Category Archives: Freakin Clintons

12 Nov

Hillary Clinton Refuses To Declare War On ISIS

Hillary Clinton Refuses To Declare War On ISIS Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has said that she is against declaring

02 Nov

Hillary Clinton Was Warned Not to Blame Benghazi on Youtube Video

Hillary Clinton Was Warned Not to Blame Benghazi on Youtube Video The House Benghazi Committee released a new email Saturday

27 Oct

Hillary Clinton Says the VA Scandal was not serious even though 2014 found that nearly 1,000 US veterans died as a result of subpar treatment

Hillary on VA — “Scandals are not widespread” and not serious. Hillary Clinton complained to Rachel Maddow this weekend that

23 Oct

Former New York City Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani weighed in on today’s Benghazi hearing with Hillary Clinton

Former New York City Mayor and federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani weighed in on today’s Benghazi hearing with Hillary Clinton Former

17 Oct

The FBI Agents Investigating Hillary Are Furious With Obama, And Here’s Why

The FBI Agents Investigating Hillary Are Furious With Obama, And Here’s Why F.B.I. agents are reportedly angry over President Obama’s

09 Oct

Horrible Hillary Clinton: “NRA’s Position Reminds Me of… Iranians or Communists”

Hillary Clinton: “NRA’s Position Reminds Me of… Iranians or Communists” Hillary Clinton compared the NRA to Iranians and Communists during

03 Oct

Hillary Campaigns to Half-Empty Gym at Florida College

Hillary Campaigns to Half-Empty Gym at Florida College Wild Thing’s comment……….. This must really shock her. I can only imagine

01 Oct

WTF! Hillary Clinton says it’s DISRESPECTFUL to the military to make her answer for BENGHAZI!

Hillary Clinton says it’s DISRESPECTFUL to the military to make her answer for BENGHAZI! Hillary is just so offended that

01 Oct

Hillary Clinton Camp Is Making Moves To Check Joe Biden

Hillary Clinton Camp Is Making Moves To Check Joe Biden Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign, increasingly worried about the threat of

27 Sep

Draft Dodger, Corrupt, sexual-attacker Bill Clinton Blames Republicans for Hillary’s email scandals

Draft Dodger, Corrupt, sexual-attacker Bill Clinton Blames Republicans for Hillary’s email scandals Bill Clinton took some time off from his