22 Dec

Murtha Won? Guess Again

Dec. 21, 2006
Boot Murtha.com
… While the world watched (and Murtha partisans gloated), John Murtha won his 17th election back in November. Many of us were disheartened that we didn’t beat him, but we knew that we had won a moral victory in greatly lowering his usual margin of victory.
There was a morale up-tick last month when, on a national news program, Murtha blamed a bunch of “outsiders” for his difficulties in being elected House Majority Leader by his fellow Democrats. He said they came to his district and “swiftboated” him! Yessiree—that was our group of dedicated veterans!
Then we were further gratified when the corrupt old geezer was resoundingly defeated for the Majority Leader post by Cong. Steny Hoyer (D-MD). Some of us thought that our war had been won, despite losing the November election. VFTT members were significantly encouraged by this news, knowing that their efforts had not been in vain.
But there’s more! Just today we have learned that the House Ethics Committee is actively investigating Murtha’s wheeling and dealing with Paul Magliocchetti Associates, or PMA, his favored lobbyists. And guess what? The Justice Department is also aware of these goings-on, as is a major newspaper!
Murtha is dead meat as a House leader of any sort, or so says our “Congressional” source providing this information. Stating, short of a full Justice Department investigation, a very real likelihood, that the BEST Murtha can expect is to be censored by the House of Representatives and stripped of his soon-to-be chairmanship of Defense Appropriations, and emphasized that this information came from “the highest sources,” adding that, it was only after the removal of Congressman Mollohan — ranking Democrat on the Ethics Committee and CLOSE friend of Murtha — that the Committee was able to go forward with an investigation. Mollohan is under investigation on corruption charges.
Speaker-elect Pelosi and Majority Leader-elect Hoyer are aware of what is happening, but it is not known if they are actively involved in uncovering Murtha’s corruption. Given Pelosi’s close relationship with Murtha (she openly supported Murtha’s bid for Majority leader), this certainly raises questions about her covering for Murtha’s dirty dealings? “Our” source suggests that VFTT members write letters and e-mails to Pelosi and Hoyer reminding them that we have previously written them about Murtha and nothing has been done—not even answering our communications.
Pelosi’s e-mail address is: sf.nancy@mail.house.gov
Hoyer’s is: www.hoyer.house.gov/contact/email.asp

Wild Thing’s comment…..
My fingers are crossed and there is always some hope on this. Murtha is feeling heat. He has ratcheted up his rhetoric against the war. He’s now saying we’ve lost militarily.
But at the same time the odds of a Democrat Congress removing one of their own senior members are next to nothing. The best we can do is expose Murtha for what he is, a cowardly, prejudiced (against OUR troops), enemy-supporting traitor, from a party of traitors.
Thank you Jack of Conservative Insurgent blog for sending this to me.

Rhod says:

Murtha’s a dirt bag. He sold his superficial reputation to Pelosi for the right to act like a jackass publically, and he got her thirty pieces of silver….celebrity was that important to him, and with that character flaw, the rest just falls into place. No surprise that he’s also a crook.

Jack says:

Thank you WT, Murtha and Pelosi are cut from the same bolt of cloth, the corrupt one.

TomR says:

Only in politics and the entertainment industry do people self-destruct mentally and ethically, and keep their jobs. In both situations it is because their support, voters and fans, are either incompetant or dishonest also.

Wild Thing says:

Rhod…..”celebrity was that important to him”….your right. He is horrible.

Wild Thing says:

Jack they sure are and the minds that think they are worth a vote are like sheep and they believe everything Pelosi and Murtha have to say. Yikes

Wild Thing says:

Tom I agree, years ago Nick was telling me how when people in showbiz have a weakness and become celebrities and obtain vast amounts of money they feed that weakness instead of doing something postive with it. Then people around then cater to them and are yes men/ women never letting them know what jerks they are becoming. Sad but true and it is the same with politicians or anyone with power.
My Dad too would tell me the same thing. Power is something few people can handle unless their character is the most important thing to them. Too few want to take the high road in life.