07 Mar

John Bolton at CPAC with Question and Answer

Wild Thing’s comment……
This video was done by someone that went to CPAC, I am glad someone taped the question and answer period of Bolton he is really good. I thought you might lilke to hear it too.

yankeemom says:

The Stache is the best!!
I imagine he watches Obama and just shakes his head, as I’m sure he did with the Bush administration more than once.
“Pay for what we want and insist we get what we pay for”!!!! Blow off the UN.
Can we have Bolten as the head of the Conservative party??

TomR says:

Love his references to Jeanne Kirkpatrick and to the Bush Administration.
I remember when Reagan refused to pay our portion of the UN budget. That got their attention and their put a lid on their anti-American rhetoric. John Bolton is right in stating that we should withdraw our financial support of the UN.
Bolton/Palin 2012

Wild Thing says:

Yankeemom, LOL I love that….” The Stache”. I never heard him called that before. That is GREAT!

Wild Thing says:

Tom, I would love to be vote for him.