14 Apr

Tomorrow Hundreds of Thousands To Turn Our for Giant Tea Party


This Wednesday ( tomorrow) is the big day – the April 15th Tea Parties to protest the uncontrolled government spending, bailouts, higher taxes and socialistic policies of President Obama and the Congress.
Event organizers for a number of the Tea Parties are asking supporters to please bring American Flags. If you can bring some extra small flags to hand out to others in the crowd, please do so. Your help is very much appreciated!
Find Tea Parties Across America
Locations, you can enter your city

Fox’s Stuart Varney Says It’s His ‘Great Duty’ to ‘Promote’ the Tea Parties
Fox Business Network’s Stuart Varney slams his guest and explains what the Tea Parties are all about.
Guest says the parties are a “sham and a fraud”; Varney puts him in his place.
Fox News, 4/13/09

Lynn says:

My hubby and daughter are going to the one in our town. I couldn’t get off work to go, but at least our family will be well represented. We need to keep these going–all the time. If the left can have theirs, we can have ours.

Mark says:

These leftists morons are now likening the Tea Parties to the Weather Underground and as ‘Anti-American’…Hmmm sounds they don’t like the protesting of the messiah.
But if they can relate these Tea-parties to the weather underground then they should feel right at home. Afterall that’s their bailywick.

TomR says:

I hope these tea parties are successful. It will be interesting to see if and how the news media covers them.

Jack says:

I expect trouble here in the Soviet of Washington, there is a rally set for the Queen’s mansion in Olympia and rumors of ACORN goons showing up tomorrow.
City: Olympia
When: April 15, noon
Where: Olympia, Capitol Steps
Contact: Evergreen Freedom Foundation
PO Box 552, Olympia, WA 98507
Phone: 360.956.3482 | Fax: 360.352.1874

Wild Thing says:

Lynn, that is great that they are able to

Wild Thing says:

Mark, good one. haha yes they should
feel right at home.

Wild Thing says:

Tom, yes it will be, I hope the turnout is
so big the news cannot ignore them. heh heh

Wild Thing says:

Jack, it is so beautiful there, I always
feel extra badly when a place has such
beauty and then it has so many lefties
there. Like Calif. is like that too.