18 Feb

Schumer ~ Democrats Will Be “Relentless”

Senate Democrats promise `relentless’ flood of anti-war legislation
Kansas City.com
The tough talk came a day after the House of Representatives passed its own anti-Iraq resolution and as the GOP used a procedural vote to stop the Senate from taking a position on the 21,500 troop increase.
Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said Democrats would be “relentless.”

“There will be resolution after resolution, amendment after amendment . . . just like in the days of Vietnam,” Schumer said. “The pressure will mount, the president will find he has no strategy, he will have to change his strategy and the vast majority of our troops will be taken out of harm’s way and come home.”

Republicans Sens. Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, John Warner of Virginia, Olympia Snowe of Maine, Gordon Smith of Oregon and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania sided with Democrats in calling for debate to begin, as did the two Republicans already on board, Sens. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., and Susan Collins, R-Maine. Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman of Connecticut joined the 33 Republicans to block the vote.

Wild Thing’s comment…….
I realize none of us are surprised to hear that the left wants another Vietnam. I’m only posting this because I’m surprised they’re willing to talk about their goals so openly. I have been disappointed with the President on several different issues, but I’ll bet big money that he will not buckle in to these traitors. Bush will go mano-to-mano with these pukes and prevail.
The one thing the Dems cannot tolerate is the potential the troup buildup might work. This would destroy their chances in the 2008 elections. For them to succeed, the US must fail in Iraq. This is the Dems Second Tet Offensive.