Category Archives: DemocRATS

24 Apr

America Hating 2020 Democrats running for President push gun confiscation

2020 Democrats push gun confiscation Democrats are no longer hiding their gun confiscation agenda. One America’s Kara McKinney explains how

23 Apr

Rush Limbaugh sounds off on Mueller probe, 2020 Dems

Rush Limbaugh sounds off on Mueller probe, 2020 Dems

22 Apr
15 Apr

Former Navy SEAL slams the vile horrible America hating Omar over 9/11 comments

Former Navy SEAL slams the vile horrible America hating Omar over 9/11 comments

03 Apr

George Soros donated millions to anti-Trump research firm Fusion GPS

George Soros donated millions to anti-Trump research firm Fusion GPS

27 Jan

Actor Dean Cain reacts to the left’s push to protect abortion up to birth

Dean Cain reacts to the left’s push to protect abortion up to birth The actor and ‘Gosnell’ star reacts on

04 Jan

Ugly and Disgusting Typical MUSLIM Woman Democrat Michigan Congresswoman Rasheda Tlaib

Ugly and Disgusting Typical MUSLIM Woman Democrat Michigan Congresswoman Rasheda Tlaib New Rep. Rashida Tlaib who represents Michigan’s 13th District

10 Nov

Totally Corrupt Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes

Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes is under fire for withholding information

09 Nov

Republican Rick Scott warns of possible ‘rampant fraud’

Republican Rick Scott warns of possible ‘rampant fraud’

09 Nov

“There’s nothing Democrats won’t do to win”, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham compares vote counting chaos in Florida to Democrats’ attempts to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation