the Golan Front, of course - from any front where they (the Jews) are
21 March, the director-general of the Syrian News Agency wrote in 'Tishrin-Internet'
that the world understands that the Holocaust against the Jews
is composed mostly of lies and exaggerated descriptions,
in order to conceal the truth regarding Israel's criminal acts against the
in February, 2001 Anis Mansour, one of the prominent publicists
in the Egyptian establishment press
and member of the Shura Council and the Supreme Council for the Press,
published that 'in the future it will become clear to the world that
there was justification for what happened to the Jews of Germany, Poland and

The remarkable account of the famous hostage rescue at Entebbe,
and its
commander, Jonathan Netanyahu.
Learn how this modern Joshua inspired not only Israel
but the whole free world
through the success of this operation . . .
described by many as a miraculous
mission of biblical proportions.
On the 4th of july 1976, at the age of 30 Lt. Col. JONATHAN NETANYAHU
and led the most daring commando operation
in modern military history the raid
on Entebbe, Uganda.
That successfully operation freed 103 hostages from
international terrorists. Only one life on the astoundingly
efficient Israeli
team was lost, that of Jonathan Netanyahu.
The book relates perfectly with our own war on terrorism
in Afghanistan and Iraq.
This is
the only documented, firsthand account of the epic raid on Entebbe -
many photos.
"Entebbe: A Defining Moment in the War on Terrorism --
The Jonathan
Netanyahu Story" highlights the
shared values of Israeli warriors like Yoni
freedom-loving American troops engaged with a vicious enemy.

The Iddo Netanyahu ,
he was born in Jerusalem, Israel,
the youngest of three boys in the Netanyahu family.
He spent part of his
childhood with his family in the United States,
but returned to Israel to enlist
in Israel’s elite commando unit, Sayeret Matkal –
the same unit which his
older brother Jonathan
was to lead at Entebbe in 1976.
Iddo would later abandon
his studies at Cornell University
to participate in the Yom Kippur War.
Iddo lives in Jerusalem with his
wife and two children..

These are excerpts that Jonathan wrote to his brother he
"I would rather opt for living here in continual battle
than for becoming part
of the wandering Jewish people.
Any compromise will simply hasten the end,
(A letter to his brother Benjamin Netanyahu)
"As you no doubt know from reading the papers,
the situation in Israel is, in
a word - catastrophic!
Not a day passes, literally, without a border incident,
sabotage, mine explosion, murder, ambushes, shootings
and setting fire to
fields. During all the years of my
service and of my living here the situation
has never
been so tense. In the army, everyone is impatient -
when are we
finally going to strike back?!! We have
complete confidence in our strength.
are capable of anything. "(October 1966)
"The real cause is the sense of helplessness in the
face of a war that has no
end. For the war has not ended,
and it seems to me that it will go on and on…
This is the 'quiet' before the next storm.
I've no doubt that war will come.
do I doubt that we will win. But for how long? Until when?..
We're young, and we
were not born for wars alone.
In another week I'll be 23. On me, on us,
the young men of Israel, rests the
duty of keeping our country safe.
This is a heavy responsibility, which matures
us early...
I do not regret what I have done and what I'm about to do.
convinced that what I am doing is right.
I believe in myself, in my country and
in my future. "
(1969, on his decision to return to enlist in the IDF)
"Death - that's the only thing that disturbs me.
It doesn't frighten me; it
arouses my curiosity.
It is a puzzle that I, like many others,
have tried to
solve without success.
I do not fear it because I attribute little value
to a
life without a purpose. And if I should have
to sacrifice my life to attain its
I'll do so willingly." (At age 17)

Go to my Terrorists Page to read more about the

showing a group of Jewish soldiers praying
at the Kotel (Western Wall) in Jerusalem. Above
the soldiers is the prayer said for the welfare
and safety of soldiers serving in the IDF.

made their desert bloom. They built the only industrialized
economy in the entire Middle East. They built the only liberal
democracy in the Middle East.
am a fierce supporter of Israel’s survival and have no sympathy
for the Palestinian side in the conflict in the Middle East.

Yehudah Halevi
as the sun sets, night comes up in ranks
a heavenly army, led by a moon-captain,
Like an Ethiop woman in garment of
checkered gold
azure inlaid with crystals.
And stars in the heart of the sea
confused are
Like aliens from their habitations
And like their counterparts above,
they glimmer
In the heart of the sea, flame wise, fire wise.
Waters wide as the skies, sea large
as night,
are mirror-clear
sea is like unto sky in aspect –
seas are both, enamored mutually,
And between them my heart is a third
Uplifting the waves of my new hymns.

dearest friend, Linda has worked very hard
put together a list showing the terror done to
Israel for
over 50 years.
click on the graphic below to go there.

about sending some Pizza doughnuts, ice cream
or even hamburgers .... all kinds of goodies
to the troops in the IDF.

Patrol getting Pizza
CLICK on photo to
go to the site
that will tell you all about it.
Central Region IFD

one night for the Arazim Artilliary soldiers
Prayer for Israel Psalm 83
please click on the photo below

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America's war against the terrorists
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