27 Sep

Draft Dodger, Corrupt, sexual-attacker Bill Clinton Blames Republicans for Hillary’s email scandals

Draft Dodger, Corrupt, sexual-attacker Bill Clinton Blames Republicans for Hillary’s email scandals
Bill Clinton took some time off from his perpetual womanizing in Little Rock, Arkansas in order to do what the Clintons do best – blame the Republicans for all of their failures and faults.
Even John King couldn’t swallow Clinton’s snow job, as he immediately pointed out that it was Hillary who caused her own email scandals, not the Republicans.
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/watch-slick-willy-clinton-blame-the-gop-for-hillarys-collapse-in-the-polls/#ixzz3mxdGmqf1

Wild Thing’s comment.…………..
Typical of both the Clinton’s to blame others.