Kentucky Attorney General-elect Daniel Cameron on becoming the state’s first black AG and first Republican in 70 years.
Kentucky Attorney General-elect Daniel Cameron on becoming the state’s first black AG and first Republican in 70 years.
Hannity: Whistleblower lawyer is a Trump-hater…Whistleblower attorney called for ‘coup’ and ‘rebellion’ against Trump in 2017.
Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the intelligence community whistleblower at the center of the Democrats’ ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a “coup has started” and that “impeachment will follow ultimately.”
Then, in July 2017, Zaid remarked, “I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president.” Also that month, Zaid tweeted, “We will get rid of him, and this country is strong enough to survive even him and his supporters.”
Amid a slew of impeachment-related posts, Zaid assured his Twitter followers that “as one falls, two more will take their place,” apparently referring to Trump administration employees who defy the White House. Zaid promised that the “coup” would occur in “many steps.”
The tweets, which came shortly after President Trump fired then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates for failing to defend federal laws in court, are likely to fuel Republican concerns that the anonymous whistleblower’s complaint is tainted with partisanship. Trump’s call with Ukraine’s leader, which is the subject of the complaint, occurred in July 2019.
“The whistleblower’s lawyer gave away the game,” the Trump campaign’s communications director, Tim Murtaugh, told Fox News. “It was always the Democrats’ plan to stage a coup and impeach President Trump and all they ever needed was the right scheme. They whiffed on Mueller so now they’ve settled on the perfectly fine Ukraine phone call. This proves this was orchestrated from the beginning.”
Added House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy: “We should take [Zaid] at his word that this is a coordinated, premeditated plot to overturn the election.”
Trump has repeatedly accused Democrats and partisans in the intelligence community of effectively plotting a coup against him, through selective leaks and lengthy investigations.
“45 years from now we might be recalling stories regarding the impeachment of @realDonaldTrump. I’ll be old, but will be worth the wait,” Zaid wrote in June 2017.
He emphasized his interest in impeachment in a variety of other posts.
“Johnson (1868), Nixon (1973), Clinton (1998) impeachment hearings. Next up @realDonaldTrump (2017),” he said in May.
In a statement to Fox News on Wednesday, Zaid defended his posts as common sentiments.
“Those tweets were reflective and repeated the sentiments of millions of people,” Zaid said. “I was referring to a completely lawful process of what President Trump would likely face as a result of stepping over the line, and that particularly whatever would happen would come about as a result of lawyers. The coup comment referred to those working inside the Administration who were already, just a week into office, standing up to him to enforce recognized rules of law.“
Fox News has previously reported on social media posts by Zaid that highlighted what appeared to be open animus toward the president.
Although Zaid described Democratic House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., as a “mature professional,” and circulated articles that touted the reliability of the largely discredited Steele dossier used by the FBI to surveil a former member of Trump’s campaign, Zaid has repeatedly unloaded on the president in no uncertain terms.
Prescription Drug Prices Are Falling at Historic Levels Thanks to Trump Administration Policies
hile the media continues to claim prescription drug prices are rising, a recent Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) paper shows the opposite: Under President Trump, prescription drug prices are decreasing at rates not seen since the 1960s.
In the eight years prior to President Trump’s inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by an average of 3.6 percent per year. Fast forward to today, and prescription drug prices have seen year-over-year declines in nine of the last ten months, with a 1.1 percent drop as of the most recent month. In June 2019, the United States saw the largest single-year drop (2.0 percent year-over-year decline) in prescription drug prices since 1967.
The media’s narrative about rising drug prices, while perhaps true for individual drugs or certain classes of drugs, is not true for general drug prices due to limitations in frequently cited reports. These misleading reports make broad claims even though they consider only narrow measures like list prices, brand name drugs, or drugs with recent price increases. Additionally, some reports use unknown methodologies (see the Appendix of CEA’s paper for more details about other reports’ flaws).
List prices do not reflect actual costs because drug manufacturers can increase list prices while simultaneously decreasing costs for insurers and consumers through discounts and rebates. Similarly, exclusively focusing on brand name drugs misses the cost savings equally effective generic drugs offer. And only measuring the average price of drugs that recently increased in price completely and conveniently ignores any drugs that had prices remain constant or decline.
To avoid these common mistakes and accurately measure average prescription drug prices, CEA relies on the prescription drug component of the Consumer Price Index (CPI-Rx), which is the best available measure of overall price changes for retail prescription drugs. The CPI-Rx and the broader CPI are produced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an independent government statistical agency, using fully transparent and extensively studied methods. Additionally, the broader CPI is a widely accepted measure of overall inflation. Even though CPI is the preferred method for measuring inflation, it still has some flaws. If anything, CPI-Rx overstates price growth because it does not fully capture the value that newer and more effective drugs provide patients. The current magnitude of this shortcoming is unknown, but it has previously been estimated to be as high as two percentage points per year.
Enhanced competition from generic drugs is an important factor behind falling prescription drug prices. Generic drug approvals reached a record high last year, due in part to FDA reforms, even though patents are expiring at a lower rate. Lower-cost generic versions of many brand name prescription drugs are widely available, and generic drug prices often decrease over time. Moving forward, additional generic drugs entering the market will continue putting downward pressure on drug prices.
Government data on prescription drug prices clearly show that the Trump Administration’s policies are helping drive historic, much-needed cost decreases. Lower prices mean American patients are better able to afford the medication they need, which should improve health outcomes. But there is more work to be done, and the Trump Administration is working on additional reforms to further lower prescription drug prices. As debates over making prescription drugs more affordable continue, it is critical that the public and policymakers understand what the most reliable data show.
Trump Jr.: There’s no accountability on the left
Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso : Whistleblower must testify in front of Congress for sake of transparency
Rep. Jordan: “Heck yeah” we should hear from the “Whistleblower”
Wild Thing’s comment….
I love Jim Jordan! We need many more like him! Jim Jordan, we are so blessed to have you on the side of The American people. Please keep defending our innocent president, Jim. Because when you defend him, you defends us all.
Adam Schiff should be held accountablel and go to prison for all the lying and damage he had done.
President Trump Keep America Great rally in Lexington, KY.
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President Trump and the Washington Nationals at the White House
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