28 May

Gov. Bobby Jindal Says Rand Paul Is Unfit To Be Commander-In-Chief – Thank you Jindal I agree!

Gov. Bobby Jindal Says Rand Paul Is Unfit To Be Commander-In-Chief
Governor Bobby Jindal was so incensed by Rand Paul’s ISIS comments, that he jumped onto Sean Hannity’s airwaves to express his outrage. Paul had blamed ‘Republican Hawks’ for ‘creating’ ISIS earlier in the day while speaking with MSNBC host Joe Scarborough.

Wild Thing’s comment.…………
Rand Paul needs to learn we have had enough of his shit and the same kind of thing from Obama and the left. I am fed up with Republican saying things thinking we will tolerate it from them because they are registered Republicans.

TomR,armed in Texas says:

Rand Paul is great on economic issues. He would be a catastrophe on international issues as he is a unicorn believer. I don’t think he has a chance and will not last long in the primaries.