
27 Apr

Democratic Candidates Sucking Up TV Time With Debate

Democratic presidential candidates Mike Gravel, Sen. Barack Obama, Sen. Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Rep. Dennis Kucinich, Sen. Joe Biden, Bill

27 Apr

WWII Bomber Crew Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross

Former Staff Sgt. Robert D. Speed salutes Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. T. Michael Moseley after receiving the Distinguished

26 Apr

Democrat Leaders and Protesters Turn Congress Into Thug World

Chaos erupted Wednesday outside a House briefing with Army Gen. David Petraeus, the U.S. military commander on the ground in

26 Apr

Take Down:The 3rd Infantry Division’s Twenty-One Day Assault on Baghdad

This is a new book coming out, the book covers the 3rd ID’s part in OIF: Take Down: The 3rd

25 Apr

Reagan ~ Reid ~ Cheney On War and Appeasement

Ronald Reagan on Appeasement Harry Reid has said he will not believe David Petraeus if Petraeus reports progress in Iraq

25 Apr

Rep. Duncan Hunter Takes Reid To Task

Rep. Duncan Hunter takes Reid to task. While they wrangle over the terms of their surrender legislation, the Democrat leadership

25 Apr

Happy Independence Day, Israel As You Turn 59!

Scheduling the memorial day right before the independence day is supposed to remind people of the price paid for independence

25 Apr

The Not So Secret Plan Of The Democratic Party

But there was a time when they made an oopsie and actually said Iraq needed to be delt with as

24 Apr

Ooh-rah, Devil Dog! Corporal Tyler Rock Has A Message For Reid

Corporal Tyler Rock, 1/6 Charlie Company, on the left, at my old home, Camp Hurricane Point, Ramadi. Marine Corporal From