25 Apr

Reagan ~ Reid ~ Cheney On War and Appeasement

Ronald Reagan on Appeasement

Harry Reid has said he will not believe David Petraeus if Petraeus reports progress in Iraq as he’s expected to do. In other words, in addition to his declaration of defeat last week, Reid has now in essence called General Petraeus a liar. Let us not forget that this is the same senator who nearly clucked with joy over the prospect of gaining additional Senate seats because the situation in Iraq would be less than satisfactory when the next election season rolls around.
Here is Reid saying he will not believe Petraeus.

Cheney Blasts Reid Over Iraq Comments……Video of Cheney….
Vice President Dick Cheney strongly criticized Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid on Tuesday over comments Senator Reid has made about the Iraq war in recent days. Good for Cheney. Hit the punk in the mouth.


Lynn says:

Heartless Harry needs to just go away. He’s a spoiled brat who thinks his opinion is the only one that matters.
He’s delusional and probably has some form of psychosis.

TomR says:

Ronald Reagan would take the air out of the sails of today’s Liberals with one speech. George W Bush is a piss poor leader and communicator. He also has socialist tendencies which undermine his claim to be a Conservative. No one doubted Reagan’s Conservative credentials.
There are some good points to be made about George Bush. His tax reduction has given us a great economy. His quick military response to Al Queda and the Taliban in Afghanistan was great. The overthrow of Saddam was another good move. I just wish Bush had been more aggressive and less “compassionate” with the follow-up to Saddam’s fall.
In contrast, Bush’s support of illegal immigration is criminal. And his moves toward a “New World Order” are scary.

Tincan Sailor says:

It would be nice for Harry to hear those famous
words”Harry your fired” and take your Ho
palozzzzi with you…

raz0r says:

I’m with TomR. For every right thing W does, he seems to do two or three things that make conservatives upset.

darthcrUSAderworldtour07 says:

So President Al Gore and VP Joe Lieberman would have done better? Let me think about the Clinton-Gore ‘sadministration’: 1993-WTC bombed killing 6 Americans and injuring over 1,000; 1993 also ordered us to RETREAT from Somalia after 19 US Rangers were killed; 1996 Khobar Towers bombed in Saudi Arabia killing 17 US military personnel; 1998-Kenya & Tanzania US Embassies blown up…Oklahoma City Fed. Building blown-up…USS Cole blown up killing 17 US Sailors (Oct. 2000)…Zippergate & impeachment…
Sold US out to Red China (missile computer tech)…Reno WACO tragedy… – BUSHBACKER #41 and #43!