15 Apr

Tea Party Reports from Various Sources


Name of song…..”We Must Take America Back” – Steve Vaus – The OFFICIAL music video….this is the FULL Version of the song. It is so totally cool, I love it.
Lyrics to ” We Must Take America Back”
We Must Take America Back
The American Dream has become a nightmare,
Signs of the times are on cardboard on corners in town,
There’s a cancer called crime in our cities,
And an unspoken fear . . . we’re on our way down.
We must take America back
Put an end to the gangs and the drugs in the streets
And the fact that the bad guys most always go free,
That is wrong.
We need leaders who lead us, not stick us and bleed us,
Then take all our money and send it abroad.
We must take America back,
We need prayer in the schools and more things
“Made In USA”;
It’s the least we can do, for the red, white and blue
We must take America back.
There’s a hell here on earth in some city schoolyards,
When bullets and birth control outnumber books something’s wrong;
There’s a hunger for good news and heroes,
But good news is no news so all of the heroes are gone.
We must take America back
Put an end to the gangs and the drugs in the streets
And the fact that the bad guys most always go free,
That is wrong.
We need leaders who lead us, not stick us and bleed us,
Then take all our money and send it abroad.
We must take America back,
We need prayer in the schools and more things
“Made In USA”;
It’s the least we can do, for the red, white and blue
We must take America back.
©1996 steve vaus

Today is tax day, and across America, taxpayers are holding tea parties to protest out-of-control government spending. Their concern is no tempest in a teapot.
The tax burden on American families is growing increasingly heavy. According to the Tax Foundation, tax-freedom day came on April 13 this year. That day marks the point of the year when taxpayers have earned enough money to pay off their federal, state and local taxes. It takes Americans about 3 1/2 months of labor to cover their tax obligation. That time will increase as government continues to grow. Obama’s current budget proposal admits to plans to raise taxes by almost $1 trillion over the next 10 years.
There were hundreds of thousands of Americans will mark the occasion by participating in “Tax Day Tea Party” protests in more than 2,100 communities nationwide. The Gadsden flag, emblazoned with the historic words “Don’t tread on me,” has become the official flag of the Tea Party movement and AmericanFlags.com has proudly supplied more than 5,000 Gadsden flags to protest participants.
The tax day protests, modeled after the Boston Tea Party, take aim against government spending, tax hikes and corporate bailouts. “The Gadsden flag with its vivid yellow field, coiled rattlesnake poised to strike and provocative slogan has always embodied the American spirit of determination and resolve,”
I got an email telling me that they had gone over to DU ( Democrat Underground) to see what they were saying and that about 90% of new posts are bitching about the tea parties. LOL I bet. It’s all brownshirt over there now, ants marching.

DC tea party. It’s Marxist Medea Benjamin from Code Pink. DC had its leftist infiltrators, I see; and the “right-wing extremists” ignored them. LOL!

New Jersey: Flemington (tiny town) 200+ regular folks stood in the rain and sleet for two hours and made sure their voices were heard…awesome turnout!”
“I would like to thank the 300 to 400 people who showed up at the courthouse here in Montrose,Colorado. We had a great day exercising our right to peaceful assembly.”

5,000+ at Denver Colorado Tea Party being reported by Denver Post.”
Police in Denver estimate Denver Tea Party at 5,00 to 6,000. Way to go, Denver

Tulsa ….Thousands of people showed up at LaFortune Park. Tulsa tea parties. The downtown party, where John Gibson spoke, had several hundred people. The party at Lafortune had well beyond 2000 people. Lots of great signs and, sadly, three disrupters. These folks were from a local 9/11 conspiracy outfit and were laughed at by everyone, including the police that had them corraled about 200 yards from the stage. Tons of media coverage.

“Glad I attended the event at the state capitol. Very inspiring. Pleasantly surprised by the turnout. Very reassuring to see that not everyone is being lulled to sleep by the spin put forth by our elected officials.” (Connecticut)
“The rain in Harrisburg, PA could not keep away a very patriotic noontime crowd. My tea bags for Casey, Specter, Rendell and Obama are in the mail!”
“We had about 500 people out at lunch time in Crystal Lake, IL taking up all four corners of Rt. 14 and Main St. I saw and talked to people that had never been out to a protest before.”
“I attended the tea party in Nashvile at 12noon, it was said we had 10,000 but I’m not sure. I know it was huge. I am so proud that I took off work to stand to attend and stand against all this spending. Keep it up fellow Americans, this is our time to stand and defend our Nation, our Constitution, and protect the future of the next generation.”

“1,200 people gathered on the banks of the Maumee River in Toledo, Ohio, enduring cold, wind and rain to demonstrate their opposition to the direction in which our country is being taken.”
“The lunchtime Tea Party in the little CA town of Danville, which was not advertised (didn’t even get listed on this site until 4/13/09!) was EXCEPTIONALLY well-attended. At the busiest time I counted almost 100 participants!!”
“Thank you to all the people who came to the Tax Day Tea Party in Naples, FL at the corner of US 41 and Pine Ridge Road at 12:00 Noon today. I am told, last count, we had 3,000 people attend!!!”
Mobile Alabama– About 1000 participants held a rally at Cooper Riverside Park demonstrating against increased debt by an ever increasing government and the taxes that it will take to pay that debt. Power of the People!”
Pennsylvania: Pittsburgh: 1,000 rally – “It’s an anti-big-government rally,” said Jerry Smith, 51, of Hampton. “The main focus is spending and taxing, and neither party has distinguished itself from wanting to limit this.” … Philadelphia: 200 people have gathered at Center City’s Love Park – “You most likely don’t know what socialism is,” “Three months to destroy what we’ve had for 233 years,” “It’s the Tenth Amendment, stupid,” and “Even God only requires 10 percent.”
Florida: Jacksonville draws 2,000 … Tampa: “I Want My Change Back.” His button said “Jack Bauer Would Not Take This Crap”

Papillion Nebraska (population about 22k). About 200 people over the lunch hour. There were also parties in Lincoln and Omaha today.

Texas: Austin developing: 1,500 people rally

“I just came from the Ogden, UT tea party. It was AWESOME! There was about 200 people!!! And it was snowing! You can’t stop us! Way to go Ogden!!!”
“The Lansing (State Capitol) Tea Party was awesome.. 4000+ people in attendance.” (Photo below from Lansing.)

Greensburg, PA Tea Party… Greensburg is a tiny little city east of Pittsburgh and it was rainy/drizzlie there too; the Tea Party was held in the Courthouse Square (that is why it was hard to judge the crowd size). Local Pittsburgh TV was there (saw the camera’s and the uplink truck…being ‘up.’) Parking was problematic (its a small, business center in the middle of a work day) so the turn out just warmed my heart that it was so big. Young people, retireees; business people, kids, bikers .
Tampa FL tea party held at Gaslight Park in downtown .The city allows a stage platform where the organizers allowed anyone who were mad as hell voiced their opinions and oppositions to the bailouts, taxes etc. Some the common great Americans gave some pretty good speeches. Then someone would breakout and say the Pledge of Allegiance and everyone would join it. Then someone else would start singing God Bless America and again everyone joined in and sang God Bless America. The cars driving by would honk their horns and gave the crowd a thumps up.
We had 2,500 to 3,000 in Montgomery,AL. Lots of excitement and electricity. I think everyone was surprised at the size of the turn out.
Around 7,000 at Oklahoma City, at noon today. Great crowd!
And downtown Madison, Wisconsin…almost 6,000 people downtown for hours honking horns and blasting Twisted Sister over and over.
Chicago,IL had 5,000 according to the police officer when asked how many.

Joe the Plumber


Tax a Day
Hot Air
Obama doesn’t know anything about a Tea Party! He wasn’t invited? heh heh (10 sec video clip)
And this…………

She begins yelling at a man holding a baby and comes off as every liberal woman I have ever known! Starts a fight she can’t finish!
A tour de force of bias via TV Newser, from her sarcasm to her Fox-bashing to her badgering a guy who’ll be paying off Obama’s monstrous deficits for decades about why he isn’t satisfied with a $400 tax break this year. The title of the clip is “CNN Reporter Roughed Up at Chicago Tea-Party,” which, as you’ll see, is a transparent lie unless you consider the crowd yelling at her to stop cutting off the people she’s interviewing as “rough.” But that’s par for the course for the narrative being organized here: A nasty, violent, ignorant crowd, all doing the bidding of CNN’s sinister competitor.

Bob A says:

I went briefly to the tea party in Kingston, NY the first capital of NY. A very small city. Probably about 100 were there and no anti tea party people. Better attended than I thought it would be. I talked to the organizer and he is going to try and organize a protest on July 4. I have a couple of pictures posted. It was supposed to be in a parking lot in front of a few stores but out close to the road which is always empty, but ended up on the sidewalk out front and was strung out. I don’t know but maybe after it was set up they were told not to be in the parking lot.

Mark says:

That video of the CNN reporterette babe, becomes very indignant when interviewing that one protestor. Her stance was, ‘ how dare you protest OUR government’ (suddenly, its her government) What an arrogant little twit. Had it been Bush she would be swooning all over him. There bias is so obvious, nobody wants to hear form them, and they just don’t learn.

Billy Ray says:

Ma’am (seems funny to call you Miss Wild Thing),
I attended the Tea Party in Cowtown, Tx. As you can see in the photo in my photobucket link, Governor Perry was the big speaker, but we had some other really terriffic speakers. The best was a small business owner who really tore Obama’s abuses of our nation apart.
Billy Ray

Wild Thing says:

Bob A., I will go see your post at your
blog. Thank you for for sharing about it.
It was a great day, and I am so glad that
hardly any lefties protesting the tea
parties showed up. It makes is so much

Wild Thing says:

Mark, yes, your right, they just won’t
learn. They played a tiny part of the video
of the reporter from CNN on FOX news.

Wild Thing says:

Billy Ray, that is great, thank you for
the link. I will go look now.
Giggle, that is ok you can just call me
Chrissie. Wild Thing is OK too, whichever
you like or both. (big smile)

Wild Thing says:

Billy Ray, love the signs and baseball cap.
I couldn’t leave a comment because I am not
signed up with photobucket, but thank you
soooo much for showing me.
It was a great day and made me proud to be
an American.

Lynn says:

Papillion! That’s my town! My hubby and daughter went to it and had a great time. It was peaceful and a good time was had by all getting together with friends and neighbors. Nice to see the picture!